Two Hundred Million Europeans See Israel as Nazi State

Political Islam is the latest totalitarian ideology chosen by Europe to move towards liquidating the Jewish people – and it is working.

By Giulio Meotti, INN

The fundamental Zionist idea about anti-Semitism was that once a Jewish State was realized, the problem of anti-Semitism in Paris, Berlin and Rome would be solved. Since Jews would have their own homeland, they could no longer be persecuted as religious and national strangers. But this neat packet of reasoning has turned out to be incorrect.

The Belgian Ministry of Education funds an organization, the Committee for Remebrance Education, which provides teachers with materials for their history lessons. One of the materials used is the cartoon “Never Again, Over Again”, which equates the treatment of the Palestinian Arabs by the Israelis today with the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis in the 40s.

“Never Again” means that what happened under Hitler should never happen again. And “Over Again” means that what is happening today is the same as in the past with Hitler, the Belgian school teachers are told. “In the past, the concentration camps were fenced off with barbed wire. Today, the border between Israel and Palestine is marked with barbed wire and a wall”.

Daniel Goldhagen devoted his entire academic research to the analysis of the Nazi genocide. His international fame came with “Hitler’s Willing Executioners”, the book-indictment of one hundred thousand “ordinary Germans” who killed millions of Jews. Now it is the turn of Goldhagen’s new book titled “The Devil That Never Dies”, published by Little, Brown and Company.

The book is most important as an analysis of “global anti-Semitism” as Goldhagen calls it, but it is also the indictment of Europe’s public opinion which depicts the Jews as “monstrous predators” who crush the Palestinians. Goldhagen enunclates Europe’s new anti-Semitism as follows: “Israel has no right to exist, so it is right and necessary to destroy the Jewish state. Two hundred million Europeans see the Israeli Jews as Nazis”.

That’s why, according to the Jewish People Planning Institute, 40 to 50 percent of European Jews are considering alyah. Because they do not feel safe.

And France is the most explosive example.

Nathan Sharansky just landed in Paris to coordinate the departure of 800 French Jews. “I do not remember such a number of people interested in alyah since the days when Jews stood in line outside the Israeli embassy in Moscow”, Sharanski said from the French capital.

It is a peak of emigration which has not been seen since 2004, when during the Second Intifada Europe’s Jews suffered a wave of anti-Semitism and thousand of French Jews marched through the streets raising signs like “Synagogues brûlées, République en ranger”, i.e. synagogues burned, republic in danger.

At stake is the famous relationship between Jews and France symbolized by the French Air Force jewel created by Marcel Dassault; by the father of the Constitution, Michel Debré; by Simone Veil, first president of the EuropeanParliament; by Pierre Mendes-France, Minister of Economy in 1945, and by the socialist leader Leon Blum.

The Israeli government recently released emigration numbers. France tops the global list after Russia, Ukraine and Ethiopia. It is the “Aliyah Tapis Rouge”, emigration on the red carpet.

In Paris, the Jews are advised to “walk in groups”, never alone. Better if above the kippah they wear a baseball hat. Half of the Jewish families in Villepinte, a proletarian suburb north of the capital, have left and the local synagogue, already burned down in 2011, is no longer able to set up the required 10-man quorum, called a minyan, for prayer.

Joel Mergui, historic leader of the Jews of Paris, has warned: “The mass migration is likely to clear the capital of the community”. It is a drama silenced by the French media: “Of the 600,000 Jews in France, only one third is in contact with the community and educates their children in Jewish schools. A third is about to be assimilated, and a third is on the fence”.

50,000 Jews have left France since 1990. But alongside real emigration, there is a new phenomenon which is difficult to count. That of the 30,000 French Jews who spend most of the year in Israel, but who have not yet taken out citizenship. 800 Jewish marriages occur every year in the town hall of Paris, but half of these are celebrated in Israel.

After the massacre at the Jewish school in Toulouse, in which a Muslim killed a Jewish rabbi and three children, Richard Prasquier, president of the Conseil des institutions représentatif juives de France (CIJF), stated that in France there is “an Islam of war” and he compared it to Nazism.

Political Islam is the latest totalitarian ideology chosen by Europe to liquidate the Jewish people.

In view of declarations of genocidal intentions by Arab and Islamic groups, it is interesting to remember an observation by the Swiss theologian Karl Barth. Nazism, Barth said, “is … a religious institution of salvation. It is impossible to understand National Socialism unless we see it in fact as a new Islam”.

