By Mordechai Ben-Menachem 21 September 2023
The US’ latest and greatest airplane went missing!
An F-35 fighter jet, apparently the B model, at a cost of $80-120 Million, went ‘missing’. The pilot ejected over South Carolina. The USAF is so out-of-touch with whatever remains of reality, that they felt a need to ask local residents to help them find it. For some incomprehensible reason, it lacked a tracking device?
So ‘stealthy’ even the US AF could find it? Phenomenal incompetency!
Where was the transponder that EVERY airplane has, by international law?
Unbelievably, the airplane was flying alone? No buddy? That is very strange!
There exists a systems engineering technology called ‘system states’ – e.g., if a plane receives command ‘fold wheels’ while on the ground, the system will reject the command. I taught this technology already a quarter of a century ago, to thousands of engineering students.
If the pilot has ejected; this act changes the ‘system state’ and the system should react accordingly. What should the system do, fly until it can fly no more? The data we have states tht the plane continued to fly for about another 130 kilometres (some eighty miles). This is reasonable as this distance probably represents about twenty to thirty seconds of flight at F-35 speeds. At least the system software should have been smart enough to turn the transponder back on! Just think if this flight had not been of United States’ territory, but over South Korea. It would have landed in North Korea and the US would have lost some 20,000 man-years of very secret work to skilled reverse engineering.
This was over US territory! As a person who spent 5 decades in aerospace engineering, this is simply very bad technology; technology that taxpayers spent $100M to purchase and nobody cares!
Citizens income update
The US Government acknowledged that median US income declined in 2022 by 2.25% to $74,580 from $76,330. Black median income dropped to $52,860; 42% lower than national median – and yes, this does infer to the casual external observer that there is a better-than-average change that this is a strong indication of racial bias.
The US poverty rate rose to 12.4%.
Eight percent of citizens do not have health insurance.
For Perspective: the top 10% of congress is worth $4.8 Billion.
The US southern border is now called, even by liberals, the planet’s deadliest border. Thousands of real or potential ‘migrants’ died while crossing, or while attempting to arrive at a crossing, in 2022.
New York is the largest city in the USA
New York City is the only major city in the world with a vigilante militia, sanctioned seemingly by the municipal government and with hundreds of members, whose function is to try to keep the peace and make the city human-liveable.
The city has a budget of $101 Billion, with $11 Billion for police and several billion more for other ’emergency services’. Yet all this is insufficient for this city. The crime rate in this once-great city rose almost fifty percent in 2023.
This can only be classed pathetic by any concept of a civilized society. Can NYC still be considered to be part of civilization? That is a real question.
US government national debt has surged past $33 Trillion.
Debt held by the public, owed by the government to those outside Washington, hit $27 trillion. All this is in addition to sie $100 trillion dollars in debts of ‘other’ kinds, such as unpaid pensions (note that when China is examined, the municipals and province debts are also reckoned; when US debts are looked at, ‘for some reason’ debts of States and municipalities are ‘forgotten’.
The new milestones come just weeks before the Congress’ September 30 deadline to fund the federal government.
The US national debt grew by five Trillion USD from 2019 to 2020 and six Trillion USD more in the past three years – at a tremendously accelerating rate of growth.
U.S. is now paying $1.3T in annual interest. This of course, adds to the debt burden. This figure is now significantly higher than the US Defence Department expenditure. It is, in fact, the largest expenditure of the US government.
Humanity has never seen anything like this level of debt in any financial/monetary system.
Business bankruptcies rose 54% and corporate debt-defaults increased 176%, in last month alone. Credit bubbles always pop. We cannot know when, but we know they must.
According to the recently-published annual Congressional Budget Office report, the debt trends are expected to continue. By the end of 2023, in only three months, federal debt held by the public will equal 98 percent of gross domestic product.
How many economic ‘issues’ must we see that are the biggest in history, before we finally realize that what you see is NOT what you get?
Natural gas, oil and coal are all reaching near record international prices.
Oil is at about $95 per barrel; while coal up eleven percent and both continue to trend upwards under increasing acceleration.
Inflation usually (historically) acts with a series of three peaks. We have so far in 2023 seen only the first. Expect the second inflation peak to begin before the end of this calendar year.
If China is the United States’ primary adversary, why does the US (and Western Europe) massively support the Chinese economy? China’s economy is undergoing massive problems of debt restructuring and real estate implosions.
