Sundance | July 13, 2024
I’m not going to narrate what you can witness with your own eyes and ears. The camera lens is pointed toward two U.S Secret Service protective detail snipers on the roof behind President Trump. One is the spotter. Turn on sound. You can clearly see both USSS spot the shooter, do nothing, wait for the incoming fire, then respond.
Again, video might not last.
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We will soon hear, “mistakes were made.”
The FBI is investigating.
I know that Trump spoke behind a bullet proof screen on January 6, though he wasn’t happy about doing so, but did it due to security advice at the time.
As I understand it they can put trump in a glass bubble and that such bubbles are shatter proof.
Can some one confirm thjs..
Regarding Powerline’s description of Sundance, I have read Sundance’s blog going back more than a decade, and while I have not always been in full agreement with Sundance on every topic (often to my regret), I would dispute the claim that Sundance “is a poor and clumsy writer” as Powerline claims. As I have noted, Sundance has had many disagreements with various players on the Right, such as whether Barr was a White Hat, or if Durham was going to basically carry water for the Uniparty establishment or not, for example. Over the years, Sundance’s contrarians have grown in number and in fervor, though I think that they have easily been proven wrong more than they have been right as time has passed. In any event, I think Sundance provides an important perspective and analysis, and I do not believe that his writing is either poor nor clumsy, but I will leave that to others to assess for themselves. We have shared a number of Sundance’s posts in recent months, and I have yet to hear any such complaint posted.
One point of criticism which I think is important to raise is in relation to the feud which came to a climax a couple of years ago between Shipwreckedcrew and Sundance, which was basically based on Ship’s criticism of Sundance’s lack of clarity regarding the process within the DOJ and Justice Dept and Sundance’s criticism of Ship being too close to the DOJ to be a fair critic. You can research this debate in their twitter feeds. While following this ongoing debate which seemed to last forever, I found it to be quite informative and revealing on a number of points about both Ship and Sundance, IMHO. Their public squabble was quite productive and illuminating, and I am in both their debts for providing me a better understanding of the Deep State apparatus and some of the back yard minutia which helps to maintain its control of the legal/political system which Obama came to control after taking the presidency.
If you go to the Last Refuge site at the address I provide below, you will see that all posts, to my knowledge in any event, are authored by Sundance.
By the way, Peloni, I just located an explanation of the name “Sundance” on another web site called “Powerline.: This also seems to be a good web site. Still, I think it would be useful for readers who are not already very familiar with with the web site that this name references.
Many thanks, Peloni, for informing me where to find “The Last Refuge.” I am still a little confused about the name “Sundance,” though, because I didn’t see it on tThe Last Refuge site. Could you please explain why you connect the name “Sundance” with this site?
I agree that this site contains many very valuable reports, some of them not easily available elsewhere.
@Peloni, Adam My money is on the Duchy of Grand Fenwick.
I agree with Pelpni that several foreign governments have an interest in removing Trump from the political stage, and could have been involved in the assassination of Trump, However, my gut feeling is that this was a purely internal American event.
You left out the role, directly or indirectly, which might be played by a foreign actor, such as would be in the interest of many nations who would be diminished or impoverished by the policies included in Trump’s proposed foreign and national agendas. Not the least of these would be Iran, but they are not alone, with China, Ukraine and others benefiting from anyone but Trump coming to power in November.
Sundance is the person or person’s behind the Last Refuge, and can be found at
The work put forward by Sundance over the years has been invaluable, and has caused a great deal of debate among the conservative base on a number of topics. The inspection and investigations pursued by Sundance has unveiled much of the relevance behind the coup which took place against Trump in his own White House by his own party in collusion with the Dems in opposition.
Sundance was nearly shut down by Word Press some years ago and their entire library of work was in danger of being scrubbed as a result. Thankfully, Sundance found a way to overcome this challenge and continues to put forward important views on many topics with deep dive reflections on their past commentaries over the years. In any event, I hope this provides you some context for Sundance and their invaluable work.
I am reasonably certain that Trump will be assassinated, either at the Republican convention or later in the campaign, after he wins the election if he does, and or after he in inaugurated as President if he is. The Washington Post openly called for his assassination several weeks ago in one of its lead editorials. So have many Democratic Party politicians , mainly on the state level,over the past several weeks. Also many leftist journalists. (I learned much of this from Skynews Australia). It is not that difficult to murder any person if you are willing and able to make repeated attempts and have a whole “team” behind you (whether it is an organizes crime ssindicate or a political party, or a “deep state.”
My question to Israpundit people is, “will Trump’s assassination lead to civil war in the United States?” or will people just do their best to ignore it and get on with their lives as best they can, as people often do when there has been a catstrophe for their country? Any and all responses will be colcome.
This is a real, not a rhetorical, question.
I have been unable to locate this “Sundance” on Youtube. There is an entertainment channel on Youtube with this name, but it does not contain any of the podcasts published under this name in Israpundit. The only other channels on Youtube that have the thumbnail “Sundance” are some local newspapers in Wyoming. Where can I locate and watch for myself Israpundit’s sundance” Is it on Telegram or Rumble or another alternative platform for podcasts, please inform me, Ted, Peloni, or anyone else, where I can watch the “political Sundance” channel myself. Many thanks.
Something stinks…. No doubt we’ll get, “lessons will be learned”.
Someone, higher up the food chain, issued a “rules of engagement” order to “be cautious”, code for, turn a blind eye unless unavoidable as the public may cotton on.
Waiting for the inevitable avalanche of hatred in the MSM and from the usual suspects, the “squad”, various “academics” and the vicious fascist-left.
What was that guy waiting for? He saw a guy with a high powered rifle on that roof and just waited for him to shoot? Something ain’t right here my friends.