Cruz of the lies and Rubio sweating as if he had stepped out of a bathtub, will still be on all the ballots of the many, many states running their Republican Party primary elections that day. So too will be Kasich of the endlessly waving hands and Dr Carson, the essence of casual elegance and quiet politeness. Cruz and Rubio will still be looking for some unreachable magic button they can push which will reverse their polling numbers against Trump. The other two gentlemen are in the game probably to convention time, because they have nothing to gain by quitting and possibly some influence at the summer convention by staying.
So the remorseless arithmetic of collecting delegates will grind on more or less exactly the same relative strengths of the various surviving candidates. Except that Trump gains additional strength as it becomes clear that no stop-Trump deal among the candidates is at all likely to occur. Because nobody else wants to quit the race and disappear from the public eye in the manner of Jindal, Walker, Huckabee, Paul, Fiorina, Santorum, Bush, Christie, Perry, and anybody else whose name I already have forgotten. Trump knows politicians very well indeed. And that’s why he knows his strategy is working for him as well as it does.
Now it’s 117.5 hours until post-Super Tuesday countdown. And the clock clicks on quietly and unstoppable.
now I will go one by one on various points to demonstrate how this article is dishonest. Keep in mind it is not relevant to my decision on Trump which I explained in the prior post, but I do it to show how dishonest folks are, I will quote from the article:
Since 2010, nearly 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired.
the property is over 100 rooms and the staff is likely many times that hence 300 local US resident apps. is small over a 5 year period vor a property that being in south florida likely operates on a seasonal basis. It is possible that the terms of employment were not competetive. this can be for many reasons.
restaurant and club staff who operate primarily on tips if they are american dont care about salary. They want a place where they make big tips. It is possible that an up market place might be based on european operations where no tipping is allowed… the author did not mention this. In orgs like that they add a service charge but end up deducting every broke plate etc. I had a restaurant in coconut grove florida and the waiting, kitchen, and dining staff made more on tips than I and my partners made as a percentage of the gross sales.
the statement says residents, not citizens,…. much of south floridas residents are foreigners anyway mainly from latin america….
An upmarket place under the euro method of operating does not want chatty staff who are friendly with customers which is what american restaurant staff mainly operate as.
the local workers referred may have come from the local DSS where they require them to apply for jobs to keep their welfare. As these are the lowest paid salary jobs, if you are not a good waiter getting tips you would not work for the salary. a good bartender can make one half the minimum wage in salary and thousands a week in tips. Someone inexperienced looking for a minum wage job would not take the position or be hired. West palm beach has a high black population… I expect that those looking the minimum wage jobs in other fields would already have some welfare.
the hotel environment in large popular seasonal tourist areas usually have a shortage of labor and there are entire markets of suppliers of labor from various countries who regularly send these seasonal workers in all types from fruit pickers, to waiters in hotels and on ships, etc. When I lived in Jamaica Iobserved this there. They only hired the best workers in the field to send abroad for these positions. A hotel could not hire and fire in its season it must start out with good staff. this article mentions none of these factors which would be very relevant.
But he has also pursued more than 500 visas for foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago since 2010,
in a hotel that size over 5 years the figure is nothing. Each winter they probably need 1-2000 or more staff. This happens to be a business which is always short in season. If it were open all year with the same size staff they could hold people but they likely in seasonal work have to get mainly new folks every year.
Or, put another way, Trump has deliberately chosen to hire foreign workers to fill those jobs that “Americans just won’t do.” 17 out of 300? That’s 5.6 percent. 17 out of 500? That’s 3.4 percent. Bad!
first its a lie… I doubt that the billionaire hires anyone and that the whole thing is managed by others with him making little input in the details of the operation. Also it is disingenuous because I can see indeed how americans bartenders might not be interested in the position if it does not allow tipping. Foreigners are more used to the service charge system. The main thing is that if it is seasonal, which is likely, all the figures are BS because turnover is likely at a high percentage.
So what’s Trump’s excuse? That’s he’s a businessman and that these are the realities on the ground? That, I’m afraid, won’t wash.
Actually, it does wash for anyone who is not an ignorant fool like the author, knowing nothing about what he writes and without even the slightest ability of reasoning that he was not hired to serve american workers.
When Disney behaved like this, there was a loud and sustained outcry from . . .
this dishonest author tries to equate hiring a worker to replacing a worker and forcing the worker to train a foreigner for his replaced position. Obviously there was no shortage as they were being replaced. Lets remember that marco and ted have a duty to the american people and worker but they sold out their duty to the american corporate elite.
