By Andrew G. Benjamin, CFP February 15, 2021
The only mobs the impeachers failed to impeach were the nine Democrat mobs that incited the Washington DC riots.
Nine Democrat mobs incited the riots by shutting down the president’s and The People’s voice in the media, at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Google, You Tube. They incited by blocking out the facts behind the corrupt self-dealing Joe Biden Crime Family. They incited by deplatforming the Trump Administration’s massive achievements as well as the president’s accounts; they incited by fake-reporting Trump having saved the lives of tens, possibly hundreds of millions. These nine mobs have the only voice heard—inciting.
Their voices canceled and punished Trump voters because of rage against Trump’s successes—which are real. His accomplishments are now being cancelled by the failed and enraged America-hating ex-president Barack Obama who, through proxy president Susan Rice, dictated Joe Biden’s 47 executive orders. These EOs are but IOUs for the $3.2 billion campaign donations that got Biden elected—as trillions will come out of the hides of the American People to pay for them.
The Nine Mobs
Obama stayed behind in Washington D.C. after 2017 to orchestrate the coup…the election fraud.
These nine mobs:
- Mainstream media mob
- Social media mob
- Democrats mob
- Academe mob
- Hollywood mob
- BLM mobs campaigning for Biden
- Antifa mobs campaigning for Biden
- The Deep State bureaucratic mob weaponized and embedded in government to sabotage Trump’s presidency,
- Campaign finance mob.
(Democrats spent $3.2 billion against Republicans 790 million, four times as much money!) Where did so much money come from—whereas previous campaigns barely reached one billion plus? These mobs hammered the hapless American people 24/7 every day for five years nonstop with Trump Deranged hatreds, fictions, and propaganda. None of them had issues with the six months of Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs that set fire to the nation’s neighborhoods and cities while looting their small businesses. None of their virtue signaling paid heed to the psycho pop singer who threatened to blow up the White House the day after Inauguration Day 2017; or with hate “comic” Kathy Griffin’s bloodied and decapitated president’s head; or with a pathological Speaker of the House who (in the words of one impeachment manager’s referring to fictional Trump violations of “the sanctity of this House”), violently tore up the State of the Union Message on live TV.
These mobs had no problem with inciting hatred and wasting four years of this nation’s civic life
In the sanctified House.
These mobs had no problem with inciting hatred and wasting four years of this nation’s civic life with the fictional Russia Hoax, while character assassinating SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh, and impeaching the president for Joe Biden’s crimes in Ukraine. No issue with indicting Trump’s associates for process crimes, or listening to Obama’s weaponized criminal mob at the FBI and CIA.
How does one spell I-N-C-I-T-E?
How about H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?
The TV comics, Oscar, Emmy and Grammy Award mobs had no problem with mocking the president and spewing hate at his “smelly Walmart shoppers”—how they saw the American voters not wearing Pussy Hats.
The voter has had it up to here with Obama’s apologizing for America’s greatness; eight years of appeasing and then personally profiting from America’s enemies while systematically weakening America’s friends. They’ve had it up to here watching the daily destruction of the American family, America’s universities and education, the health care system, the American economy, American energy independence, and Obama-Hillary-Biden’s disdain for American lives and its military, demonstrated so vividly in the Benghazi affair.
Americans have had enough of Obama-Biden
Now the perpetrator is the real president pulling Biden’s strings and inciting hatred against half of America.
Americans had enough race riot, violence that Obama and his gofer Eric Holder allegedly incited in Ferguson, Oakland, Baltimore and elsewhere, and their racial justice politics in which Jihad became the “workplace violence” that left Americans injured and hurt. Had it up to here with an Obama who could not utter the words JIHAD and ISLAMIC, even when he was speaking about Islamic Jihad.
Americans have had enough of Obama-Biden weaponizing America’s intelligence services and foreign policy for their own profit, illegally spying on their opponent’s campaign and getting away with it; and abusing the IRS to prevent conservatives from raising campaign funds. And getting away with it.
The above merely shortlists the reasons that, after five solid years (1,825 days of the Trump campaign and presidency), “the American People who kept swallowing the perpetual injustices and assaults on common sense and truth by the Democrat media mob; its politicians mad with power enacting a coup, responded with a single rally to show their support for President Trump
Let’s stop pretending.
That January 6th day of infamy was preceded by 1,825 days of the same: daily incitement against a hundred-sixty million Americans and the nation’s president.
@ Adam Dalgliesh:
This Reuters report is , of course totally wrong and running with the Democrats’ narrative. I’m not sure that Trump doubled down on his “fight like hell” comment, but CERTAINLY those listening to it werb at the speech, and the “riot” had already begun. So no connection between the two, although Reuters is trying to make a Lefty twisted link.
While the Capitol police blame the officers under their command for the riot, the officers blame the brass. The Capitol police union has voted no confidence in them. Obviously a fair and impartial investigation is needed to determine what role the police, and the Congress to whom they are answerable, played in the riot.
The plot thickens! This story from today’s Reuters suggests that the Capitol police were deeply implicated in the January 6 break-in. The Capitol police are controlled not by the White House or the Pentagon but by Congress. I would like to know who in Congress is responsible for directing them.
For the first time in American history, we have sitting in the WH a demented Alzheimer diseased old pervert, who is controlled by extreme Marxist America hating treasonous gangster’s like Kamala Harris,and Bolshevik Bernie Sanders and the rest of the extreme left wing DemonRat party.
After four years of this treasonous gangster regime, this once great country of our will not be recognizable,if you want a glimpse of how it will look, look no further than Venezuela or Cuba.
The American people have literally committed national suicide by voting these filthy treasonous gangsters into powe
@ vivarto:
They have as much access to the truth as we have. They just don’t choose to listen to it.
@ chan:
That’s not exactly so. Because , FAIRLY counted most of the Amcerians you talk about voted Trump in by a vast majority.
From Today’s ZeroHedge:
The election was presented as a choice between Trump and Biden. In reality it was a choice between securing the United States as a democracy under a Republican administration or a revolutionary change of government under a hijacked Democratic party following an extremist foreign ideology to destroy that democracy and the U.S. Constitution and replace it with a repressive socialist government. Innocent Americans followed the advice of the political pied piper whose eloquent oratory deceived them and has led to a national crisis.
The election was portrayed as a popularity contest between Trump and Biden.
Scroll down to article.
Well, unfortunately Americans, and the rest of the world are indoctrinated by the globalist controlled media.
Relatively few have access to alternative media like NewsMax and NTD, and very few relatively listen to Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, and o couple others on FoxNews.
Everything else from NYT to NPR, to BBC, to Major German, French, networks, and all of the other networks CNN, CBS, ABC, CBC, MSNBC, and 100s of others are unanimously opposing and smearing trump.
Likewise the social media is completely controlled by the Trump haters.