We’ve Got the Deep State on the Run. Here’s What Needs to Happen Next.


AP Photo/Susan Walsh

On Monday night, we learned that Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was raided by a team of FBI agents, ostensibly looking for documents the National Archivist says the former president took from the White House without authorization. Was the search for documents merely a pretext to snoop around Trump’s Florida home in the hopes that agents would turn up damning evidence related to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol? Or was the Department of Justice hoping the raid would whip Trump supporters into a frenzy and cause a repeat of the J6 protest ahead of the midterm elections? (Don’t take the bait.)

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Both scenarios seem plausible. What doesn’t seem plausible is the idea that Merrick Garland’s Police State went to Palm Beach looking for cocktail napkins and dinner menus. Also not plausible is the claim that the White House didn’t know about the raid ahead of time. No sane person believes that an unprecedented raid on a former president of the United States — and likely contender in 2024 — could happen without Joe Biden (or whoever is making decisions these days at the White House) signing off on the decision.

The good news is that people are waking up to the corruption at the highest levels of our government. Law-abiding citizens have long revered the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies, perhaps with a naivete born of TV dramas and Hollywood blockbusters. But the truth is, the FBI has been politicized since its inception. From J. Edgar Hoover to James Comey, FBI directors have long weaponized the agency to attack their political enemies. The Department of Justice has also been used by cynical partisans to exact revenge and neutralize political foes. Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s attorney general, was the first in that position to be held in contempt of Congress. Nothing happened to him. Nor did anything happen to the myriad actors in the Deep State who went along with the Russia collusion hoax, insisting to the bitter end that they had done nothing wrong.

RelatedDeep State Burns Its Bridges to Get Trump—and Now It’s Fighting for Its Life

Now that we see clearly what the problem is, where do we go from here? Sure, we can peacefully protest, send angry emails, or post diatribes on social media, but that’s not going to fix the problems that are eating away at our republic. The answer lies in winning elections. Decisively. First the midterms and then the White House in 2024. As I wrote last week, Trump did the country a great service by exposing the deep state and making Americans aware of the corruption within our government. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to drain the swamp — in part because it was constantly investigating him. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last week dropped a political bomb on the ruling class by suspending woke Hillsborough County state attorney Andrew Warren, who had announced he would refuse to enforce Florida laws he didn’t like. Once we regain control of the White House and Congress, this should be our template going forward.

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August 11, 2022 | 30 Comments »

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30 Comments / 30 Comments

  1. @ Michael-
    Thank you for your uplifting response. My “martial Law” remark was because of another poster’s “Marshal” Law, which seemed an irrelevancy.
    Unbelievable,….. Trump facing “espionage” charges. This from the crooks who wiretapped his pre-election home base, the ridiculous Russia Russia fraud and his openly spiteful, averted Ukraine “criminality”…..And all the while, America was burning, defenceless against the Democrat’s rampant hired thugs and murderers.

    Perhaps his platform should include “The only twice impeached honest President”…..
    I feel the Republicans are always a couple of steps behind their opposition crooks because they stick to legal methods based on Law and the Constitution, discarded 150 years ago by the Democrats.

    What do you base your confidence on.? Are his rallies being attended by more than in 2020…? Have any RINOs turned “honest”…?

  2. my 2 cents worth!

    I’m in agreement with all previous post. If by using our mouths and voting rights to speak truth and take back our nation does not work, then in my opinion there will be no way forward except to the other position of war.

    This I hope to never see in my lifetime nor in the next 80 years for my grandchildren. But my reading of history is that the aggressors are always pushing and taking. The meek, peace loving, law abiding, God fearing always walk backwards. But then they reach the corner, the cliff, the uncrossable river, then all hell breaks loose. Remember the Mel Gibson movie(The Patriot???) set in the late 1700’s and the ole Jimmy Stewart movie set in the 1860’s. If the aggressors don’t stop, this is where we are headed.

    I hope they don’t stop and Mashiach shows up, then I want to have to act like Mel and Jimmy and the way I read the bible, there will still be a blood bath…………. just at the hand of heaven.

