T. Belman. The world does not want to solve the humanitarian crises by removing the Palestinians from Gaza because that would mean that Israel would reclaim sovereignty there and it would mean the end of the TSS. Thus the world is working to protect the Palestinian cause and is using a future humanitarian crises to achieve its end.
At a minimum Israel should push the Paelstinians to the bottom 10% of Gaza and reclaim sovereignty over the rest and absolutely refuse to allow the Palestinians to return. The water israel has agreed to be allowed in should be limited to the bottom 10%. It will encourage people to go there.
PM’s inner circle has indicated that it hasn’t thought that far ahead, leading US officials to warn that failing to do so could result in IDF being bogged down in Gaza indefinitely
Today, 2:26 am
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (center left) and Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Tel Aviv after talks on October 16, 2023 ((Haim Zach / GPO)
US President Joe Biden’s administration has privately been pressing Israel in recent days to flesh out its strategy for the day after it completes its stated war goal of toppling Hamas, a US official and an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Monday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his inner circle have indicated to their American counterparts that Israel has not yet come up with such a strategy and is more focused on the immediate goal of removing Hamas from power in Gaza, the US official said.
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told CNN on Sunday, “We’re not thinking now what will happen the day after the war… We need to win this war, and that’s the only thing that we’re focused on.”
But the US official speaking with The Times of Israel cautioned against this approach, saying that devoid a strategy for who will control the Strip, if or when Hamas is removed, the IDF is more likely to get bogged down in Gaza indefinitely, despite Israel insisting that it does not want to retake the enclave.
An Israeli official told The Times of Israel that National Unity party chair Benny Gantz and fellow faction member Gadi Eisenkot demanded the creation of a Gaza exit strategy upon their entry into the government last week and that the pair have tasked a committee with drawing one up.
Also on Monday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet at the IDF’s Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv and reportedly urged Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza in order to maintain international support for the IDF’s military operation aimed at dismantling Hamas.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (bottom left) meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of his cabinet in Israel on October 16, 2023. (Haim Zach/GPO)
“The Biden administration understands the need to dismantle Hamas and stresses that one of the ways to make sure there is enough time to do it is by avoiding a humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” a senior Israeli official told the Axios news site
Israel has largely held off on allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza, as it seeks to pressure Hamas to release the 200 to 250 hostages being held in the Strip.
Netanyahu is also concerned that some in his hardline coalition will oppose allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza and that it could spark public backlash in Israel, Axios reported.
Blinken was in Israel Monday for the second time since the war broke out on October 7 when Hamas at least 1,500 terrorists burst across the border into Israel from the Gaza Strip by land, air and sea, killing over 1,300 people and seizing 200 to 250 hostages of all ages under the cover of a deluge of thousands of rockets fired at Israeli towns and cities.
The vast majority of those killed as gunmen seized border communities were civilians — men, women, children and the elderly.
Entire families were executed in their homes, and over 260 were slaughtered at an outdoor festival, many amid horrific acts of brutality by the terrorists, in what Biden has highlighted as “the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”
TOI reports:
Energy Minister Israel Katz said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden had come to an agreement on Sunday where Israel would return to supplying water to southern Gaza, Reuters reported that day.
Edgar: South Texas news!!!!!!! The heat spell has finally dissipated, however, the drought persists. This has caused hay and alfalfa prices to escalate dramatically.
Reader, OK if yawl think Felix makes sense have at it
Edgar thank you for your kind words and Reader too
I do not think that the role of Haj Amin el Husseini has got through
Total Jew Hater.
History is difficult and there is continual obfuscation for all kinds of reasons.
But I cannot see what is the alternative but to be persistent and uncover the truth.
State it and let people test it.
If it fulfills a need it will remain
@Marc Caroff
I think he wants Israel to state its commitment to the two-state solution.
I am afraid that this is what Israel will end up with anyway once it defeats Hamas.
Actual Israel for its own sake needs to internally have ready the day after strategy for Gaza. Do not need to announce to anyone outside USA until they execute it.
Edgar,_____, I talk Texas news on Texas sites. no hugs or kisses for grumpy yawl
It’s outrageous that Biden demands Israel flesh out its strategy for “the day after” Israel obliterates Hamas and its ability to fight. The U.S., Arab nations and the UN, not Israel, should bear the major responsibility for humanitarian aid to Gaza’s Arab residents once the war ends. The same international parties should assist the Gazans in setting up a democratic government once the war ends.
Israel’s concern should only be to make sure its security needs are fully met by whatever plan the international community comes up with.
Hi, Edgar
Fifty years ago, when I gave my life to Jesus, I gave away my clothes (mostly Army uniforms), except for what I had on, plus an extra pair. Then I went and lived on a Christian commune. Every week, I would put my extra, dirty set of clothes in the communal laundry, and every week, the women would lose them and they would end up in the “free pile”.
Now I have just a few shirts, most of which don’t fit properly. Most of the nice ones are threadbare. I think I have one that I can use for dress (weddings and funerals — mostly funerals, lately). I gave God some of my worn-out shirts, 50 years ago, and got 50 years of life in return. That’s a pretty good deal
I’m glad you’re still talking to me.
Communism as such reminds me of an old joke I heard as a kid.
