US Topographer: Israel is Greece and Cyprus’ Line of Defense

[By defending Greece and Crete, Israel is defending itself. Ted Belman]

NYC topotgrapher and recent ZOA awardee Langfan says “Israel is now the heart and soul of NATO’s southeastern flank.”.

By Fern Sidman, A7

In an exclusive interview with Arutz Sheva, New York City topographer and recent ZOA awardee Mark Langfan, responded to statements made by Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon while on an official visit to Greece.

According to wire service reports, during a news briefing on Tuesday, Ayalon was asked what Israel’s reaction would be to a threat posed by Turkey regarding oil drilling in Cyprus. Ayalon unequivocally stated: “If anyone tries to challenge these drillings, we will meet these challenges.” Last month Turkey said it would send naval forces to protect its drilling rights.

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During meetings between Ayalon and Greece’s deputy foreign minister Dimitri Dollis, the two focused on cooperation between Israel, Greece and Cyprus on the subject of natural gas and their common strategic interests in energy security. A trilateral memorandum of understanding on this issue, as well as the management of water resources has been drafted and is due to be signed soon.

The two officials also agreed to convene a meeting to take place this spring in Salonika with members of the Jewish and Greek diasporas including such countries as the United States, Canada, Australia, France and Britain.

“What these meetings in Greece mean to me is that people are now acknowledging energy issues in this region of the world with the gravitas that they deserve,” said Mr. Langfan, who recently released is “Western Theater” graphic, which provides concrete evidence that Israel is Greece and Cyprus’ one, and only line of defense against an “Islamic tsunami” that has the capability of waging war of Cyprus and Greece.

Speaking in his capacity as an Israeli security analyst, Mr. Langfan said, “without Israel’s order of battle and very existence, it would be impossible for NATO to defend Greece, let alone Cyprus, from a Turkish/Muslim Brotherhood tidal wave which would lay waste to everything in the eastern Mediterreanean. Whether NATO likes it or not, Israel is a now the heart and soul of NATO’s southeastern flank.”

Langfan also noted that Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan issued a direct threat on NATO when he warned on September 27, 2011, “I recommend the international community take the necessary lessons from the Battle of Preveza.”

The Battle of Preveza was a 1538 decisive Turkish/Ottoman naval battle against a Papal “Holy League” Pan-Christian Alliance.
Adding that, “NATO and the entire EU now has an absolute vested interest against the establishment of an autonomous Palestinian state in the “West Bank”. It has become abundantly clear that if such a state was in existence Hamas would smuggle in thousands of katyusha rockets with chemical warheads that have the power to wipe out the entire Tel Aviv coastal plain that holds 5 million Jews – in one evening.”

Mark Langfan’s graphics are freely available at his Israel Security website:

November 25, 2011 | Comments »

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