President Trump’s Vice-Presidential Running Mate is Senator JD Vance

Sundance | July 15, 2024

Cliff Notes – On the upside JD Vance brings with him the full support of Silicon Valley and unites the various social media clans and venture capitalists (Musk, Ackerman, Thiel, etc.).  This means a big boost to the financial position of the Trump campaign, support from half the banking community, and also the absence of internet protocols that would restrict or oppose his 2024 campaign platform.

Additionally, on a geopolitical level, Vance will be unlikely to interfere too much on the global peace initiative; that’s important.  Also, Vance will likely not interfere too much with MAGAnomic policy other than oppose tariffs that align against the aforementioned Vance benefactors.  JD Vance was heavily pushed by Donald Trump Jr.

On the downside the ‘never trust a Never-Trumper’ axiom was never more true than it is today. The IC-aligned DHS network behind JD Vance opens a Trump administration to the scorpions within the deepest part of the intelligence apparatus.  We can easily predict the decade of 2030-2040 now that JD Vance has been selected.   The IC silos will predictably go dormant now as things settle in with Vance, at least for a while.  I’ll have much more on these granular aspects in days and weeks to come.

This selection also guarantees a prominent position for Vivek Ramaswamy in the cabinet.


President Donald Trump is scheduled to make the announcement of his 2024 Vice-President pick today.  His running mate will be announced shortly.


This is one of the most consequential decisions of the 2024 campaign and the anticipation is extreme.

Everyone has their favorite, and there are many possibilities.  We all watch together.

Big smiles.

Regardless of the selection, Trump 2024!

July 16, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. I do not know if it is true that if Trump were to win it would only amount to a 4 year stoppage of America’s slide to communism. That might be so if the vast majority of Americans wanted that slide. But that is not the case. The elites in cities and suburbs, who are out of touch with the vast number of Americans in the working and middle classes, may want Communism. The college educated are getting indoctrinated to want Communism, but these two groups are small and are not the majority view in America. The only people who want Communism are the oligarchs who intend to rule the world and turn all of us into slaves like the CCP system, and elites who have no idea what living under Communism really means. Because if they did understand what it is like to live under Communism they would never be in favor of it. These are people who have been brainwashed to think it is “progress” to think of health care as a “human right.” They are brainwashed to think government is the answer to everything. They have been brainwashed to think there is no difference between a man and a woman. These are absurd ideas that they have bought into but the majority of Americans think these ideas are ridiculous.

    The majority of Americans have awakened and realize our government is totally out of control and serves a series of criminal networks which are tied to the oligarchs of the world. The oligarchs specialize in and benefit from the criminal networks that involve drugs, human trafficking, illegal immigration, child trafficking and pedophile networks. The various government agencies have employee networks within them that serve as a handmaiden to these oligarchs and have been working to destroy America. For example, the CDC and FDA are captured agencies and so is the DOJ and FBI.

    Since the majority of Americans do not want these criminals running our government into the ground and trying to destroy our middle class and our economy, it is likely that we are going to have to make many difficult efforts to rid ourselves of these criminals who have us by the throats.

    Yes it is true those Republicans in Congress are mostly RINOS, but they do not represent the people. They probably have been elected by ballot fraud. Congress no longer represents the people, they represent the criminal cartels who want our country destroyed. These people are going to have to be voted out, and Trump has already spoken about election reform which will prevent ballot fraud from occurring. This way there is hope we can get rid of the RINOS in Congress and those democrats who have been elected by fraud as well.

    If our country is turned into a Communist hell-hole, the vast number of American patriots will not let it stand. The Americans who own and understand how to use guns can serve as the largest army in the world. If we have to fight to resuscitate our Constitutional Republic we will do so.

  2. @John Galt III

    Trump is a four year stoppage of America’s path to Communism. That’s all it is.

    You have me somewhat confused in reading your comment here. You posit that Sundance is wrong in his judgement that Trump’s contenders were either corrupted or corruptible, but go on to indicate that Trump is just a pause in the storm of America’s date with Communism. If Sundance is wrong about those whom you claim he is wrong, and Trump is capable of creating the pause in the storm, as you suggest, why is it that the people in which Sundance lacks any faith can not do what Trump is doing. Stated otherwise, if the other elements of the Republican party are willing, capable, and intentioned to do as Trump is doing, and Trump is willing, capable, and intentioned properly enough to halt the march towards doomsday for 4 years, why can’t the Republicans, of whom you seem to hold a greater opinion than Sundance, carryon Trump’s stoppage beyond the four years? If Sundance is wrong that Trump is not the only man for the job, how do you contenance your final statement that

    Trump is a four year stoppage of America’s path to Communism. That’s all it is.

    or was that meant as sarcasm?

  3. Poor Sundance,

    Every Republican and in fact every American except himself and his CTH cult are without question RINO’s. How do we know this? Sundance says so.

    His analysis of the Deep State is excellent. His cult like love of Trump is just that – cult like.

    Trump is a four year stoppage of America’s path to Communism. That’s all it is.