I am concerned that if the Democrats and their BLM-Antifa allies will fight such a viollent and dirty election campaign, engage is widespread and systematic ballot-stuffing, and continue the violence after the election while slowing down the vote-count as much as possible, (all activities outlined by the secret Democratic organization known as TIP. led by Obomas’s Chief of staff John Podesta), then the the U.S. economy will collapse.
It will collapse because foreign investors iwho own around 27% of all dollar-denominated U.S. securities, will sell them in panic, because they will believe that the U.S. has become an unstable dictatorship like Byelorussia or Zimbabwe. Such a massive sell-off of dollar-based securities will cause most of our banks and corporations to go belly up.
It will also lead to a complete collapse of lsw and order, and will thereby increase the misery of the American people a thousandfold.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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I am concerned that if the Democrats and their BLM-Antifa allies will fight such a viollent and dirty election campaign, engage is widespread and systematic ballot-stuffing, and continue the violence after the election while slowing down the vote-count as much as possible, (all activities outlined by the secret Democratic organization known as TIP. led by Obomas’s Chief of staff John Podesta), then the the U.S. economy will collapse.
It will collapse because foreign investors iwho own around 27% of all dollar-denominated U.S. securities, will sell them in panic, because they will believe that the U.S. has become an unstable dictatorship like Byelorussia or Zimbabwe. Such a massive sell-off of dollar-based securities will cause most of our banks and corporations to go belly up.
It will also lead to a complete collapse of lsw and order, and will thereby increase the misery of the American people a thousandfold.