Trump Loses To Harris  

Mail-In Ballots Do It

If the election were today, Harris 303, Trump 235.

Harris has the better hand because she has the

mail-in ballot mills in swing states.

By: Omega4America, August 12, 2024

If the election were held today, August 2024, Trump would lose to Harris easily.

Listening to the Trump Campaign guys on podcasts, it appears they believe they are running a political campaign against a Leftist woman – and if they get the word out, she is a Commie, and her VP is more Commie, who chickened out of Afghanistan, they win. That is delusional thinking about losing the most critical election in modern American history—and you get a ringside seat to watch it. These are the thinkers in Republican campaigns – from the detritus of previous senate and congressional campaigns – people who did not go to top schools, have not done great things, have little personal accomplishment – and their life’s light reflects the Sun they serve. For decades, these politicos, who took poli-sci in college, belonged to the band in high school, and knew who Nixon’s first VP was – grew into the operational mechanics of national Republican campaigns. They are mechanics – not thinkers.

You, however, are a thinker, so ride with us here a bit. What’s different is that the 2024 presidential and major senate races are not political battles; they are ideological, and the rules are fundamentally different. So is the battlefield, the tactics, the strategies. To be more precise – they are ideological for the Left. Trump’s guys don’t get it. Harris’s do. That’s why we see 303 for Harris and 235 for DJ.

We aren’t asking you to believe us now. Please review this post in early October, and we will send you the link to do so. By early October, Harris will lead in every swing state – by a point or two – maybe even 1 point behind. It does not matter – the election will not be decided by who gets the most votes – but rather by who gets the most ballots.

Trump has a useless strategy to hire 100,000 poll watchers to ensure mail-in ballots from NGO ballot mills – are correctly counted. The grifter who sold him that strategy is being paid to train these useless resources. We know who she is, and we will make her infamous.

Harris has hundreds of NGOs in every state. (Want to see ‘em?) Many have been registering illegal aliens and migrants—there’s a difference—at ballot collection points. Those accumulate to about 500,000 ballots in each swing state except PA, which is closer to 1.4 million.

The politicos are publicly playing the 1980s campaign measurement game. Polling people in swing states – post the poll – a snapshot of fleeting reality. Writers like Salena Zito drive around dingy western Pennsylvania towns asking people who should have moved out when the jobs left what they think of Harris. Trumpers are counting lawn signs, noting how few are for Harris. Politico and Axios publish pieces about how Harris may pull it out. Trumpers publishing crowd size info – Harris is faking her stats. Victor Davis Hanson’s article states that Trump is like a Greek thing. The Atlantic is doing regular puff pieces on why Commie backgrounds are cooler than you thought.

Harris avoids mistakes—like the ones when she opens her unscripted mouth—thus, nothing is extemporaneous. Fox News is acting like they like Trump because he may win, and they want that interview. Laura Ingraham. Everything from the pros will look, feel, and smell the same as in every campaign. They are the ones who miss the real action below the surface. They, like Trump and his reflecting Moons, still think they are in a traditional political campaign.

Republicans are all about the money. Leftists are about power and ideology. Under tremendous pressure, ideology always wins over money – thus, Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao – untold African leaders – always called their movement the People’s Democratic Whatever. Come to think of it, money rarely wins – or when it does, victory is short-lived. The critical difference between the motive force of ideology versus cash is that the ideology one never stops – that’s why, in or out of power in the U.S., the Left always moves its agenda forward. In power or out of power, Republicans always get smoked – actually – they don’t even get beat so much as they just plain quit.

No major Republican political concept has been enacted into law since Calvin Coolidge. All significant societal changes come from the Left – welfare state, immigration, open borders, nationalized medical care – you get it. Ideology wins.

Back to DJT. Trump is a very smart guy. My dad met him several times in New York and told me never to bet against Trump. I am not betting against DJT. I believe if anyone can pull this one out, he’s the guy. I continue to believe Trump is a historical person who will—100 years from now—be remembered for his courage, insight into government (Deep State stuff), and transformational figure. So, I am not betting against DJT.

However, we all have our weaknesses. Ours is that we cannot stop writing Substack articles—plus many others. While we are kind to animals, we cancel subscribers—even paid ones—who ask us how we clean voter rolls! We don’t clean those f#$%ing voter rolls—we stop mail-in ballots going to them! Do not ask us how we clean them, or you are OUT!

Trump is blind – in a Greek tragedy kind of way – appointing silly people around him. And he has silly people around him who will get him smoked by Kamala! He’s figuring that out right now as the decision to take out Joe Biden – in June rather than September will go down as the most consequential blunder in modern American politics. Come September, when Kamala is ahead or too close for comfort in the swing states – Trump will figure out this is not a traditional 1980s campaign – and it will be way too late to change course. We don’t do political commentary because we have no data in that area – but we do observe, and when we see there is not a “wave” of enthusiasm for the Republican brand – reflected in every senate race – we conclude the race goes Blue, not Red.