This is Europe 1933-2013. Or as Arnold Toynbee, the noted British historian, angrily referred to them, the Jews are “a fossil race” who have no right and reason to continue to exist.

September 20, 2013 | 44 Comments »

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44 Comments / 44 Comments

  1. The bottom line is that the antisemetic world is afraid that we are going to GET EVEN. The only way we could GET EVEN on their terms is by committing the same horrific acts against them that they have committed against us. People like this do not even realize or believe that there is a different mindset than theirs.

  2. @ Salubrius:

    I am aware of all the legal arguments and their history… If Israel had lost the war of Independence they would all be mute.

    But what I was asking was in relational to your proffered canards as to “The basic cause of ill feeling against the Jews in world opinion is mainly two canards.”

    I reject them out of hand. Jewish history did not begin with Balfour nor did our claims to the Land of Israel. The history of the Jews especially in the West only shows that the worlds negativity towards Israel is but another phase and chapter in a long history of similar attitudes long established in both the christian and Muslim worlds. To ignore that history is to do a disservice to our legitimacy, to our history and to truth.

    Our conflict with both Muslims and christians is theologically based even though it is wrapped in the garb of modern territorial nationalism and politics.

  3. yamit82 Said:

    Questioning the Jewish right to the land ignores the crucial issue: what right do Arabs have to it?

    World Opinion focuses on International Law. It is unwilling to accept canon law.

    The Arabs have no right to self-determination under International Law for five reasons.

    1. The Arabs were implicitly denied self-determination in the Balfour Declaration that saved non-Jewish communities in Palestine their civil and religious rights, but not their political rights.

    2. The Arab People and the Jewish People put in competing claims at the Paris Peace talks for Palestine’s political rights. The Principal Allied War Powers chose to recognize the Jewish Claims for Palestine’s political rights thus implicitly denying the Arab Claims.

    3. Soviet Russia, according to the late Eugene Rostow, has had the goal of hegemony over the Middle East as a stepping stone to hegemony over Western Europe. It has, since 1950 viewed Israel as a barrier. Tlherefore it has been expoiting Arab hatred of the Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate and the existence of Israel as ways to overcome that barrier. Since 1918 in Wilson’s 14 points, there has been a natural law right of a people to self-determination. That has been slowly evolving into a legal right under International Law. However those who view it as unlimited, such as the UN General Assembly in Resolution 3236 and President Obama in his lecture to Israeli students (not including those outside the Green Line) do not mention it applies only to decolonization and not to secession.

    4. Israel already has sovereignty over the territories because it has the legal interest in the political rights over those territories based on the Mandate for Palestine. It has only a beneficial interest in those rights until 1950 when it attained a population majority over the area within the Green Line. In 1950 it also had established unified control over that area. Hence it had sovereignty even though it chose not to acknowledge it.

    5. Palestinian Arab secession is not lawful under International Law because it would change the boundaries of a sovereign state. Under International Law territorial integrity trumps the right to political self determination except in matters of decolonization where the boundaries are left unchanged. Territorial integrity has been the mainstay of the world order since 1648 and is recognized in the UN Charter, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act. The so-called Palestinians have no right to political self-determination by unilateral secession.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    If Jewish religious justification seems flimsy, consider the arguments other states offer for their existence.

    Very true,,,,,The trouble with Jews is that they are Jews,,,,,,,If the they were other then Jews they would be accetable!!!!!!! But they continuley wish to be Jews.

  5. Salubrius Said:

    The basic cause of ill feeling against the Jews in world opinion is mainly two canards.

    Canards are the latest excuses but not the basic causes or reasons.

    Questioning the Jewish right to the land ignores the crucial issue: what right do Arabs have to it?

    If Jewish religious justification seems flimsy, consider the arguments other states offer for their existence.

    Why was splitting along religious lines acceptable in Yugoslavia and India but not in Israel? If African tribes hardly out of the Stone Age are entitled to sovereignty on their ancestral lands, how much more are the Jews? If world opinion accepts the suppression of the long-standing nationalist aspirations of weak minorities, the Spanish Basques or the Russian Tatars and Kurds, why not let Israelis suppress the hardly three-decades-old Palestinian nationalism of a non-nation with no distinctive culture? Why do the people who set up the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem during the crusades condemn Israeli control of the city? If white settlers displaced the aboriginal Americans and Australians to create viable states, why should Israelis not do the same? If no state objected to the creation of Saudi Arabia by conquest, why refuse a similar justification for Israel? If ethnic populations were relocated from Poland and Czechoslovakia to pacify Germany, why reject a similar approach here with regard to the Arabs?