And yet, by Trump’s own logic, the H-2B program that he so heavily used is even more egregious than the H-1Bs system that Disney took advantage of. Why? Well, because unlike H-1Bs — which can in theory be used to: recruit skilled workers — H-2Bs are aimed directly at the bottom of the economic ladder.
what a lying fraud this author is:
the program donald used was at the bottom of the ladder which is exactly where we have our labor shortages… duh migrant workers, etc. AND they were being brought in to fill positions that americans dont want… which are usually again at the bottom of the ladder…. many americans at the bottom prefer to keep the welfare as opposed to having a low paying job at walmarts where you still need food stamps and welfare to live.
this fraudulent author even admits that the HB1 could be used to recruit foreign workers for empty skilled positions where americans are not available but that IS NOT WHAT THEY DID…. that is not what MARCO AND TED DID…. they used a visa designed to help business get skilled workers where they are not availabe…. instead to replace existing workers in a skilled field that already hold the jobs…. and to add insult to injury they force them to train their replacements as a humiliation. I think those CEO’s should be executed in the gutters. Why? because their crimes are against the whole nation. For this author to portray what donalds business did as the same as what MARCO AND TED DID is despicably dishonest. we all know that the gov is encouraging and giving scholarships to americans to study the STEM fields but when they come out now they have no work because these thieving corps have given the jobs to foreigners. If I were Trump I would nationalize disney. I hope they are boycotted, its disgusting the MARCO AND TED are facilitating this despicable practice… I could never vote for them.
Greg Schell, a lawyer in Palm Beach County who has helped foreign guest workers sue employers over labor violations, said companies frequently made little effort to find local employees before applying for visas. “I have seen no demonstrated need to import guest workers for the hospitality industry,” Mr. Schell said. “Employers who want to find American workers find them.”
I have rarely found a lawyer to have a grain of sense in anything other that his law practice and like others they are driven to speak in their own self interest. I know this statement is total rubbish and that shortages abound in that seasonal industry. furthermore, unless required by law we cannot expect them to search for americans…. most who wmericans who want jobs search for them. I believe they should under the law prove a shortage before being allowed to import workers, but I have no doubt that in that seasonal industry there is shortage.
donald did what the law allowed but marco and ted continue to push those laws whereas donald says that if we hire him he will change them and/or see that they are not fraudulently abused like Disney did.
I see that donald is much more than the clown I originally considered him to be… his suit of Palm beach for the principle of the flag, his putting up his own money to run because he wants to do something for america… I have come to beleive now that his patriotism is not transitory… that no one else made the commitment to fund his own campaign reinforces that…. and now I can see that he isnt a BS artist when he says he fights to win. I want a winner who kick the butts of the donors at the trough when they come because he owes them nothing. there is no doubt that all the others are in someones pocket, except him. If anyone can cut through the red tape of gov and fire the trash it is him. As of now I am even more convinced that he is more competent than I first thought, has more principle than I first thought, and is patriotic
The flag pole incident was quietly resolved. Trump eventually dropped his lawsuit over the flag, and in exchange the town waived its fines. As terms of a court-ordered mediation, Trump would file for a permit and be allowed to keep an oversized pole on Mar-a-Lago that was 10-feet shorter than original pole and on a different spot on his lawn. The agreement also called for him to donate $100,000 to veterans’ charities.[13]
Now I also see that the donation to veterans was not just something he came up with to battle fox news…. I’ll bet it was donald who put that into the deal. I just voted for him again. I hope he kicks all their stinking butts. If he turns out to be a dud then nothing ventured nothing gained… nothing new…. most of them in my lifetime turned out to be duds and fakes.
you never said how you came to this conclusion… what would be your basis for deporting him?
I read the link in detail and came to these conclusions which I will have to split up due to length and importance.
My conclusion after carefully reading your post and linked article and after doing a bit of research on Mar a lago is the following in order of importance:
1- the principles and assertions of the article have led me to increase my estimation of Donald Trump, improved my view of his character, improved my view of his abilities, improved my view of his patriotism and shown to me that he is a person who understands the responsibilities of the role he assumes.
2- The main thrust of the articles assertion that he is a hypocrite is false and the premises for that assertion are both faulty and irrelevant.
3- the article is chock full of deceit by omission… it does not check him for his perspective, it omits many factors which might have been relevant in the decision making, it omits the nature of that type of business and employment, it omits the labor environment of south florida, it omits possible effects of gov policy through the DSS on the labor pool. Basically it is a political hit peace as opposed to an article meant to inform. As a hit peace it means that all its facts cannot be accepted at face value.
