Netanyahu’s apology gave Obama a diplomatic breakthrough
Erdogan desparately needed this raprochement. So did Obama. So why did Netanyahu have to eat crow. Erdogan should have been forced by necessity to eat crow to teach him a lesson. Bibi didn’t just pick up the phone at the last minute. Rest assured this apology was scripted and agreed upon before Obama arrived in Israel.
If that wasn’t bad enough, Netanyahu is making concessions to get the Palestinians to start negotiations. TOI writes:
The focus: New ideas for enabling a resumption of direct negotiations. Netanyahu has reportedly been considering a package of goodwill gestures – including approval of building requests, and a release of prisoners — designed to encourage Abbas to come back to the peace table.
Ted Belman
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 23, 2013, 1:51 PM
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu granted the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan a face-saver for ending their three-year rift out of willingness to crown US President Barack Obama’s three-day visit with an impressive diplomatic breakthrough. He swallowed Israel and its army’s pride and, at the airport, with Obama looking on, picked up the phone to Erdogan and apologized for the killing by Israeli soldiers of nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists in 2010 aboard the Mavi Marmara, which was leading a flotilla bound on busting the Israeli blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.
The crowing comment by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu – “Turkey’s basic demands have been met; we got what we wanted” – was out of place, spiteful and ill-mannered.
He knows perfectly well that for the past year, amid a constant stream of ranting abuse from Ankara, Israel has been quietly responding to Turkey’s desperate need for cooperation in four essential fields, which are disclosed here by DEBKAfile:
1. The Turkish armed forces are heavily dependent on Israeli military technologies from the long years of the close alliance between the two countries, which Ankara cut short. This dependence applies most particularly to its drones, the backbone of today’s modern armies. It is also holding up the huge transaction for the sale of American Boeing Awacs electronic warning airplanes to Turkey.
Boeing was unable to deliver the aircraft without Jerusalem’s consent, because a key component, the early warning systems, is designed in Israel. This consent has been withheld in the face of Turkey’s urgent need and the US aviation firm’s impatience to consummate the deal.
Turkey is in need of those planes – not just to monitor events in neighboring wartorn Syria, but to complete its air defense lineup against Iranian ballistic missiles. Without the AWACs, the advanced FBX-radar system the US has stationed at the Turkish Kurecik air base is only partly operational. The Kurecik battery is linked to its equivalent at a US base in the Israeli Negev, a fact which Ankara chooses to conceal.
2. In view of the turmoil in Syria, the bulk of Turkey’s exports destined for the Persian Gulf and points farther east have been diverted to the Israeli ports of Haifa and Ashdod, whereas just a year ago, they went through Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Since no end is seen to the Syrian conflict and the closure of the Turkish-Syrian border, more and more export traffic from Turkey is making its way through Haifa port and thence by rail across Israel to Jordan. Turkish goods bound for destinations in Europe and the US are diverted to Israeli ports too as Egyptian ports are made increasingly dysfunctional by that country’s economic crisis..
3. In the first year of the Syrian uprising, when Davutoglu was still a frequent traveler to Damascus for talks with Bashar Assad, Ankara entertained high hopes of becoming a major player for resolving the Syrian debacle. But he also sought to strike a deal with the Lebanese Hizballah, Assad’s ally, for obstructing Israeli gas and oil exploration in the eastern Mediterranean
Three years on, Turkish leaders have woken up to the realization that they had better hurry up and jump aboard the US-backed Israeli energy bandwagon or else they will miss out on an outstanding and lucrative economic development, namely, the forthcoming opening up of a Mediterranean gas exporting route to Europe.
4. Turkey, Israel and Jordan are all in the same boat as targets for the approaching large-scale use of Syria’s chemical and biological weapons.
This topic was high on the agenda of President Obama’s talks with Jordan’s King Hussein Friday, March 21, in Amman, after he had explored the subject with Israel’s prime minister in Jerusalem.
Obama presented them with his plan to consolidate into a single US-led Turkish-Israeli-Jordan HQ the separate commands established six months ago in each of those countries to combat the use of unconventional weapons.
This unified command would stand ready to launch units of the four armies into coordinated land and air action inside Syria upon a signal from Washington.
The US president used his visits to Jerusalem and Amman to tie up the ends of this contingency plan with Netanyahu and Abdullah, while Secretary of State John Kerry got together with Erdogan in Ankara.
However, this four-way military effort to combat the Syrian chemical threat could not have taken off with Ankara and Jerusalem not on speaking terms.
