US leads Security Council charge against Israel

Israel Matzav

US ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice forgot on Tuesday that there’s an election in nine and a half months and led the charge against Israel in the UN Security Council. This is a preview to what things will look like if God forbid Obama is reelected, and it had a lot in common with a vacuum cleaner, with Tom Brady’s performance in the AFC Championship game and with Kevin Paul DuPont. This is from the first link.

During a Security Council session, US Ambassador Susan Rice urged Israel to halt all settlement construction in the West Bank and work to quell settler violence against Palestinians. She also expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

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Ah yes, the ‘humanitarian situation‘ in Gaza. What a load of c**p.

And with Rice slamming Israel, it was food fight time. The UK and Germany piled on. This is from the first link.

British Ambassador to the UN Mark Grant accused Israel of employing violence in the territories and called on the Jewish state to halt all settlement construction, including in east Jerusalem.

Germany’s UN ambassador, Peter Wittig, said Israel was attempting to detach east Jerusalem from the West Bank, a move he claimed would make the establishment of a Palestinian state impossible.

And Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, slammed right back.

In his response to the criticism, Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor told the Security Council, “The primary obstacle to peace is not settlements. The primary obstacle to peace is the so-called ‘claim (right) of return.’ Let me repeat that: the major hurdle to peace is the Palestinian’s insistence on the so-called ‘claim of return.'”

“You will never hear Palestinian leaders say ‘two states for two peoples’. If you ever hear them say ‘two states for two peoples’, please phone my office immediately. Call me ‘collect’ in the event of such an unprecedented occurrence,” he said.

“You won’t hear them say ‘two states for two peoples’ because today the Palestinian leadership is calling for an independent Palestinian state, but insists that its people return to the Jewish state. This would mean the destruction of Israel.

Prosor continued to say that “the idea that Israel will be flooded with millions of Palestinians will never be accepted. The international community knows it. The Palestinian leadership knows it. But the Palestinian people aren’t hearing it. In a poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion last November, 90% of Palestinians said that they would not give up the ‘claim of return.’ This gap between their perception and reality is – and will remain – the major obstacle to peace.

“Since the Palestinian leadership refuses to tell the Palestinian people the truth, the international community has the responsibility to tell them the truth. You have a responsibility to stand up and say that the so-called ‘claim of return’ is a non-starter. Yet, many around this table who never miss an opportunity to tell Israel what it has to do for peace – mumble, stutter and conveniently lose their voices when it comes time to tell the Palestinian people about the basic compromises they will have to make for peace,” the Israeli envoy said.

He added: “The Palestinians’ refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state goes hand-in-hand with a culture of incitement in mosques, schools and media. Day after day, children are taught to pursue violence – and to hate, vilify, and dehumanize Israelis and Jews.

“Let me be clear. I am not only talking about Hamas in Gaza— but also about the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, where you can’t turn a corner without seeing terrorists and terrorism glorified,” said Prosor.

What could go wrong?

January 25, 2012 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Condoleeza, Susan, how man more Rice dishes will the US pull out of its steamer? They are all cooked to the same flavour.
    None of which are big sellers on any rational menu.
    But what can one expect considering the chefs in control of the kitchen.

  2. Prosor is wrong. This is more begging for others to accept jewish rights. Why did he not mention the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from the arab countries? Why did he not mention the creation of the JEW FREE mythical state of jordan. This is whats wrong with israeli leadership. Nothing should be discussed prior to discussing the refugee jews and the illegal creation of JEW FREE jordan. This is the real basis for a just solution of the jewish refugees ethnically cleansed from arab countries. Israeli govts are the REAL CAUSE of the problem by not demanding these issues be addressed. It is the same as saying that it is alright to ethnically cleanse the jews and dont bother to mention it. Unless the west bankers are resettled in JEW FREE jordan then there has been no justice for the jewish refugees. Unless the jewish flight from muslim lands is considered as a population exchange, with the balance to be completed by the west bankers, there is no justice for the jews. This one sided approach must NOY be accepted by a single Jew; it is an encouragement to anti semitism based on jewish weakness. I refuse to discuss the plight of others until the jews are justly dealt with and not swept under the rug. Prosor makes me sick as does every Israeli govt for discussing the enemy’s plight in place of justice for the Jews, who does he represent? It doesn’t matter that jews acquiesced in the partition at the time because it was not accepted by the arabs but more importantly it was done at the end the barrel of a gun as the british were killing jews trying to escape europe to israel. Agreements concluded under duress are not binding including the treaty with Jordan. Certainly the 2000 year serial jew slughter of the europeans capped with their final holocaust is duress. The only reason that the “palestinian” refugees are discussed is that fool jews have not stood up for their own issues first but jump on board to defend the enemy. Enough already, wake up Jews!!!

  3. Yes his administration adores Israel (Piniocchio your nose is growing). Susan Rice hates Israel like Condolence Reich did as well. B.O. just allowed over half a billion dollars to go to his buddies Ham-Ass and PA. It also has insisted that Israel go to the 48 lines which means prior to existence. This Jewess from the US is not going to vote for a criminal, an ineligible pro-terrorist creature. And the “Jews” in his cabinet are self-haters. Like Rahm Emanuel. His own father was ashamed of him. When you stray – it is hard to come back to the fold.

  4. US Ambassador Susan Rice urged Israel to halt all settlement construction in the West Bank and work to quell settler violence against Palestinians. She also expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

    How pathetic, just an example of Obamaism.

    Israel, please continue settlement construction throughout all of Israel, the Holy Land you have G-d given rights to.

    Remove Hamas, the proxy of Iran from Gaza would be a step in the right direction.

    Time for Americans to remove Obama and his anti-Semite cronies from office.

    Rice is as worthless as her president.