US and EU Sanctions Against Israel: What They Are, What They Aren’t, and What it All Means

Peloni:  This is an important video.  In the first half of the video, Naomi presents the details and process by which the US sanction policy, which was first developed back in 2019, was deployed against Israel.  The more important part of this video, however, begins at 25:29 where Naomi explains that previous to the current sanctions campaign against Israel, sanctions had been used against specific people for specific reasons, but at present, the sanction policy being leveraged against Israel is being used to tame the Rightward awakening in Israeli society which has taken hold in the wake of October 7.  Also, unlike in support of previous sanctions activity, a committee has been erected to choose individuals to be sanctioned as targets, and that these individuals are used as examples to threaten the Israeli public to not go too far to the Right.  The sanctions are additionally being used to try to manipulate the fall of Bibi’s govt for one more pliable to US demands.  Importantly, Naomi shares why it is vital to fight this outrageous attack on Israel, and what steps Regavim is currently taking.

August 29, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. This makes clear that those currently running the US government are evil and no different from the Nazis.

    These are psychopaths who should not even be seen as human beings but things which love to make people suffer. They are sadists who enjoy kicking people when they are down.

    The people who are in charge, those psychopaths from whom Biden takes orders are listed here, and their full roll is explained:

    I thank God for Regavim’s courage in standing up to these evil Satanists.

  2. They’d sanction my grannies too if she were still alive! Instead of getting their facts straight and sanctioning the Palestinian settlers, they pile up on mostly dual-citizenship US “settlers” in their own country. You can’t fix stupid!