UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman

Peloni:  Alex Newman explores the recent move by the UN to setup the legal basis by which all sectors of societies around the world would defer to the authority of the UN should a global emergency be declared, and importantly Newman explains that the emergency acting as the pretext for this enactment of a global takeover of the world would not even need to global in nature as a regional emergency could be labeled as a global emergency, and the nature of the emergency could literally be anything from climate to monkey pox.

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September 26, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Thank you for posting this.

    It does appear that the globalists are moving as fast as they can to do an end run around Trump. If he is elected, I hope he will not pay UN dues, and I hope he will work to destroy the UN. The UN is a purveyor of antisemitism worldwide. The UN “peacekeeping” forces have never kept the peace or prevented genocide. There is no hope for change at the UN. It is also a vast money laundering hub for various billionaires and NGOs.

    So the UN is now acting as a global center for totalitarian dictatorship of the world, which is tasked with destroying national sovereignty.

    It is shocking that all those countries signed on to this pact.

    Americans are waking up to the totalitarianism threatening to destroy our country. Americans are not going to accept a one world government. The elites are going to support it, but the elites are a very small fraction of the American public. The elites are being exposed as criminals every day. What they tried with COVID will not work again in the US. It is over for them, but they will kick and fight to stay in power as long as they can. That is all they have left: power grabs, more money grabs, (another $2 billion just sent down the toilet to Ukraine today) more attempts to impoverish Americans. We are watching. We see what they are doing. It’s just not going to work this time.

  2. Hi, Adam.

    I am tited of this constantly happening.

    I presume you meant “tired”. Your tired finger may have fallen asleep.

    I hope your composition sees the light of day. All the best.

  3. Oh, sh–t! My post about Alex’s podcast has just fallen into electronic oblivion. I worked hard on it, too. Peloni and Ted, pleasefish it out of electronic oblivion and post it in this space. I am tited of this constantly happening. Thanks, Adam.

  4. Oy Vay! I used to write off most conspiracy theories as nonsense. But events over the past three or four years, including at least one of Bill Gates” international “conferences a few years ago that I was able to watch on Television live. Some small station or other broadcast it. He and a group of bureaucrats from about eighteen countries, including China’ who were called “players.”

    The “players” played out a kind of war game on a large board acting out a scenario of a deadly virus, belonging to the “covid” family of viruses, that would spead worldwide and kill up to 45 million people. The Chinese first announced that they had “discovered ‘ Covid 19, supposedly in a Chinese meat market,
    However, it later turned out that the first cases of Covid19 detected by Chinese scientists were had been released into the water and sewer system and at laboratories in Wuhan province in October 2019–almost to the day when Bill Bill Gates and his “players” were playing their game.

    The actual pandemic, when it struck, must have been a disappointment to Gates and his cohorts, because the total death toll, despite media hype, proved to be much less than predicted. By the way, the guy who represented China at the Gates conference was immediately appointed on his return to China by Xi Jin-Ping to direct the government’s program to halt the spread of the virus. He was given unlimited powers to quarantine every one in their homes indefinitely. The quarantine was only finally lifted in 2023.

    All this makes me believe Alex’s conspiracy theory, although a few years ago I would dismissed it as the ravings of a diseased mind.

    “Impossible, Yes! but its true.”–the Doors.