Peloni: Spot on analysis!
By Sha’i ben-Tekoa | Am Thinker | Feb 12, 2025
Image from X, edited.
This conservative Jew used to be a big fan of Tucker Carlson when he had the highest ratings as an opinionator on FOX-TV, but then he outed himself as an anti-Jew, which likely played a role in his firing that otherwise mystified his fans.
Much appreciated had been his slant on domestic politics and culture in America (if less so on foreign affairs). His commentary skewered the madness and corruption of the times under Joe Biden and the demented Democrats. And that he might be an anti-Jew only surfaced occasionally in his choice of guests and their anti-Israel criticism that went beyond rationally and smelled of pathological Jew-hatred.
Carlson also never covered the chronically front-page news from Israel, which I mistakenly took to be his own awareness of his anti-Jewitis and had the wisdom to keep in check.
But then he “came out of the closet” via his unhinged assault on fellow opinionator Ben Shapiro’s patriotism just because he is a Jew, and exposed himself as just another, unoriginal, hostile goy, which is not an insulting word as some think. (It is no more insulting than “alien” in English, meaning not a citizen of the nation, in this case, the Jewish nation.)
Even before his unpleasantness with Shapiro, Carlson emitted his first whiffs of anti-Jewitis via his sneering disdain for the Neocons, a characteristic of Paleo-Conservatives like himself. “Neocon” began as a neutral description of intellectuals of the Left in the 1960s who abandoned that mindset and adopted conservative values.
But because many in this school of public intellectuals were Jews, the term became a covert way to sneer at men like Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz. In the lunatic 1960s, they came to oppose the war in Viet Nam like others on the Left but were appalled by the anti-Americanism that was totally wrong-headed and unnecessary. They became ardent admirers, patriots, and supporters of a capitalist America and a strong military.
And because this was also good for Israel, anti-Jews like Pat Buchanan and apparently Carlson believed the only reason for supporting a strong America among the Neocons was to protect Israel. In minds like theirs, the Neocons were dangerous to these Neo-Isolationists in the spirit of the America Firsters of the 1930s and ’40s, believing that U.S. intervention overseas, and especially in the Middle East, was at the behest of the Israel lobby manipulated by the Neocons.
Carlson attacked Shapiro for focusing on Israel and insisted, “I’m from here, my family’s been here for hundreds of years, and I plan to stay here. I am shocked about how little they little care about this country.”
One marker of the irrational Jew-hater is the implication that Jews are disloyal citizens. That Carlson had to flaunt his genes as evidence of his patriotism to justify his anti-Jew feelings, and by implication dismiss Shapiro as less of a patriot because his forebears were later arrivals, is evidence of his own subconscious awareness of the vacuity of his claim to superior patriotism, which sees in it a genetic component, that is, something biological, which leads ultimately to Hitlerism.
And what was no less depressing was Carlson’s lack of originality. The dual loyalty smear is one of the oldest anti-Jew fantasies. Buried in Carlson’s venom is the accusation that the Jews maneuver the U.S. for their own benefit and do not care if America is harmed. The Jew as evil traitor. Shades of the Dreyfus Affair.
And then there was his interview with rapper Kanye West, this wretched generation’s idea of a musician displaying his antisemitic pathology that Carlson deleted before the broadcast, which exposed West’s functionally clinical paranoia about Jews. Carlson is a prudent journalist, but deleting West’s disgusting hatred of Jews was not professional at all.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance came up with a tolerable but lengthy 37-word definition of antisemitism, but I prefer my own 3 words: “Antisemitism is… lying about Jews.” That is all one needs to know about it. People believe in lies, myths and fantasies about Jews doing evil things that never are true and then act upon them, resulting in satanic cruelty to them. A case in point: October 7, 2023.
In 1920s Germany, Herr Hitler made a political career for himself by claiming Die Juden in Der Vaterland were responsible for the country’s loss in WWI that led to the onerous post-war terms of peace that the Germans were suffering under. He constantly ranted, “The Jews stabbed Germany in the back!” and that they constituted only 1% of the German population, in his diseased mind, was only more evidence of their immense power and malevolence.
This way of thinking, of course, was completely bonkers — as all antisemitic ideas are in their divorce from truth and reality.