  3. Hi, Edgar. You noted,

    It’s been obvious for very many years and this argument is always validly put forward, whenever gun laws are proposed that take away protective weapons from honest citizens… The George Floyd fraud debacle, showed us all..

    I don’t know exactly how this relates to your “martial law” comment, but you don’t have to bother belaboring that point.

    My main concern at this point, is some hasty comments, like that of Charlie Kirk, which have already been misconstrued as inflammatory. These straw-man attacks are boilerplate narrative by the fake news media. For our part, as people who want to rid the US of excesses like what the criminalized FBI did this week, we need to remember that for the coming weeks, time is on our side. The crooks are in true panic mode, the MAGA movement is at its peak popularity, and we are winning one electoral contest after another.

    My main concern, is that I will eat too much popcorn while following the, as you say, “Buster Keaton” antics of the Biden Administration (hopefully, popcorn will still be affordable through November).

  4. @ Peloni

    Violence will only result in the confiscation of guns and the cancellation/limitation of the 2nd amendment and declarations of Marshal law and more Jan 6 show trials. This is what the perpetrators of the coup want from the public at this point. The totalitarians need to find a manner in which to tame the public by pulling their fangs before they completely shackle them. Do not give them the opportunity to so easily achieve such an essential element in the plan to completely capture the public and lock them down.

    I agree that we should not do anything so foolish as to confront “the (Socialist) State” with violence. There was a time (1775) when that was a viable option. Not so, anymore. I commend you (and Ted) for advocating a peaceful path. That said, I think that is what the Left would like us to do, because it poses no real threat to them. The only thing which will set things right again, is to cut off the head(s) of the snake. This can only be done by those with the knowledge and power to do so. When that happens, it will be time for the rest of us to rise up and follow. Until then, we wait, playing “the game” of voting, and writing rants to each other.

  5. @ Sebastien Zorn

    Why is gerrymandering allowed at all? It is cheating, plain and simple. It has to stop! The (corrupt) courts don’t control it. There has got to be a better way.

  6. @MICHAEL S-

    It’s been obvious for very many years and this argument is always validly put forward, whenever gun laws are proposed that take away protective weapons from honest citizens.

    The George Floyd fraud debacle, showed us all, that there is no true law which will be for the citizen against the criminal, but, as that whole episode the prelude and aftermath indicated clearly. Law Enforcement, has vanished, along with Judicial probity.

    The pseudo gravity and Buster Keaton-ish seriously comical contortions of the prosecution, should have been scooped up by Hollywood and incorporated into comedy farce.

    Recall that one result of that outrageous conviction was the local police resigned almost en masse.

  7. @ Michael S

    3. Encourage Republican lawmakers, both incumbents and those who will undoubtedly sweep the field in November,

    Well, we shall see in November if voting is a sham or not. I agree with you, that judging by public sentiment, the Right should sweep the elections. If they don’t, or even if it is close, then we will know. I hope that I am wrong.

  8. @ketzel2

    I agree. If we act individually, they will pick us off one-by-one. We need a “Maximus” to lead us. It may be to victory or it may to death, but we shall be free once more.

  9. @Michael

    Generally speaking, with our mouths.

    How will that fix gerrymandering? According to Wikipedia, my congressional district is now the smallest in the nation. We need more than speaking truth to power – to appropriately culturally appropriate a leftwing catch phrase – and hoping for the best. We need strategy and tactics, thinking ourside the box, which is Trump and Bibi’s forte, not to mention Ted and Zahran. But we need it from more people. We need practical suggestions.

  10. Thanks, Peloni. I agree with you.

    Sebastien, you said,


    Generally speaking, with our mouths. At my age and income, in fact, I don’t have many other tools. Of course, we donate too, but not much. We’ve backed some real losers in the past (McCain and Romney — our only choices). We also pray, without ceasing — partly to send armies of angels into the battle, and partly to change our own hearts. When our hearts align with the Almighty, so do our tongues; and when that happens, the world changes.

