UNIFIL detailing IDF troop movements, timeframes, force composition

and linneaus tweeted the following:

A prime example of UNIFIL compromising its neutrality can be found in its public statement made through its social media channels at approximately 17:00 local time detailing IDF troop movements, timeframes, force composition and otherwise granular battlefield intelligence on IDF military operations.

While UNIFIL’s mandate includes its obligation to report violations of UNSCR 1701 and preserve the safety of peacekeepers, the level of detail provided about IDF activities in an active combat situation can be viewed as a manipulation of its mandate to advantage one side, compromising the IDF’s operational security and derogating from neutrality.

A. Furnishing the Enemy with Battlefield Intelligence

UNIFIL reports the observation of three IDF platoons crossing into Lebanon and notes that two IDF Merkava tanks entered its position after destroying the main gate. It also describes incidents related to logistical movement restrictions.

UNIFIL’s report could be seen as furnishing Hezbollah with real-time battlefield intelligence as it provides timely information about IDF movements, positions, and actions, which can be exploited by hostile actors to adjust their own military activities.

Reporting the movement of IDF forces compromises neutrality if details are used by Hezbollah to adjust their tactics, if they gain insights into IDF deployments or if it otherwise makes effective military contributions to Hezbollah’s efforts. Publicly detailing the movement of IDF platoons and other military actions can be viewed sharing sensitive battlefield intelligence, irrespective of intentions, by revealing IDF operational behavior in real time. Hezbollah or other adversaries can use this information to anticipate or counter IDF actions, and otherwise puts IDF troops at risk.

—— Detailed Battlefield Intelligence Provided by UNIFIL’s Public DisclosureTroop movements — Early morning (no specific time given) on 13 October 2024.

Force composition: Three platoons of IDF soldiers observed crossing the Blue Line into Lebanon near Ramyah.

Tank entry and actions — At 4:30 a.m., two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed the main gate of a UNIFIL position and forcibly entered the base.

Duration: The tanks stayed inside the position for approximately 45 minutes before leaving after UNIFIL’s protest.

Actions: IDF personnel requested multiple times that UNIFIL turn off the lights at the base.

Artillery or smoke rounds — At 6:40 a.m., several rounds were fired 100 meters north of the UNIFIL position, emitting smoke.

Effects: Smoke caused 15 peacekeepers to suffer symptoms, including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions.

Logistical blockade

— On 12 October 2024, IDF soldiers stopped a critical UNIFIL logistical movement near Meiss ej Jebel, preventing the movement from being completed.

B. Manipulation of UNIFIL’s Mandate

It is true that UNIFIL has an obligation to report violations of UNSCR 1701 and preserve the safety of peacekeepers. In this context, the statement may be framed as serving as a record of IDF violations of UN premises and restrictions on UNIFIL’s movement. From a peacekeeping mandate perspective, transparency is a necessary part of maintaining accountability for breaches of international law.

However, the level of detail provided about IDF activities in an active combat situation, raises the question of whether UNIFIL is maintaining its neutrality or providing one side (Hezbollah) with useful tactical information. If UNIFIL’s public reporting of IDF movements benefits Hezbollah more than it serves the transparency obligations of the UN, neutrality is compromised.

In closing, although UNIFIL is not actively participating in hostilities, granular reporting of one party’s movements in the context of an ongoing military operations in conflict tilts towards compromise of neutrality. The detailed disclosure of IDF troop movements, timeframes, force composition and specific military actions undermining UNIFIL’s neutrality.

—— The statement in full is provided below:

UNIFIL statement (13 October 2024)

Early this morning, peacekeepers at a UN position in Ramyah observed three platoons of IDF soldiers crossing the Blue Line into Lebanon.

At around 4:30 a.m., while peacekeepers were in shelters, two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed the position’s main gate and forcibly entered the position. They requested multiple times that the base turn out its lights. The tanks left about 45 minutes later after UNIFIL protested through our liaison mechanism, saying that IDF presence was putting peacekeepers in danger.

At around 6:40 a.m., peacekeepers at the same position reported the firing of several rounds 100 metres north, which emitted smoke. Despite putting on protective masks, fifteen peacekeepers suffered effects, including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions, after the smoke entered the camp. The peacekeepers are receiving treatment.

In addition, yesterday, IDF soldiers stopped a critical UNIFIL logistical movement near Meiss ej Jebel, denying it passage. The critical movement could not be completed.

For the fourth time in as many days, we remind the IDF and all actors of their obligations to ensure the safety and security of UN personnel and property and to respect the inviolability of UN premises at all times.

Breaching and entering a UN position is a further flagrant violation of international law and Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). Any deliberate attack on peacekeepers is a grave violation of international humanitarian law and Resolution 1701. UNIFIL’s mandate provides for its freedom of movement in its area of operations, and any restriction on this is a violation of Resolution 1701.

We have requested an explanation from the IDF for these shocking violations.

October 15, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. You don’t even need to read between the lines here. The UN is quite deliberately complaining loudly about minor infringements or maybe only felt disturbances to their daily routine of smoking a cigar with Hezbollah or similar. What they are not doing is the task they were assigned to of ensuring that Hezbollah does not get anywhere near the border.
    In 1967 in the week before the 6 Day War, the Egyptians asked the UN to remove its forces from the region adjacent to the Israel/Egypt border. They couldn’t leave fast enough. Now, when Israel is asking them to leave in order to protect themselves, they prefer to stay and be injured and always blame Israel for that, even if they were hit by Hezbollah, whether on purpose to provide grounds for the complaint or accidentally by misguided Hezbollah missiles. Unfortunately, Israel always admits it when it accidently hits the wrong target.
    The content of the article points directly to the intentional one-sided reporting of events. This may be the time to actually, for once, do exactly what they are accusing Israel of doing, after being expressly told to get out of the way.