US foreign policy, as seen from the Left

[This article is obviously published by a leftist, anti-American, anti-Israel, Indian publication. It contains much distortion. Does it contain anything of value? Ted Belman]

Syria is just an axis for American evil to spin
Seema Mustafa, Daily News and Analysis

There is clearly some truth to the assertions by retired US general Wesley Clark as far back as 2007 that were heard but generally disregarded. Clark, did not mince his words in interviews and at public meetings at that time, when he spoke of a US plan to “take out” seven countries, “starting with Iraq, Libya and Syria” and going on to Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan, before finishing with Iran in five years. He said a Pentagon official showed him a memo to this effect just before the invasion of Iraq. And when he asked him why are we doing this, the official said “I don’t know.”

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Clark went on to ask repeatedly: “What is our aim, what is our purpose, why are we there, why are Americans dying in the region.” Clark pointed out that Bush and his team had effected a policy coup without a national debate. “They wanted us to destabilise the Middle East, turn it down, make it under our control,” he said. But then his voice was drowned by the jingoistic drums of the US national media.

Bush might have gone since then, but clearly the policies being pursued by President Barack Obama are no different. The attack on Libya proves that with Muammar Gaddafi being “taken out” by the US and NATO forces riding on the back of what the world press has described as the Arab Spring. A genuine people’s movement in Egypt that has unfortunately, not yielded much, except for the departure of the ageing Hosni Mubarak, has been cashed into by the US policy makers to unleash a wave of terror in the Middle East.

Libya became the testing field for US and Europe’s military hardware companies, as they have been advertising their prowess in killing pro-Gaddafi forces in Libya in a bid to secure international defence contracts.

Syria is apparently the next target on the US list. Work is in progress to create a case for intervention. What would be described as small insurgencies in the Indian context, are being blown out of all proportion by the world’s embedded media as the US and Europe prepares for full scale intervention. Fortunately, the sophistication and education of the Syrians has made them close ranks against foreign interference.

While recognising the mistakes and follies of the Bashar al Assad government, the Syrians seem to have decided not to make this an issue, for the moment at least, and to work together to keep the Americans from destroying Syria. This is one of the primary reasons why the Opposition in cities like Homs is remaining isolated and even petering out as in Deraa. The other, of course, is use of brutal force by the regime, but this alone would not have worked in Syria in the present circumstances, if the people were not willing to hold off the ‘resistance’ that they do not want to be exploited by foreign powers.

Syria was part of George W Bush’s “axis of evil” and remains so in the Obama book as well. A highly civilised country has been placed under debilitating sanctions just because, unlike Saudi Arabia, Qatar and now Turkey, it has refused to march to another government’s tune. It has taken a fairly independent stand on Palestine and Israel, like Iraq and Iran, and has a far less repressive government than Saudi Arabia for instance, that remains a close and trusted US ally. In fact Saudi Arabia has been unabashedly supporting Sunni Wahabi propaganda to cut into the strong secularism of the Syrian state. And currently the US and NATO are supporting the Islamists in Syria, even as they claim to be fighting the trend for the consumption of their citizens at home.

The US, judging from what has happened in Iraq and the kind of forces that are being encouraged in Libya, seems to be working on a carefully calculated plan to Balkanise the Middle East by splitting the countries into ethnic and religious mini-states. This, it hopes, will give it full control of the rich hydro carbon resources in the region, and also allow Israel levels of comfort. It is no secret that Israel that has imprisoned the Palestinians into the two mutually hostile and isolated areas of Gaza and the West Bank, had/has been worried about Iraq that is now neutered, Libya that seems to be now coming under pliable hands, Syria that France has already declared to be next on the agenda, and Iran that is a constant thorn in the US foreign policy turf.

A great deal will now depend on what Russia and China do, but of course the war on Iraq was launched without the US even bothering for a UNSC clearance.

October 29, 2011 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. Blandoatmeal, I have no clue as to what you are responding to in my comment. I never mentioned anything about uncle Sam at all. And the only thing I said about Syria was in response to the writer trivializing assad’s oppressive rule as “mistakes” and follies”. That doesn’t mean I want America to use military force to oust him. There will probably be something worse to replace him as is the case with all these muslim nations.

  2. Hi, Ilani

    I went overboard insulting Laura. She indirectly called my son all kinds of names a while back, in her criticism of the “Occupy” people. I tend to bear grudges for a while; but then my poor memory takes over. It won’t be long, before I’m complimenting Laura.

  3. My dear Ted,

    Simmer down, boy. The world, according to Teddy Billboy, ain’t gonna end by Seema Mustafa’s one single article. The article that hits the last nail on the imperialist America.

    Talk to me. I am at your disposal, 24/7.

    Just yell. Please don’t scream. I might wake up, take my Excalibur and start chopping heads of the states. Preferably, what is known to the Muslim world, all over, as a Satan. USA for you.

    …and I am Sid

  4. blandoatmeal, Laura has some truth in what she says, not all granted, but you too are the benighted slavish sap.

    The writer of that article clearly has a goal to misinform and incite, but your problem is living in a state of denial. The Middle East destabilised is not good for an already weak USA. China and Russia have excellent relations with the Arab countries. It’s comforting, to livein denial. My guess is deep down you cannot face the reality. US lost the Middle East. Ted, is the quality of of your readership? It has deteriorated badly.

  5. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Seema Mustafa is obviously an Indian muslim – someone whose ancestors were forcibly converted to Islam (most likely by the Jews of course) – not merely a “leftist”. Perhaps that explains the “distortions”.

  6. Way off base as usual, Crazy Laura. Mustafa hits the nail on the head: Syria is threatened by a US/NATO-facilitated Turkish invasion, which is actually as much a danger to Israel as it is to Syria. The Syrians have an internal struggle going on, but it is not a far stretch to think that ALL factions there (save some opportunistic quislings) feel threatened by this threat from the North and West. You’re a slavish, benighted sap to believe that Uncle Sam Obama has is motivated by altruism here. He isn’t any more interested in saving Arabs from dictators in Syria, than he was in Lybia and Egypt.

  7. But then his voice was drowned by the jingoistic drums of the US national media.

    The US media is jingoistic? LOL

    While recognising the mistakes and follies of the Bashar al Assad government, the Syrians seem to have decided not to make this an issue,

    Mistakes is how the writer refers to assad’s oppression and slaughter of his own people and alliance with Iran and support of terrorism?

    It is no secret that Israel that has imprisoned the Palestinians into the two mutually hostile and isolated areas of Gaza and the West Bank,

    The left wanted Israel to surrender Gaza and Israel caved and withdrew. So now these same people are accusing Israel of “isolating” and “imprisoning” the “palestinians”. No, it is their hamas and fatah terrorist rulers who are doing that.