This had been going on for three years, ever since Erdogan suspended military ties with Israel and downgraded diplomatic relations pending an Israeli apology for the Marmara incident, compensation for the victims and the lifting of its naval blockade on Gaza.
The Turkish prime minister insisted on the Israeli prime minister paying obeisance to Turkish national honor. And finally Netanyahu relented. But Israel stood its ground on the last condition; a UN probe had pronounced the Israeli blockade legal and legitimate although its raid on the Turkish ship was deemed “excessive.” So the blockade remains in place and, indeed, Friday, March 23, Israel’s new defense minister, Moshe Yaalon, tightened it by restricting the Gaza offshore areas open to Palestinian Mediterranean fishermen.
This was punishment for the four-rocket attack staged from Gaza on the Israeli town of Sderot Thursday, the second day of President Obama’s visit to Israel.
DEBKAfile’s military sources comment that the new defense minister may have also been directing a reproach at the prime minister for apologizing to Turkey and admitting to “operational errors,” thereby casting aspersions on the professionalism of the Israel Navy’s Shayetet 13 commando unit and its legitimate action in defense of Israel’s legal Gaza blockade.
@ yamit82:
yamit82 Said:
I don’t believe Pollard would accept early release and certainly not a pardon. He is a rare individual of the highest personal integrity and guided by the highest principles of right and wrong. He knows he MUST serve the entirety of his criminal sentence lest he make a liar of himself and a mockery of the principles he was championing by his espionage.
@ Honey Bee:
I tryed to follow your instruction,but failed.
Felix Quigley Said:
Please explain why Israel should defend a country with whom it is at war. I am trying to discuss and understand your position and am not trying to be “snide or lethal” Shouldn’t posters understand your position?
@ Bernard Ross:
I am still having problems inserting items in my comments. I am a bee of very little brain,but please send Mr. Q this song. Google The A** H*le song by George Jones and you can send it.
Felix Quigley Said:
I have been re reading my post and the only remarks directed at you were neither snide nor lethal. My general tone was similar to yours and my comments directed to you were not snide but searching. I questioned why you felt you had a dog in the fight and what interest you represented because I could not understand your desire for Israel to aid assad. as you are always bringing up trotsky and appear to favor the russians i was wondering if your basis for support was ideological. My view as stated before, and t this is a discussion, is that Israel has no dog in the fight because all sides are against the Jews. Israels interest would be to see a very weak syria, in constant troubles, unable to control its airspace, etc. whichever side is in power. As to not being willing to discuss: I think that my comment elucidated my analysis of the current scenario and its possible goals; this was open to discussion. I view the situation in terms of interests as opposed to ideologies. I believe the jihadis are “useful idiots” who were used in an alliance of US/saudi/pakistan in afghanistan against the soviets in the 80’s and are again being used by the same, and more players, now against Iran and its proxies. Without the saudi cash funding the mercenaries to move around the globe, their would be no jihad. In fact an FSA member recently stated that Israel should not fear the foreign jihadists because they would soon move on to” another arena” when assad was done.
Felix Quigley Said:
Please be specific, which remarks and why.
Felix Quigley Said:
cannot find these remarks, please be specific.
thank you for the asterisks in your sign off salutation.
@ Bernard Ross:
Obbama’s visit was pay back for Liberal American Jewish support in his recent election,BiBi’s apology was a bone for the Islamist. American Jews are afraid when Israel get tough,especially with a democratic president.
@ Felix Quigley:
And where [the hell] has “fairness” ever gotten the Jewish people.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bernard Ross
some of the remarks in your comment 14 are totally out of order on this a Jewish site and Jews have a proud tradition of fairness, but not you. You do not discuss, your aim is to do down by the most snide and lethal remarks. So F..k you!
birdalone Said:
interesting post, thanks
Good points by Debka, but I still think a lot of this is also about what King Abdullah of Jordan says. Surprised no one here has dissected Goldberg’s profile in the April issue:
I see Jordan’s Abdullah’s view imprinted on the Obama2.0 USA view.
“…The Turkish armed forces are heavily dependent on Israeli military technologies…”
Well, is there a cure for the Anatolian flu-bug
@ Laura:
Read my post to Yamit *18, exlains everthing.
So if Turkey is dependent on Israel, coupled with the fact that Turkey was the aggressor during the jihad flotilla incident, why did Bibi apologize?
@ SHmuel HaLevi:
You are right on all points. To believe that Bibi will take any action against Iran, or that Obama will, would be to accept the word of two consummate liars. Is Bibi any different than Obama? They are soul mates.
