US “Vaccination” rates – CDC July 28, 2022

1 shot – 262,000,000
2 shots – 223,000,000
^^^39,000,000 people have refused the second shot?
What happened to turn these “vaccine believers” into “anti-vaxers” literally within a few weeks?

Victims of “misinformation” or a “safe and effective” killing “adverse reaction”?

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3 shots = 108,000,000
^^^115,000,000 people said “NO!” to the third shot?

4 shots = 34,000,000
^^^74,000,000 people said “NO!” to the fourth shot?
That’s a 69% refusal rate in people that willingly (eagerly?) took 3 shots?

262M -> 34M = 87% of the initial believers have rejected the “vaccines”

Prediction1: Sometime before ~October, Biden is going to end the vaccine mandate in a desperate attempt to raise the Democrats chances in November.

Prediction2: After the election, at some point, a “new and improved, highly effective” vaccine will be ready for the winter Covid variants and Biden will mandate these new “life saving vaccines”.

August 13, 2022 | Comments »

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