  11. @Michael

    We don’t complain about problems. We fix them.”


    As for your other comment: The average rent for market rate apartments is over $4,000.00 a month. That’s more than $36,000 a year. Take away rent controls, which come with state subsidies to landlords, and homelessness will skyrocket. They tried that in the early 70s and that’s what happened.

  12. @Michael
    I once again want to congratulate you for your perseverance on the PCP endeavor, as well as your very useful commentary.

    Regarding the PCP, it should be noted that once the Precincts are taken back by the supporters of liberty and election integrity, it will be difficult for the entrenched medievalists to hold onto power. As you no doubt are aware, the Precincts control a great deal of leverage over the system. Seize it and squeeze the congressmen form the broad bottom of the latter, all over the country. By doing so, when MAGA returns to power, the Precincts will act as leverage to force the elected MAGA congressmen to vote as MAGA and not as RINOs despite the RINO temptations to vote against the base that elected them. Until then, the Precincts can leverage their control over the Uniparty RINOs and Dems who are still holding on to power, and who knows, perhaps convert them to be less Uniparty-like and more MAGA-like in the offices that they do not want to lose. In short, what you are doing is essential in not only defeating the Uniparty, but also preventing elected MAGA congressmen from defecting to the Uniparty trough. I thank you for your efforts, celebrate your success, and pray for you to free Oregon from the tyranny by which it has been too long controlled.

  13. Hi, Edgar. I’m not sure whom you were addressing, but you made a comment that has crossed my own mind at times:

    Martial Law…… I agree. . !! (sarcasm noted) And the honest citizens who are armed for protection will be “degunned” allowing the criminals, who can always get scads of weapons, perhaps out of the back doors of police establishments where the banned guns are stored to roam freely.

    …not to mention the looting of gun shops by BLM and Antifa types. Years ago, I used to hear people boast that America would never be taken over, because we have so many firearms. Now that we actually HAVE been taken over, without a shot being fired, I don’t hear this so much.

    I don’t want to pursue this as an argument over religion with you, but the words I live by are:

    2 Corinthians 10:
    [4] (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
    [5] Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God

    Our enemy has pushed us into a corner without firing a shot; and we will overcome him in like manner, with the words that come out of our mouths.

  14. Hi, Sebastien. You said,

    1. “then 9 or 10 years ago, the Republican incumbent was transferred to another district through redistricting…”

    Here in Oregon, we used to be a two-party state. Then the transient Dem. majority instituted universal mail-in voting, and the cheating that goes along with it, so that the Democrats have had a stranglehold on power. So, you have a problem and I have a problem. As SD Gov. Kristi Noem’s father used to say,

    “We don’t complain about problems. We fix them.”

    2. “Of course, another problem is that Republicans tend to be pro-landlord and anti-tenant”

    I once worked for a slum landlord. That was in the 1970s in Milwaukee, when a good lawyer could obtain a bulldozer-ready unit for under $2,000. I did the maintenance on the 160 units, about 16 of which took up nearly all my time. I made cheap, slap-dash repairs, fixing plumbing problems with electrical tape and putty — while only getting paid minimum wage. I didn’t lose any sleep about the rough life of the tenants, though, because I knew that if I didn’t marginally maintain these properties that the lawyer-owners were keeping intact only by repeated appeals in court, the tenants would be living on the street.

    You probably know that’s the way it is. Now, in my retirement years, we own a second house that we rent out. Several years ago, we landed some tenants that were so happy to get into the place, they wanted to stay forever. When the Dempanic hit, I didn’t bother to renew the lease; and they have continued to faithfully pay the rent on a month-to-month basis. The tenant is an amputee on a fixed income, and three of his family members are working to make sure the rent gets paid. When Bidenflation hit this year, I determined that we wouldn’t raise the rent unless we absolutely had to (our mortgage is at a fixed rate). This arrangement has helped both us and the tenants to ride through some rough times.

