T. Belman. Trumps success mirrors their failure. Trump resonates with the voters. They alienated the voters. Trump and Cruz are right on Muslims and they are wrong.
Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Ted Cruz or even Hillary Clinton for president if that’s what it takes to prevent Donald Trump from becoming commander in chief.
In interviews with The Hill, prominent Republicans who signed a scathing open letter denouncing Trump said they aren’t wavering from their opposition to him.
“What’s happening is you have a lot of people who are desperate to get anybody in there other than Trump. … People are going to go for Cruz, because at the end of the day they think he’s considerably less bad than Trump,” said Eliot A. Cohen, a former Jeb Bush adviser who also served in the George W. Bush administration.
Cohen, along with Bryan McGrath, organized an open letter opposing Trump that was signed by more than 120 members of the Republican foreign policy establishment. The letter declared that Trump is unfit to be president because his views of American power are “wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.”
The Hill contacted 13 of the people on the letter and heard back from all but two of them.
Support among the group appears to be shifting to Cruz, especially now that the Texas senator has won endorsements from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
“Donald Trump is not a Republican. … He is a caricature of classless wealth. … He is a caricature of the ugly American,” said McGrath, the deputy director at the Center for American Seapower at the Hudson Institute who is now working with the Cruz campaign.
Still, some say the fact that more supporters of Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) haven’t joined Cruz shows how unenthusiastic many are about him.
“All the palatable choices are gone,” said a senior Republican congressional staffer who wished to remain unidentified in order to speak freely.
When Cruz put out his list of foreign policy advisers last week, only two of those named were from the Rubio campaign — Jim Talent and Eliot Abrams — and none were from the Bush campaign.
Recently, the Truman National Security Project, a left-leaning think tank, detailed several areas of foreign policy that Trump and Cruz had in common, such as wanting to impose a religious test on Muslim refugees.
“For someone who is a George H.W. Bush Republican, this is really an uncomfortable choice,” said Daniel Drezner, a professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy who signed the open letter and voted for Rubio in the Massachusetts primary.
Stephen Rodriguez, a former Bush adviser and managing partner at One Defense who is now supporting Cruz, called Trump “amoral,” a “fraud” and a “dangerous demagogue.”
“I don’t know what’s worse — having Trump say all those ridiculous things and being totally clueless, or having him say all those things and actually mean it?” said Rodriguez, who signed the letter.
“At the end of the day, he has done nothing to earn my vote. He doesn’t have the character or the values that would qualify him to be president of the United States and commander in chief, nor is he a conservative or a Republican,” said Roger Zakheim, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who advised Rubio and also signed the letter.
Trump did little to win over his detractors with his list of foreign policy advisers, which the billionaire businessman released this week.
The list included five new names: former Pentagon inspector general Joseph Schmitz; oil and energy consultant George Papadopoulos; BAU International University provost Walid Phares; former Army lieutenant general and consulting firm executive J. Keith Kellogg Jr.; and longtime energy executive Carter Page.
Drezner noted that Schmitz was accused of stonewalling congressional investigations during the George W. Bush administration and resigned, while reports in 2012 alleged there was a link between Phares and war crimes in Lebanon.
“Trump promised he was going to introduce, like, the classiest foreign policy team … let’s just say, this isn’t it,” Drezner said.
“To say the least, it’s a pretty underwhelming group of people,” Cohen added.
Trump said he is planning to release more names, but his critics in the foreign policy sphere aren’t expecting much.
“Anyone who decides to work for him, they’re sort of revealing themselves as probably not among the best of the GOP foreign policy thinkers, because it’s such a stigma,” Drezner said.
Some members of the Republican foreign policy establishment are “shell-shocked” by what has happened in the primary race, the GOP staffer said, and are just planning to stay on the sidelines going forward.
Some of them are hoping for a third-party candidate from the GOP.