If, at first, Carlson only occasionally, unwittingly, hinted at his bigotry, in June 2023, FOX had to fork over $12,000,000, to a former Jewish producer of Carlson’s, Abby Grossberg, who sued the company and won for abuse in the workplace which included noxious antisemitism, for which a lawsuit seems to have been connected to the never-explained, sudden firing of Carlson by FOX a few months earlier. In her lawsuit, Grossberg claimed “the gibes over her Jewish faith were relentless.” Perhaps management decided Carlson had to go before he did it again.
And now here he is talking with Piers Morgan and charging that Israel is intentionally murdering children in Gaza.
Good grief. This smacks of the ancient lunacy that at Passover time Jews are required to murder a gentile to suck out his blood, a needed ingredient in the holiday’s unleavened matza bread, forerunner of the Christian communion wafer.
So, Jewish conservatives are now saddened by real evidence of Carlson’s delusional animosity, though in his defense, one imagines he was raised to think this way. Carlson is an Episcopalian, the crème de la crème of gentile society in America, past masters of ostracizing Jews in college fraternities and golf clubs where deals are made, so we can forgive him to a degree. The official Episcopalian position on Israel could not be more “politically correct.” They support the antisemitic opposition to Jews living in Judea and Samaria, which his Church sees as “the occupied West Bank,” and never mind their own New Testament repeatedly never uses “West Bank” but always “Judea” (48 times) and “Samaria” (117 times).
Let us pray to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that Tucker will someday be cured of his irrational antagonism toward Jews who care about Israel, which does not diminish their loyalty to America in the slightest. This is only in his head.
Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hardcover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on
Yes it IS the 2011 edition.
@Edgar G.
Get the year 2011 edition.
Thank you for your post. Your brief synopsis sounds very interesting, and by lucky chance I found a copy on my special site. I’ve got it on a tab and will get around to it in time.
I’ve spotted what I think is an error. This is…calling the origins of Christianity “peaceful” This is a misnomer. You may recall that the other day in a post to Tanna, I pointed out that some of the disciples were Kan’aim, that is…zealots. And when the soldiers came to arrest them, the disciples, although they ran like hares, were armed, since Jesus had ordered them to buy swords.
This, was a clumsy, ingenuous, comment as Zealots were always armed, likely, as Josephus says, with daggers. And maybe this is why they needed to add swords.
MY logic tells me that in those days EVERYONE carried a dagger, mainly for both eating, and protection. I don’t know about the Sages, but…they also had to eat.
So thank you again, for the book.
i’ll post you when I’ve read it.
@Edgar G.
I apologize for the very long quotation below but think it is necessary [emphasis is mine].
There is a book by Joseph Atwill Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus.
Joseph Atwill was puzzled by the fact that at the origin of Christianity there existed two messianic movements – one peaceful and one militant.
He devoted a decade to studying the Dead Sea Scrolls, and he was also studying the New Testament and Wars of the Jews by Flavius Josephus.
The story about transferring malicious spirits from a human to a group of pigs and have them drown themselves is one of the satirical descriptions according to Atwill.
The book is difficult to read and I couldn’t get very far with it, but if the author is correct about the presence of satire in the Gospels (which I think he is), I have a much simpler explanation for it (not necessarily the correct one).
Because of your post, I’ve just started reading Ehrman again, entitled “Forged”> There are several books and I’ll read them all as is my custom.
I don’t jump arpund from author to author. I read all I can get on the same author one after the other.
Right now I have 16 tabs open for different writers on several subjects.’
For instance, I just now finished (pros and cons) 7-8 books on Richard 3rd. Even as a kid, I always that he was ridiculously maligned.
My comment said that I’d read literally hundreds of certified books right UP TO Ehrman and Price. I saw no “axe” to grind in their writings, and would be happy if you pointed out their “twisted” prose.
There is much you DON’T know (and likely vice-versa) which I do, since my whole life has been occupied in READING. For VERY many years I have read about 14-16 hours daily. ALL topics, pro and con, with special attention to what we are now discussing.
For instance, you may or may not have heard of Justus of Tiberias.
He was a contemporary historian of recognised accuracy whom Josephus, who hated him, denigrated in his VITA, especially written for that purpose.
His works have been lost,, but we know of them from many mentions of later historians, when they were still available.
For instance there is EXTANT a letter from THE most famous bishop of Constanople and the Eastern Orthodox Church, named Photius..