    Landlords and tenants are different everywhere; but we’re all subject to market forces. No party controls these forces, as you probably know. The idea that Republicans are the “landlord’s” party is partly based on fact, but mostly myth.

    3. “You mentioned Jews. Yes, well, aside from the liberal court Jews you mentioned, there are large communities in Brooklyn, Staten Island and possibly Queens that are mostly Jewish and Republican voting, most of whom would be registered Dems because it’s a one party town and the Dem primary”

    I realize this. In Milwaukee, it has always been a safe saying, that “any candidate that is serious about getting elected, will not run as a Republican”.

    This is true; and Milwaukee has been declining steadily for some 60 years because of it. All of my close relatives and friends have “voted with out feet” as a consequence, which is why I am now in Oregon. That hasn’t completely gotten rid of the problem, though: The decline that happened in Milwaukee is now happening all over the US, all over the world. At some point, someone has to make a stand; and if ever there was such a time, I think it’s now.

  15. Hi, Ted. You said,

    The Deep State has effectively executed a coup. They are in charge.
    What is needed is a counter-cuop. The mid terms are the first step..

    Actually, I think it’s profitable to think of the first step as something we can do now, today (not a contradiction — I’m sure you believe, rightly, that the outcome of the mid-terms depends on what we do and say today. That’s why you put out Israpundit).

    I am 74 years old, and have a heart condition. A couple of months ago, I volunteered as a precinct committee person (PCP) in our local Republican party. Then my wife and I got COVID. Then we had some weeks of health problems. After a while, I began to wonder if I should even bother with the PCP thing. I told this to our county chairman, and he encouraged me to press on. I asked him, “even if you have to carry me to the meetings?” He said, “even if I have to carry you to the meetings!”

    That’s the nugget of it. My mother-in-law has a saying,

    “A job once begun, is a job half done”. or as the Bible says,

    “Despise not the day of small beginnings”.

  16. Hi, Ketzel. You said some really constructive things, viz

    We can win by being nicer than the people who have openly described their plans to kill most of us. Remember Jabotinsky? If only we had listened and voted.

    I will have to consider the “being nicer” comment for a while. In the meantime, YES I DO remember Jabotinsky! In working on my genealogy, I got in contact with some Jewish cousins, whose family were leaders in the Beitar movement. Jabotinsky was not a government official. He was not a general. He was not in power in any sense — and neither were the Jewish people, for the most part. He was driven by a vision that he had internalized, and he relentlessly communicated that vision and put it in power as much as he could. Beitar was one result; and the seeds he planted became a powerful force, eventually, in the State of Israel. One obvious example is Bibi Netanyahu, whose Likud Party came out of the movement created in Jabotinsky’s heart.

    You and I have exactly the same tools Jabotinsky had: We have a heart for Israel, and some ability to communicate it to others. The fact that we may both be greatly outnumbered by opposing ideas is irrelevant. What matters is the extent to which those ideas are REAL to us, how much they line up with ABSOLUTE REALITY (i.e. Hashem), and how unswervingly we hold to them.

    The current evil cabal that controls the Deep Administration, the Fake News and a good part of the power structure in the world today, is constructed and held together by lies — lies that must be continually reinforced, in order to keep them from dying; lies so fragile that any opposing voice, such as ours, must (in their minds) be crushed, for their own survival. Ultimately, probably in the not-so-distant future, those lies will collapse like a house of cards.

  17. Martial Law…… I agree. . !! And the honest citizens who are armed for protection will be “degunned” allowing the criminals, who can always get scads of weapons, perhaps out of the back doors of police establishments where the banned guns are stored to roam freely.

  18. @Michael

    @Michael I’m sorry I was a bit short in my last post.

    This attack was longer. Good job. Keep up the good work.

  19. @Ted

    What is needed is a counter-cuop. The mid terms are the first step.

    Perfectly stated!

    Violence will only result in the confiscation of guns and the cancellation/limitation of the 2nd amendment and declarations of Marshal law and more Jan 6 show trials. This is what the perpetrators of the coup want from the public at this point. The totalitarians need to find a manner in which to tame the public by pulling their fangs before they completely shackle them. Do not give them the opportunity to so easily achieve such an essential element in the plan to completely capture the public and lock them down.

