How does Trump hope to get a semi-agreement within 2 to 4 months?

By Ted Belman

Pres Trump met with PM Netanyahu at the UN today and said to the press afterward “I like the two state solution.”

Then I read the Haaretz article and the TOI and the Breitbart articles on the same topic, They all assumed that what he intended was to create a Palestinian state. Bibi insisted that his red line was that Israel must hhave full security control west of the Jordan River and that the state won’t be a danger to Israel.

No one mentioned the Jordan Option which considers Jordan as the Palestinian state. Thus if it was followed it would yield a two-state solution.

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In my recent article, Trump’s Deal of the Century, I described such a two state solution in which Jordan becomes the Palestinian state and administers the Palestinians in Area A west of the Jordan River.  I also said that Israel would have sovereignty up to the Jordan River and in full charge of security.

Neither Netanyahu or Trump contradicted such a two state solution. And as Bibi said to Bennett, it won’t be a danger to Israel.

But Trump also said “I want a plan that’s solid, understood by both sides, really semi-agreed by both sides before we present. I would say two-three-four months.”

In my first reaction I said “This will only be possible if Mudar succeeds in replacing King Abdullah as leader of Jordan and makes Jordan the Palestinian state.

If he doesn’t, how in the world will Trump achieve semi-agreement within two or even four months? Certainly both Abbas and King Abdullah will not agree to anything of the kind.

We can’t ignore that Trump said it. He must have had something in mind.

September 30, 2018 | 24 Comments »

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24 Comments / 24 Comments

  1. @ greenrobot:
    I am working with an Israeli to plan the new city. I am also working with an Israeli who has developed a system for mass producing housing. There is no need to mention the name of the city until our plans are finalized and Mudar is in power.

  2. Abbas made it cyrstal clear that he is not going to work with the USA in his UN speech.

    So Trump saying two states did not get Abbas out of the foxhole he has dug for himself.

    As I have said before Israel needs to get ready to act decisively for the day after Abbas and the PA starts breaking up.

  3. @ Ted Belman:
    I’m with you on this scenario, & Jordan at the tipping point.
    I think we are seeing Pres Trump ( & Bibi adding to it) playing his 5-D chess, I just can’t listen to any more rehashing of the old bs and blarney, & all the crazy “explainations” of what Pres Trump meant, what Bibi meant, who said what, ad nauseum, it makes me cringe!
    I have such an “insider” hopeful feeling, knowing about what might be unfolding, and all the know-it-alls off on tangents! hahha

  4. Email received.

    I agree with your last statement: Trump did not say it for show.

    His actions, including UNWRA, also indicate this, as does his UN GA speech and Bolton’s speech at the Iran conference.

  5. Reporting the Second Press Conference TOI

    ‘I’m happy, if they’re happy. I’m a facilitator,’ Trump says
    Trump: I prefer two states, one state is OK too, as long as there’s a deal
    ‘It takes two groups of people to be happy,’ he tells reporters in New York, promises peace deal being crafted by Jared Kushner will be very ‘fair’ and says it could come soon

    WASHINGTON — After US President Donald Trump declared his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Wednesday, he backtracked a little bit during a frenzied news conference on the sidelines of UN General Assembly, saying that the actual solution was less important to him, so long as there was a peace deal in the end.

    “Bottom line: If the Israelis and Palestinians want one state, that’s okay with me,” he said. “If they want two states, that’s okay with me. I’m happy, if they’re happy.”

    I’m a facilitator. I want to see if I can get a deal done so that people don’t get killed anymore,” the president said.

    Continue article at

  6. @ Miri Burgin:

    Ted! I almost jumped out of my skin when Pres. Trump said that!
    Yes, 2 states, ONE-Israel and ONE- Jordan.

    Where and when did you see this? Is there a video link?

  7. @ Ted Belman:

    There are no agreements on any horizon that is realistic. In the middle east one needs a militia or army behind a leader to take over a country. So does Mudar have that? If he does not he will not take over. Jordan. The USA is not going to take over Jordan and hand it to Mudar.

    I listened very carefully to Trumps second press conference and Trump indicated that he had been led to believe that it would be easier to achieve middle east peace with a two state solution but he personally was not adamant on that. If the two sides preferred a one state solution he could could along with it, as his role was to facilitate and not dictate terms.

    So what he has invested in this is his ego that he can pull off the Ultimate Deal. He does not have middle east core principles that are important to him to feel good about himself. Jared Kushner clearly has a lot of influence on the formulating the deal and Trump indicated that without saying so directly. He said, Jared cares a lot about Israel but realizes it takes two sides to make an agreement. Trump will not force an agreement on either side, in actuality he has leverage especially on Israel but he can not force an outcome. He also can not force an outcome on Jordan there even, if he has lots of leverage there also. This is because collectively the Arab Countries will say, as they have already there needs to be a two state solution. Trump is not going to force Jordan to become Palestine. I understand you believe that is so but there is no corroborating evidence.

  8. Bear Klein Said:

    between Israel and the Palestinians.

    Again, no mention of the PA. Trump and his emissaries always say the Palestinian people. So the arab leaders also see it this way. They want the people, not their leaders, pacified. The stopped mentioning the Arab Peace Initiative after Trump became President.

  9. Trump refers to Israel and the Palestinians. He pointedly does not say the PA. He understands that the Jordan option considers Jordan as the Palestinian State. Similarly in his UN speech he thanked the Jordanian people, not King Abdullah, for hosting the Syrian refugees. This is significant. It is a snub to the King.

    I am told from a number of sources, when the King met with Trump a few months back in the WhiteHouse, the meeting lasted less than 5 minutes. This was a rejection of the King.