HE had a copy of Justus’ works and complained bitterly to a colleague that Justus never even mentioned Jesus…….Hmm..
Many others in those historical times had the same critical disapproval of contemporary NON -mention of any trace of Jesus.
All we know about him is straight from the Gospels, which are as I’ve already posted……spurious. Note that they have gone through likely hundreds of rewritings, with bits added, subtracted, and invented, many times over.
Take the story of the “Gadarene Swine”…. The topography where the event “happened” has neither gorges, hills, cliffs nor pools for drowning in.
The idea of transferring malicious spirits from a human to a group of pigs and have them drown themselves, is as ludicrous as the Virgin Birth, which itself is a mistranslation; not from the Hebrew Torah, but from the Greek Septuagint, the story of which translation, also has ludicrous claims on it.
PHILO, a very famous contemporary, and prolific writer, makes NO mention of any event connected with Jesus, although eloquent on everything else.
Recall in those times belief in magic was widespread; most people were abysmally ignorant and attributed human actions to influence from the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars etc….Especially the peasant class.
I could go on, but there’s no point, you are happy in your belief as I am in mine. So let us cease, as friends still.
Edgar I have read Eerdmans and Prices work also. They both have an axe to grind against Christians and the N.T. writings. They have some points, but most are twisted distortions of the writings. Their rantings are similar to the arguments about flat earth – they think and see what they see and just as flat earthers they will never be convinced they are wrong. If you used their Paradigm and hermeneutic against the Torah, Talmud and Mishnah and other Jewish writings they would come to the same conclusions they have about the N>T. and thus both would have no validity nor eternal value in their eyes. As for the historical circumstance the Jews have found them self in- it’s all foretold in the Prophets along with what the end result will be of their collect suffering. The Rabbis teach us that Isaish 53 speaks of the people of Israel. Rabbi Yeshua in the first century, agree with the Rabbis and said, we know what we worship, and salvation is of the Jews. Be safe with in good health. Shalom
I read that he was fired after Fox had had to pay over 3/4 of a BILLION Dollars to settle suits against them, and just then they were hit by another charge made by the director of his show because of Anti-Semitism. Ironically she was fired herself just recently….Ingraham is mild by comparison, and seems mostly directed at illegal immigration and Blacks…
Can you think of any other reason…..?…
For such a popular and listened to figure to be actually fired, there HAS to be a strong reason; I think this last suit was the “straw”…etc.
Somehow I don’t think Carlson was fired because of his antsemitism. No one in the Mainstream media cares about antisemitism. Not even the Jews. Even Fox has long considered antisemitism acceptable. Laura Ingraham. A good commentator on some issues,but she has never tried very hard to hide her antisemitism
Glad of your kind words, but you are “flogging a dead horse”….just like your religion. You never will understand the relationship between Jews and Christians, at least SOME Jews-of which I am one.
Jews Ghetto trained are always far too ready o bow the shoulders and placate. It has become bred into them by bitter experience. I’m not one of them.
It is not the same as the relationship between Judaism and Christianity.
Every word I’ve written on the subject is provable, and you should understand that whilst I HATE Christianity, I do not hate Christians.
Who can forget the persecutions for 2200 years, the pogroms the degradations, the Inquisition, the segregation, prevention of citizenship for thousands of years settled Communities, denigration with us today, and increasing.
In the Pesach Haggadah we are told to visualise the event as if it happened to us personally. I ‘m doing that all my life.
There are people like you, because modernity and reason, have introduced a modicum of shame.
And there are those like Galt because ignorance in not choosy.
My study on the subject has been a lifetime. I’ve read pros and cons for very many years. Up and down , in ands out, Literally several hundreds of books and articles, many ‘peer reviewed
My latest reading are Ehrman and Price, after their group decision was announced, just a few years ago. They quote references.
The lies, polemics, forgeries, and more began before Eusebius, the king of ‘pious forgers” (transliterators-euphemism) and is very provable.
The gospels WERE anonymous and had NO names until at least the end of 2nd cent maybe into 3rd. It’s stated fact and mentioned by early Christian Historians;. like the famous Origen for instance. perhaps Justin Martyr also; and almost every Christian writer up to Eusebius.