    Why do you suppose Israel is singled out for prosecution,condemnation, admonition and reproach for a crime everyone commits?

    No viable state has ever been created, let alone sustained, peacefully. If the Jews want a state, driving indigenous peoples away or subjugating them is the only option. Germany was consolidated from homogeneous kingdoms with a common language and culture only by blood and iron. Less than fifty years ago, the French killed millions in the futile effort to preserve their colonies. Other nations established their states in blood long ago.

    All nations were created in bloodshed and are sustained by power; anything on paper is irrelevant. Israel cannot be built on agreements with the Arabs. International agreements are the legal by-products of inhumane military victories.

    Israel’s great crime is that she should not have seized significant territories from the Arabs, then offer to return them for worthless paper agreements.

    Additional insight

    Israel’s Peculiar Position

  6. Salubrius Said:

    The history supporting the role of the Balfour Declaration and its adoption in the San Remo Resolution has been lost in the sands of time.

    Salubrius Said:

    The Government of Israel has never engaged in a program of public diplomacy to correct these canards — they are unwilling even to assert that they have sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

    The greatest swindle of the jewish world is that of the successive GOI’s.
    However, I also do not understand why pro Israel Jews and Israelis have not funded a legal attack on the signatories to the relevant legal documents and upon the state of Israel who has obstructed Jewish settlement in YS contrary to international law. Fight the obstruction with estoppel and compel the “encouragement” by mandamus. Wasn’t it adelson who contributed 100 million to the GOP campaign. That could go far in private class action suits representing the rights of the collective of the Jewish people in the various national courts of each signatory .

  7. The basic cause of ill feeling against the Jews in world opinion is mainly two canards. 1. The Jews are stealing Arab land by their occupation of it — when in fact it is not Arab land; the Jews gained recognition of their exclusive ownership of the political rights to that land in 1920 and by 1922 fifty-two states, including the U.S. had indicated their recognition of it. 2. There is also the Narrative of Perpetual Palestinian Victimhood even though the facts show that that the Jews in Palestine provided great benefits to the Arabs there by their aliyah since 1890, an enhanced benefit by relief from Turkish Colonial occupation in 1920 ( an occupation that had turned the biblical land of milk and honey into a malarial wasteland), and even greater benefits beginning in 1948 within the Green Line, and commencing in 1967 in the territories. The Government of Israel has never engaged in a program of public diplomacy to correct these canards — they are unwilling even to assert that they have sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. Correction of just these two of the many canards against Israel would do much to correct world opinion. Since 1950 Soviet Russia has, through the efforts of the “dezinformatsiya” division of the KGB been exploiting these canards against Israel as a major weapon in its attempt to gain hegemony in the Middle East as the first step in gaining hegemony over Europe. These efforts have not stopped with Gorbychev and the failure of the Soviet Union but continue even today under Putin.

    1. The Jewish People’s ownership is established through the Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate and the implicit denial of political rights to the Arab People by these instruments when they were used to resolve the competing claims of the Arab and Jewish peoples to the political rights for Palestine following WWI.
    2. The natural law proclamations beginning in the 20th century calling for majority self-determination have not been accepted in International Law except for decolonization; Judea and Samaria are not colonies.
    That is because applying this principle of majority self-determinaiton to states that are not colonies would require secession and unilateral secessions would conflict with the greater value of territorial integrity that has been the mainstay of international stability since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.
    2. The history supporting the role of the Balfour Declaration and its adoption in the San Remo Resolution has been lost in the sands of time. Most people do not understand International Law and are not aware that the principle of majority self-determination of a “people” is limited when it would impair the territorial integrity of a sovereign state.

  8. yamit82 Said:

    “there are no two philosophers who reached the same conclusions, and this shows the mind cannot be relied upon.”

    OR that they were Jewish 😛

  9. Felix Quigley Said:

    Interesting concept Bernard!