    When Kushner last met with the King, the meeting was not amiable, to say the least.. Kushner read him the Riot Act.

    The only way Palestine would not be a danger to Israel is if you put Mudar in power and let thim admisnister the Palestinian people in Area A. I insist this is the Palestinian state Trump and Bibi are talking about.

    If you exclude such a state and give Israel most of Area C there can’t be a state.

    I am told that Bibi wants a long term ceasefire with Hamas before doing the deal. Many articles in the past made this point. So watch if discussions start up again on the Hudna. Greenblatt in his interview also mention how the Gaza deal is the first step.

  10. @ Bear Klein:

    I’d bet money that he knew. He’s briefed every morning and often during the day. As well, he takes a personal interest in that neighbourhood. And I’m sure a reporter would have asked him for his reactions to the Russians moving in S-300s . The Russians and the weaponry in that area, strongly inhibit his closest allies; they are a very big deal.

    It suits him to be nonchalant and casual at times when he’d deeply interested. All part of “making a DEAL”…..

    Just my opinion.

    The story about “even if they want one state” was the lead story in Arutz 7 today.

  11. @ Bear Klein:

    Does he really care about what “All twelve Arab Leaders told him”…..He listens, but makes up his own mind, frequently contrary to what leaders tell him….as we are constantly seeing. It has to jibe with his own thoughts on the matter for him to be seen as following advice of foreign rulers, especially dictators.

  12. Thinking Beyond Trump

    Status quo will continue until the PA breaks apart most likely when Abbas dies or ever first makes good on the threat to give BIBI the keys to Ramallah. Fighting for power will then start in the PA between various Fatah strongmen and also Hamas.

    Israel needs then to be able to take advantage of changing facts on the ground. Rounding up and killing terrorists. Destroying terror infrastructure. Confiscating weapons including from the PA police UNLESS they are still actively cooperating with rounding up terrorists.

    Israel needs to then apply its civil law to all of Area C and martial law in the PA areas.

    Then start working on incentivizing Arab emigration.

    Declare Oslo Dead and the two state concept dead.0

    Buy up Arab properties and help these Arabs relocate. Sell the properties to Jews ONLY.

    Destroy any Building where a terrorist has committed a murder and confiscate the land. If an Arab village or neighborhood in a big Arab city has multiple terror acts they all residents there will lose the right to work in Israel.

  13. I just saw a press conference Trump gave. He was asked about the two state comment earlier in the day.

    He said, we are here to facilitate we will agree to whatever the sides agree to one state or two states. He said two states seems easier. He describe that 12 Arab leaders all told him for there to be overall peace, you need peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

    He was during the press conference in a particularly good mood, in his element and being Trump the overly confident leader, indicating that he still thinks he can achieve peace in the middle east and that Health Care is a tougher deal.

    So enough people had told him you need two states so he was leaning on two states. He cared more about deal making than the actual deal. It was a partial walk back of his earlier comments but indicating were he was leaning.

    So basically my view is that the status quo will continue unless Israel can convince Trump that we can not get a deal with the Palestinians and we must move unilaterally. Jared Kushner was referenced by Trump as loving Israel but Trump stated he realized that both sides need to be happy.

    I saw zero indications that Trump was going to force out the Jordanian King. The King is smart enough to talk politely to Trump and about him publicly. As so is Bibi. Only Abbas has been stupid enough to make an enemy of Trump to his complete detriment. Rumors are that when he speaks at the UN he will try and box in the USA and Trump. He is trying to get a peace summit with Arabs and Europeans as the middlemen excluding the USA. He is threatening again drastic actions if he does not get his way.

  14. @ Bear Klein:

    I’m sure Trump was already well aware of the S-300s and other matters. The US Intelligence has not been asleep, and anyway, they’d have been kept fully informed by Israel all the way. That’s their agreement.

  15. Ted! I almost jumped out of my skin when Pres. Trump said that!
    Yes, 2 states, ONE-Israel and ONE- Jordan.
    I hope he and Jared have seen your video! I’m sure they are aware of Zahran!
    Now THAT would be the deal of the century, the ages, and the eons!
    I knew what he was referring to, as you just pointed out. Of course, TOI, ha’aretz, and others haven’t a clue, so still harping on the past failed idea!
    Pres Trump is dismantling the whole hoax, point(lie) by point(lie)!
    I’ve been hyper-excited and hopeful ever since your conference last year and becoming aware of your video “Explaining the Jordan Option”, as well as seeing Zahran becoming more public lately. It seems to be beginning to fall apart in Jordan.

    I appreciate you, Mr. Belman!

  16. Trump says things impromptu and then also backtracks. Jared Kushner later appeared to being to trying to clean up Trumps statement by saying people have different definitions of what such a state would be.

    Trump is not going to get to Abbas or the King of Jordan to agree to anything Israel would agree to.

    Bibi knows Trumps plan is going nowhere. He drew a Red Line in the Sand about Israeli security complete to the Jordan River permanently, which Trump will not try to erode I believe. Yet, he is careful not to upset Trump and made Trump aware of the on-goings with S300s coming to the Syrian Army on Israel’s border. This is the primary importance and not the latest peace deal that is simply not going to happen anyway.

  17. so if pres trump is so hot to trot what is he doing to fast track the fall of king greaseball? what is this semi-agreement? by now king greaseball would no longer be welcomed to the big house. what meetings has trump held (letting a leak) with mudar? is king greaseball living in East ISRAEL? or on an extended visit to cousins in say swissland or south france?
    there’s more chance Watford winning EPL at 1500 to 1.