Let’s look at some of the Senate races: In West Virginia, the Republicans win easily. In Montana, it looks good, but it’s not good enough. The Tester may pull it out. Nobody has ever reconciled Montana voter rolls, so 2% for the Republican guy is probably not enough. Every other competitive Senate race is over. Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio – there is no way those anodyne, listless GOP candidates have a prayer unless their opponent gets caught in a child porn sting. That may not be enough. The GOP recruits these candidates, whose only qualification to office is inherited money or hitting one big deal in their otherwise bland life – and they can finance their own campaign. They are U.S. Senate Campaign Committee cutout characters with zero appeal to the people. We predict here and now, they are toast.

Kari Lake, a favorite in our house, will likely lose as well – not because she is a crappy candidate like the midwestern guys – but because Arizona is so corrupt. Kari Lake won the 2022 governor race – we can prove it with the data we have – she got royally screwed. Like Trump, never bet against her – she will find a way, just not in 2024. Kari Lake was too close to Trump and caught the Trump Flu – surrounding herself with incompetents who would cause her to lose. The Arizona GOP and their most prominent voter integrity organization are stuck in the 1980s – so don’t expect much in Arizona. We have first-hand knowledge – we told them to cut the cards in 2022 and take voter roll snapshots in Maricopa – then check them during the election to ensure the government didn’t secretly add new voters. They ignored that advice – the county added 22,000 new voters – days before the election – invisible to Lake – the Republicans lost – and Trump will likely lose Arizona in 2024 due to on-the-ground incompetence – and Leftist ballot mills.

The Senate races are instructive. No Republican is breaking out against an incumbent. None. That is meaningful. Back to those 303 electoral votes. Our scientific methodology is to talk to the election integrity field teams. They have been mired deep in the data for 38 months – literally day and night. In the history of U.S. politics, there has never been such an aggregation of talented, dedicated citizen groups who have dug into election data – in every swing state – for so long a time. They are primarily volunteers and small groups. Some work with us, and others are alone at kitchen tables and on Zoom calls. They are pretty interconnected, and their voice is close to unanimous – actually, it is unanimous.

The in-the-trenches teams report that there is no, like zero, Trump ground game in the swing states. The Trump campaign boasts that some sort of Captain Trump 47 thing is going up in “200 offices” in the swing states. No doubt they do. Here’s the difference – and it is the single most critical observation showing DJT is going to get smoked: The Trump Campaign and the RNC are NOT engaging the workers – they are promoting the grifters!

There’s a parallel here in American foreign policy—stick with me. For the last century, the U.S. has backed the guy in every foreign country who was the oppressor type—not the man of the people type. Chiang vs. Mao in China, Pav in Iran, Allende in Chile, Diem in Vietnam (even when Ho Chi Min visited with the U.S. to get support before going to the Reds)—if you are over 50, you know the story. The U.S. State Department and CIA always pick the wrong guy – the people toss them out and end up with the Commies – or Ayatollahs.

The analog is the Trump Campaign. The Campaign hired about every DC-based grifter in Washington, DC. We know it firsthand as their “voter integrity” lead is some hack lawyer whose LinkedIn profile shows he is a DC-based, not-too-successful lawyer who does political lawyer stuff. For the teams in the foxholes for 38 months, guys like that prove how out of touch the Trump Campaign truly is. Literally hundreds, into the thousands of Twitter feeds include #JoshHelton because they want him to wake up to ballot mills – none of which are on K Street or M Street in Georgetown. The campaign does not work with the guys who have done all the work for 38 months; it is working with the guys who show up at the party late after someone else brings the beer.

We are asked daily, “Why isn’t Trump embracing your ability to stop mail-in ballots to Walmarts and strip malls?” Now you know why – because on his team are the politicos in the early paragraph who think they can “outrun” the mail-in ballots. It’s like George Custer figured he could handle those pesky Sioux at the Little Big Horn. Another analogy – Custer was shocked to find 5,000 or so over that hill – and it was too late to do anything about it.

The Trump Campaign will only recognize what 500,000 mail-in ballots mean – in each swing state – when their 100,000 poll watchers helplessly watch them go through the tabulators. After the election, every swing state organization will ask the Trump Campaign: “Why didn’t you stop those mail-in ballots from Walmarts and 7-11s – in the hundred thousands BEFORE they went out?”

Let’s do the math in one swing state—Wisconsin. Wisconsin is won or lost by about 25,000 votes in statewide elections. In 2024, there will be about 3.5 million active voters in Wisconsin. Let’s say 80% vote—a very optimistic number. The Wisconsin team has already identified about 450,000 mail-in ballots (that will be mailed when the time comes). 450,000 divided by 2.8 million is about 15% of the vote.