    More recently, scientists in France shot photons into an apparatus, and showed that what they did could retroactively change something that had already happened. As the photons passed a fork in the apparatus, they had to decide whether to behave like particles or waves when they hit a beam splitter. Later on — well after the photons passed the fork — the experimenter could randomly switch a second beam splitter on and off. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle actually did at the fork in the past. At that moment, the experimenter chose his history………
    According to visionary physicist John Wheeler (who coined the word “black hole”), “The quantum principle shows that there is a sense in which what an observer will do in the future defines what happens in the past.” Part of the past is locked in when you observe things and the “probability waves collapse.” But there’s still uncertainty, for instance, as to what’s underneath your feet. If you dig a hole, there’s a probability you’ll find a boulder. Say you hit a boulder, the glacial movements of the past that account for the rock being in exactly that spot will change as described in the science experiment.

    Felix Quigley Said:

    My Little dog shot last week by Franco killer…I want her back Bernard…WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    Would you ask a caveman to build a rocket ship? Obviously we are at the beginning of discovery, experts are few. It would not be outlandish to state that there is likely more we do not know than what we know.
    what is a franco killer?

  10. yamit82 Said:

    Moses was referring to the six days of creation. Whether six days or 14 billion years, the wonder of life is not in the amount of time it took to derive life from the energy of the big bang creation.

    we have learned that time is relative
    Felix is very unimaginative, like socialist art. Since creation begins with the immaterial then I dont expect those socialist norms to be of much value to the world. they spend their time figuring out how to cut up the pie but have no clue about creating the pie. They are the drudges.

  11. @ bernard ross:

    Felix is a Marxist Materialist which asserts the primacy of the material world: in short, matter precedes thought. Materialism is a realist philosophy of science, which holds that the world is material; that all phenomena in the universe consist of “matter in motion,” wherein all things are interdependent and interconnected and develop according to natural law; that the world exists outside us and independently of our perception of it; that thought is a reflection of the material world in the brain, and that the world is in principle knowable.

    Marx presented his own materialist philosophy as an alternative to Hegel’s idealism. However, Marx also criticized classical materialism as another idealist philosophy–idealist because of its transhistorical understanding of material contexts. According to the famous Theses on Feuerbach (1845), philosophy had to stop “interpreting” the world in endless metaphysical debates, in order to start “changing” the world, as was being done by the rising workers’ movement observed by Engels in England (Chartist movement) and by Marx in France and Germany. Marxist materialists tended to accord primacy to the class struggle. The ultimate sense of Marx’s materialist philosophy is that philosophy itself must take a position in the class struggle based on objective analysis of physical and social relations. Otherwise, it will be reduced to spiritualist idealism, such as the philosophies of Kant or Hegel.

    Classical science for over 2300 years accepted the thesis of Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) mainly that: Like Plato, Aristotle believed in an eternal cosmos with no beginning and no end (which in turn follows Parmenides’ famous statement that “nothing comes from nothing”). In what he called “first philosophy” or metaphysics.

    For 23 centuries philosophy and science never doubted Aristotle.

    The Big Bang

    The night sky presents the viewer with a picture of a calm and unchanging Universe. So the 1929 discovery by Edwin Hubble that the Universe is in fact expanding at enormous speed was revolutionary. Hubble noted that galaxies outside our own Milky Way were all moving away from us, each at a speed proportional to its distance from us. He quickly realized what this meant that there must have been an instant in time (now known to be about 14 billion years ago) when the entire Universe was contained in a single point in space. The Universe must have been born in this single violent event which came to be known as the “Big Bang.”

    The accidental discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation is a major development in modern physical cosmology. Although predicted by earlier theories, it was first found accidentally by Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson as they experimented with the Holmdel Horn Antenna. The discovery was evidence for an expanding universe, (big bang theory) and was evidence against the steady state model. In 1978, Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their joint discovery.

    By the middle of the 20th century, cosmologists had developed two different theories to explain the creation of the universe. Some supported the steady-state theory, which states that the universe has always existed and will continue to survive without noticeable change. Others believed in the Big Bang theory, which states that the universe was created in a massive explosion-like event billions of years ago (later to be determined as 13.8 billion).

    The first sentence of the Torah is according to science correct, There was a beginning.
    Ex Nihilo (from nothing)???