    As to the perpetrators of the fraud being on the run, I would argue that the fraud is in serious jeopardy of being further exposed by a few avenues in the coming weeks. It is one thing for Democratic Americans to turn a blind eye to the use of fraud by their party to secure their victory in an election. I would argue that they will look upon this in a different light when (if?) it is shown to be the result of actions by foreign state actors.

    TrueTheVote has their revelations scheduled on August 13 at noon. It will be streamed live on RSBN. So this will be very interesting to see what they have to share. We have walked up to such deadlines before and been left disappointed of cours, and many such moments over the past year come to mind actually, but Catherine and Gregg have already delivered with the 2000 Mules expose, so I am somewhat optimistic that they will have some significant truths to share. From Catherine’s interviews, their evidence is incontrovertible and will be far more explosive and damaging to the established narrative than 2000 Mules, so we shall see what comes in the coming couple of days.

    Additionally, recall the irony that the highest office in the land has a more restrictive timeline in which to pursue fraud which actually promotes the potential success of fraud, at least in the absence of a proactive, or even responsible, SCOTUS. Hence, mooting should not be an issue, as the 2022 election will face no Safe Harbor date, nor any Jan 6 nor any Jan 20 date limiting the investigation of election fraud. The most important item in the November election related to any fraud that takes place, is for any candidate who is defeated by such 2020 shenanigans to not concede, and to immediately pursue a court order requiring the evidence be preserved for legal remedies and criminal prosecution. The evidence collected by Jeffrey O’Donnell, TrueTheVote and other sources will be able to be examined by local Sheriffs to effect election fraud prosecutions – again, contact your Sheriff, visit ProtectAmerica.Vote and nominate your Sheriff so he can be informed, motivated, and active prior to the November election.

    Hence, the most important actions at this point is to keep the peace, cast your vote and report to your Sheriff of anything untoward that you witness, so that he can pursue it with expedient professionalism – do not make the mistake of bring the complaint before the Board of Elections and expect any satisfactory result as they are part of the system opposing you.

    Every avenue of pursuing the counter-coup stems from this very important first step of succeeding in the 2022 elections all across the US, as Ted stated.

  20. @MIchael

    The United States of America was carefully constituted by our forefathers, to handle situations such as we face today.

    “The First Gerrymander? Patrick Henry, James Madison, James Monroe, and Virginia’s 1788 redistricting.”


    Very interesting question you raised, Michael. As it happens, only a couple of days ago, wondering whether there was even any point to voting in my district since it seemed as if only incumbent Democrats get elected, I discovered that actually a couple of Republicans had been elected within the last 20 years, and then 9 or 10 years ago, the Republican incumbent was transferred to another district through redistricting.

    You mentioned Jews. Yes, well, aside from the liberal court Jews you mentioned, there are large communities in Brooklyn, Staten Island and possibly Queens that are mostly Jewish and Republican voting, most of whom would be registered Dems because it’s a one party town and the Dem primary is the election, Adams is an ex-Republican so were Bloomberrg and Giuliani, and for that matter the liberal John Lindsay, which have been continually redistricted by the party machine. Dov Hikind, who ran as a Dem, usually blocked with the Republicans. That’s why Republicans practically never get elected, Republican primaries are rare, and elected Jewish conservatives are usually Dems who block with Republicans, at least on issues of importance to the Jewish community .

    Of course, another problem is that Republicans tend to be pro-landlord and anti-tenant, especially low income tenant, and the largest recipients, last I checked, of government aid, and beneficiaries of rent controls, are large, poor, Chasidic families. The Democrats are split on this. Otherwise, the Democrats are insane, though that makes it hard to choose, sometimes. Without rent stablilization, a form of rent control, thousands of families would lose their apartments. There are over 1 million rent controlled tenants in NYC. The current Republican gubernatorial candidate is on record as being opposed to extending it to the rest of the state. Up to now, upstate Republicans have filled their campaign coffers with donations from downstate landllord associations. That would do away with that. I remember in the 70s, Senator Jacob Javits, the Republican senator after whom the convention center is named, was the leading champion of tenants rights.

