West’s malicious intent

A view from the other side. Does the author really belive this shit?


The leak of 91000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan seems to be the handiwork of Jewish lobby, neocons, CIA and opposition – Republicans – who have malicious intent against Pakistan. They want that Obama’s strategy of dialogue with the Taliban if they disown Al Qaeda should fail. They also do not wish to see Pakistan taking credit for brokering peace in Afghanistan so that they continue their plunder and benefiting from drug trafficking; and last but not the least to ensure a role for India. Among other things, the documents highlighted attempt on the life of President Hamid Karzai by Pakistan’s ISI with a view to stoking tension between Pakistan and Afghanistan. In the leaks, it has been admitted that there was “low-level assessments about Pakistan’s ISI secretly supporting Taliban insurgents based on Afghan intelligence”, which in cahoots with Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad continue denigrating Pakistan, its military and premier agency ISI.

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It is worth mentioning that out of 91000 documents only a few hundred relate to Pakistan and its agencies, whereas the major thrust or focus has been on America and NATO forces’ failure during the last 9 years. The documents also carried reports about killing of innocent Afghan citizens, which was an act of war crimes. In the wake of reports that the US was running a secret war in Pakistan, two anti-war congressmen – Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) and Ron Paul (Texas) – had moved a resolution in the House of Representatives demanding the withdrawal of US troops from Pakistan. They had taken the plea that any war effort not approved by Congress violated the War Powers Act. However, the resolution was overwhelmingly rejected. The vote took place days after newspapers published leaked documents suggesting that Pakistani intelligence had cooperated with extremist groups while simultaneously accepting US aid to fight terror. Such reports are prompted by Indian RAW and Afghanistan’s intelligence agency.

The nexus between India and Israel is too well known, and international media controlled by Jews helps India to continue its vicious campaign against Pakistan. In his recent article carried by Opinion Maker titled ‘Framing Pakistan: How the pro-Israel media enables India’s surrogate warfare’ Maidhc Ó Cathail writes: “The media component of India’s alliance with Israel affords India a powerful weapon to wage surrogate warfare against Pakistan and enables both Tel Aviv and Delhi to pursue their common objective of destabilizing the nuclear-armed Muslim nation”. However, Pakistan’s foreign office and Pakistani media should effectively counter Indo-Israel propaganda. Anyhow, ever-increasing defence cooperation between India and Israel, and their efforts to destabilize Pakistan are a matter of serious concern for Pakistan. Both are using their influence in Afghanistan against Pakistan by helping anti-Pakistan elements to destabilize Pakistan with a view to projecting it as a state which cannot protect its strategic assets.

In July 2009, Afghan defence minister had visited Tel Aviv in a bid to modernize Afghan army. Australia and Germany have already acquired armoured vehicles and UAVs from Israel for Afghanistan. Gordon Duff, senior editor of ‘Veterans Today’, revealed in a recent interview: “We have very little doubt that the Indians and the Israelis, that are all over Afghanistan with German passports pretending to be military contractors, are operating 17 camps along the Taliban regions training and arming terrorists.” He knocked the bottom of Indian pretense and expose Indian-Israeli unholy alliance against Pakistan by writing: “The Pakistani Taliban is in close cooperation with India and Israel who supply, finance, arm and train them to attack Pakistan.” The nexus between India and Israel is too well known, and international media controlled by Jews helps India to continue its vicious campaign against Pakistan.

India RAW is reported to have sent 1200 operatives to Afghanistan with a view to producing anti-Pakistan emotions and also to further its plans to destabilize Pakistan. Already, Indian RAW is operating from consulates in Afghanistan and Zahidan-Iran to fund and to supply arms to Baloch dissidents and militants. In Afghanistan, there is a free flow of lethal weapons whereby India, America and Israel are planning to test their weapons in the forthcoming operation in Kandahar or elsewhere. At least, once there was suggestion that nukes would be the only way out in Afghanistan, as the US and NATO forces cannot defeat the Taliban fighters with conventional weapons. At the time of invading Afghanistan, America and ISAF forces had reportedly used uranium-tipped bombs in addition to daisy-cutters. Some reports suggest that some new-born babies have similar defects that had developed after the US dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

On the other hand, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Richard Holbrooke and other members of US administration continue their tirade against Pakistan. They insist the Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders are in Pakistan. The question is that when they are killing Taliban and Al Qaeda operative in drone attacks, what stops them taking on the top leadership of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Recently, Mike Mullen had said that if any 26/11-like incident happens there could be war between India and Pakistan. In fact, these are blackmailing tactics and a hint that India would be justified in retaliating, should there be Bombay-like attack. Though, Mike Mullen acknowledges that Pakistan has given sacrifices in the war on terror, yet he says things to appease India and pressurize Pakistan to do more. Mike Mullen also supported the statement issued by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the presence of Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan. Pakistan’s elected leadership and military leadership should put their act together to frustrate the designs of US-India-Israel-Afghanistan quartet, and should not be taken in by their so-called gestures of goodwill.

August 2, 2010 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. A view from the other side. Does the author really belive this?

    You did not know of the Pak-penchant for Zionist-Hindu-Crusader conspiracy theories? you name it, Z-H-C and/or CIA/Blackwater/RAW/Mossad, is behind it. A very well known phenomenon. Blame everything from Kashmir to Stealing Pak-nukes to Electricity-outages. The saner press (Dawn) sometimes analyzes this conspiracy obsession. To be fair, I do not know if muslims outside of Pakistan have the same advanced case of conspiracy-theory virus. The Afghans seem to just blame the U.S. when they chant “Death to America”

  2. A view from the other side. Does the author really belive this shit?

    Yes he does. Muslims are insane.

    The nexus between India and Israel is too well known, and international media controlled by Jews helps India to continue its vicious campaign against Pakistan.

    If only this was true.

  3. The vast right-wing conspiracy strikes again—this time in confederation with the Jews who are known for their right-wing loyalties—leaking information to aid the Taliban and destroy the effort in Afghanistan.

    The people who write this stuff are in the wrong business; someone should tell them there is a lot more money scripting sci-fi in Hollywood.

  4. The nexus between India and Israel is too well known, and international media controlled by Jews helps India to continue its vicious campaign against Pakistan.

    I like it!!!

    …Pakistan’s foreign office and Pakistani media should effectively counter Indo-Israel propaganda…

    Followed by:

    …America and ISAF forces had reportedly used uranium-tipped bombs in addition to daisy-cutters. Some reports suggest that some new-born babies have similar defects that had developed after the US dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Pakistani propaganda, on the other hand is, as we see, perfectly ok.

    I’ve been to Pakistan; once in 1982 and once in 1984, and when I read the Times of Pakistan at that time (before Mossad incited the Muslim world by “doing” 9/11) I was appalled by the open Jew-hatred in it’s pages. Pakistan – or as some like to call it “Occupied India” – is a blight on the Indian sub-continent, to put it nicely.