Vocal Trump critics in GOP open to supporting Clinton

T. Belman. Trumps success mirrors their failure. Trump resonates with the voters. They alienated the voters. Trump and Cruz are right on Muslims and they are wrong.


Trump1Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Ted Cruz or even Hillary Clinton for president if that’s what it takes to prevent Donald Trump from becoming commander in chief.

In interviews with The Hill, prominent Republicans who signed a scathing open letter denouncing Trump said they aren’t wavering from their opposition to him.

“What’s happening is you have a lot of people who are desperate to get anybody in there other than Trump. … People are going to go for Cruz, because at the end of the day they think he’s considerably less bad than Trump,” said Eliot A. Cohen, a former Jeb Bush adviser who also served in the George W. Bush administration.

Cohen, along with Bryan McGrath, organized an open letter opposing Trump that was signed by more than 120 members of the Republican foreign policy establishment. The letter declared that Trump is unfit to be president because his views of American power are “wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.”

The Hill contacted 13 of the people on the letter and heard back from all but two of them.

Support among the group appears to be shifting to Cruz, especially now that the Texas senator has won endorsements from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

“Donald Trump is not a Republican. … He is a caricature of classless wealth. … He is a caricature of the ugly American,” said McGrath, the deputy director at the Center for American Seapower at the Hudson Institute who is now working with the Cruz campaign.

Still, some say the fact that more supporters of Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) haven’t joined Cruz shows how unenthusiastic many are about him.

“All the palatable choices are gone,” said a senior Republican congressional staffer who wished to remain unidentified in order to speak freely.

When Cruz put out his list of foreign policy advisers last week, only two of those named were from the Rubio campaign — Jim Talent and Eliot Abrams — and none were from the Bush campaign.

Recently, the Truman National Security Project, a left-leaning think tank, detailed several areas of foreign policy that Trump and Cruz had in common, such as wanting to impose a religious test on Muslim refugees.

“For someone who is a George H.W. Bush Republican, this is really an uncomfortable choice,” said Daniel Drezner, a professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy who signed the open letter and voted for Rubio in the Massachusetts primary.

Stephen Rodriguez, a former Bush adviser and managing partner at One Defense who is now supporting Cruz, called Trump “amoral,” a “fraud” and a “dangerous demagogue.”

“I don’t know what’s worse — having Trump say all those ridiculous things and being totally clueless, or having him say all those things and actually mean it?” said Rodriguez, who signed the letter.

“At the end of the day, he has done nothing to earn my vote. He doesn’t have the character or the values that would qualify him to be president of the United States and commander in chief, nor is he a conservative or a Republican,” said Roger Zakheim, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who advised Rubio and also signed the letter.

Trump did little to win over his detractors with his list of foreign policy advisers, which the billionaire businessman released this week.

The list included five new names: former Pentagon inspector general Joseph Schmitz; oil and energy consultant George Papadopoulos; BAU International University provost Walid Phares; former Army lieutenant general and consulting firm executive J. Keith Kellogg Jr.; and longtime energy executive Carter Page.

Drezner noted that Schmitz was accused of stonewalling congressional investigations during the George W. Bush administration and resigned, while reports in 2012 alleged there was a link between Phares and war crimes in Lebanon.

“Trump promised he was going to introduce, like, the classiest foreign policy team … let’s just say, this isn’t it,” Drezner said.

“To say the least, it’s a pretty underwhelming group of people,” Cohen added.

Trump said he is planning to release more names, but his critics in the foreign policy sphere aren’t expecting much.

“Anyone who decides to work for him, they’re sort of revealing themselves as probably not among the best of the GOP foreign policy thinkers, because it’s such a stigma,” Drezner said.

Some members of the Republican foreign policy establishment are “shell-shocked” by what has happened in the primary race, the GOP staffer said, and are just planning to stay on the sidelines going forward.

Some of them are hoping for a third-party candidate from the GOP.

“If indeed it comes down to Hillary versus Trump as the nominees … then I’m certainly interested in whether or not we’ll see a third party, but I can’t support Trump’s candidacy,” Zakheim said.

John Noonan, a former Jeb Bush adviser, said he would write in Washington Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins for president if Trump is the GOP nominee and then vote Republican down the rest of the ballot.

