T. Belman. Andrew Benjamin describes an alternate universe. His content is greatly at odds with mine. I leave it to you to see if it appeals to you more. Particularly look at his negative comments about Tulsi Gabbard.
History & Evidence: They were the leftwing who had regularly, reliably, historically, exclusively, and predictably, championed the Kremlin’s interests

America is always at fault.
Europe is always at fault.
Ukraine is always at fault.
And if Iran built the bomb, it’ll be Israel’s fault.
Carlson crafts his LEGO BLOCK narratives well enough, such that even his unpeeled layers of “logic” and preposterous fictions become believable. Even when Carlson takes his illogical premise logically to its illogical conclusions.
Carlson’s narratives come burnished with a veneer of credibility, until one peeled away the layers of revisionist history, omission, political spin, out-of-context invention, and reframed his stories into the context of documented reality.
Carlson’s latest faux pas vent viral after his lengthy interviews with Kanye West, aka “Ye.”
After all the pre-paid publicity about West on both sides of the political spectrum, Carlson found a “victim” to champion. While fondling his degree in psychiatry, Carlson proclaimed Kanye sane, sensible, honorable, and downright heroic.
Said Carlson and other bright bulbs screwed into the same lamp, “Ye is courageous!”
Ye is to be admired and emulated.
Mt. Rushmore is missing a head.
A couple of days later Carlson’s heroic genius tweeted:

In response others have too, following the well-known, albeit leftwing Jewish comedian, Sarah Silverman’s tweet:

