Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

Peloni:  Zelensky is opposed to ending the war.  Indeed, this war has provided this comedian turned Ukrainian despot with the greatest control over his populace.  He has done so with the full support of the international community who are paying him for the privilege as he targets Russian military systems and troops for his Washington pay masters, now with the added caveat of harrying the Russian border as well.  The American people must end any and all support for this Ukrainian junta warlord, demand that Ukraine hold elections in accordance with the Ukrainian constitution, and require that Zelensky be replaced as Ukraine’s leader with the head of the Ukrainian Rada til such time as an election can be implemented, again as is stipulated in the Ukrainian constitution.

Sundance | Sept 23, 2024

In a heavily coordinated and strategic political visit to Pennsylvania, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was essentially campaigning for Kamala Harris and a continuation of the Biden foreign policy which provides billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. [AP Article Here]

Any non-pretending political pundit can see the transparency of the Zelensky visit to an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania when timed in context against the 2024 presidential campaign, with an overlay of Zelensky’s comments about how a Trump-Vance victory would be detrimental to the interests of the Ukranian government.

Interview With Zelenskyy:

QUESTION: […] During the Presidential debate, moderators asked Trump whether he wanted Ukraine to win against Russia, and he sidestepped the question. He just said, “I want the war to stop.” It must have troubled you to hear his answer and to consider the prospect of his winning.

ZELENSKYY: Trump makes political statements in his election campaign. He says he wants the war to stop. Well, we do, too. This phrase and desire, they unite the world; everyone shares them. But here’s the scary question: Who will shoulder the costs of stopping the war? Some might say that the Minsk Agreements either stopped or froze the fighting at some point. But they also gave the Russians a chance to arm themselves even better, and to strengthen their fake claim over our territories they occupied.

QUESTION: But isn’t that yet more cause for alarm?

ZELENSKYY: My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how. With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand. I’ve seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to end it tomorrow, and as they waded deeper into it, they realized it’s not that simple.

QUESTION: Apart from Trump’s own reluctance to talk about Ukrainian victory, he has chosen J. D. Vance as his Vice-Presidential candidate.

ZELENSKYY: He is too radical.

QUESTION: Vance has come out with a more precise plan to—

ZELENSKYY: To give up our territories.

QUESTION: Your words, not mine. But, yes, that’s the gist of it.

ZELENSKYY: His message seems to be that Ukraine must make a sacrifice. This brings us back to the question of the cost and who shoulders it. The idea that the world should end this war at Ukraine’s expense is unacceptable. But I do not consider this concept of his a plan, in any formal sense. This would be an awful idea, if a person were actually going to carry it out, to make Ukraine shoulder the costs of stopping the war by giving up its territories. But there’s certainly no way this could ever happen. This kind of scenario would have no basis in international norms, in U.N. statute, in justice. And it wouldn’t necessarily end the war, either. It’s just sloganeering. (MORE)

Yes, this is all transparently set up by the Intelligence Community, U.S. State Dept., and the deepest part of the Deep State in the USA.

Stunning doesn’t even begin to describe how brutally manipulative this entire construct really is.

Yes, there are trillions at stake, but wow – to see this DC control script rolling out in the USA in real time is just incredible.  A foreign leader put into position in the key state that will decide the 2024 presidential election.  Wow.  You cannot just make this up.


September 24, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. “Beginning in July of 1940, a series of negotiations took place in Washington between Under-Secretary of State Sumner Welles and Soviet Ambassador Constantine Oumansky. Welles refused to accede to Soviet demands that the United States recognize the changed borders of the Soviet Union after the Soviet seizure of territory in Finland, Poland, and Romania and the reincorporation of the Baltic Republics in August 1940, but the U.S. Government did lift the embargo in January 1941. Furthermore, in March of 1941, Welles warned Oumansky of a future Nazi attack against the Soviet Union. Finally, during the Congressional debate concerning the passage of the Lend-Lease bill in early 1941, Roosevelt blocked attempts to exclude the Soviet Union from receiving U.S. assistance.”

    Does this sound Orwellian?

    Yes, it does.

  2. @MMsimon

    We know Russian Imperialism.

    Actually this is a common misunderstanding.
    There is nothing imperialist about Putin’s war with Ukraine. It is above all national self-preservation. Ukrainian membership in NATO is ever bit as much of an existential threat to Russia as Jordan becoming an Iranian proxy.

    We’d fight to eliminate it, and so does Putin.

    Besides he also has a just cause in liberating Crimea and Donbass from Ukrainian occupation.

    Moreover Putin’s demand to de-Nazify Ukraine is very noble, and I support it with whole heart, however this he may or may not succeed with, as the Nazis are supported by the entire NATO.
    I expect that Putin accept keeping the land he has liberated, as a condition for peace.

  3. @MSimon

    None the less Ukraine is less despotic than the remnants of the KGB.

    On this point I would disagree with you, presuming your meaning is that Ukraine is less despotic than Russia. Ukraine has abandoned even the pretense of democracy, ignoring its own constitution, outlawing an entire religion, thrown the entire opposition party in jail, and demands that everyone else in the world should pay Ukraine for the priveledge of fighting a war which they can not possibly win. No matter how you might qualify Russia, and notably Putin re-imagined the Russian state based upon lawfare, Ukraine’s illiberality, even in a state of war, earns it far greater marks of despotism than Putin’s Russia, at least to my eyes in any event.

    Of course, the only solution for this ever expanding role of tyranny in Ukraine, and all the other good points you raise as well, is for the war to end, is to see Trump back in the White House, which of course is why Zel the grifter is campaigning for Kamala the Communist as he demands that the American people fund his reign of tyranny.

  4. Putin is a master strategist. He has gotten western “liberals” to back Russian Imperialism.

    Who supported Hitler before WW2 got going? America First – “Stay out of European Wars”. Current events look like a repeat.

  5. We know Ukraine is corrupt. We know Russian Imperialism. I don’t see how to oppose both presently.

    peloni1986: Despotism is common during war. It is a reason “liberal” rulers like it. No questions asked. None the less Ukraine is less despotic than the remnants of the KGB. And Poland is rearming and Germany is considering it. They believe in Putin’s call for a Soviet Reunion and the return of Alaska.. I back Trump.

  6. How ironic is it that this Eastern European Despot has come to America to leverage his own interference in American elections when he is unwilling to face his own electorate and stands today as a ruling dictator, not as president, even as he has banned his largest opposition parties and shuttered the minority press. He has locked up clergy and banned an entire religion. Yet despite all of this and more, Zelensky is still afforded a full court adoring press and billions upon billions in unmonitored US aid. Indeed, it is as if one mafia overlord has come to support another mafia overlord while picking up his share of the American economy…