Let me begin with my main point because everything after that is MOOT.
The notion that as a businessman donald trump owed a duty to the american people beyond following the law is absurd. The arguments that he is a hypocrite or liar are irrelevant and false. As a businessman his only duty to the public was to follow the law. His duty beyond that was to himself, to his financiers, to his shareholders to repay any debt and investment and produce the maximum return for their investments. I am shocked that just after accusing me of singing the communist national anthem you appear to completely throw out your conservative principles: free enterprise & capitalism. Now you are complaining thatDonald Trump followed the law and maximized his profit under the law in a view to honoring his investors and lenders. That was his job, he performed that job according to the ethos of free enterprise and capitalism while upholding existing law. His job was not to change the law like marco and ted, his job was to utilize the opportunities under existing law to maximize profits. He was not hired by the american people like marco and ted… he owed NO duty to the american people other than obeying the existing laws which THEY were responsible to legislate. Now he is seeking a different position, a different job which involves a different set of duties one of which is a duty to the american people to serve THEIR interests as best he can. That was the job of marco, ted, hillary and bernie…. but you appear to want to evaluate his performance as a business man, with different obligations to repay banks and investors, as if he had some sort of duty to protect american workers. In his prior employment that was NOT one of his duties or obligations or goals…. and it should not be expected. BUT it was the duty and obligation of marco, ted, bernie and hillary. I dont expect donald, as a successful businessman to have had, or to have now, one single shred of duty to me as a member of the american public UNTIL he is hired for the job of president. When he takes the oath is when we have a right to expect him to serve our interests instead of his own, his banks and his investors. Were he to have served the interests of the american worker over his bank and investors he would have been derelict in his duty and my estimation of his ability would have sunk. His only duty now is to tell me his platform and my duty is to decide whether he has the ability to achieve it, the character and patriotism to put his nation and the citizens first in his decision making and the will to fight the establishment which is the only way that any of his platforms can be achieved. Your link and post has substantially increased my view that he can do the job. here is why
1- at mar a lago he took on the palm beach establishment and WON
2-at mar a lago he demonstrated his patriotism in the face of the establishment over flying the american flag… he proved that he will fight his wealthy peers for a patriotic principle
3- at mar a lago he proved that in spite of great difficulty, obstruction and opposition of the establishment AND his wealthy peers, with all odds against him, that he could succeed in having his “club” in spite of all the odds against it. Once more proving he can get a difficult job done, perseveres until he wins.
4- at mar a lago he proved that he could take a property which the government had failed at operating, even though they got it for free in a bequeathment, and he turned it around. The government gave the free property back to the Post family because they could not keep up the maintenance costs. He bought it and made a success. thats what I want him to do with the american economy and assets.
It appears that you, similar to the national review and all the other frantic, hysterical establishment figures, are quite quick to drop your so called conservative values of free enterprise and capitalism when it suits you. By the way, what successful ventures did marco, ted, bernie and hillary achieve before they were hired for their positions to serve the american people… I expect NONE! Just another bunch of paid gov employees watching the clock to go home.
What you have succeeded in doing is making me more sure that he is the man for the job….. but like every other successful person he will not be doing the job until he is hired. this is the norm in the business world…. no one expects a highly desirable potential employee for a high position like a CEO to be wasting his time on your work until you hire him. When you employ someone you check their experience, their abilities, their successes, their character, etc.
Donald trump owes the american public absolutely nothing in his past ventures, and if he made choices which endangered his loans and investors because he had notions of hiring american workers the banks and investors would laugh at him. They do not make that a factor of repaying obligations.
For a person touting free enterprise and capitalism you appear not to know much about the duties and obligations of an entrepreneur and businessman or you would not have expected that he would have been practising for the postion of a public servant while he was employed to be a businessman. Apples and oranges… completely irrelevant. Surely you are aware that some ethical duties are proscribed in law for certain public positions, professional licensing, etc. EG a lawyer has a fiduciary duty to the person who employs him but he also has ethical duties to the public in order to maintain his professional license. I dont believe that our capitalistic fee enterprise society requires ethics from businessmen… only the observance of specific law. In fact I doubt that ethics is taught much until college.
