Trump: Israel Is Victim In Conflict With Palestine, If Attacked, ‘100% I’d Come to Their Defense’

February 24, 2016 | 66 Comments »

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50 Comments / 66 Comments

  1. watsa46 Said:

    What happened to my posting!!!

    several of mine went missing too.
    I think the Cheshire Cat paradigm is in operation here.
    It’s that creeping Sharia Law at work.
    Cookie Monster is not Hallel, expect a fatwah.

  2. What happened to my posting!!!
    I am an honorable paying contributor!!!
    Better a 1/2 democrat than a democrat!
    A number of repub are ready and willing to back-stab their base.

  3. babushka Said:

    Joy Behar, co-host of “The View” and host of her own show on HLM, was raised Catholic when she grew up in Brooklyn. She now considers herself to be agnostic.

    Yeah she got it from somewhere, I’m not the only one who thought she was a Jew , there are online discussions about it …eg:

    Joy’s first husband was a Sephardic Jew, and she kept his name for professional purposes. She has a long, Italian name. Her second husband is also Jewish,

    ..any way ….she is still a leftist Israel-hating ..(something or other)

    Following is an excerpt from a humour column writing about the ladies on the View….

    But the most frightening of all, dearest Prudence, is the red-haired witch. She is so ugly that one look at her repulsive face sends shivers down my spine. At first, I thought she was an Israelite, for no Christian woman could be so unsightly! Yet it appears not to be so. It’s a peculiar, peculiar world, dearest Prudence.

  4. @ bernard ross:
    The View used to showcase Barbara Walters – they had Jenny McCarthy on for a while (good) but she left – they always got the leftist Israel hating Jew Joy Behar on.
    A few weeks ago they had Donald Rumsfeld on and he defended Trump when they called him a racist, he said in reference to a statement “I don’t think he said that” but he didn’t take it further when they ganged up on him with phony cries of “racism”.

    Every President goes on – it’s a tradition, Trump would love smacking them down just by being there and being classy – like he was on the Late Show with Colbert – he handled that provocative leftist A-hole with absolute grace.
    The ladies on the View have said very nasty things about Trump being Hollywooders and they will be very red faced if they have to face him in person especially after he wins …and they will.
    I want to see that day.

  5. @ Max:
    I was joking about biden, the dems must know they cant win with hillary and they dont want bernie the same way the gop establishment dont want trump. donald might not bother with the view, probably prefer to talk to the fox ladies with hiked up skirts….. oooops, my bad, i am not sure what the view is as I only watch network news at burger king, are they the fox news ladies with the hiked up skirts? What a view that is!

  6. @ bernard ross:

    Never mind Biden,when Trump is President, the ladies on the View are going to have to face him on their talk show (because that is what their programming and program manager dictates – meeting the American Nobility etc on the show) – I’m going to love to see that day.

  7. Political Science Professor: Odds Of President Trump Range BETWEEN 97% AND 99%

    Specifically, Norpoth predicts that Trump has a 97 percent chance of beating Hillary Clinton and a 99 percent chance of beating Bernie Sanders.

    “Trump beats Hillary 54.7 percent to 45.3 percent” in terms of popular vote, Norpoth prophesied

    The political scientist also said there is virtually no way Trump could lose the Electoral College vote if he rakes in 54.7 percent — or more — of the vote. The model has been correct for every election since 1912 except for the 1960 election — which pitted winner John F. Kennedy against loser Richard Nixon.

    In total, Norpoth observed, his forecasting formula he has created has been correct 96.1 percent of the time since 1912.

    “Take it to the bank,” Norpoth confidently suggested.

    what about Biden?

  8. @ bernard ross:
    BR, that’s about the size of it for the upcoming election between Clinton and Trump.

    As for Super Tuesday, five days from now, Trump’s poll numbers have pulled even with Cruz for the Super Tuesday primary election in Texas. Which means Trump could sweep the table next week and render it more or less impossible for any combination of the other four candidates to stop him from capturing the nomination. Each day also brings news of more big shots and wannabes lining up for Trump.

    Hilary and her gang have really done a job on Bernie Sanders, with their all but totally undemocratic use of super-delegates to freeze candidates who disagree with the anointed party choice. That’s part of the reason that I think the Clinton political dynasty will disappear down the same road that Jeb Bush took after the South Carolina primary election returns rolled across the screens. One thing from the Old World that we don’t take a shine to in this country is monarchy.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  9. woolymammoth Said:

    She has nothing of substance on Trump. She must secretly want to be humiliated in public.