    Another issue is Medicaid and Medicare benefits which are a matter of life and death for many poor Jewish families and which Republicans would be more likely to cut, though sometimes the Dems do it. Under Trump, in practice, it actually got bettter, perhaps because of the pandemic, but these are thoughts that give voters pause who would otherwise vote Democrat because they tend pro-Pal, anti-Israel, pro-Crime – the cashless bail reform has been a disaster, for example , pro-woke, – and are generally insane.

    So, I googled: how did the founding fathers deal with partisan gerrymandering and found the above article. You can probably access the rest of it – besides the first page – through your library or educational institution; even alumni might be able to. I have to renew my NY Public Library card. I have accessed JSTOR before with it. Or you could subscribe or sign up. I think you get a certain number of free articles. When I was a history major, this was the scholarly site that all the professors and historians went to, and not just for history.

    Partisan gerrymandering is an important tool in the election fraud tool kit and it involves both judges – who are appointed or elected – and legiislators, who in term benefit from it or are discriminated against on account of it. So, it’s a vicious circle, the snake eating its tail , or the kitten chasing its tail.

  21. The United States of America was carefully constituted by our forefathers, to handle situations such as we face today.

    “The First Gerrymander? Patrick Henry, James Madison, James Monroe, and Virginia’s 1788 redistricting.


    Very interesting question you raised, Michael. As it happens, only a couple of days ago, wondering whether there was even any point to voting in my district since it seemed as if only incumbent Democrats get elected, I discovered that actually a couple of Republicans had been elected within the last 20 years, and then 9 or 10 years ago, the Republican incumbent was transferred to another district through redistricting.

    You mentioned Jews. Yes, well, aside from the liberal court Jews you mentioned, there are large communities in Brooklyn, Staten Island and possibly Queens that are mostly Jewish and Republican voting, most of whom would be registered Dems because it’s a one party town and the Dem primary is the election, Adams is an ex-Republican so were Bloomberrg and Giuliani, and for that matter the liberal John Lindsay, which have been continually redistricted by the party machine. Dov Hikind, who ran as a Dem, usually blocked with the Republicans. That’s why Republicans practically never get elected, Republican primaries are rare, and elected Jewish conservatives are usually Dems who block with Republicans, at least on issues of importance to the Jewish community .

    Of course, another problem is that Republicans tend to be pro-landlord and anti-tenant, especially low income tenant, and the largest recipients, last I checked, of government aid, and beneficiaries of rent controls, are large, poor, Chasidic families. The Democrats are split on this. Otherwise, the Democrats are insane, though that makes it hard to choose, sometimes. Without rent stablilization, a form of rent control, thousands of families would lose their apartments. There are over 1 million rent controlled tenants in NYC. The current Republican gubernatorial candidate is on record as being opposed to extending it to the rest of the state. Up to now, upstate Republicans have filled their campaign coffers with donations from downstate landllord associations. That would do away with that. I remember in the 70s, Senator Jacob Javits, the Republican senator after whom the convention center is named, was the leading champion of tenants rights.

    Another issue is Medicaid and Medicare benefits which are a matter of life and death for many poor Jewish families and which Republicans would be more likely to cut, though sometimes the Dems do it. Under Trump, in practice, it actually got bettter, perhaps because of the pandemic, but these are thoughts that give voters pause who would otherwise vote Democrat because they tend pro-Pal, anti-Israel, pro-Crime – the cashless bail reform has been a disaster, for example – and are generally insane.

    So, I googled: how did the founding fathers deal with partisan gerrymandering and found the above article. You can probably access the rest of it – besides the first page – through your library or educational institution; even alumni might be able to. I have to renew my NY Public Library card. I have accessed JSTOR before with it. Or you could subscribe or sign up. I think you get a certain number of free articles. When I was a history major, this was the scholarly site that all the professors and historians went to, and not just for history.