I will post more on the dishonesty of the article but I found the article to be a complete load of bullshiiite and very dishonest.
following are links on his mar a lago to read about his patriotic flag suit, his ability to win on the zoning issue, his deal making capacity in the flag conflict and suit with Palm beach show talent… he used the stick of the suit and the carrot of a deal…. and his method won….. they were his wealthy snobby peers who did not want him doing it… but he won both on the flag suit and the zoning. I am impressed, thank you for opening my eyes to one more dimension of his character and ability which I did not know.
Time to deport this guy:
Donald Trump Turned Down 94.4 Percent of American Job Applicants, Applied for Hundreds of ‘H’ Visas Instead
Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach describes itself as “one of the most highly regarded private clubs in the world,” and it is not just the very-well-to-do who want to get in. Since 2010, nearly 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired. In all but a handful of cases, Mar-a-Lago sought to fill the jobs with hundreds of foreign guest workers from Romania and other countries. In his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Trump has stoked his crowds by promising to bring back jobs that have been snatched by illegal immigrants or outsourced by corporations, and voters worried about immigration have been his strongest backers. But he has also pursued more than 500 visas for foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago since 2010, according to the United States Department of Labor, while hundreds of domestic applicants failed to get the same jobs. Or, put another way, Trump has deliberately chosen to hire foreign workers to fill those jobs that “Americans just won’t do.” 17 out of 300? That’s 5.6 percent. 17 out of 500? That’s 3.4 percent. Bad!
Politics: the art of managing DECEPTIONS.
DT is an hybrid “politician” who shares rt and lt values. With the intense divisiveness created by BHO, he may be the best temporary solution while both Rt & LT try to recover their senses. Politicians being politicians, it is doubtful that they will learn their lessons considering the quality of education in America.
In the mean time se on Utube:
It is about the greatest newspaper in America!
Max says:
February 25, 2016 at 8:50 pm
Do you argue with Hitler
Only if you are psycho, Maxie…because Hitler is dead.
or Ted Cruz sufficient truthful
Pot, meet kettle.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies
Among South Carolina Republicans who preferred above all else a candidate “who tells it like it is,” 77 percent voted for Donald J. Trump. That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception. Start with his wealth. How much is Donald Trump worth? $1.7 billion? $6 billion? “TEN BILLION DOLLARS,” as he claimed in his presidential filing? Tim O’Brien, then a reporter for the New York Times, wrote in his book TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, that in one 24-hour period, Trump claimed two different net worths differing by $3.3 billion. He has never permitted an independent, third-party audit of his finances. The closest anyone has come is Deutsche Bank, which in 2005 estimated that Trump was worth . . . $788 million. Several sources with knowledge of Trump’s finances have put the number significantly lower. And Trump has admitted to lying about his wealth. “Have you ever exaggerated in statements about your properties?” he was asked during a deposition in the mid 2000s. “I think everyone does,” Trump replied. “Does that mean that sometimes you’ll inflate the value of your properties in your statements?” the lawyer followed up. Trump: “Not beyond reason…”
@ Max:I removed one of your posts because it contained ad hominem attacks.
Of course it did.
Only a fool would argue with an enemy propagandist. Anyone can argue white is black or black is white ad infinitum.. it is a waste of time
The argument is not important, the intent is important. When you determine that a person has a hostile destructive intent to your existence, that they do not have the same goals for your survival, the argument is over.
Do you argue with Hitler or do you just tell him to go to Heell and hope he drops dead?
Less than 130 hours from now, the automated vote counting will have covered all that we need to know about the results of Super Tuesday 2016. The time frame doesn’t lend itself to any RNC conspiracies to make Marco Rubio sufficiently presidential or Ted Cruz sufficient truthful and affable to be nominated as tor the role of President of the United States; even in their home states of Florida and Texas. Or, for that matter, to make John Kasich politically strong strong enough to win the primary even in his home state of Ohio.
If any of you wish to mount ad hominem attacks against me, and if Ted Belman permits it, then go ahead and do it. I’m sufficiently thick-skinned to grin and bear it. Especially when I have reason to think my line of argument will prevail no matter what others say. The only laugh I ever want is the last one.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
@ Ted Belman:
Part of the first but I rephrased most of it!
In 118 hours, at the end of Super Tuesday,
Cruz of the lies and Rubio sweating as if he had stepped out of a bathtub, will still be on all the ballots of the many, many states running their Republican Party primary elections that day. So too will be Kasich of the endlessly waving hands and Dr Carson, the essence of casual elegance and quiet politeness. Cruz and Rubio will still be looking for some unreachable magic button they can push which will reverse their polling numbers against Trump. The other two gentlemen are in the game probably to convention time, because they have nothing to gain by quitting and possibly some influence at the summer convention by staying.
