By Terry Paulding, AM THINKER Jan 5/22
I’ve just completed a marathon of listening to six hours of Joe Rogan interviewing two doctors — first Peter McCullough, then Robert Malone. Both, uncensored on Gettr and Spotify, are worth your time. Listening certainly furthered my education.
The two doctors collaborate and are friends, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few contradictions between them. Dr. McCullough said Moronic (AKA omicron) is only four times more contagious than alpha was, but Dr. Malone said omicron is much more contagious.
Also, at Dr. McCullough’s request, Dr. Malone corrected Dr. McCullough’s statement that one can’t get the virus more than once. Apparently, they’ve been finding that, while people who had alpha didn’t get delta, omicron is sufficiently different in its structure that it’s infecting even those who’ve had COVID previously. The good news is that, symptomatically, it’s still not much worse than a cold, and yeah, it will provide antibodies that will keep you from getting COVID again, or so it seems.
One of the biggest takeaways from the time I just spent listening to Dr. Malone is that I gained a deeper understanding of the duplicitous nature of the powers that be in manipulating the public about COVID. For example, we know that the Biden administration’s been pulling from use all supplies of monoclonal antibodies. Supposedly, this is based on the assumption that all the COVID in America comes from omicron now, and the antibodies don’t work for omicron.
It’s a lame excuse at best. Dr. Malone insists that the primary cause of hospitalization is still delta, which is much more virulent and causes far more severe illness if untreated. The antibodies are the best defense against it. Pulling them from use is going to mean an escalation in hospitalization and death.
Why are they pulling the antibodies? Let me say that Dr. Malone is careful in how he says things and well versed in the legalities of his statements. As I understood it, Emergency Use Authorizations expire, and that’s what the EUA for the vaccine is set to do. You need people to be panicked to justify renewing the EUA without opposition.
Image: Peter McCullough and Robert Malone. Rumble screen grabs.
Throughout both podcasts, one theme was repeated again and again, which is how the medical and political establishments stifle discourse and shut down anyone who doesn’t toe the line on vaccination. Both described the alarming methods for doing this. Dr. Malone even said Dr. McCullough is deeply in debt trying to defend his license — and he’s one of the pre-eminent voices in his field, for he’s one of the most published doctors in the U.S., with over 1,000 publications, and over 600 citations in the library of medicine, and was the chief of cardiovascular research at Baylor University Health Care System. (You can see his entire C.V. here.) If they can shut Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone down — and Dr. Malone invented the technology used to create the vaccines — we’re in trouble.
As always, we must follow the money, the crooked politicians, and the incompetent “leaders” asking us to blindly follow them. Looking farther, we must ask if there are even more nefarious purposes in this push to vaccinate, coupled with rigorously stifling discourse. Given the overwhelming pressure to get vaccinated, coupled with the tyrannical efforts to silence dissent, it’s not surprising how many people have concluded that there’s a megalomaniacal desire to control the world, depopulate it, and end civilization as we’ve built it.
If authorities would honestly address alarming reports of sudden deaths from all over the world, and give us honest data, we would have concrete facts upon which to evaluate whether the vaccines have been causal. If this trend is real, it must all come to light, as insurance companies are duty-bound to report their statistics, and a huge spike in deaths, absent other reasons, would be very revealing. As it is, though, governments around the world have not given us any reason to trust them. Add to the ignored or manipulated data the push to make sure we all have our social credit passports, and yes, eventually, our microchip to be read by those in authority. There’s a reason those of us who haven’t bought into the COVID narrative feel that our world increasingly resembles North Korean totalitarianism.
We’re being commanded to get used to a life proscribed by irrational mandates that weaken us in every sector. It is my fervent hope that the Supreme Court ends this. I have no faith in them after the election fiasco, but maybe they’ll surprise us all and do the right thing. After all, we have a “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent the virus but, accordingly to highly reputable, informed doctors, may harm the very DNA of the people it’s given to, and this information is getting increasingly difficult to stuff into a box.
Please don’t misunderstand me. These guys are great, and they have been very courageous about getting out there and telling people the truth about this manufactured disease, the manufactured pandemic, and the dangerous, fake vaccines, which are being forced on the whole world.
This is all great info, BUT it is high-time to move on and to start talking about WHO is doing this, and WHY. We need to figure out how to STOP this before it’s too late. That should be our agenda now. You think it was hard getting a handle on the deceptions behind Covid? That was nothing compared to what its gonna take to get the dirt on the people behind the whole charade. You think the Clintons have an effective hit squad? You ain’t seen nothing yet. It will be dangerous business.
We need to be ready, because as soon as we start discussing who might be behind it all, and what their motivations might be, we will immediately be painted as tin-foil-hat-wearing loonies, and conspiracy theorists. Unfortunately there’s some truth in that, because, until we discover what is really going on, and who’s behind it, that’s all it can be…theories about possible conspiracies. But, make no mistake about it, THERE IS some kind of conspiracy going on to wreck the world, so that it can be taken over and re-made. This is no theory. Believe your eyes and your ears, and your gut.
So, that’s the top item on my wish-list today. Let’s move on from Covid and start the search for the real villains, monsters, and demons.