The Communist speaker was talking to a crowd about how with Communism they would all have chicken for dinner and nice clothes and everyone would share what he had , and it would be a NEW WORLD. etc
A questioner asked “you mean that if you had 2 houses you’d give me one”?, …”Certainly”..” and if you had 10 cows you’d give me 5″? “Certainly I would,”…”and if you had 2 shirts you’d give me one”?…”Oh No. I would NOT”..” Why is that”?…
Because I HAVE two shirts”…..
All in all Michael Felix’ heart is in the right place, and supports Israel and Jews 100%. he rails at the international persecutions, injustice and the torment we’ve gone through for 1700 years.
A Yend you’ve made some excellent points in your post, one after the other. Very well put. Yes I agree, we are really a strong group of Internet friends who battle through our differences. How many times have you and I abused one another and sworn never to make contact again… but we do.
P.S I also read Marx, at least I tried to but less than half way through his fulminations I gave up.
I found that Gogol’s “Dead Souls” much more to my liking.. even “War and Peace”… I’m not over-keen on Russian writers although they have produced many classics. But so have others.
Hi, Edgar (and Felix)
That goes without saying: Felix is, without doubt, our resident Trotskyite. I would definitely like to change that situation, and induce him to be our resident “something else”; but I am glad that all of us, as unique as we are, manage to get along as well as we have. The world sorely needs such honest tolerance.
I first read Marx (The Communist Manifesto) as a young man in the US Army. I had read history books before them, and a sociology book, and this and that work of “social science”; but Marx was shockingly different. All the others seemed to be merely intersted in digging up information and transmitting it to the reader. Marx, on the other hand, shouted out at the reader and demanded that he DO! something to CHANGE! everything. He was not a scholar, nor a teacher, but a drill seargent.
For a short time, I befriended some Marxist revolutionaries, attracted to their seemingly high and lofty ideals; but before long, I found myself joining them not to help people and better mankind in general, but to tear down and destroy the lives of decent people. I left that cause, for the pursuit of something far more honorable, the gospel of Jesus. One person I met and talked with along the way was Gus Hall, the leader ot the Communist Party USA. And his wasn’t the only form of Marxism I encountered: Among my acquaintances were Maoists, Trotskyites and Far-Left Extremists, all of whom condemn each other’s “errors”.
Some people seem to not be able to move on from these things. I hope Felix is still able to.
Felix mostly talks a lot of sense , as he digs deeply below the surface news and comments. His mind works faster than his typing so can confuse now and then. That is, when he doesn’t make comparisons to his favourite politics. I don’t say he’s wrong, but that people are not interested in his political positions.
Your pseudo-Dolly Sisters/Betty Boop fools no one, but as long as you enjoy it, well, so do we. xoxoxoxo as you often “say”…Darlin’…..
By the way, you always emphasise that you’re from Texas, but rarely if ever discuss any actual ongoing Texan news. And there’s a lot of it.
I was actually agreeing with a few things he said and he liked my statement about Israel’s potential(?) Gaza invasion.
Reader. Darlin, are you really trying to talk sense to Felix?
You are right!
In terms of “humanitarian aid” to the enemy population – it is difficult to imagine the armies fighting Germany in WWII simultaneously dropping planeloads of humanitarian aid to help the “poor, suffering, innocent” German people (or use your favorite military conflict as an example).
After the Nazi Germany was conquered, THEN the population was fed, etc.
The demand of Israel to be humane is designed to restrain and weaken Israel and to strengthen Hamas but politicians in this case are just the messengers.
Just let our imagination wander
If in the cruel days of Ukrainian pogroms, in the thousands of pogroms, note separate pogroms, Joe Biden representing the White Pogrom Movement, and he visited Trotsky as Biden has visited Netanyahu asking for humanitarian assistance for the killer of Jews
This would have happened
Joe Biden would be executed by a worker Jew tribunal very fast indeed
There is great lesson in this for today
As I have kept saying to utter indifference except Edgar everything these Israeli elites have done is seek to hide their responsibility for this TERROR inflicted on Jews. That is primarily who has to answer questions. I argued to this utter indifference that this was the essential simultaneous step
It still has to be answered.
Ask what would the Bolsheviks of 1918 to 1919 have done to a treasonous rebellion in the ranks
To ask the question is to answer.
You are totally logical and correct in this
“On the other hand, if Israel will not invade Gaza now, it means that the IDF will not waste Jewish lives to create the 2nd half of the “Palestinian” state for the PA.”
I say why fight your enemy on the ground that they have prepared.
Why not take them by surprise.
How did Trotsky and the Red Army defeat the mass Whites, the mass armies of Imperialism, and forever wipe out the 1918 to 1919 Pogrom Movement in Ukraine? For the first time in history.
Answer he was not a bankrupt politically, he had power, he had russian worker courage and HE ACTED
Biden controls the ordnance and therefore the war. He will do what he can to save Hamas for it to fight another day.
It was Netanyahu who invited Biden to visit Israel (Biden agreed to it after Israel agreed to let the ‘humanitarian aid” into Gaza).
This means that Israel (or Netanyahu) wanted a good excuse not to go ahead with the invasion (The US wouldn’t let us do it!).
Israel does it every time – first screaming as loud as it can about its plans (Hold me, hold me or I’ll do something crazy!), and then breathing a sigh of relief when America wouldn’t let those plans to go forward.
On the other hand, if Israel will not invade Gaza now, it means that the IDF will not waste Jewish lives to create the 2nd half of the “Palestinian” state for the PA.
Gerald Stienberg tweeted today: