Trump Rolls Out $500 Billion ‘Platinum Plan’ for Black Americans

T. Belman. What a masterstroke. Trump is stealing the Democrat’s base. With this plan there will be a massive shift in the black vote even more than has occurred thus far. His trade policies are winning the blue collar workers and their Unions. His law and order policies are winning over the police and their Unions and suburban women. His strengthening of the military and fixing the Veterans Act have endeared him to the military. His anti-war policies have attracted the Independents and the libertarians. I could go on.

By Jack Davis, WJ

On Friday, President Donald Trump unveiled a nearly $500 billion plan for his second term — a proposal that he called a “Platinum Plan” for black communities.

The Trump campaign said the plan will increase access to capital in black communities by almost $500 billion, create 500,000 new black-owned businesses and bring three million new jobs for the black community.

Opportunity, security, prosperity and fairness are the four pillars of the plan, Fox News reported.

Trump’s plan also proposes making Juneteenth a national holiday.

The plan vows to “prosecute the KKK and ANTIFA as terrorist organizations and make lynching a national hate crime” as well.

The proposal pledges to raise standards to which police are held, including an increase in diversity training.

It also says that the federal government will work to close failing schools and use school choice to increase educational opportunities for black children.

platinum-plan-two-sider-v5.pdf by Raheem Kassam

The plan says that it will “defend religious liberty and African American churches that lift the conscience of our nation.”

“I will always put Americans first, and that includes black Americans,” Trump said in Atlanta as he unveiled the plan, according to WTTG-TV.

“Together we will fulfill our contract with black America and we will pass the Platinum Plan into law, and we’ll do it quickly and easily.”

September 26, 2020 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Adam Dalgliesh Said:

    “…there would be a massive armed uprising, sanctions by our Western “allies,”etc.”

    Are they in a position to do that? Isn’t it American sanctions that the rest of the world fears? Remember, we are energy independent now. As for armed rebellion, isn’t that what we have been seeing? And aren’t these rebellions being crushed by the law?

  2. Adam Dalgliesh Said:

    Unfortunately, Biden and Harris are sure to win because of their highly organized, long-prepared ballot-stuffing plan, plus violence to intimidate potential Trump voters and campaign personnel.

    I think Trump is “sure to win”, not Biden.

    As for election fraud affecting the results, Trump is setting the stage to challenge the vote count with a view to having the Supreme Court with a 5 to 4 or perhaps 6 to 3, conservative majority deciding the matter.

  3. Unfortunately, Biden and Harris are sure to win because of their highly organized, long-prepared ballot-stuffing plan, plus violence to intimidate potential Trump voters and campaign personnel. The Supreme Court will not attempt to invalidate the entire election because of the ballot stuffing. If they did that, there would be a massive armed uprising, sanctions by our Western “allies,”etc.

    A Biden-Harris administration, actually a Harris administration because Biden obviously has
    Alzheimer’s, will pursue ultra-inflationary “stimulus” policies. Eventually the inflation will assume Weimar-Venezuela-Zimbabwe proportions.

    BLM will continue to mercilessly harass the police with the government’s blessing, leading to a massive decline in the number of policemen as more and cops take early retirement, and fewer young men and women seek police jobs. The police will will steer clear of black neighborhoods and will be extremely reluctant to arrest black criminals. Probably the lockdowns will continue indefinitely on one excuse or another, with Fauci the eminence gris.

    China will be allowed to dominate the American and world economies. Sanctions against Iran will be lifted, and the Iranians will race toward the bomb. Israel will be toast. The Arab states that have normalized, or are attempting to normalize relations with Israel, will be forced by Harris to “get back in line” by resuming their boycott of Israel and funding of the Palestinian terrorists.

    What an exciting prospect! We will be living in interesting times.