UK and France Are Lost

Peloni:  As I feared, both France and the UK have been taken further to Left, even as their public have moved further to the right.  The disconnect between the elites and the public will have a consequence, but in the meantime, this hardening of the Left will likely have a devastating consequence for these two nations.

July 8, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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  1. I think it’s better for the conservative media business for Democrats to be in power. They get better ratings when people are angry and riled up. Why else are they seemingly trying to undermine this election by pushing for Biden to be replaced, which they have been doing for months.

    Conservatives can be so stupid sometimes. They learned nothing from the midterms and are acting cocky. This is far from over. Yet there they are, pushing for Biden’s ouster.

  2. I’m really worried that the elections in the UK and France can be a foreshadowing of our own. Conservatives should stop gloating over Biden’s troubles because what happened in the debate could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for the Dems. Up until that point, everything was turning in Trump’s favor. A new candidate will change the entire dynamic of the campaign. I heard on the radio even if its Kamala, that she leads Trump among independents. Conservatives can be so stupid sometimes. They learned nothing from the midterms and are acting cocky. This is far from over. Yet there they are, pushing for Biden’s ouster.

  3. Hi, Sebastien

    Forget “electoral fraud”, it’s not necessary:

    WATCH: Leftist Radicals Riot in France Despite Victory for Far-Left in Snap Elections

    Black bloc Antifa-style radicals were filmed setting fire to street furniture and bicycles, as well as shooting fireworks and other projectiles at police as they ran ruff shot through the French capital. Demonstrators were seen waving Palestinian and Antifa flags.

    Protests and riots have also broken out in Rennes, Lyon, Marseilles and other cities across France, Le Figaro reports.

    Riots if you do, riots if you don’t.

  4. French Elections Abroad: Possible Fraud and Uncertainties on Voting Transparency

    “Debunking claims of electoral fraud during France’s presidential election

    Some social media users have been warning of electoral fraud during the French presidential election, showing paper ballots for far-right candidate Marine Le Pen that were “deliberately spoiled”. According to specialists, this does not constitute an invalid vote. We tell you more in this edition of Truth or Fake. “

    My comment: Umm. It doesn’t? 😀

  5. The likely next PM of France has just called for the recognition of ‘Palestine’. That didn’t take long.