War between Globalists and anti-globalists

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Globalism is the enemy of Zionism and the USA

June 28, 2020 | 4 Comments »

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  1. The W DC kleptocrats are doing EVERYTHING in their power to take back the power they lost to the benefit of the American people!

  2. The usual antisemitic Rothschild conspiracy theory, and the “Windsor” conspiracy theory that in recent years has been merged with it. Actually, the “Windsors” have lacked any power for over a hundred years, and the Rothschild’s never had much in the way of political power, except possibly in Bavaria in the first half of the nineteenth century, where King Ludwig (by his own free choice) relied on Meyer Amschel Rothschild as his financial advisor. But however much it has been disproved by scholarship, the Rothschild myth is extremely enduring.