@ yamit82:
Darlin, its just as when C’boy and I have a fight. If I am in the wrong, C’boy must apologize before I will forgive him. Comprende!!!!!!!!
This whole thing about Bibi (with Bogie’s support) apologizing to Turkey does not make sense. It is either a deal with the US in preparation for an attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities or it is Bibi’s biggest blunder yet.
side story to cyprus bank crisis from WND
HMMM?? the pal refugees in Gaza??
Israel fired on syria. It would be nice if Israel used this opportunity to capture the syrian golan and get up to breathing distance of damascus. Perhaps a Turkish, Jordanian, Israeli carving of buffer zones could be agreed. Hope springs eternal
my reply 14 to Quigley in moderation
Felix Quigley Said:
What could possibly lead you to this conclusion? Israel was already allied against Assad, a state of war existed. what interests do you represent?
Felix Quigley Said:
for Israel and the Jews the status of Iraq is better today than under saddaam. they have neither the money or energy to harm the Jews. Not even the 25000 per family to terrorists. They are disintegrated, in chaos. It is perfect.
Felix Quigley Said:
Chaos is the desired state for the lands of the enemies. Interestingly Israel is surrounded, near and far, by enemies in chaos and disintegration. Perhaps they are all cursed in accordance with the words of the covenant.
Let us enjoy this feast; but advantage and opportunity should also be taken to increase ones position, power, and strength. Opportunities such as those presenting themselves today do not come along often. Israel should think larger and carve out its own sphere of influence for the aftermath.
Felix Quigley Said:
they are all scum. They want to kill the jews. their fate is well deserved and appropriate.
Felix Quigley Said:
Which dog do you have in the fight of the scum against the scum?
Felix Quigley Said:
I read it and consider it to be an immature analysis. Obama chose an audience to make himself look good. He even requested to make sure the venue was filled. He is preaching to those, the young, whom he already considers to be converted. It is a dog and pony show, for US domestic consumption. It is all about making Obama look good, including the apology, which gave Obama his only achievement. Perhaps BB pitied him and threw him a bone. I believe BB either got something we don’t know or it was of military importance.
Look at the bigger picture: there is currently a congruence of interests involving US/EU/Nato/Turkey/Saudi/Qatar/Jordan/Egypt/Hamas/Qaeda/salafi/Sunni/MB/Israel which is evidenced by action or agreements. All of these interests are currently focused on Syria against the Iranian proxy Assad. Is this a coincidence? I expect the next phase to be a de-fanging of Hezbullah and that the EU condemnation and sanctions is waiting for the tactical moment to apply the sanctions when in a stronger position in Syria. After all they are next in line after Saudi for fear of Iran. It makes no sense to weaken Syria but not hezbullah. If that proceeds I expect a destabilization of Iran internally with a “Persian spring” involving the Iranian Kurds, Iranian Sunnis, Iranian dissidents, foreign mercenaries. It is difficult to believe that all this attention involves only Syria. The Iranian hamas wing has been defanged and put under control of Egyptians and Qatar. Meshaal has moved from Syria and wants to be next PLO president. In all this I expect that there might be prices to pay for Israel also but I believe that pressure is decreasing and that there may already be an agreed path for an interim situation. I believe the Pal “state” was the bone thrown to Abbas and that the Sauds, GCC, Jordan have put pal interests far behind their own interests but they cannot be immediately open about it.
You appear to be representing an interest or ideology of which I am unfamiliar.
Mr. Netanyahu voted consistently in favr of “disengagement”. He also abandoned Hebron and has not allowed the upgrading of Maharat Hamachpelah. He has attacked many Jewish settlements. He initiated a still in practice “freeze”. He has stopped legislation to control foreign NGO’s. He has prevented the adoption of Judge Levi’s Report. He also stopped legislation intended to open the election of Judges.
He has lied, defrauded, cnnived and assaulted.
And now fell like a stupid coward and apologized!!! to a vicious anti-Semite.
So folks, can we discern a bit of a pattern there? What doesit take for us to understand what and who that item is?
He will abandon Jerusalem and Har Habait.
He will betray one and all.
who are you Monostor?
Steve Andras Geiger,
@ Felix Quigley:
Felix you see that given a choice between your professed political ideology (Trotkyism?)or Islam, most folks out there do not consider it a choice as the results will be the same…Personal enslavement and abject poverty except the few at the top calling the shots. Been there done that. No thanks.
“As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” (Proverbs 26:11)
For best analysis of situation post visit see this:,7340,L-4360129,00.html
I asked many times what is the constituency of Livni. it is only partly abroad Bernard. It is also within Israel. In the Universities and in youth there is a sizeable section of Antisemitic Jews.