    Albert Einstein discovered that matter is actually pure congealed or condensed energy, energy in the form of solid matter. Everything from our bodies to boulders on a mountain is made of the energy of the big-bang creation. The scientific discoveries of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have gone a step farther in closing ranks with the creation, finding that matter and the energy from which matter formed are made of something totally ethereal. In physics we call it information or, more extreme, mind. In the words of the knighted mathematician James Jeans, the world looks more like a great thought than a great machine. Biblical theology agrees totally, telling us, as we will learn, that God used a substrate of wisdom with which to build the world. This Divine wisdom or mind is present in every iota of the world’s being. It explains how the energy of the creation, essentially superpowerful light beams, could become alive and sentient, able to feel love and joy and wonder.

    Moses in Deuteronomy 32:7, urges us to “Remember the days of old, consider the years generation by generation.” Within those two time frames lays the answer as to the Creator and Governor of our magnificent universe. “Remember the days of old,” the 13th century kabalist Nahmanides tells us that in this phrase Moses was referring to the six days of creation. Whether six days or 14 billion years, the wonder of life is not in the amount of time it took to derive life from the energy of the big bang creation. The wonder is that the seemingly inert, lifeless energy of the big bang creation metamorphosed and became alive and sentient. But if that piece of nature is not impressive, then Moses tells us to “consider the years generation by generation,” to look at history, the flow of generation to generation. We don’t have to go back millennia. Events of the past 100 years are so bizarre as to make even an atheist wonder. The Bible claims that we Jews are neither better nor worse than other peoples. But the Bible guarantees that we will stand out as a marker in history. And that cannot be denied. Read any newspaper, even from places that have never seen a Jew, and you’ll find Jews or Israel written about within the opening pages. When an experiment is conducted, a control or maker is needed for comparison. In the great pageant of life on earth, for better or for worse, we are the marker. We are the marker that there is in deed a God active in history affecting all nations.

    Well, goes the conventional argument, if God is in charge, then why isn’t the world perfect? Why tragedy to innocent persons, wealth to the evil persons? Certainly the Bible makes no claim that the world created by God would be perfect, that is perfect from our human view point of perfection. The revamping of the world via the Flood at the time of Noah is but one biblical example of an imperfect world (persons living to 900 years) needing a re-working (following the Flood life spans gradually drop to numbers we know today). Whether the Flood and its related events are literal or metaphor is irrelevant to the Biblical lesson that it teaches. A world created by God is not a perfect world and God “admits” its imperfection. Ishak Ibrahimzade, the innovative engineer from Istanbul, has said that the world is perfectly imperfect. How so? We are then obligated to work with God to perfect the creation. That is one meaning of our name, Israel.

    “This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. They have always accepted the word of the Bible: In the beginning God created heaven and earth… [But] for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; [and] as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

    – Robert Jastrow
    (God and the Astronomers [New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1978], 116. Professor Jastrow was the founder of NASA’s Goddard Institute, now director of the Mount Wilson Institute and its observatory.)

  12. Felix Quigley Said:

    We have seen how Jewish leaders could not even take a position of defence of Christians and of Alawites in Syria,

    What an absurd suggestion, did they defend the jews?

    Felix Quigley Said:

    it is the height of opportunism to make a show of supporting the Kurds and not supporting the Christians and Alawites

    I understand that the Kurds and Israel have worked cooperatively whereas I know of no such event with the syrian alawites and christians. Only the lebanese maronites worked with Israel decades ago
    Felix Quigley Said:

    The way to look at the situation is this: The crisis in the capitalist system is driving the ruling capitalist class to defend its rule by all means. In the great battle between the working class and the ruling capitalist class the Jews are caught in the midst not dissimilar to the period following the Wall Street Crash.

    You are incredibly delusional! whoever is the ruler has worked agianst the Jews. The capitalists and the communists have worked against the Jews. Further more your analyis is anachronistic, frozen in time.
    Felix Quigley Said:

    So if the Jewish nation is caught in the midst of the world economic and political disintegration of capitalism what is the way forward is the real question I am asking? Certainly it is not to become the communist baiters of the world.

    You are like a missionary in africa threatening the natives with the wrath of your god.
    It appears that for you the Jews are a tool to be exploited towards your anachronistic world visions. But why your obsession with the Jews? There are so many other potential converts out there in the world, especially the 3rd world. At least the Christian missionaries trying to convert the jews had a reason located in their ideology; but how does your ideology bring you to missionize the Jews?