So the remorseless arithmetic of collecting delegates will grind on more or less exactly the same relative strengths of the various surviving candidates. Except that Trump gains additional strength as it becomes clear that no stop-Trump deal among the candidates is at all likely to occur. Because nobody else wants to quit the race and disappear from the public eye in the manner of Jindal, Walker, Huckabee, Paul, Fiorina, Santorum, Bush, Christie, Perry, and anybody else whose name I already have forgotten. Trump knows politicians very well indeed. And that’s why he knows his strategy is working for him as well as it does.
Now it’s 117.5 hours until post-Super Tuesday countdown. And the clock clicks on quietly and unstoppable.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
babushka Said:
now I will go one by one on various points to demonstrate how this article is dishonest. Keep in mind it is not relevant to my decision on Trump which I explained in the prior post, but I do it to show how dishonest folks are, I will quote from the article:
the property is over 100 rooms and the staff is likely many times that hence 300 local US resident apps. is small over a 5 year period vor a property that being in south florida likely operates on a seasonal basis. It is possible that the terms of employment were not competetive. this can be for many reasons.
restaurant and club staff who operate primarily on tips if they are american dont care about salary. They want a place where they make big tips. It is possible that an up market place might be based on european operations where no tipping is allowed… the author did not mention this. In orgs like that they add a service charge but end up deducting every broke plate etc. I had a restaurant in coconut grove florida and the waiting, kitchen, and dining staff made more on tips than I and my partners made as a percentage of the gross sales.
the statement says residents, not citizens,…. much of south floridas residents are foreigners anyway mainly from latin america….
An upmarket place under the euro method of operating does not want chatty staff who are friendly with customers which is what american restaurant staff mainly operate as.
the local workers referred may have come from the local DSS where they require them to apply for jobs to keep their welfare. As these are the lowest paid salary jobs, if you are not a good waiter getting tips you would not work for the salary. a good bartender can make one half the minimum wage in salary and thousands a week in tips. Someone inexperienced looking for a minum wage job would not take the position or be hired. West palm beach has a high black population… I expect that those looking the minimum wage jobs in other fields would already have some welfare.
the hotel environment in large popular seasonal tourist areas usually have a shortage of labor and there are entire markets of suppliers of labor from various countries who regularly send these seasonal workers in all types from fruit pickers, to waiters in hotels and on ships, etc. When I lived in Jamaica Iobserved this there. They only hired the best workers in the field to send abroad for these positions. A hotel could not hire and fire in its season it must start out with good staff. this article mentions none of these factors which would be very relevant.
in a hotel that size over 5 years the figure is nothing. Each winter they probably need 1-2000 or more staff. This happens to be a business which is always short in season. If it were open all year with the same size staff they could hold people but they likely in seasonal work have to get mainly new folks every year.
first its a lie… I doubt that the billionaire hires anyone and that the whole thing is managed by others with him making little input in the details of the operation. Also it is disingenuous because I can see indeed how americans bartenders might not be interested in the position if it does not allow tipping. Foreigners are more used to the service charge system. The main thing is that if it is seasonal, which is likely, all the figures are BS because turnover is likely at a high percentage.
Actually, it does wash for anyone who is not an ignorant fool like the author, knowing nothing about what he writes and without even the slightest ability of reasoning that he was not hired to serve american workers.
this dishonest author tries to equate hiring a worker to replacing a worker and forcing the worker to train a foreigner for his replaced position. Obviously there was no shortage as they were being replaced. Lets remember that marco and ted have a duty to the american people and worker but they sold out their duty to the american corporate elite.
what a lying fraud this author is:
the program donald used was at the bottom of the ladder which is exactly where we have our labor shortages… duh migrant workers, etc. AND they were being brought in to fill positions that americans dont want… which are usually again at the bottom of the ladder…. many americans at the bottom prefer to keep the welfare as opposed to having a low paying job at walmarts where you still need food stamps and welfare to live.
this fraudulent author even admits that the HB1 could be used to recruit foreign workers for empty skilled positions where americans are not available but that IS NOT WHAT THEY DID…. that is not what MARCO AND TED DID…. they used a visa designed to help business get skilled workers where they are not availabe…. instead to replace existing workers in a skilled field that already hold the jobs…. and to add insult to injury they force them to train their replacements as a humiliation. I think those CEO’s should be executed in the gutters. Why? because their crimes are against the whole nation. For this author to portray what donalds business did as the same as what MARCO AND TED DID is despicably dishonest. we all know that the gov is encouraging and giving scholarships to americans to study the STEM fields but when they come out now they have no work because these thieving corps have given the jobs to foreigners. If I were Trump I would nationalize disney. I hope they are boycotted, its disgusting the MARCO AND TED are facilitating this despicable practice… I could never vote for them.