    If hillary remains unindicted and runs agains trump I think he will make mince meat of her in the campaign with his one liners. Every day we will hear of her criminal activity and he will ask why she hasnt been indicted yet, more will come out and she will be on the defense. I would thing the dems would want her out and biden in…… I never thought that biden could be a contender but now… all bets are off. Maybe they will arrange her indictment to get her to resign… she should already have resigned if she had any sense of shame on any of the major scandals.
    I also think that Trump will pull a lot of dems who dont want to vote gop due to potential cuts of SS and medicare and who dont agree with immigration, muslims, HB1 visascam and the export of jobs. Those that dont want the dems because they wont vote for the domestic security issues but also dont want to continue job export.

  10. I totally agree with The Outspeaker: 100%.
    People with an open mind, interested in protecting their interests and their lives and that of their loved ones, when confronted with the choice between Hilury and Trump, will either choose Trump or not vote. It comes down to personal self interest. Who will benefit from a continuation of Obama, only worse.
    Prediction: Trump will do an excellent job clarifying his motives, his intentions, his plans and allaying the concerns of the electorate. Even the willfully obtuse will have to acknowledge Trump is the only person who can “…get the ox cart out of the ditch”.
    The debates between the two should be very very entertaining and result in a huge election victory for Donald Trump, perhaps even a record landslide. Mothers have to take into account the future for their children, regardless of the absurd warnings of not so Albright to beware of a special place for females in hell if they don’t support the female candidate. Intelligent women want a good female president, not a token one grabbed from the rack. That was a dumb remark and Clinton’s stupid laughing response is her undoing along with her sorry record as OBAMA’S stooge at State. She has nothing of substance on Trump. She must secretly want to be humiliated in public. Okay, Hilury, be that way…

  11. BR didn’t mention it, but the results shown above are from the Reuters Rolling Poll, which runs a careful and reliable set of electoral preference counts. Good job, BR.

    Note that Trump’s lead to a major jump forward after the Nevada Caucus results were released. Remember that in such elections, power itself generates yet more power.

    Note also that other polls show Trump beating Rubio in that senator’s home state of Florida, and is only a couple of points from overtaking Cruz in his home state of Texas, and is overwhelmingly ahead of Kasich in the state of Ohio where he is governor.

    Moreover, Trump is winning the votes in just about every measurable voter groups: religious, secular, white, black, high school only, advanced university degrees, male, female, you name it.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump sweeps the table on Super Tuesday. If so, irrespective of all the rest of the primaries and caucuses, he will have the nomination more or less locked up, except for the convention speeches. There, all the political rats who have controlled the machinery of the Republican Party will be rushing to make nice to Trump, while most of the rest of the original 16 candidates will be as forgotten by the media as castaway pizza boxes after a picnic.

    Hillary, your days of wine, roses, power, bullshit, and adoration are all coming to an end. Make sure you take Huma with you sneak out of the United States to evade indictment, conviction, and possibly, incarceration. Switzerland is your best bet, if the Clinton foundation has the money to take care of you out of reach of US warrant servers. The families of those American embassy employees in Bengazi who were murdered because you failed to perform your clear duty, would probably wish you a lot worse than comfortable exile.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  12. February 23, 2016
    Donald Trump41.2%
    Ted Cruz18.6%
    Marco Rubio12.9%
    Ben Carson10.4%
    John Kasich7.7%
    Jeb Bush5.2%
    Wouldn’t vote4.0%
    Jim Gilmore–%

  13. babushka Said:

    how can folks say he is neutral

    By quoting Trump verbatim.

    intentionally doing that out of context, knowing that he has clearly stated the opposite in other quotes consistently demonstrates a disingenuous agenda bereft of truth

  14. babushka Said:

    Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
    Vladimir Putin, 69%;
    Bashar al Assad, 68%;
    Bill Cosby, 62%;
    Al Sharpton, 62 %,

    Good news, Outspeaker.
    Your guy is less reviled than two mass murderers and almost as popular as a serial rapist.

    ooooh, lots of folks dont like donald……
    I’ll bet your posting will bring donald even more votes… at least it will certainly affect no one with their own mind who already votes for him. who cares about the unfavorability rating and why should we take cues from those who couldnt figure out what Trump did to the establishment.
    the gallup poll is fabricated to influence lemmings

  15. Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
    Vladimir Putin, 69%;
    Bashar al Assad, 68%;
    Bill Cosby, 62%;
    Al Sharpton, 62 %,

    Good news, Outspeaker.
    Your guy is less reviled than two mass murderers and almost as popular as a serial rapist.

