What about the Houthies?

By Walter E. Block

The worst possible affront in the lexicon of the wokesters is racism (sorry, sexism has to still sit in the back of the bus; it is only the second worst sin in their view). Both, seemingly, are worse than mass murder, rape, slavery (unless aimed at a downtrodden racial group).

I was almost ready to accuse Israel of racism! Racism against whom? Why, the Houthies of course. Israel cannot be accused of racism against Hamas. As of October 8, 2023, the IDF was paying full attention to that group. Belatedly, only a week or so ago, has the Israeli military heavily focused on Hezbollah. The only civilized country in the Middle East can no longer be accused of ignoring that particular terrorist group. But what about the Houthies? Until just a few days ago, the IDF was guilty of overlooking and disregarding that organization. If that is not racism, woke style, then nothing is racism, woke style.

What is the case in favor of doing to the Houthies what Israel has done to Hamas, and is now doing to Hezbollah? It is a strong one. This terrorist organization, located in Yemen, has been playing havoc with Israeli shipping in the Red Sea. They have been launching missiles, drones, rockets, whatever other weapons that are not nailed down, to boats innocently plying their trade in that body of water. If anyone deserves a taste of what the IDF can offer, it is this group. It is time, it is about time, it is past time, that the Houthies feel the sharp probe of the military of that Zionist “entity.”

What was the case against turning attention to the Houthies? Well, they are located many miles away from Israel. In contrast, Hamas and Hezbollah are close neighbors. But there is no valid argument in favor of geographical discrimination. Just because an enemy is not located cheek by jowl next to you is no reason not to turn your attention to them. If this were the case, then the only country the US could ever be justified in fighting against would be Canada and Mexico, surely a non-starter.

Another argument against taking on this Yemenite terrorist group is that to do so would be to open up a third front, and for some reason this would be unwarranted. Unwarranted? Not a bit of it. There is precedent for just that sort of thing: during Israel’s war of independence in 1948, it engaged not in a three front war, but in one of five different fronts. Which armies invaded Israel at that time? They emanated from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq (it was a six front war if you count the fact that Saudi Arabia sent troops against Israel which operated under Egyptian command). If Israel could fight on five or six fronts in 1948, it can certainly take on three or even four at present. There was a movie in which one of the characters stated: “this killing of deputy sheriffs has got to stop.” I say, these attacks on Israel have got to stop. And the only way to do so is to, Godfather like, “make them an offer they cannot refuse.”

A third consideration for leaving the Houthies in the lurch is that they are not as bad as Hamas and Hezbollah. This cannot be denied. An Avis commercial against Hertz once ran, “We’re number two, we try harder.” Alright, the Houthies are only number three (if we don’t count Iran) in the hate Israel sweepstakes, and, presumably, they are not “trying harder.” But still, they richly deserve the back of the hand of the IDF for what they have so far wrought, and what they promise to do in the future.

So, thank goodness that Israel wanted to avoid the dread accusation of woke style racism; it has now shown the world that it will no longer tolerate Houthie incursions either.

December 27, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I liked the sarcastic way in which you made your point! Enough wokeism/racism. Destroy the Houthis. Am Yisrael Chai. Let them go!