The aim of Obama is to stir the same chaos in Israel as Bush and Rummy did in Iraq and what about Yugoslavia.
I think…may be wrong.. that way to this is really through war on Assad.
Wrong to think Obama does not have strategy.
There is a strategy and comes from the bowels of US Imperialism capitalism and THEIR needs.
chaos abroad..war..antisemitism…genocide of jews, the old formula
many Israelis I find are too smug. There is a big Antisemitic constituency among Jews in Israel and I think Obama was directed to that above all.
Bibi is the enabling dupe for this devil.
Things cannot ever stand still.In absence of way forward (leadership) Antisemites creep out
Present position of alliance against Assad is far worse, far bigger betrayal, than Sharon over Gaza.
Sharon in contrast was totally oppposed to the war on Saddam knowing well that Saddam the secularist would be replaced by the Jihad.
Bibi is central in this war on Assad.
Bibi the Jihadist.
Sharon was a patriot in comparision.
Chaos is the name of the game by these gangsters. they overthrew Saddam then the US soldiers stood watching scum of the earth raid and break ancient Mesopotamia treasures as scum stormed the museum.
This elite replaced the secular Saddam with total scum.
THAT is the Jihad.
On the other side those who could not defend gadhafi never mind mubarak ARE in effect the Jihad.
There is no deal with Turkey. Really how can there be a deal with Turkey!
Poor old Israel under its present set of leaders is getting in so deep with US and EU Imperialism…as I said on my article Israel has NO INDEPENDENCE.
Expect this Israeli cabal to soon beat down Yaalon.
The whole Mavi incident really was a disgrace but for allthe opposite reasons as portrayued by Obama.
Disable that dammed ship…let them float about with their Irish Antisemites aboard
How hard was it to disable a piece of junk like that…laughable
Barak should be in prison since…really should…this is not just words!
That was the only answer to this fiasco.
Jews lives must not be placed in danger by this bunch of Antisemites.
And they were. I repeat Israel has no independence of thought or action.
WTF are Turkish goods doing anyway going through Israel. That makes me so mad. How can we fight for Israel under those conditions. It is totally impossible
There are some people like me on the outside but how can we fight with this mind set.
Please please please get a new leadership in operation.
i agree with Yamit above. It is totally sick making.
I pledge myself to defend Bibi when attacked by antisemites, but the sight of that performance on the tarmac, both jackets off, white shirts, blue ties, will live for a long time.
i disagree with above. there is no plan. There is deep collusion on a trade and business front.
Bibi is preparing to lend himslf and Israel to destroying Assad.
Defend Assad against the Obama and Cameron Jihad!
At same time (this is proactive not passive position) warn Assad that Israel will obliterate him if he moves against Jews!
I said this 2 years ago and it is still as valid.
It comes down to this Israel cannot strike against Iranian Nuclear Bomb without Independence. Pollard falls into same area and is as great an issue.
@ Bernard Ross:
I agree with this. I think there is much more to this than we know. As much as it pains me to say this, the Pollard situation is less important in the scheme of things. I think the relationship with Turkey, even when led by this insufferable Islamist, is strategically much more important with Syria disintegrating and an attack on Iran on the horizon.
BB is a dhimmi to two masters.
About a month ago Barak said that Israel should apologize. This deal has been in the works for quite a while.
As much as I agree that turkey is not only completely wrong but is also guilty of supporting terror, I believe that BB was completely against eating crow for the same reasons as I and everyone else have been saying all along. I believe it was personally humiliating for BB but that he made the decision for reasons important to the security of Israel. Perhaps all the reasons are not yet known to us. Perhaps giving Obama this boast gets Israel something in return. He had been against it for a long time in spite of the DM’s supporting it
@ yamit82:
I agree with Yamit 82. What is wrong with the Israeli people in allowing Bibi to stay in power. But you can ask the same question of the American people who elected Obama to two terms. For some strange reason in politics the worst rises to the top.
One might think BB would have extracted from Obama at least one concession for all that he gave and promised to give in the future: The Release from American bondage of Pollard.
All of the Turkish press are gloating and laughing at us in our humiliation. I can hardly blame them. BB makes me sick to my stomach and ashamed to be an Israeli. He is a wimp and a political coward.
So again Israel has to apologize for defending itself against terrorists. Has Obama prepared a speech for Bibi when Iranian missiles start hitting Israel? Of course Bibi will read it.Barack should apologize.He was responsible for the screwup which led to the attack on the commandos.