  16. I never knew he did an ad for BB… how can folks say he is neutral if he did an ad for BB…..? he is clearly NOT neutral

  17. it is interesting to me that Trump, with little detailed knowledge, has already clearly expressed what is in fact the prime problem in the jewish muslim/arab mideast conflict:

    “they teach their children to hate the jews”
    DUH??? How did he did he do that so quickly, how did he know that was the prime problem?
    BB thinks the prime problem is frustration with the lack of peace progress and their economy as his people are touting everywhere arab development to solve the knifings.
    Obama and the EU think its resolvable with agreed borders and security arrangements… never even heard him or hillary mention the teaching of hatred of Jews.
    BB thinks the main thing they need to do is to recognize the Jewish state….. whereas trump and i think the main thing they need to do is dismantle all the manifestations of their culture of hatred. If it were me I would merely say that their will be no negotiations for peace or development until their culture of hatred is dismantled and we wait and see if they change.
    Trump best expressed the problem so I expect that if he is hired he will also figure out the best solution…. maybe it will go like this:
    “Israel should deport all her muslim arabs until they can figure out what is wrong with them”
    [hope springs eternal]

  18. babushka Said:

    The bigger the vote that Donald Trump gets the bigger the statement against the Zionist rulers of America and their Political Establishment

    david duke tells his constituency to vote for the father and grandfather of orthodox jews……. now thats successful marketing:
    getting the nazis to vote for the Jews…LOL.
    now who else ever could have done that but Trump

  19. Bear Klein Said:

    They have weapons that can do damage to Israel now so Israel will have no choice

    this is the repetitive MO of BB’s military team….. do nothing while the enemy arms to massive danger level. It is absurd that the winner of the war allows the enemy to rebuild. Every day there should be hi rise buildings bombed until hexbullah and hamas dismantle their missiles. If the foreigners complain tell them the solution is for THEM to dismantle their missile. Only an idiot believes that a victor is a hostage of the vanquished.

    notice the ludicrous arguments about a gaza seaport when they are building attack tunnels and likely making rockets…. nothing could be more alice in wonderland. It is difficult to empathize with such a suicidally absurd MO.

  20. babushka Said:

    But anti-Semites don’t hate him.
    They love him.

    they dont love him…. they merely take any and every opportunity to smear Jews… as donald is now popular they disingenously say the Jews prevent him… they do it with everything…. which is why I am so happy when I read of the death of an anti semite.

  21. Olmert bungled Lebanon II YES!! However I said it the time and will say it now. Hezis claimed victory because they were still standing at the end. However southern Lebanon and south Beirut (where Hezis live) were destroyed. This has bought years of deterrence on the Northern border. Next war will have most Lebanese infrastructure destroyed and all of Southern Lebanon plus Beirut destroyed. They know this. They have weapons that can do damage to Israel now so Israel will have no choice but full military power short of nukes.

  22. Max says:
    February 24, 2016 at 5:12 pm
    America great again.
    Am I dreaming or is a dream about to come true?

    It is the type of dream you have after ingesting massive amounts of mescaline.

    Bear Klein says:
    February 24, 2016 at 5:33 pm
    @ babushka:
    We had Olmert he unfortunately fit a whole bunch of bad categories. ONE big time crook! Good he is finally in jail. Too bad he will not be there long enough!

    It is a miracle of biblical proportions that Israel survived Olmert. Too bad Cecil B. De Mille is not around to make the movie.

  23. Trump just won Nevada.
    Looks like they are going to have to bulldoze Hollywood to make Hollywood 2.0. ..Seems as how all Hollywood is bat excrement leftist.
    Colbert will defecate his pants.

    I’ll be glad to see Whoppi Goldberg emigrate to Venezuela …maybe Canada might take Ben Afleck , but I don’t’ want him here.

  24. @ babushka:
    We had Olmert he unfortunately fit a whole bunch of bad categories. ONE big time crook! Good he is finally in jail. Too bad he will not be there long enough!

  25. Trump is exactly the kind of leader Israel needs: an ignorant, unprincipled, corrupt, dishonest, vulgar, profane, adulterous, misogynistic, shamelessly hypocritical fascistic left wing game show host who expresses neutrality towards the Jewish State.

  26. It goes beyond the fat ladies singing. The real American nation is coalescing to empower the most amazing, tough, brutally honest, and task-focused leader that we have seen in many decades. Forget about the Klansmen, neo-Nazis or whatever; they are not part of Donald Trump’s America, which still celebrates the American role, along with Russia and the British Commonwealth. in strangling and burning to death the real Nazi regime and their Japanese imperial allies. And yes indeed, Trump will treat Israel as an ally and not a Middle Eastern international kick-me doll.

    The Republican nomination campaign is far from over. But it now becomes extraordinarily difficult for the Republican Party to derail Trump’s eventual nomination.

    As for the November election, I think Trump’s numbers will swell with each passing month, and each new revelation of Hillary Clinton as untruthful, untrustworthy, unappealing, proven incompetence in her previous role as US Secretary of State, plus the general desire of so many of us to get rid of presidential family dynasties.