“Cousins isn’t any less experienced than Trump, and at least Cousins has never bankrupted a casino,” he said. But, he added, “I’d like to see Cruz beat Trump or a third-party conservative come in, in that order.”

Several admit that if absolutely forced to choose between Trump and Clinton, they would pick the former secretary of State.

“I’ll never support Trump, period. If the only choices I’m offered is between Hillary and Trump, I’ll go for Hillary,” said Cohen, who said he’s hoping for a third possibility or a write-in.

One pointed to Clinton’s speech earlier this week at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, saying it was relatively well received and could have been delivered by Rubio.

McGrath said he would vote for Clinton if he “got a gun held to my head” and was forced to choose only between her and Trump. He added that in reality, however, he would write in a name.

But, he added, “on foreign and defense policy, I at least trust Hillary’s judgment.”

McGrath isn’t alone.

“If it’s between Trump and Clinton, I will vote for Clinton,” Drezner said.

“I think there are others who will make that determination, even if you don’t like Hillary Clinton, if you dislike her domestic agenda,” he added.

Max Boot, a Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow and former Rubio foreign policy adviser who also signed the letter, said he would choose Clinton over both Trump and Cruz.

“I would consider a conservative third party but would vote for Hillary over Trump — not a close call,” he said. “Cruz [versus] Clinton is a closer call but on foreign policy grounds I would probably vote for Hillary.”

March 24, 2016 | 256 Comments »

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50 Comments / 256 Comments

  1. @ babushka:
    seriously babs… are you really supporting the story of corey knocking down or assaulting fields…. cmon babs… get real. You know that after she lied about being knocked down that she likely gave herself a bruise because she knows how the system workd. i wonder when her next job starts?

  2. @ honeybee:
    send babs a cup to wash down that crow she has to eat.
    I posted that same story from pam g. earlier
    poor babs, frantically grasping for every straw… she used to be rational.

  3. babushka Said:

    Trump has made a career from deceiving the gullible.

    the video is clear, you and michelle fib like bimbos
    babushka Said:

    Doubtlessly the same nonexistent guy

    babushka Said:

    ross, you are not terribly bright

    poor thing,…… twisted knickers?
    babs and michelle…. like sharpton and tawana….
    😛 😛 😛
    cmon babs, dig into that crow. 😛

  4. According to a report in London’s Daily Mail, a member of Trump’s Secret Service detail, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Fields touched Trump two times
    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/03/secret-service-source-breitbart-reporter-touched-trump/#cTrl1q8AKdIZPZvY.99

    Doubtlessly the same nonexistent guy who saw Cruz committing serial adultery.

    ross, you are not terribly bright (and you are morally bereft) which makes you a lousy interlocutor for me, but means you are ideal companionship for honeybee. Enjoy each other’s ignorance.

  5. Trump has made a career from deceiving the gullible. He is the Hero Of The Stupid, the mind-numbed nimrods who eagerly swallow transparent nonsense like the Iowa/Carson Myth and this latest bovine excrement.

    First Trump insisted, “He never touched her!”, so bernardross parroted “He never touched her!” The videotape put the lie to that crap, so Trump has now changed the con job to “He barely touched her!”. Like night follows day, servile bernardross now echoes, “He barely touched her!”

    It is a case study in how demagogues effortlessly manipulate their intellectually vacant minions.

  6. babushka Said:

    By the time he gets through scapegoating Michelle Fields,

    😛 😛 😛
    Looks like our Bab’s can NEVER get it right:

    ‘She crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to’


    My bet is that since she lied about being knocked down she probably self inflicted the bruise she claims. Poor Bab’s always defending the fakes and frauds… reminds of sharpton also always getting it wrong… whenever sharpton showed up you knew his “victim” was lying…. a sort of kiss of death.

  7. babushka Said:

    . I would have gladly served except that military enlistment personnel

    Women are accepted into the Armed Forces of both the USA and Israel.

  8. honeybee Said:

    @ Keli-A:

    Rick Perry , Gov of Texas, is still the best of the lot. And handsome too, with a great accent. Not that nasal NY tone that Trump has.