“If indeed it comes down to Hillary versus Trump as the nominees … then I’m certainly interested in whether or not we’ll see a third party, but I can’t support Trump’s candidacy,” Zakheim said.
John Noonan, a former Jeb Bush adviser, said he would write in Washington Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins for president if Trump is the GOP nominee and then vote Republican down the rest of the ballot.
“Cousins isn’t any less experienced than Trump, and at least Cousins has never bankrupted a casino,” he said. But, he added, “I’d like to see Cruz beat Trump or a third-party conservative come in, in that order.”
Several admit that if absolutely forced to choose between Trump and Clinton, they would pick the former secretary of State.
“I’ll never support Trump, period. If the only choices I’m offered is between Hillary and Trump, I’ll go for Hillary,” said Cohen, who said he’s hoping for a third possibility or a write-in.
One pointed to Clinton’s speech earlier this week at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, saying it was relatively well received and could have been delivered by Rubio.
McGrath said he would vote for Clinton if he “got a gun held to my head” and was forced to choose only between her and Trump. He added that in reality, however, he would write in a name.
But, he added, “on foreign and defense policy, I at least trust Hillary’s judgment.”
McGrath isn’t alone.
“If it’s between Trump and Clinton, I will vote for Clinton,” Drezner said.
“I think there are others who will make that determination, even if you don’t like Hillary Clinton, if you dislike her domestic agenda,” he added.
Max Boot, a Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow and former Rubio foreign policy adviser who also signed the letter, said he would choose Clinton over both Trump and Cruz.
“I would consider a conservative third party but would vote for Hillary over Trump — not a close call,” he said. “Cruz [versus] Clinton is a closer call but on foreign policy grounds I would probably vote for Hillary.”
Keli-A Said:
I didn’t know that Babs was your Goylem. ???? What did you use to construct him, re fried beans ?
@ babushka:
I realize that you are already quite fatigued as a result of your last great post but it appears that you missed a couple of Yamits points in your very thorough reply… perhaps you can expand on your commendable effort and answer his points with your usual sharp analysis:
Keli-A Said:
they are already numbered for your convenience 🙂
babushka Said:
wow, what a brilliant retort, chock full of relevant facts…. no one could resist the unquestionable logic of your arguments. It appears that your impeccable logic has become a repetitive habit that we can expect at your every post.
You really should abstain from snorting Drano because it is causing you to hallucinate. Your statement is the most mindless nonsense ever written, and that includes crayon scrawlings in playpens. I could produce better commentary by feeding refried beans to a dog.
@ Keli-A:
My apology.
I meant: I am going to cry!!!
watsa46 Said:
An Oylem Goylem
What Alexander Hamilton said in his day [“the masses are asses”] was a mere echo of a famous Yiddish folk saying, “der oylem iz a goylem”. The golem, one recalls, is that brutish being incapable of independent thought, and keyed to the will of its master. .
bernard ross Said:
Seems the real criticism is coming out of the Clinton talking points used by Cruz and Trump GOP opposition.
bernard ross Said:
Seems the real criticism is coming out of the Clinton talking points used by Cruz and Trump GOP opposition.
bernard ross Said:
Except for ignorant and myopic revisionist Reagan cultists he was probably the worst President since IKE.
Partial list of his foul deeds as president.
1- He financed his famous tax cuts to the Rich by increasing the national debt to over 200% during his 8 years no President including Bush and Obama has increased the debt by such a %.
2- He opposed Israeli bombing of Iraqi reactor and embargoes phantom aircraft for a year to Israel, planes Israel had purchased.
3- He supported a Palestinian state (2 state solution) used the Palis as security and body guards for American diplomats and others in Lebanon. He saved Arafat and his murder gang from Sharon when Sharon finally cornered the rat and helped extricate the whole core PLO to Tunis. We have seen and continue to see the results of that stupid antisemitic move.
4- He robbed social security trust fund to pay for tax cuts for the rich. The poor and middle class saw no benefits from that insidious move. The American government owes the SS Trust funds hundreds of billions and this crap about it going bankrupt is crap.