@stevenl I enjoyed reading your post. Je suis d’accord.
“Dr. McCullough is… one of the pre-eminent voices in his field, for he’s one of the most published doctors in the U.S., with over 1,000 publications, and over 600 citations in the library of medicine, and was the chief of cardiovascular research at Baylor University Health Care System. (You can see his entire C.V. here.) If they can shut Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone down — and Dr. Malone invented the technology used to create the vaccines — we’re in trouble.”
That’s the nub of it. Unless Fauci is fired, tried and convicted, and these far more worthy doctors listened to, we are witnessing the death of science.
It would be helpful, StevenI, if you posted in English.
Meanwhile, so-called “doctor” Fauci is at it again, tossing word salads at the REAL MD, Rand Paul:
Anthony Fauci, bureaucrat extravagant and profiteer extraordinaire, shows himself for who he really is. We used to call such a person a p-r-i-c-k.
La plainte pour crimes mondiaux contre l’humanité déposée et acceptée par la Cour supérieure de justice du Canada (voir lien ci-dessous) a commencé. Une équipe de plus de 1.000 avocats et de plus de 10.000 experts médicaux, dirigée par l’Allemand Reiner Fuellmich, l’un des avocats les plus puissants d’Europe, a lancé la plus grande plainte de l’histoire appelée “Nuremberg 2” contre l’OMS (Organisation mondiale de la santé) et le Davos Group (Forum économique mondial dirigé par Klaus Schwab, âgé de plus de 80 ans) pour crimes contre l’humanité.
DR. Reiner Fuellmich est un avocat germano-américain, c’est lui qui a gagné des procès de plusieurs millions de dollars contre la fraude de la Deutsche Bank et celui contre Volkswagen pour la fraude du Dieselgate. Il est l’un des fondateurs de la “commission d’enquête de la Couronne allemande”. Fuellmich et son équipe ont rassemblé des milliers de preuves scientifiques démontrant le manque total de fiabilité des tests PCR et la fraude qui les sous-tend. Fuellmich parlait alors des vaccins et constatait qu'”ils n’ont rien à voir avec les vaccins, mais font partie d’expériences génétiques”. Outre les tests erronés et les certificats de décès frauduleux établis par un personnel médical corrompu, le vaccin “expérimental” lui-même viole l’article 32 de la Convention de Genève.
Selon l’article 32 de la IVe Convention de 1949, “les mutilations et les expériences médicales ou scientifiques qui ne sont pas nécessaires au traitement médical d’une personne” sont interdites. Selon l’article 147, la réalisation d’expériences biologiques sur des êtres humains constitue une violation grave de la Convention. Le vaccin “expérimental” viole les 10 codes de Nuremberg, qui prévoient la peine de mort pour ceux qui enfreignent ces traités internationaux”. Fuellmich a également ajouté que tout cela était prévu depuis longtemps pour être mis en œuvre en 2050. “Mais ensuite”, les ficelles sont devenues gourmandes et ont décidé d’anticiper les plans d’abord en 2030 et finalement en 2020 dans cette précipitation qu’ils font tant d’erreurs.
Par exemple, les fabricants de vaccins n’avaient pas prévu qu’il y aurait autant d’effets secondaires et de décès”. “L’Europe”, poursuit Fuellmich, “est le principal champ de bataille de cette guerre. C’est parce qu’elle est complètement en faillite. Les fonds de pension ont été complètement pillés. C’est pourquoi ils veulent prendre le contrôle de l’Europe avant que les gens ne le sachent. Qu’est-ce qui se passe “.
Mais qui sont ces gens qui tirent les ficelles ? Selon Fuellmich, il s’agit d’un groupe d’environ 3.000 super-riches. La clique de Davos autour de Klaus Schwab fait partie de ce groupe. Que veulent-ils ?
Un contrôle total sur l’être humain. Ils soudoient les médecins, le personnel hospitalier et les politiques”. Les personnes qui ne coopèrent pas sont menacées. Ils utilisent toutes sortes de techniques psychologiques pour manipuler les gens”.
“Les médias grand public”, résume Fuellmich, “racontent une fausse réalité et disent que la majorité des gens sont favorables aux mesures et aux vaccins. Cela n’est certainement pas vrai.
Par exemple, presque tous ceux à qui je parle en Allemagne savent qu’un masque ne protège de rien, car entre-temps presque tout le monde est informé par les médias alternatifs. Les anciens médias sont en train de mourir”.
Le conseil de Füllmich ?
“Diffusez la vérité et les faits le plus largement possible et ne gaspillez pas votre énergie avec des gens qui sont désespérément vaccinés. Nous ne pouvons pas sauver tout le monde. Beaucoup de gens vont mourir”.
I have engaged my techie.
“Logged in as levinedatz. Log out?.” Continued harassment. I am Adam Dalgliesh, not “levinedatz.” I certainly never logged in with that name. Yet that’s the name that is on the “Logged in” blue line above this post. Ted, please try to find out who is trolling me, and why.
It has always been my understanding, though I had no formal Jewish education, that Judaism believed man was good as distinguished from Catholicism that believed the opposite..