    Trump was right he wears glasses to give himself aura of some semblance of intellect until he openes his mouth!!! He may be smart by Texas standards but according to normal other places he is still a yokel with glasses.

  9. babushka Said:

    Trump has been on national television all day blaming a woman for being assaulted by his campaign manager.

    I have seen more barbarity and assaults at a shoe sale ,then what that silly reporter endured.

  10. ArnoldHarris Said:

    That same way my beloved late father, Max Harris of Davenport, Iowa (1892-1979)

    My Swedish Grandparents lived in Moline,Ill. I spent my summers with them in the Swedish neighborhood.
    Grandpa was the Foreman of the Rock Island RR round house.

  11. babushka Said:

    You haven’t read the story.

    read yamits link… I betcha its all true. Lying ted circling the drain… made a mistake when he dissed Trumps wife…. I wanna see Trump do the same with a long list of folks.

  12. @ Keli-A:

    Rick Perry , Gov of Texas, is still the best of the lot. And handsome too, with a great accent. Not that nasal NY tone that Trump has.

  13. Bear Klein Said:

    Bernard your hopes are now based on Susan Sarandon far lefty Bernie supporters. Times are getting tough.

    hopes???? I merely posted it to show how absurd and inaccurate polling of 9 mos down the road is because we both know that the polls did not account for bernie supporters staying out or even voting for Trump. Its pretty obvious that a lot of money is being poured into the media by the GOP establishment to stop Trump and the media are closely related to polls. Knowing how polls work and how they are manipulated gives the real picture.
    I know 3 people who are torn between Trump and Sanders… guess they all forgot to read the conservative and socialist bibles and just looked at specific issues and platforms like me.
    what has been going on the last 3 decades is very bad,and committed intentionally by both parties. If pol pot were running I would consider voting for him or Mme DeFarge.

  14. @ bernard ross:
    Bernard your hopes are now based on Susan Sarandon far lefty Bernie supporters. Times are getting tough.

    This race is certainly great entertainment. Have a nice day!

  15. babushka Said:

    By the time he gets through scapegoating Michelle Fields,

    “females” arent stupid, they can see the same video I posted to you and see it is all lies… I wonder why you cant see it too…. look at it again, it will take you about ten times to actually find the “incident” but when you do you might see what every one else can see: michelle fields is a liar.
    bernard ross Said:

    @ babushka:
    Police release new video of incident in which Corey Lewandowski can be seen roughly manhandling reporter.

    it took me a few minutes to find it on the video, a storm in a teacup fabricated by the usual suspects

  16. babushka Said:

    Trump now appears to be holding a large sign that reads: “Please help me lose all fifty states”.

    actually the sign in bold letters says that the GOP establishment is orchestrating all the defamation on Trump, spending tens of millions to defame him because their candidates are below mediocrity.

  17. babushka Said:

    Trump has been on national television all day blaming a woman for being assaulted by his campaign manager.

    still spreading fibs babs…. the woman is a liar, she was not assaulted, look at the video, its clear as day… no assault… in fact she was running down donald at the time reaching for his arm.
    Before she knew she was taped she claimed she was knocked down… a liar, plain and simple… probably got offered a job with fox news afterwards.
    Luckily she has you to keep spreading the lies even after I posted the video to demonstrate that she was a liar. I wonder if you are intentionally lying and for what purpose?

  18. You haven’t read the story. The National Enquirer did not write that Cruz had affairs. It wrote that there were rumors Cruz had affairs. Under American civil law, a public figure cannot sue sleazeballs who gossip about rumors, even if they invented the rumors.

    Presidential candidate Ted Cruz is trying to survive an explosive “dirt file” on the finger-wagging conservative senator!

    And the new issue of The National ENQUIRER — on newsstands now — reveals how the reports say the staunch Republican is hiding FIVE different mistresses!

    “Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” claimed a Washington insider.

    “The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!”


    No one, including the Enquirer and Stone, actually said Cruz was having affairs. “Reports” said it. How do you sue “reports”?

    Given that unlike your fellow Trumplings on this site you are reasonably bright (for a doddering altacocker), I suspect that you are trolling. Being mischievous. Making trouble just to amuse yourself.