5- He was a Holocaust denier. He was a Jew hater and baiter.
6- He staffed the CIA and State Dept with known ex Nazis and Nazi sympathizers.
Tons more but these headlines should be a good beginning.
Bear Klein Said:
obama is not running it is hillary
Bear Klein Said:
reagan was a terrible president who began the 3 decades of shipping jobs to china, another rich get richer trickle down bs artist.
when you read polls and media consider this which you should already know from Israels experience with the MSM
so, who got paid to say what, who got paid to fabricate polls?
have you not noted the hysteria surrounding Trump and the fact that it mostly comes from the bought proxies of the GOP establishment?
Bear Klein Said:
you posit a fantasy… the GOP establishment is out to destroy trump anyway possible… why in such a scenario would you call on the victim to be a uniter?
@ Bear Klein:
@ watsa46:
Yawl need to brush u[ on American election history, wives & children have always been targets.
Time for insults is over. By the same talking, people insist on being respected! How can anyone respect a chronic devilish opportunistic liar? Even if it is a prerequisite for being a politician!!!
@ ArnoldHarris:Trump will have the most delegates probably going into the convention but probably will not have the required majority of delegates of 1237 to win on the first ballot.
If Trump can not become more of a uniter he will not win on subsequent ballots. The wife attack embarrassment fiasco he is continuing way too eagerly makes him less Presidential by the day.
He has good global ideas on some subjects and many non Trump super fans would line up behind if acted differently. His changing policies the day after he announces also makes him look not ready for Prime Time.
The above reasons I believe is why to date he appears to top out at about 40% of the Republicans and is getting killed in direct polls versus Hillary or Bernie.
Nevertheless, Trump will win the delegate counts going into the Republican Party convention this summer. And if the schemers among the Republican Party establishment succeed in blocking him for the presidential nomination, he will do whatever is needed to break apart the Republican Party, and people such as me will assist him in doing just that.
Because I want there to be an American Nationalist Party, to counterbalance the Democratic Anti-Nationalist Party.
Just you wait and see.
And no, I really truly do not care about political correctness, any more than Mr Trump does. And neither do most Americans.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
Needs to be verified!!! Everybody loves petro$ including the Clinton and Bush ‘s family!!!
-Just in Florida! over 85 mosques have been built.
How many new churches and synagogues have you seen being built these days????…
This is frightening!!! I think you had better read it all below……
However, we just sit back and let it happen right under our noses
If I understand Hilary and her supporters which include lots of republicans, all the “secret info” she got on her server and selfone are always unclassified until they are classified!!!!!!!
That makes > 60+ Million idiots in this country!!!!! That is why BHO had a 2nd term.
I am going to cry.
@ bernard ross:
I agree it scares the hell out of the GOP have have allowed Obama to win and get his way in everything he has attempted now for almost 8 years even passing the lates omnibus budget for 1.3 Trillion dollars. Same oligarchy financing both parties no matter who wins or loses they always win … till Trump…. For no other reason I am for Trump he is good for Israel and can’t be worse than Obama and the other three current contenders.
@ Keli-A:
donal would slaughter her she has so many scandals and he will bring them all up with no holds barred… the gop have done nothing about her all along
How Clinton’s email scandal took root
The vulnerability of Clinton’s basement server is one of the key unanswered questions at the heart of a scandal that has dogged her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Even Bernie is giving her a hard time without using email scandal against her. What Donald would do would eviscerate her and she knows it as do all of the Republican establishment but they would rather have a dog they can control than a dog like Trump that they can’t. It’s all about big money and power and they would rather have Clinton or Bernie than a dog beyond their control and power….. Must defeat the oligarchy at all costs.
@ babushka:
And you call Trump a misogynist.
After all this time, you finally wrote something funny…albeit unintentionally.
