Watch the military issue – Obviously the military government doesn’t exist or does it?


February 7, 2021 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. @ Ted Belman:
    I would never ask the name of youe source, not interfere with a eagerly awaited process by speculating publicly about it. I want it to happen, and am glad that you seem to have finally concluded that the Parkes-Ward crew are not reliable….at least I hope you have. My dilemma, and that of so many on this site who have read your uplifting words, is that your “favourite” source may be just another of the same. Especially since he’s telling you, just what The Coney Island Vaudiville Duo did. So just another worry. I know things take time, and we can’t see into the minds of the machers, .We just have to wait, and speculate-inside our heads anyway, But whenever sure things fail to be “sure”, and awaited, expected results don’t materialize, then it’s not likely that they ever will.

    IF the military was in control, why are all the Biden Exec Orders being carried out…why is the Supreme Court pushing back the dates of their co-called meetings-not even hearings-, and …well there are a lot of ands…

    Why did the military, who could see what was happening, not take control right at the beginning, and avoid all the subsequen’t wasteful and futile turmoil,,,..??? Just thinking out aloud.

  2. @ Edgar G.:
    “We KNOW there was fraud, what we’d like to know is, what is being done abo
    it it,if anything,”

    Hello, Edgar.

    I was VERY relieved yesterday, when I saw Gen. Mike Flynn giving a firm, clear answer of “NO” to the question of whether the Insurrection Act had been put in place. Then I saw Simon Parkes’ analyses of Flynn’s statements, and realized that the General was being cagey. He said the Insurrection Act hadn’t been enacted, and there was no plan; but he also said he had hardly ever talked with the President. What he didn’t say in any definitive way, though, was whether the military was in control of the country, or whether Austin was in control of the military.

    I have only read two things that suggest Biden and Austin control the military: the “stand down” order mentioned above, and the fact that the Nimitz was being sent back to San Diego from the Persian Gulf area. Neither of these shows anything unusual. I notice that some articles say a “one” day stand down was ordered, but another mention 60 days:

    Secretary of Defense orders sixty-day ‘stand down’ to address ‘extremism in ranks’

    Are we to seriously believe, that our whole military will be on vacation for two months? Wow! What a great opportunity for the CCP to attack Taiwan! I honestly do believe that the whole assylum in DC is run by loonies, so I wouldn’t put it past them! Still, I entend to wait and see.

  3. @ Edgar G.:
    Edgar, concerning Simon Parkes. I have seen perhaps dozens of posts by him; ad my overall assessment of him is that he is honest and sincere. People who doubt what information he gives out are certainly being reasonable; but those who malign his character ought to reconsider what they are doing.

  4. @ Edgar G.:
    Although I continue to follow Parkes and Ward, I have stopped posting their videos. Ward did a video on Thursday in which he said that everything would happen on Friday. He was very detailed like never before. I decided to wait till Friday for confirmation and nothing happened. then Parkes made excuses for it not happening.

    I talked to my favorite source who has no connection to Ward or Parkes and he told me what they have been telling us. The military is in charge and the appointment of Gen Austin is of no consequence. Things are happening all over the world.

    The Abrahamic Accords are stronger than ever. Nothing to worry about.

    D Day is sometime this Spring. Don’t ask me to name my source and don’t publicly speculate who it may be.

  5. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Well …I’ve asked Ted a very open question, and he should be able to answer to our joy or otherwise. Your observations just below are very acute and by all appearances, correct. And, they don’t reflect with Ted’s heartwarming remark. He should be reading it soon, so we’ll have some sort of answer.

    There are so mant articles and “proofs” of a conspiray nd fraud that I’m stuffed to the gills. We KNOW there was fraud, what we’d like to know is, what is being done abo
    it it,if anything, and how is it expected to work out.

  6. NTD is a wonderful station–highly responsible, professional and accurate.

    I believe their report that the military has been ordered to ‘stand down” Yes, Biden and his secretary of defense control the military. Yes, they are planning to purge it of conservative minded soldiers. Yes, these moves have undermined the combat effectiveness of the U.S. military, and will tempt China, Iran, and perhaps other countries to undertake military adventures. No, the United States is not secretly ruled by a shadowy pro-Trump military junta. No, Biden and Austin are not just figureheads, except to the extent that they are puppets of Harris and Pelosi.

    If the U.S. patriotic opposition is lulled into a sense of complacency by the fantasy that Trump and his supposed military supporters are still in charge of the government, it will prevent them from mobilizing opposition to the growing tyranny and repression.

  7. @ Ted Belman:
    I’d personally would like to know, Ted, if your corroboration is like that required in a court of law, or a corroboraion that is “heartfelt” but comes from a Charlie Ward or Simon Parkes type.??? A question, out of pure interest. If you have the kind I hope for, I’d be so heartened., because it means much, much more than it says.

    For instance, is it a sort of Junta, or who in fact is the chief mover, Gen. Flynn,perhaps, or close colleagues in co-ordination with him… Biden’s Executive Orders have been going into effect…so how can that be……!! ??

  8. I just received corroboration that the US is in fact ruled by the military and that Gen Austin is just a figurehead who has no influence or power just like Biden who appointed him.

  9. The leadership of the military has always been on the side of the dems, even when a republican was the president.
    The basic structure of the country (scaffold/administration) has almost always been in the hands of the democrats. All W DC institutions are controlled by the dems!
    Res Publica!
    The republicans have shown NO interest in vital issues such as education, healthcare, social security, running of states and big cities businesses, Media etc!
    And the rinos have colluded with the dems to share the benefits of power.
    Who had his thumb down to prevent Trump’s Adm to propose a new healthcare bill? A rino by the name of McCain!

  10. So the claim is that there is no military government. Perhaps this is correct. But, if there is no military government, why the troopers in Washington DC. Why so many troopers in Washington DC. If the military is not in control of this military presence and the Biden admin. has mandated these troops be present in our capital as a defensive measure, where is the emergency. There is none. There is no emergency in Washington DC. Certainly, none that would require tens of thousands of troop deployed for months with road blocks and ID checks every block or two and nearly as many troopers present as there are inhabitants of the part of Washington in which they are deployed.

    Further, no one – not any Dem, Rep, or Ind – is objecting or even discussing this massive and illegal military presence in our capital. This is incomprehensible if only due to the inconvenience it obviously imposes upon the occupants and daily travellers of the city.

    The facts that the Biden admin takes every opportunity to denigrate and belittle our military, provide minimal shelter and accommodations in wintry Washington weather, and repeatedly questions the military’s loyalty all lead me to believe that these troops are not deployed at Biden’s request or demand. I have posted about this issue on the military in Washington as it relates to a number of different issues and yet I have not seen any explanation offered beyond the ideas that the Congress is scared of a flash mob or they are trying to intimidate the Republicans in Congress. I find both of these explanations to be wanting in the extreme and still does not answer why no one is objecting. If there is no military government, why is there no discussion about why the military is not needed. I don’t mind if I am wrong or missing something obvious, but this should alarm us all. I mean, if there is no military government or imminent emergency present.

  11. “Obviously the military government doesn’t exist.”

    Nothing is obvious. The United States has a totalitarian government that suppresses free speech. How can anything be “obvious”, when the truth is hidden at every turn?