Trump Should Push for “Islamic Reformation” 

By Amil Imani

For decades, I delved into all sorts of Islamic books, read them and made notes of them. I contemplated, profoundly researched, spoke with some high-level Islamic scholars, tried to find a small hole, something that would lead me to believe that it is possible to either put the genie back into the bottle or, somehow, erase the elements of violence within Islam. But each time, I ran into a wall. How could this be? Like hundreds of others before me, I too realized, without violence, fear, anxiety and blood, Islam would slowly weaken and eventually die.

There are some brave activists who are currently working hard to somehow erase a few Suras and make a new Quran that is free from violence. While their intentions are honorable, they basically try to make a new religion out of old one with no divine authority that was, supposedly, bestowed upon Muhammad to launch his religion. This is impossible.

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My efforts to find a solution to reform Islam is not about prosperity, it is about the survival of the human race and the ability for all non-Islamic ideologies to survive. However, in the absence of evangelism and without the ability to reveal the peace-loving belief to the Muslim world, people just don’t wake up and suddenly denounce it. Does a seed grow in less than fertile ground? Those who are brave are the ones who enable personal conversion, not those who justify Islamic slavery by alluding to salvation in nations possessed by evil.Trump Should Push for “Islamic Reformation” – Capitol Hill Outsider

May 9, 2019 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Maybe Trump should push for Islamic reformation, but the purpose would only be to show the public that the Moslems refuse to consider reforming Islam. Anyone who understands Islam knows that Islam can not be reformed. The reason is that Moslems consider the Koran consider the Koran to be Allah’s perfect word. There can be no reform of Islam without reforming the Koran. And, it is logically absurd to consider reforming anything which is already considered perfect. Also, no human being dare reform the direct words of his god. It makes no sense. However, pushing Moslems to reform Islam does make sense even though it is impossible. It makes sense because it alerts the non-Moslem public to the fact that there is something wrong with Islam itself, and it alerts the public to the fact that Moslems will stick by Islam just the way it is.

  2. The fallout from the Protestant Reformation began in the early 1400s with the execution of Jan Hus, about 100 years before Luther published his 95 theses. The consequences are still very much in evidence in Northern Ireland today. Obviously intra-Muslim conflict has been an interesting feature of the Religion of Peace since Mohammed died and the Sunnis and the Shias started ‘being peaceful’ with one another. Essential they’ve had their reformation, and woe betide us. It seem the only breaks they take from killing one another is trying to kill or convert everyone and occupy everywhere else.

  3. Islam is motivated by an insane belief that it is divinely superior, absolutely dominating and that all other belief systems are unacceptable. The Sunnis and the Shi’ites are arch enemies over the successor to Mohammad (a psychopath who founded Islam) for the last 1,500 years. If you think you can change Islam to stop the killing, think again.