UN demands immunity for UNRWA employees complicit in Oct. 7 jihad massacre


If the UN were shocked, appalled, and horrified, as it should be, at the prospect of its employees taking part in the Oct. 7 jihad massacre, it would not be demanding immunity for them, but insisting that they be prosecuted. This demonstrates that the UN has no problem with having active and murderous jihadis among its ranks. The United States should withdraw from and defund the UN, and expel it from New York. Of course, that will not happen, as the Biden regime is also full of people who have no problem with UN employees massacring Jews.

“UN seeks immunity for UNRWA employees complicit in Oct. 7 massacre – Channel 12 report,” Jerusalem Post, September 22, 2024:

In an official document filed in a US court, the United Nations, with support from the US Department of Justice, has argued that UNRWA employees who were involved in the October 7 massacre are immune from legal action, Israeli broadcaster Channel 12 News reported on Saturday evening.

According to the document, UNRWA employees involved in the massacre are shielded from prosecution due to their immunity.

“Since the UN has not waived immunity in this instance, its subsidiary, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit should be dismissed,” the UN’s response stated.

The US Department of Justice echoed this position. “The plaintiff’s complaint does not present a legal basis for claiming that the United Nations waived its immunity. Therefore, because the UN has not waived immunity in this case, its subsidiary, UNRWA, retains full immunity, and the lawsuit against UNRWA should be dismissed due to lack of subject matter jurisdiction.”

Attorney Gaby Meron of the law firm MM-LAW filed the lawsuit accusing UNRWA of complicity in genocide and crimes against humanity and is preparing a formal response to the court, Channel 12 noted in their report.

Channel 12 noted that this decision creates a significant legal hurdle for the victims of the massacre and their families, who must demonstrate that the immunity protecting UNRWA employees should be revoked.

UNRWA employees have been accused of acts of murder, abduction, and the taking of hostages on October 7.

Based on previous reporting from The Jerusalem Post, Ditza Heiman, who was taken hostage during the October 7 Hamas attacks, was held captive by a UNRWA teacher for 53 days. She reported that her conditions were dire, with minimal food and no access to essential medication despite her health issues, including diabetes and thyroid problems. She described seeing the UNRWA logo on various items during her captivity, highlighting concerns about UNRWA’s involvement in supporting Hamas activities.

The controversy surrounding UNRWA’s role is further amplified by the legal battles faced by victims like Heiman and the family of Yonatan Samerano. UNRWA employees are reportedly immune from prosecution due to their UN affiliation, creating significant legal challenges for the victims seeking justice. This immunity has been widely criticized, especially given allegations that UNRWA has indirectly supported Hamas by employing individuals linked to the group and facilitating its operations.?…

September 23, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. This is an absolutely awful and outrageous situation, Israel must absolutely refuse to allow any UN personnel to enter Israel and should insit that those in the country leave immediately. Members of the U,S, Congress sympathetic to Israel should also be contacted immediately with an appeal to end all assistance to Unwra andUnifil.Also of course the U.S. State department, although they won’t do anything.

  2. The US forces operating in Iraq and Afghanistan demanded and got an immunity blessing from the UNSC. This opened the door for other veto-
    wielding permanent members to do the same. The only thing Israel can do is to demand that UNIFIL get up and leave. The same for UNRWA.
    Since they are unable or unwilling to carry the responsibility, they should go back home.