  13. Felix Quigley to Bert Said:

    YOU SEE THE BIBLE AS AN INSTRUCTION KIT!……..predicted what is happening to day and also tells WHY it is happening and what Jews should do to survive….IT IS CLEAR YOU ARE INTO PREDICTION SORCERY MAGIC!

    apparently you have not read the relevant info to which Bert refers. even a non believer would have to wonder at the accuracy of the predictions made so long ago. The 2000 year euro blood lust,the return of the Jews to Israel, the barren land blooming for the Jews, todays completely irrational euro behavior against the Jews, the euro/ arab collaboration(esau/ishmael). These are all explained in a language which can be decoded for you by Yamit if you have the humility and grace to listen and learn from him. You condemn it as sorcery but I see no other source which so accurately predicted todays events. In scientific circles the ability to predict phenomenon is considered part of the scientific verification process. The fact that you cannot understand the language of the source is no indication of its sorcery. Do you understand the equations of higher mathematics in Quantum theory which have led to the proving that past events can be altered by altering the present? The most unscientific practice is to condemn that which you do not understand. You are afflicted with a cultural snobbism that is without basis. Did your bible(the trotsky manifesto) predict todays scenario?

  14. At stake is the famous relationship between Jews and France symbolized by the French Air Force jewel created by Marcel Dassault; by the father of the Constitution, Michel Debré; by Simone Veil, first president of the EuropeanParliament; by Pierre Mendes-France, Minister of Economy in 1945, and by the socialist leader Leon Blum.

    these examples exemplify the impact of the Jews on the french but not the impact of the french upon the Jews. For me, the “famous relationship is symbolized” by dreyfuss or more recently and more accurately the 70,000 Jews rounded up and incarcerated in the Paris stadium and handed over to their slaughtering european brothers the germans. That is the real relationship. The french are as despicable as the Germans and although they consider themselves different I see them as 2 sides of the same coin. I see nothing of value given the Jews by the french or europeans. Every Jew should take note of this filthy scum emerging once more from their holes once again in full force libeling the Jews. Their libeling is a ritual designed to rationalize their intended slaughter to themselves. At what point will the Jews accept that it is back.

    the Jews are “a fossil race” who have no right and reason to continue to exist

    this statement is more apropo of the europeans.

  15. Political Islam is the latest totalitarian ideology chosen by Europe to liquidate the Jewish people.

    this statement is the heart of the problem which is generally ignored. In my view Europe is a much bigger and a longer lasting problem than the Muslims. It is from Europe that the motivation, impetus and incitement for the muslims to kill Jews emanates. Jews keep ignoring the repetitive pattern of behavior exhibited by the europeans which borders on the congenital. There has not been any break in the blood lust of Europe to seek the destruction and slaughter of the Jewish people. They are doing now exactly what they were doing before they devised their last final solution for the Jews. They are libeling the Jews at an unprecedented pace. It was libels that heralded past Jewish slaughters. Libels are the sign of the coming holocaust. The libels have no rational basis yet they seek every rationale. It is like the scorpion and the frog: the only rationale for the insane behavior of the europeans is that “it is their nature” to kill the Jews. They cannot help it, they cannot control themselves even if they wanted to. Jews cannot accept this because they cannot explain it to themselves in rational terms. However, it is a behavior characterized in irrationality and no rational cause should be sort. It has the behavior of being genetic but our current conceptions of science do not accept this obvious explanation: a program to kill the Jews that plays out cyclically just like any other program. It is not important as to why they behave thusly but rather to accept that they do and that they will continue and it will increase exactly as in past cycles. I marvel at the notion that there has been an end to this behavior because they are enlightened, educated and secular. There is no scientific basis to reach this conclusion.
    Jews must internalize and have a realistic fear of this European bloodlust and learn how to discount superficial notions to the contrary. Europeans must be feared because they are not driven by anachronistic ideologies which might be assuaged by time and education. they are educated, they are civilized, they are secular, they are enlightened. However, they are congenital jew killers and the Jews must recognize this fact in order to survive their next holocaust which is already far advanced when compared to the previous holocausts. the Jews are in the same state of denial as previously.

