US Flip Flops Peace Plan Date

By S. Aaron, Jerusalem Online

Jason Greenblatt, the special advisor to Donald Trump, has tweeted that ”We have decided that we will not be releasing the peace vision (or parts of it) prior to the Israeli election”

This tweet comes after the ambiguous statements that US President Trump made at the G7 summit earlier this week.

“We’re going to know who the Israeli prime minister is going to be fairly soon. A deal won’t be before the election, I don’t think… But I think you may see what the deal is before the election. And I think the deal will happen… Everybody says, that’s the deal that can’t be made… Israel and the Palestinians: there’s tremendous hatred for many, many decades, and everybody says that is a deal that can’t be made. So we’ll see if we can make it,” Trump said.

“I think they want to make a deal, the Palestinians, and I think Israel would like to make a deal too. I think people, after so many years and decades, I think they’re a little tired of fighting. I cut off most funding to the Palestinians, a lot of funding. And I think they’d like to get it back,” he added.

As of now, only the economic aspect of the plan has been revealed by Special Advisor Jared Kushner. The economic part of the peace plan essentially consists of $50 billion to go towards the real needs of the Palestinian people.

The plan seeks to double the gross domestic product (GDP) of Palestinians, create approximately one million jobs for Palestinians, reduce unemployment in the West Bank and Gaza from 30 percent to single digits, and halve the percentage of poverty among the Palestinian population.

August 29, 2019 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Guess by any other name a terror state is a reality in trumps plan. The final paragraph says it all.
    Let’s see how low nutunyahoo can slither to apeas trump and greensplatt .