    Partisan gerrymandering is an important tool in the election fraud tool kit and it involves both judges – who are appointed or elected – and legiislators, who in term benefit from it or are discriminated against on account of it.

  22. The USA and Israel were founded by people who showed up at the polls and wrote letters to the editor. Don’t forget to vote and volunteer for your local Republican Party. We can win by being nicer than the people who have openly described their plans to kill most of us. Remember Jabotinsky? If only we had listened and voted.

  23. Raphael, Sebastien and Ketzel,

    I’m sorry I was a bit short in my last post. Here is the point: It does no good (Raphael) to bad-mouth elections, to waste one’s energy (Sebastien) on sarcasm, or to suggest (Kertzel) some sort of paramilitary conspiracy. The United States of America was carefully constituted by our forefathers, to handle situations such as we face today. Here are POSITIVE things we can do:

    1. Take control of the Republican Party. Participate in the Precinct Strategy. It cost — nothing –. It involves volunteering to become precinct committeemen, to canvass voting rolls, to supervise ballot boxes, etc.

    2. Join with others who are actively fighting the Deep State, like the War Room Posse https://rumble.com/c/BannonsWarRoom

    3. Encourage Republican lawmakers, both incumbents and those who will undoubtedly sweep the field in November, to follow through on INVESTIGATING and PROSECUTING Biden, Garland and the whole gang, when they get in power.

    Garland is Jewish. Mayorkas is Jewish. Nadler is Jewish. Schumer is Jewish. Soros is Jewish. Zuckerberg is Jewish. Whoever thought that on a Jewish website like Israpundit, I would witness so many people throwing up their hands in a gesture of helplessness. We are not being herded into cattle cars and transported to Auschwitz. We can act, and we can win.

  24. I think we’ve had enough sarcasm. Erverybody, please grow up.

    DOJ requests Mar-a-Lago search warrant be unsealed following Judicial Watch filing

    The new Justice Department filing states:

    “The government hereby requests that the Court unseal the Notice of Filing and its attachment (Docket Entry 17), absent objection by former President Trump. The attachment to that Notice consists of:

    The search warrant signed and approved by the Court on August 5, 2022, including

    Attachments A and B; and

    The redacted Property Receipt listing items seized pursuant to the search, filed with the Court on August 11, 2022.

    The press and the public enjoy a qualified right of access to criminal and judicial proceedings and the judicial records filed therein.”

    “Judicial Watch legal pressure forced this important first step by the Biden Justice Department to disclose Attorney General Garland’s role in the abusive Trump raid and other urgent information to the American people,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It remains to be seen exactly what documents are ultimately released about this unprecedented, reckless and dangerous raid on the home of former President Trump.”

    On Aug. 9, Judicial Watch filed its motion asking the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to unseal as soon as possible the search warrant materials used by the FBI to raid President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.

    This is what we have laws for.

  25. What needs to happen is, ex-military patriots should come up with a plan. If people act spontaneously, it won’t work. But real leaders leading the people will work.

  26. Sure, we can peacefully protest, send angry emails, or post diatribes on social media, but that’s not going to fix the problems that are eating away at our republic. The answer lies in winning elections. Decisively.

    Voting is a sham, used to placate the masses, who still believe in playing by the rules. It’s going to take a lot more than that to even put a dent in the Deep State.

  27. Do we really have them on the run? It looks as though they’re moving into attack mode. Those 87,000 taxpayer-funded new agents the IRS is hiring will not be accountants: they will be door-kicking Rambos coming after US middle-income Americans.

    The following is an actual ad, not a parody:

    IRS agents to start carrying firearms and use deadly force if necessary
    Posted by Admin Melony B. DeFord on August 10, 2022 at 3:36pm

    The IRS is hiring new special agents!
    Requirements include working min “50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends” and “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”https://t.co/uvwbrAkIit pic.twitter.com/z0aVX6uoMr
    — Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) August 10, 2022
