War with Hezbollah and Iran May Have Just Begun

T. Belman.  In the second half of this show Caroline devotes herself to lambasting the Biden Administration for cowering before Iran and releasing billioins of dollers to them and for doing its utmost to prevent Israel from executing her plan to move the civilians our of Rafah in order to be able to quickly destroy Rafah and win the war. Biden isw also preventing any Gazans from leaving Gaza as refugees into neighbouring Egypt.

Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

April 5, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Laura, Biden IS Obama.
    Same administration to a significant degree this time with O dialing it into the WH from his mansion down the street, the ONLY POTUS other than Wilson (who’d had a stroke), not to leave DC after his term was up. Now why would that be, I wonder? Hmmm…