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  1. Oh, one more thing.

    Shutting down the Rafah crossing really is not a favor to Israel.

    We want that to be open. Yes, we do.

    Because then, Egypt has to take responsibility for Gaza, and be held accountable for what comes out of there. It is not a very long line from this to Gaza once again being incorporated into Egypt in a formal way. Kind of takes the wind out of Obama’s rationale for his proposed Palestinian state to be contiguous at Israel’s expense, by connecting Gaza and J&S, doesn’t it?

    I’m also not sure that having one more outrageously anti-Israel country (Turkey) admitted to the so-called “peace process” – just one more country to pile on Israel – is such a “favor”.

    I think by now, Israel can handle the flotillas. And I think they’ve got enough tear gas, etc., to handle this ‘nakbah day’ nonsense.

    I don’t think anybody has “made a deal” behind the scenes, yet.

    Obama is desperate to avoid having to choose sides in the UN this September. We all know what he really wants to do, but we also all know that would be political suicide.

    So, Obama might be trying to build up a little capital now with Bibi, with what few cards he has left, in order to entice him into being more cooperative. Doesn’t mean it will work…Netanyahu recently told Obama’s pet judenrat organization, J-Street, to take a hike (he had dinner with Palin instead, a good move).

    Dan, my contempt for Obama is far greater than yours is for Bibi. C’mon, man, have a little faith….

  2. Wait a second, everybody.

    Now, I know this sounds radical. But just bear with me.

    OK. We know Obama’s political cultural neighborhood: liberal lefty academia.

    No, he’s not a “secret Moslem”. Heck, he’s not even a Christian. That gig with Rev. Wrong was only to build up a political base so he could get into Congress.

    Like most of his ilk, he’s….A VILE COWARD.

    Remember, he that bites the hand that feeds him…licks the boot that kicks him!

    And guess who kicked Obama a couple of weeks ago? Netanyahu!

    You think maybe….just maybe…the fact that Netanyahu stood up to him, garnered a bit of respect from Obama?

    Maybe Obama thought, “Hmmmm. This guy hits back, just like A-jad. Maybe I need to make nice to him so he’ll see my point of view.” MAYBE, Netanyahu managed to provoke…I know this is pretty far out…Obama’s “appeasement reflex”!

    Look, Netanyahu has it well within his power to be a “mad dog”, too. I don’t know that he would, but Dan Friedman above sent out an interesting little e-mail to his list (Hi, Dan!) which detailed the INCREDIBLY bad shape Israel’s neighbors are in economically. For all their tough talk, they start a war with Israel, they are finished.

    SO, perhaps what few brain cells that still work in Obama’s head have finally figured out that pushing Israel into a corner ain’t such a good idea. Time maybe to back off.

    Hey, stranger things have happened…..

  3. I do not believe that Netanyahu is a party to this action. Rogues of all colors are trying to take command of the Middle Eastbut they can do little without Israel. This is just smoke and mirrors.

  4. Or the highly negative domestic response to Obama’s ’67 lines speech and the fact that next year is a presidential election have forced Obama to temper his hostility towards Israel for the time being. But maybe I’m being optimistic. I don’t want to believe Bibi made some kind of deal with Obama behind the scenes.

  5. The density of U.S. Administration’s stupidity has reached critical mass. So Turkey, the country that had sent hundreds of propaganda kamikazes last year on the Mavi Marmara is now to host peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians among whom are Hamas, the organizations whose Article 7 reads “”The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,’ except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews” http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/1609.htm No wonder Barry Rubin recently wrote a piece titled: U.S. Middle East Policy Becomes Clinically Insane http://pajamasmedia.com/barryrubin/2011/05/11/u-s-middle-east-policy-becomes-clinically-insane/

  6. It is another sign of how little we can trust Netanyahu that we have to wonder what new betrayal he is up to behind the scenes. How low do we Jews have to descend and how much more suffering must we endure before we finally learn what the Torah is trying to teach us?