    You know the punishment:


  19. You will always be a hero to me, Outspeaker. I would have gladly served except that military enlistment personnel – unlike certain psychotics – kept insisting that I am a woman. If only Klein and What’s-Her-Face had been there to set them straight, I could have held the Communist Red Chinese Army at bay while you relaxed and Korean comfort women seductively rubbed Kimchi all over your body.


  20. Trump has been on national television all day blaming a woman for being assaulted by his campaign manager. To his supporters in the primaries, this barbarity is acceptable, even admirable. But to the average voters who will decide the general election, Trump now appears to be holding a large sign that reads: “Please help me lose all fifty states”.

    Prior to this debacle, he had an approval rating of twenty-two percent among women. By the time he gets through scapegoating Michelle Fields, he might well be less popular with females than Jack The Ripper.

    In all fairness, Jack remains enormously popular in Mount Hebron, Wisconsin and the red light districts of Texas.

  21. @ honeybee:
    My three years of US Army service, two years active duty and one year in the Enlisted Resrves, was in 1952-1955, before most Israpundit commenters were even born.

    It was nothing particularly special. I came home without getting my ass shot off in Korea, because I was posted to two large statewide training camps of that era, in Indiana and Colorado. The duties were quite simple: Receive orders and carry out those orders exactly as expected. I learned to keep my ears open and my mouth shut, and to avoid letting down the guys in our outfit. I went into the army as an 18 year old kid and came home a 21 year old man. I learned to shoot fairly well on the gun-ranges, and over the years, lost some of my hearing from being posted to a big-gun artillery unit.

    In any case, I owed those years to America, and repaid it honestly like any other debt. That same way my beloved late father, Max Harris of Davenport, Iowa (1892-1979) served in the National Army of the United States in France late in World War I. It all proved to be good preparation for everything else I have ever undertaken.

    I still remember my US Army serial number, and how to snap a regulation salute. All in honor of the people with whom I served and the great country we are now trying to restore to greatness.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker-

  22. Sarandon shocker: Trump might be better for America than Hillary

    “I think, in certain quarters, there’s growing concern that the folks that are into Bernie Sanders have come to despise Hillary Clinton or reject Hillary Clinton and that should she be the nominee, which is as yet undetermined, they will walk away,” Hayes said.

    I dont think those GOP establishment fabricated polls took this into account.

  23. @ honeybee:
    HB, I too think the person to whom you wrote:

    “Are you describing yourself ????”

    Is appropriately targeted. Rarely have I encountered such undisguised hatred pouring forth on Israpundit. And compounded with the unbridled snobbery one expects from persons who imagine they, in contrast with the lower classes, are aristocrats entitled to the genuflections reserved for what they imagine is their higher order of humankind.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  24. Are you describing yourself ????

    How sophomoric!
    So infantile!!
    Tres jejune!!!
    And childishly immature!!!!

    All that is left for you to say is, “I know you are but what I am. I am like rubber and you are like glue…what you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.”

    I really enjoy our interchanges. I haven’t had such a sophisticated conversational partner since nursery school.


  25. babushka Said:

    News item: Trump campaign manager arrested.

    better look at the video, nothing happened other than he might have grabbed her arm to draw her back from approaching Trump… no knock down and if you weren’t searching you would see NOTHING the women lied from the beginning when she said she was knocked down. But hey, I am sure youu will keep posting this just like you kept posting the lie of Trump being neutral towards Israel rather than being neutral if he operated as a mediator… which is a normal requirement of mediation.

  26. honeybee says:
    I didn’t know

    What you don’t know exactly fills an encyclopedia.

    News item: Trump campaign manager arrested.

    Of course, it isn’t really a campaign so much as it is a carnival of freaks. Campaign manager arrested for battering a reporter? Candidate sending out vulgar misogynistic message like a delinquent on crystal meth? All that’s missing is the leather jackets and bicycle chains.

    The Trumplings comprise America’s most significant social movement since the Hell’s Angels.


  27. Keli-A Said:

    He was a Holocaust denier. He was a Jew hater and baiter.

    You have said this before, why. Reagan was a friend of my Uncle Jack Hoffman.