Good for you.
babushka Said:
Thank you from what I have been told and have seen in old movies, she was a very beautiful woman.
babushka Said:
But unlike you,she doesn’t think the “Flintstones” was a documentary.
Keli-A Said:
Forgive master, I bite my tongue till bled.
@ babushka:
You know he rescinded this statement.
honeybee Said:
Hardly.. HB, bite your tongue Danny ain’t my type
Nothing says “Israeli” quite like declaring neutrality between Israel and the Palis.
I love this lack of self-awareness. It is one of the few comments on the site that has ever made me laugh.
honeybee the sophisticate, so cultured and refined.
Grace Kelly resurrected.
@ babushka:
Thanks for the critique, Chubs. It is always good to get feedback from the morbidly obese, but thinking is not part of your repertoire. Stick to eating.
babushka Said:
So very sophomoric, now I do think you are a boy.
He pretends to oppose the GOP Establishment of which he has been a financial benefactor for decades.
He pretends to oppose the politicians in both parties who favor importing cheap labor when he actually funds them because they pass legislation importing cheap labor for his venal benefit.
He pretends to oppose the corporate oligarchy of which he has long been a member in good standing.
He pretends to oppose the social elite that lavishes contempt upon his blue collar supporters when those same elitists are his close friends.
Most of all, he pretends to oppose the rapacious predators who inflict economic damage upon the middle class when in fact he is a rapacious predator of the highest order. Trump University is the quintessential example of a big bad wolf fleecing the poor little lambs.
The guy is phonier than your hair, Bubbe.
babushka Said:
Like what?
@ babushka:
OMG I am crying poor Hansy roting away in an Albanian prison Bahahahahah I see it is one of your favorites too Haaaaa 🙂
@ Laura:
Trump is everything that Trump pretends to oppose.
bernard ross Said:
No he won’t. He has flip flopped on even on his signature issue, illegal immigration.
As for corporate welfare, trump has been a recipient.
babushka Said:
At last Darlin, an insightful comment arises from your fevered brain. Only Hilary can properly whip the Liberal Jew.
@ babushka:
@ Keli-A:
I enjoy watching you schtup one another. Entertaining.
Liberal Jews consider Trump and Cruz to be insufficiently anti-Semitic.
Poll: American Jews have unfavorable view of Trump and Cruz
New Gallup poll finds 72 percent of Jewish Americans have an unfavorable view of Cruz and Trump.
Stupid Jews
babushka Said:
If Americans can live with Woody schtupping his step daughter then schtupping step mothers will draw only yawns even from Mormons….. well maybe not Mormons. It’s those damn NY Values!!!
babushka Said:
Not easy to be a peasant shoshing all day in stinking cow dung filled rice paddies….. Early death can be a blessing.. no more sloshing in stinking crap…. Best to stay home and watch General Hosp or As The World Turns, which was my personal favorite….
@ babushka:
But he was kind to his mother and didn’t eat his favorite dog.
Laura says:
March 27, 2016 at 2:46 am
Roger Stone is one ugly dude. No wonder he backs a hater of women.
Stone was the only named source in the Enquirer hit piece on Cruz. In case you were wondering who planted that smear:
This is outrageous.
Don Jr. is sleeping with both of his stepmothers.
Roger Stone is one ugly dude. No wonder he backs a hater of women.
We were very close. For a guy who had two million unarmed civilians bludgeoned to death with hammers, he was surprisingly sensitive. Pol was a real man’s man, yet he felt unashamed to weep openly, especially during those heartbreaking episodes of “General Hospital” when things became really tense between Luke and Laura. His greatest regret was never getting due credit for inventing Silly String, a project on which he collaborated with his close friend and soul mate Mother Teresa. His reputation for barbarity is considerably overblown when you stop to consider that all those peasants were going to die anyway…eventually.
babushka Said:
Did you know Mr Pot??? He like you had a Macabre sense of humor. He was also a skull collector, an expert I hear in Phrenology.