DAILY MAIL: “Prior to making her own statement, Silverman spent most of Sunday retweeting other commentators(‘) and comedians(‘) disgust at West.
Among (them were)… Yair Rosenberg who wrote: ‘Kanye posted his second tweet before the first was taken down, perfectly demonstrating how “the Jews control everything” is a preemptive anti-Semitic defense against consequences for expressing antisemitism.’
West previously accused rapper Diddy of being controlled by Jewish people trying to silence his ‘White Lives Matter’ message – resulting in his Instagram account being restricted.
In the veiled swipe at Kanye, he (Diddy) wrote: ‘We don’t have the time! We are under a state of emergency!!! Unapologetically black first!’…”
What would the media say if a famed conservative publicly proclaimed “Unapologetically White First!”…?
Black racism and white hatred, black antisemitism, is fine. After all, most of the Jews who arrived on America’s shores decades after the Civil War, must have failed to free their slaves in their former nations, nations that never had slavery.
“…Real Housewives of New York star Lizzy Savetsky’s (Instagram lit up as she) received a barrage of anti-Jewish abuse herself for calling out Kanye’s vile antisemitism.
…Savetsky said that Instagram had become a ‘breeding ground for antisemitism’ as she berated the app – and Kanye – for his hateful comments.
The mother-of-three from Texas added: ‘My children’s great grandmother didn’t survive Auschwitz so we could sit idly by as people threaten our existence as a people. We have to speak up! I take these threats very seriously and you should too.’ …”
Carlson surrounds himself with fake conservatives, proven left-wingers allied with antisemites, racists, isolationists and America-haters who have, if not personally but by association, blamed Israel and the Jews for the world’s ills – in the same fashion they blame America for Putin’s megalomania.
Just like the “Ye” Carlson admires who blames Jews for his insanity.
These same folk blame America today for the world’s ills, and consistently elevate an “innocent” and blameless Russia filled with neo-Nazis – in the very same fashion the political left always have.
The very same “anti-war” left that marched in the streets of the world’s capitals from the sixties through the late eighties, in behalf of their Kremlin-organized-and-financed campaign to disarm the United States of its nukes, never raised concern about Russia’s nukes, or Russia’s neo-Nazis allied with Russia’s current head-of-state.
Until the BIG FLIP of late, whereas the political extremes have switched sides.
“Most European (and American) leftist parties rarely praise Putin or his regime openly. They call for “neutrality”, “peace”, and “stopping western aggression” instead. The majority of European far left parties showcase a double-edged strategy of rhetorical self-containment and the denial of pro-Putinism, with an almost unconditional support of the Kremlin’s core geopolitical goals.”
It is exactly what Tucker and his leftwing guests are doing. Trucker and Co, after all, have a solution for the war in Europe. The U.S. and NATO must back off now, or Russia will nuke us. Scare us into backing off or surrendering, which were the 60s-80s left’s recommendation to the West – or Russia will nuke us.
Do you see a difference? Me neither.
· Lara Logan’s views are well-suited to a white supremacist chat room. Fanatical Lara took to Twitter and even blamed the Jews for Darwin and evolutionary theory. A veteran conspiracist whose New Age (leftwing) spiritualism can be seen at her website, during Rathergate Logan’s 60 Minutes conspiracy factory tried to crush the Bush presidency to get her anti-Israel pro-Iranian leftwinger, John Kerry, elected. As do the rest, Lara has a Jewish problem.
· Pro-Iran Doug MacGregor (pictured above) is a specialist of revisionist history at Foreign Policy. MacGregor’s problems with the dreaded neo-cons (often code for “Jews,” even though by far most neocons are not Jewish) see no resolution. Tulsi and Doug are literal associates of the reactionary pro-Iranian nukes-antizionist Walt-Meirsheimer cheering squad at the same media. Doug’s Jewish problem did not end even during his short association with Donald Trump.
· Tulsi Gabbard is a lifelong left-winger antimilitarist, Bush and neocon hater, and globalist. Having recently switched parties only because she had no choice, Gabbard became persona non grata in her own party after her miserable presidential run where she scored lower than even Kamala. She’s a classical opportunist in the Mitt Romney mold who saw an opening at a media from which she can freely launch her future campaigns. Gabbard championed the anti-Zionist Bernie Sanders and has regularly slammed Israel – even from the Butcher of Syria, President Bashar Assad’s office! Gabbard’s biggest problem these days is the democratically-elected-in-a-landslide Volodymyr Zelensky, a Jewish man, whom she and Tucker called corrupt, a despot and dictator. Curiously Gabbard never had a problem with Bashar Assad or Vladimir Putin who armed Assad’s Syria as the two butchered a half million of Assad’s people. They are democrats in the JFK mold, right? Not enough? Tulsi co-sponsored Muslim supremacist Ilhan Omar’s pro-BDS bill that compared Israel to Nazi Germany.
· A vocal neocon basher-and-strange bedfellow with Pat Buchanan (who never had a good word for the Jews or Israel), Glen Greenwald broadcasts via ZOOM his America-hatreds from the Brazil Safe Space where he lives with his “husband.” Exactly like Pat Buchanan who purports to be otherwise, Greenwald has no love for the United States. Famed for having aided Edward Snowden’s defection to Putin’s Russia, the “American patriot” Snowden was just awarded Russian citizenship by Putin for providing America’s top secrets to the Kremlin…with Greenwald’s assist. Due to Greenwald’s association with the leftwing Washington Post, Salon and Guardian – and MSNBC, he was…described by Rachel Maddow…as “the American left’s most fearless political commentator.”
The Long History of Glenn Greenwald’s Kissing Up to the Kremlin
Carlson’s November 25, 2019 interview on Ukraine: “…
RICHARD GOODSTEIN: Because people are dying on the front lines. You think it’s a joke?
CARLSON: Why do I care? Why do I care what’s going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia?
GOODSTEIN: Because – I’ll tell you why –
CARLSON: And I’m serious. Like, why do I care? And why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am! …”
Let’s see:
Not a single European or world conservative leader, party, or serious media, supports the pro-Russia-antivaccine narratives seen on Carlson’s show.
Russia’s allies are Kadyrov’s Chechnya, Castro’s Cuba, Maduro’s Venezuela, Kim Yong-un’s North Korea’s , al-Assad’s Syria, Jinping’s China, and Khamenei’s Iran.
Did I miss anyone in this fine company?
These must be as good reasons as any for Tucker, Tulsi, Lara, Glen and Doug to root for Russia.
Meanwhile, Sergey Lavrov, the Kermlin’s foreign minister, praised Tucker’s “coverage” of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Before we forget other alleged “crackpots and charlatans” seen earlier, or soon to be seen on his show, we get Alex Berenson, allegedly a medical know-nothing who’s conspiracies have polluted the net with leftwing-originating fatuousness and regurgitated antivaccine superstition that goes back to the middle ages. Even the major conservative journal NATIONAL REVIEW and other conservatives have called him out. I won’t call him a crackpot just because everyone else knowledgeable might.
Is Tucker really a conservative – conserving peace, order, and civilization, as Donald Trump would and has? Or just an opportunistic hack with obfuscated leftwing sentiments who uses his guests who hold similar beliefs for his own nefarious purposes, and with whom he regularly surrounds himself to buttress his lack of gravitas?
It’s only me, but I might take the obvious path:
That would be a straight line from the poisonous antisemitism between Ye, the war in Ukraine, Tucker & Co’s massaging facts into fairy tales, to the points I had made here. And that is,
A man is judged by the company he keeps.
Andrew G. Benjamin is in finance, real estate and equities, a former advisor to New York City mayor ‘s office (Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget). Benjamin wrote extensively about politics, transnational and domestic, intelligence and military affairs, security and strategy, economic issues, Mideast, terrorism, technology and high end audio.
Jonathan S. Tobin
“Who do you think created cancel culture?”
“I’d prefer my kids knew Hanukkah than Kwanzaa, at least it would come with some financial engineering,” he told Carlson, alluding to the conspiracy theory that Jews control the global financial system.”
Sometimes Carlson and Owens talked like crackpots about minor things, as did West, and Trump for that matter, but I ignored that. This is not a minor thing though I put policies before casual verbiage, as a general rule.
Honeybee, Yes, and Candace Owens for her defence of him. She only mentioned the tee-shirt? Did she know about the censored out-takes?
Sebastien, I am disappointed with Tucker’s failure to address K West antisemitic threats.
Putting aside Benjamin’s dubious comments about Carlson and others he did his credibility no favours by muddying the antisemitism waters with allegations of “antivaccine superstition” (???) considering the science (as in REAL science) conveyed by esteemed and uncorrupted doctors and researchers such as Robert Malone, Harvey Risch, Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, Byram Bridle and many others has increasingly demonstrated that Big Pharma, Big Tech, health authorities, regulatory agencies, the MSM, et. al. at best were mistaken and at worst were sinister purveyors of “disinformation” about the safety and efficacy of the jabs.
IMHO the rest of Benjamin’s opinions were tainted and weakened by that one false and completely irrelevant remark.
Aside from this, I’m impressed with Carlson.