Trump: “Today’s Attack on Israel cannot be forgotten.”

July 28, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. The “international community” regards these territories as Syrian, not Israeli. It regards Israel as an occupier in the Golan area. This has to be taken into account as Israel calculates its response. Also, do the Druze inhabitants of the Golan regard themselves as Israeli or Syrians. It has been many years since I have looked into this question. But the last time Idid, maybe in the 1980s, there was said to be a division of opinion among the Druze on this question. Also, I think that prior to 1967 there was a substantial Muslim majority in the area as well as a Druze minoriy in thr Golan. on the Golan. The Muslims fled the area when Israel occupied this area, but the Druze stayed, indicating that they were
    at the very least less hostile to Israel than the Muslims. Israel should remember all this as background as it considers its response.

    However, I still think that Israel should mount a very strong response against Hezbollah. Hezbollah has definitely not obeyed a UN resolution ordering them to withdraw some distance from the Israeli border. And Lebanon, the theoretical sovereign in this area, has not attempted to compel their withdrawal. Even the UN has not authorized Hezbollah to attack Israel. At least the Security Council has not authorized Hezbollah’s aggression. And not only the Druze but all the inhabitants of northern Israel are at risk as a result of Hamas agression. In fact the overwhelming majority of them are refugees unable to return to their homes. So Israel must act decisively.

  2. America has become the greatest sponsor of terror in the world, thru the billions of US dollars which it is knowingly passing to Iran and its proxies. The US has been fast tracking funds to terrorists thru Iran and Lebanon and Gaza, even more openly since the October 7 Massacre. They have simultaneously held Israel in obeisance, restraining them from properly responding to the ongoing assault of over 7000 missiles over the past 9 months. This sponsorship of inhumanity and barbarity by the ‘leader of the free world’ must come to an end.