    Now, if only the Jewish nation re-establishing itself in Eretz-Yisrael could rid itself of the shabby gangs that have governed the Jewish sate for so long, and empowered only some of the fine Jewish nationalists as counterparts to our great American nationalist. Think not only about the possibilities, but mostly about the need for exactly that.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  27. All that matters to me, and her, is what he says he will do for the well-being of the USA and its people.

    That’s where we disagree.
    Israel matters to me.
    Very much.
    And you keep writing “tough shit” for no apparent reason.
    You must be afflicted with Trumpette’s Syndrome, which is just like Tourette’s only it afflicts people who are neutral on Israel.

  28. Tough shit. I support him, and I’m a real Jew who has lived and studied in Israel, and whose wife makes a real Shabat every Friday evening. All that matters to me, and her, is what he says he will do for the well-being of the USA and its people. Because he is the only candidate in either party whom we both trust and support.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  29. Irrespective of whether the Stormfront Nazis or David Duke the Klansman love or hate Trump

    But anti-Semites don’t hate him.
    They love him.

  30. Irrespective of whether the Stormfront Nazis or David Duke the Klansman love or hate Trump, it is safe to say that Trump has no need for that crowd and will not endanger his candidacy on behalf of either of them.

    Trump is a promise keeper, and he has committed himself to Israel’s defense if they are attacked, despite that he was under no compulsion to say anything about Israel.

    In any case, neither Cruz nor Rubio are likely to break Trump’s lock on the biggest single block of voters. Also, Kasich and Carson have especially good reason to drop out of the race any time before the Republican convention, where they will have at least a small number of delegates which they can use for their political purposes.

    Meantime, Trump is strongly favored to win the Nevada Republican Caucus, and at least eight of the Super Tuesday states. As a matter of fact, the only state I found in which Cruz leads Trump at this time is Texas, obviously because Cruz is one of the two US senators representing Texas.

    As for Rubio, he has won none of the primary elections or the Iowa caucus, and is being tagged as skirting the issue of illegal immigration across our southern border with Mexico, which is totally out of synch with what most Republicans want.

    Above all is the consideration that the only combination of present candidates that could sink Trump before or at the convention would be for Cruz and Rubio to coalesce. But I am certain any relationship they may have had before is now permanently stained with the raw and unforgiving bitterness of politics fought out between two men who both want to run the country. I think neither of them will quit before the convention, regardless of Trump.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  31. Zionist Devil NeoCon Zuckerman Paints Trump as the Anti-Christ!
    February 19, 2016 at 10:01 am
    By Dr. David Duke

    The Jewish knives are out now that Donald Trump has the Republican nomination within his sights! Both Jewish NeoCommies (progressives) and Jewish NeoConservateives (NeoTrotskyites) have united tribally to unleash a flood of excrement upon Donald Trump, whom they see as a real threat to their Jewish Establishment agenda.

    The latest example of their Talmudic, Pharisaic Hatred of Trump is the Mainstream media full page attack on him by Zionist Neocon Mortimer Zuckerman with a full cover portraying Trump as a Devil and the Anti-Christ.

    The Chutzpah of these destroyers knows no shame. The real anti-Christs, based in a Religion that claims in its sacred Talmud that Jewish priests are torturing Jesus Christ for eternity in boiling human Sheis, are calling Trump the Anti-Christ for wanting to build a wall to protect America!

    Of course it goes way beyond that. Trump has called out and attacked the Jewish Banking Establishment as “Bloodsuckers.” He has confronted the Jewish Money Tyrants of Politics and exposed that they want to control politicians with their money while declaring that he won’t take their shekels. He has called out the needless Zio Wars in Iraq and the Mideast. He alone among the candidates is opposing their push for war with Russia. He is the only major figure pointing out that if immigration is not stopped it will destroy Europe!

    Whether Trump turns out to be the enemy and the danger they perceive him as is yet to be determined. But they see him as a dire threat and now will pull out all their tricks, weapons, and totally douse him in their hateful excrement.

    The Jewish Matrix of Power is of course Media, Politics and Banking. Jewish Tribalists the world over are promoting:

    Support for Israel and their Zio Wars
    Destruction of Russia and Putin
    Annihilation of the European People through mass immigration

    They perceive Donald Trump as the ultimate enemy and they realize just his positions and his political incorrectness pose a great threat by breaching these issues.

    The Jewish knives are out.

    The bigger the vote that Donald Trump gets the bigger the statement against the Zionist rulers of America and their Political Establishment Collaborators of the Mortal Enemy of our nation, our heritage and our people in both America and worldwide!


    Trump’s comments on Israel begin around minute 10:45, and will let you know in no uncertain terms how he feels about Israel.

    Lets you know in no uncertain terms how he feels about Israel. As a detractor of Trump this is way better!