The Trump Campaign tells us they are registering people like mad. New registrants have a low vote propensity – but all 450,000 Leftist ballot mill ballots have a 100% propensity. The Leftists put them into the system! The Trump Campaign tells us they are ballot harvesting. Ballot harvest all you want – you cannot outrun 15% of the ballots. The Trump Campaign and the RNC tell us they have 100,000 kick-ass, trained poll watchers. Great. So what does a poll watcher do to stop one of those 450,000 ballots once they’re in the system? What about the rest?

This is what happens when a campaign picks grifters, not the street fighters who have been doing the work for 38 months. The Campaign has no visibility on the ground. In Wisconsin alone, the voter integrity guy the Campaign is paying has zero clue about what the fighters in the trenches are doing. He’s a joke, and the teams who win elections ignore him. Remember, the Left is ideology-driven. There is no sunlight between the national organization, the state organization, the precinct organizations, and the NGOs like Catholic Charities and Lutheran charities registering illegal aliens – to vote for Kamala.

The Left does not hire grifters in DC who have never done anything in the voter integrity space – they have people from top to bottom – to the runner who picks up loose ballots for $40 a piece – all pulling in the same direction. That’s the difference between an ideology-driven electioneering force and one doing it for the dough – and DJ is about to realize this when the polls turn.

Trump, like Custer, is approaching his hill where one’s view of reality changes instantly from its top. For Custer, when he rode up, he saw he was in for a long day – his last. Around October 10th, the hilltop will show the Trump Campaign how screwed they are. Trump will see it first, and the campaign team will try to bullshit their way out of it, but Trump will get it. Early October. Polls will show Harris in control of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin – and Trump cannot lose them all.

Trump will probably fire a bunch of people and stick some old hand in. Trump will sense he is in real trouble around mid-September and likely act in early October. After October 10th, it’s too late to adjust. The senate campaigns will be dead – that’s a given – but Trump’s position becomes unrecoverable. Fortunately for DJT, we did not bet against him. We listened to my dad. The national voter integrity organizations have left the field – they are out fundraising from dopey donors to clean voter rolls in 2025 – which they will again fail to do.

In each swing state, plus Colorado, teams are using Fractal quantum technology to compare property tax rolls with voter rolls – identify ballots set to be mailed to a restaurant, 7-11, or bank – where nobody lives – and stop them from getting into the system. We just funded one of these, and more are coming on board. Hopefully, the rest of these states will be funded as well. If so, when Trump rides to the top of that hill, he will see about 500,000 ballots in every swing state, 1.4 million in Pennsylvania – riding away.

ALERT**** The Fractal team will shortly make some major announcements about our technology, which will bring an innovative solution to some key states. Stay tuned, and share this FREE Substack with all your pals.

August 14, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @peloni et al.

    I have a fool-proof plan for fixing the voting system. Unfortunately, it will probably never see the light of day. Anyway, this is it. When you file your taxes, the last page(s) of IRS form 1040 would be a ballot for federal positions. If you do not file a tax return, and contribute to the economic life of the country, then you don’t get to vote. There would be no way to stuff the ballot boxes, or for dead people to vote, or to find pallets full of lost ballots at the last moment, etc.

    By this method, only people who have a vested interest in the well-being and success of this country would vote. I don’t even care if they are illegal aliens. If they work and pay taxes, they are legitimate members of our society. Those whose tax liability is zero, or even those who get a refund, still get to vote, because they have filed their tax return. One tax return, one vote. That’s it. Problem solved. Anyone who files fraudulent tax return(s) will have to deal with the IRS, and will face heavy fines or jail time.

    Anyone who doesn’t file a tax return ought to consider themselves lucky just to be here.

  2. @Raphael

    The Democrats clearly have control of all forms of voting, (and judicial review), in all significant states.

    Which is why the use of the Fractal technology should be implemented by the Reps to prevent ballots being sent to fake voter registrants. There is in fact no good faith argument as to why they should not do so.

  3. I don’t think that Harris only has the mail-in ballots in swing states in her hip pocket. The Democrats clearly have control of all forms of voting, (and judicial review), in all significant states. Those states where they don’t have control are inconsequential. So, the fix is already in. I would book my passage out of here, but there’s nowhere to go.

  4. I think the point of this article is to promote omega for america. Is omegaforamerica working for the trump team?

  5. I wish this article had not needed to be written, just as I wish that the consequences of ignoring the details expressed here will not need to be experienced later this year. Unfortunately, it appears that this election will once again be decided by incompetence (or something more malicious) on the part of the Republican Party, even as this party is now controlled by Trump.

    There is a way to fight this battle and win, but the Republican Party, even under the control of Trump, is refusing to employ the technology needed to do so. This fact remains both impossible to believe and inexplicable to explain. Hopefully the efforts by will gain the attention needed to change the current strategy being employed by the Trump team before it is once again too late to prevent a redo of 2020 in 2024.