As for Galt, his nose has been put askew, because his ignorance on the subject is much…….Ignorant I also may be, but by comparison Galt is a cave dweller. Certainly on this subject.
You are more moderate. and no, you are not in this brouhaha.
Recall it ll started by John calling me stupid and ignorant, for stating my opinion on a free non-critical blog. comparing me to a vile Jew-Hater .I don’t just accept…I respond..
,Oh yes, “Jesus’ teachings, of which there is NO proof are not compliant with the Torah, except superficially. ‘Any that “agree” have been plagiarised.
So thank you again for your modertion.
Edgar glad to see your still kicking. I’m not in this conversation, but I’m butting in just so you can fell some love. Mr. Galt is correct, your old enough and wise enough to know better. You really should read after more competent and inform scholars without an axe to grind. What I find interesting or ironic….. the very attitude you think Carson shows toward Jews – you have the same attitude it’s just directed toward the JEW Jesus/ Yeshua/Josuha from the first century living in the land of the JEWS/Judea and all of his follows who believe in his teachings, which completely agree with the Torah, Talmud and other Jewish writings.
Have you ever read The Golden Bough. I believe It would interest you. It absorbed me for a month so that I read it three times. Fascinating.
And SEB, maybe you’d be interested, I’m sure it’s on Gutenberg….’By Sir James Frazer.
Seems forgotten, but it’s very relevant and timeless.(like the battle of Cannae). It’s still a staple for scholars and mythologists,
Since I was talking to Keelie, I don’t see that it is any of your business to stick your long, boozy, smeller in. Lets not get into ad hominem remarks,
How would you feel if I called you “gall bladder”…I wouldn’t of course, BUT…
Thank you for the compliment, and for bringing yourself to my notice. All I need now is to have his income to make me completely satisfied.
All you have to do is check the internet for the first time it was used, and what it then meant. the part “con” is very suggestive. It makes the meaning of “a new way of fraud”..
Edgar, you are as dumb as Carlson
He’s also hung up on space aliens, UFO’s, Area 51 etc. His audience likes it so he does it.
It’s funny. I went to the same Christian Boarding school in Rhode island as he did, but he went 22 years later. Our classes used to go to Touro Synagogue, America’s first and learn about religious tolerance and I don’t mean Islam, that Carlson appears to excuse. He married the Headmasters daughter. Maybe she is a Jew hater. Who knows, but he’s utterly ignorant about Israel despite having visited there. I mean really stupid. When you are ignorant you can say a lot of stupid things and he does.
Always assuming that there was such a person. My opinion is that “he” was pure made up myth, cut from whole cloth.
The gospels are rife with Jew-hatred, and of course none was written by a Jew and none written in Israel.
The very names given to their authors are fake.
They were anonymous, and the names given were because someone found some slips of parchment with those names on them. This may have been in the late second cent CE, no one knows when.
Even assuming-which is a very big assumption- that people of those names wrote them, there is still no indication of who wrote which..
Some of the “disciples” were “Kan’aim” meaning ‘Zealots’, who were mentioned by Josephus as a distinct separate group, almost a tribe,
All were very ignorant unschooled peasant-class, except, according to a reference, a tax collector, one of the most hated occupations.
Even according to the Gospels, when the aforementioned Jesus was captured, they ran like hares. Being Zealots was why those who came to arrest them were armed, as were the disciples…….
Not accidentally there were thousands of Jesuses (Yehoshuas-Joshuas) in Israel it being one of the popular names, he having been the warrior leader into and capturing Canaan.
Anything you DON”T want to know, just ask me…
Robert Bartley’s, the Wall Street Journal’s terrific editorial page chief, had that word on his pages daily back then in the 1970’s. Here try this then use Google ten thousand times. Behind a paywall. Read about Irving Kristol. Neocon was a good word back then – it described the Stalinist Jews of NYC who finally smelled the coffee.
I was alive in the sixties and for being so young had an ear for political language. Not once, do I recall, did I ever hear the term “neocon” used to describe anyone. I’d like to see a citation of something in print from those times. Another term that many claim having roots in the sixties is “social justice”. Both terms as they are used now seem to be applied carefully so as to have no meaning at all.
Speaking of New Testament, when these so-called Christians malign the Jews with blood libels, etc. perhaps they should ask themselves if Jesus-the-Jew did these same things.