IT says a great deal about the illiberal tendencies of parts of our academic community that the anti-Israeli boycott, divestment and sanctions movement – which often borders on the anti-Semitic – finds support in the humanities faculties of some of our universities.
Given the right of people to go about their legal business, and shop where they please, it is questionable that the University of NSW should even tolerate protests against a chocolate shop being established on its site. But it is beyond question that it should take action against protesters using blatantly racist and anti-Semitic language as part of these protests. We expect that, quite rightly, there would be forceful action to stamp out any vilification of, say, Muslim or Asian students. Yet seemingly the targeting of Israeli-linked companies and Jewish people throws up a confected moral quandary.
The BDS movement wins support not just from jejune students eager for an anti-establishment cause but also from some academics, perhaps for the same reason. If it were not so tragic it would be a hilarious paradox that the University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies backs BDS, including preventing academic exchanges. It is difficult to think of an act that is more close-minded or less conciliatory than banning an exchange of ideas between people in liberal democracies. Still, this is what passes muster in some parts of the academy these days.
The blatant dishonesty of this campaign should be identified and condemned. The legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people present a worthy cause, yet to couch their campaign in hateful language about “apartheid” and “war crimes” is demonstrably inaccurate and offensive. No objective view of history could fail to recognise Israel’s offers to surrender territory to the Palestinians in return for peace. The landmark Oslo Accords cemented this reality but the olive branch has never been grasped, primarily because Hamas, like Yasser Arafat’s PLO before it, simply will not recognise the right of Israel to exist. A peace based on two secure states can hardly be delivered without that fundamental acceptance. When Israel evacuated its citizens and withdrew from Gaza in 2005 it wasn’t peace that ensued but bloody battles between Hamas and Fatah. Israel was rewarded with indiscriminate rocket fire from Gaza into its territory, targeting its civilians. Unless Palestinians accept responsibility for their actions, there can be no serious consideration of a peaceful resolution to their rightful claims for territory, statehood and the return of refugees.
As a pluralistic democracy that provides for the security and well-being of Palestinians, Israel is not remotely comparable to apartheid South Africa.
For decades Arabs have had greater democratic and human rights in Israel than in any Arab country. They make up about a sixth of Israel’s population and Palestinian Muslims hold seats in the Knesset on a platform of creating a viable Palestinian state. Israel is not perfect and the Palestinian issue must be resolved. But demonising Israel and Jews is not only wrong because it is racist, it is also an incorrect and deceptive interpretation of reality. Julia Gillard is right to condemn the BDS campaign, now so marginalised it has been disowned even by the Greens. We are entitled to expect our universities to take a stronger stand both against racism and in favour of facts.
I once marched in a demonstration with Rabbi Meir Kahanah in the mid 80’s in front of the UN, I carried a sign that read “Anti-Israelism is the new anti-semitism”, I never dreamed how prophetic that statement was a quarter century ago. Today being anti Israel is the “new and improved” anti-semitism, only now it has become mainstream socially acceptable. I don’t even fault the Arabs for it, they are smartly using every means available to them to destroy their enemy Israel…a tactic the Israeli’s have yet to comprehend and embrace. I blame 100% the failure of Israel to combat this on Liberal American Jews living in the US and Liberal American Jews that have emigrated to Israel and imported their “spineless holier than thou” mentality like a cancer into Israel’s narrative. I only pray that the next time a Muslim murders a Jew anywhere…it’s the family member of someone affiliated with Shalom Achshav, Yesh Gvul, J Street and their cohorts. Then I will yell to the heavens “Yesh Tzedek B’Olam”!!!
There is no reason for Israelis to accept advice from those whose opinions are based on anti-Semitic reporting or treatment of facts. Political problems have political solutions. Those who would stand up against anti-Semitism first and discuss the Arab-Israel conflict second, as opposed to the other way around, will make a genuine contribution toward peace.
The author makes some sound observations but this statement is so very flawed in so many ways:
1. “Palestinians” also referred to as the “Palestinian People” – no such creature!
2. Why in the world would they accept responsibility for their actions when all of their atrocities get a pass from the rest of the world?
3. “rightful claims” What rightful claims to territory, statehood and return of refugees? How does this fake “people” have a right to territory that was never theirs historically or legally; never mind statehood and a right of return has never been recognized in international law. As for U.N. Resolution 242 creating such a “right”, it was addressed to all refugees, Jewish and Arab alike and as more Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Arabs from Israel, when the Arabs make restitution for their Jews, we can talk of restitution to the Arabs, that is when Hell freezes over.
4. last but not least, the very proposition is absurd in suggesting that all these Arabs have to do is accept responsibility for their actions, like spoiled children, then all of these fabricated “rights” will be instantly lavished on them.
There is a much simpler explanation for BDS and world condemnation of Israel/Jews. In a word – antisemitism, pure and simple.