  16. As a young child,whose mother fed her cod liver oil daily,I learn that people who do things or you [against your will] for your own good,are not to be trusted.Salubrius Said:

    who explained in a memo of September 19, 1917 why the political rights of the Jews were to be placed in trust

  17. It was Arnold Toynbee, as an employee of the British Foreign Office who explained in a memo of September 19, 1917 why the political rights of the Jews were to be placed in trust. The Jews had enjoyed a plurality of the population of the Jerusalem in 1845 and a majority since 1863. But in all of Palestine, they were only estimated by the BFO as 60,000 out of 600,000 total population. The critics of the proposed Balfour Declaration objected to setting up a government rule by a minority of the people. So by placing the political rights to Palestine in trust until the Jews attained a majority population, the purpose of the Mandate was harmonized with the push of Woodrow Wilson for majority rule in Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia. He was looking at the future Jewish population of Palestine when the terms of the trust providing for facilitation of Jewish immigration would result in immigration from the 12,000,000 Jews in the Diaspora and attainment of a Jewish population majority in the territory under Jewish rule.
    This occurred in 1950 following the British abandonment of its trusteeship. By 1950 the Jews in Palestine also showed they had the capability to exercise sovereignty by unifying control over all the territory within the Green Line. Until then when they finally had legal dominion over the political rights, the Jews had only a beneficial interest. When the British left, the Jews had a very brief sovereignty over all of Palestine west of the Jordan River but the invasion of several armies reduced their area of control over part of it with Jordanians and Egyptians in a belligerent occupation of it until 1967.

  18. The Jewish ‘intellectuals’ are incapable of ever honestly asking the question of why so much of the world has hated the Jews since biblical times.


    As long as they can’t even honestly ask that question they will NEVER come up with the answer and Jews will continue to suffer.


    Today these intellectual morons believe that to have peace with the Arabs requires Israel to amputate their heartland and turn it over tho their enemies to become another Gaza.


    And they are prepared to drive out by force most of the Jews now living in Judea and Samaria.


    There is a saying: “When all else fails, read the instructions”.


    That refers to the one reference that our ‘intellectuals’ never consider reading seriously. That reference is called the bible which also predicted what is happening to day and also tells WHY it is happening and what Jews should do to survive.


  19. The Jewish ‘intellectuals’ are incapable of ever honestly asking the question of why so much of the world has hated the Jews since biblical times. As long as they can’t even honestly ask that question they will NEVER come up with the answer and Jews will continue to suffer. Today these intellectual morons believe that to have peace with the Arabs requires Israel to amputate their heartland and turn it over tho their enemies to become another Gaza. And they are prepared to drive out by force most of the Jews now living in Judea and Samaria.
    There is a saying: “When all else fails, read the instructions”. That refers to the one reference that our ‘intellectuals’ never consider reading seriously. That reference is called the bible which also predicted what is happening to day and also tells WHY it is happening and what Jews should do to survive.

  20. European Jewry is coming to an end – the Jew-hatred from both native Europeans and Muslim migrants ensures they will no longer be able to openly live there. In the end, Hitler will have achieved his dream without a single bullet being fired or a single gas chamber running. The outcome will be the same – Europe will be Judenrein – “clean of Jews.” What is different today? The Jews have their own country to welcome them home.

  21. The issue of the day is really leadership, and once again leadership. We have seen how Jewish leaders could not even take a position of defence of Christians and of Alawites in Syria, the only person going just a little way on this necessary defence being Pamela Geller, and I stress “a little way”. The Kurds also have to be defended and supported by anybody who is a progressive but it is the height of opportunism to make a show of supporting the Kurds and not supporting the Christians and Alawites, as is practiced very often by this opportunist Jewish leadership.

    The way to look at the situation is this: The crisis in the capitalist system is driving the ruling capitalist class to defend its rule by all means. In the great battle between the working class and the ruling capitalist class the Jews are caught in the midst not dissimilar to the period following the Wall Street Crash.

    In the midst of these great tensions, tensions which have existential questions in front of the Jews, the Jewish nation is unable to produce a clear way forward.

    For example we have the bizarre experience of the Yamit82 above dashing forward waving the banner of Obama and Hague against Syria. This gives turning on a sixpence in the interests of the dominant ideology, US Imperialism, a whole new meaning.

    So if the Jewish nation is caught in the midst of the world economic and political disintegration of capitalism what is the way forward is the real question I am asking?

    Certainly it is not to become the communist baiters of the world.

    But that is what their leaders have become.

    As regards Israpundit now well and truly sinking in the bog hole I invite the communist baiters I refer to above to respond in the only way they can! You will make my case about Jewish leaderdship.