Western society is divided

T. Belman This speaker is speaking for the conservatives, those who want to preserve what we have built up over centuries. But there is another group, the progressives or leftists, who believe we have no right to insist on our way of life and culture and that we are obligated to make our societies more hospitable to alien cultures. That we have to make room for these people and their culture. I stand with the conservatives.

Not only do we have the right and duty to maintain our culture but we have no obligation to invite the “refugees” in, whether they be migrants or refugees, when they represent a threat to our values and culture. All cultures are not equal.

January 20, 2016 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. babushka Said:

    Actually, Western society is unified in embracing political correctness and appeasement. The dissidents who favor liberty and vigilance are hopelessly outnumbered.


    and to make clear that is: hopelessly

    Extrapolate at will…

  2. Actually, Western society is unified in embracing political correctness and appeasement. The dissidents who favor liberty and vigilance are hopelessly outnumbered.

  3. jlevyellow Said:

    A wonderful speaker, but he reminds me of Hitler’s style: the movements, the call for action, the deep voice, the surety of his ideas

    Well Hitler had two arms , a head , two legs – we all have a lot in common with him .

    Hilter didn’t own oratory, it belongs to everyone.

  4. A wonderful speaker, but he reminds me of Hitler’s style: the movements, the call for action, the deep voice, the surety of his ideas (even though I agree with him).

    Anyway, it is all useless. His term, “the child-poor society” summarizes the end of the sad story. Why is it that the women of Europe do not yearn with all their hearts to hold their babies, to take pleasure from the growing child, to bask in having performed their unique task in the world? Without the desire for children, there is no point in expecting people to be concerned for the future. Apres moi le deluge is a perfectly sane attitude if you have no skin in tomorrow’s world.

  5. Well said , Ted.
    .. “a long process of demoralization and slow motion occupation”
    Good speech , but he was not in parliament nor in Sweden I think – at one point he said “Dear Berliners” so he was in Berlin at some function.