The United States has endeavoured to apply very severe economic sanctions on China in an attempt to slow Chinese growth. So far, these sanctions have failed quite dramatically. They have, in fact, encouraged China to make strident efforts, for instance in semiconductors and recently these efforts have resulted in very significant Chinese successes in this area.
Recently it has been reported that Chinese manufacturing secter has shown very strong growth in the past quarter and this report has been validated (Chinese Government veracity is not considered the world’s finest) by oil, liquefied natural gas and coal imports figures.
How has China managed to succeed so dramatically while under the pressures of real estate market implosions? (Real estate is tens-of-percent of Chinese GDP.)
It is fascinating to note that there is today ONLY ONE export class that significantly supports China and its GDP growth. This export class is that of the three so-called ‘green’ technologies; electric vehicles, solar photovoltaic panels and wind turbines.
Why is the US and the West supporting their prime adversary when it is on the proverbial ropes?
Unconventional mining
Mining in general, is one of the most energy intensive industrial operations. Mining takes many forms; one of them is undersea mining.
The International Seabed Authority (ISA), the international agency supposedly regulating all under-sea mining, recently issued five contracts to China and four to Russia, the United States has zero contracts or applications. The United States is an ISA Observer, China and Russia are full members.
Undersea mining is another critical technology where the US significantly lags behind Russia and China.
It should be noted that last year, central banks bought one third of all gold produced. As far as we know, most the planet’s gold had been mined, what is now produced each years adds minor percentages to the total amount of known gold. Generally, gold that has been mined remains and is not used up (as opposed to silver, for example, which is used by many industrial operations and gradually dissipates.)
from 2018
I agree with Mordechai, Ted, Adam and EvRe. I will only add that it seems the whole world is going downhill, alongside the US.
In my hoedad treeplanting days, our crew at one point had to go across a sheer cliff. The crew chief hollered,
“If you start to slide, plant trees on the way down!”
We all slid, all the way to the base of the cliff. I used my hoedad to try to slow down my slide, but I don’t think anyone managed to plant any trees on the way down. That’s what the world looks like nowadays.
@EvRe. Excellent informative comment once again. Allow me to add that much of the income disparity is due to education disparity. The blacks are far less educated and thus earn less.
The author is a very good friend of mine who also lives in Jerusalem. He is the author of over 90 books.
I agree with EvRe 100%. I agree with with Mordecai Ben-Menachem also, except fr the one issue that EvRe has clarified for us.
Thank you for this interesting article. One thing about which I disagree is “Black median income dropped to $52,860; 42% lower than national median – and yes, this does infer to the casual external observer that there is a better-than-average change that this is a strong indication of racial bias.”
It is an indication of racial bias, but the bias is in the direction of disempowering Black people by the Poverty-Industrial complex, the very policies that the Left cherishes.
Black impoverishment is a multi-generational phenomenon that was caused in the 20th century by Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. Prior to that, Black families were intact. Black men and Black women were largely employed. After the War on Poverty, government aid was offered for women without husbands living in the home. This is what is known as a perverse incentive: it creates the very problem the policy is meant to solve.
In addition to encouraging dependency on government programs and encouraging women to live without husbands in the home, children growing up in homes without fathers have much greater difficulty managing emotions, understanding their responsibility to their families and society, have more difficulty with persevering in school, and are much more likely to commit crimes. This has led to several generations’ worth of Black familial dysfunction and childhood conduct disorders, especially in young Black boys.
What is needed is an end to the Poverty-Industrial Complex in Washington D.C. Everyone who is able bodied needs to work. As I understand it, this is how people feel in Israel (other than the Haredim). Everyone must do their part by working or doing something productive.
If this is instituted it will improve the lives of Black people immeasurably. There are multiple Black scholars in the US who have pointed these things out but have been shunned by the Left for years, for example the brilliant Thomas Sowell, and the a part of the Woodson center.
Regarding the frightening amount of sovereign debt: this has been planned by the WEF and globalists as the way to destroy the economy and then bring in CBDCs to “rescue” people. It is not an accident.
Regarding the support of China, that the US globalists want to support China, even if China steals their intellectual property has been known now for several years. It is just too lucrative to these billionaires to make money in China so they are willing to sell out the US to our primary adversary. In other times, this would be considered treason.
But because we are living in a post-Obama world, where critics of the US government and of the globalists are surveilled and threatened, it passes for mere short sightedness.
Thus we patriotic Americans are watching as our country is in a slow motion train wreck, with no one responsible individual to stop it. The government is run by psychopaths and incompetents who are out of touch with the reality of their destructiveness.