I have rarely found a lawyer to have a grain of sense in anything other that his law practice and like others they are driven to speak in their own self interest. I know this statement is total rubbish and that shortages abound in that seasonal industry. furthermore, unless required by law we cannot expect them to search for americans…. most who wmericans who want jobs search for them. I believe they should under the law prove a shortage before being allowed to import workers, but I have no doubt that in that seasonal industry there is shortage.
donald did what the law allowed but marco and ted continue to push those laws whereas donald says that if we hire him he will change them and/or see that they are not fraudulently abused like Disney did.
I see that donald is much more than the clown I originally considered him to be… his suit of Palm beach for the principle of the flag, his putting up his own money to run because he wants to do something for america… I have come to beleive now that his patriotism is not transitory… that no one else made the commitment to fund his own campaign reinforces that…. and now I can see that he isnt a BS artist when he says he fights to win. I want a winner who kick the butts of the donors at the trough when they come because he owes them nothing. there is no doubt that all the others are in someones pocket, except him. If anyone can cut through the red tape of gov and fire the trash it is him. As of now I am even more convinced that he is more competent than I first thought, has more principle than I first thought, and is patriotic
Now I also see that the donation to veterans was not just something he came up with to battle fox news…. I’ll bet it was donald who put that into the deal. I just voted for him again. I hope he kicks all their stinking butts. If he turns out to be a dud then nothing ventured nothing gained… nothing new…. most of them in my lifetime turned out to be duds and fakes.
babushka Said:
you never said how you came to this conclusion… what would be your basis for deporting him?
I read the link in detail and came to these conclusions which I will have to split up due to length and importance.
My conclusion after carefully reading your post and linked article and after doing a bit of research on Mar a lago is the following in order of importance:
1- the principles and assertions of the article have led me to increase my estimation of Donald Trump, improved my view of his character, improved my view of his abilities, improved my view of his patriotism and shown to me that he is a person who understands the responsibilities of the role he assumes.
2- The main thrust of the articles assertion that he is a hypocrite is false and the premises for that assertion are both faulty and irrelevant.
3- the article is chock full of deceit by omission… it does not check him for his perspective, it omits many factors which might have been relevant in the decision making, it omits the nature of that type of business and employment, it omits the labor environment of south florida, it omits possible effects of gov policy through the DSS on the labor pool. Basically it is a political hit peace as opposed to an article meant to inform. As a hit peace it means that all its facts cannot be accepted at face value.
Let me begin with my main point because everything after that is MOOT.
The notion that as a businessman donald trump owed a duty to the american people beyond following the law is absurd. The arguments that he is a hypocrite or liar are irrelevant and false. As a businessman his only duty to the public was to follow the law. His duty beyond that was to himself, to his financiers, to his shareholders to repay any debt and investment and produce the maximum return for their investments. I am shocked that just after accusing me of singing the communist national anthem you appear to completely throw out your conservative principles: free enterprise & capitalism. Now you are complaining thatDonald Trump followed the law and maximized his profit under the law in a view to honoring his investors and lenders. That was his job, he performed that job according to the ethos of free enterprise and capitalism while upholding existing law. His job was not to change the law like marco and ted, his job was to utilize the opportunities under existing law to maximize profits. He was not hired by the american people like marco and ted… he owed NO duty to the american people other than obeying the existing laws which THEY were responsible to legislate. Now he is seeking a different position, a different job which involves a different set of duties one of which is a duty to the american people to serve THEIR interests as best he can. That was the job of marco, ted, hillary and bernie…. but you appear to want to evaluate his performance as a business man, with different obligations to repay banks and investors, as if he had some sort of duty to protect american workers. In his prior employment that was NOT one of his duties or obligations or goals…. and it should not be expected. BUT it was the duty and obligation of marco, ted, bernie and hillary. I dont expect donald, as a successful businessman to have had, or to have now, one single shred of duty to me as a member of the american public UNTIL he is hired for the job of president. When he takes the oath is when we have a right to expect him to serve our interests instead of his own, his banks and his investors. Were he to have served the interests of the american worker over his bank and investors he would have been derelict in his duty and my estimation of his ability would have sunk. His only duty now is to tell me his platform and my duty is to decide whether he has the ability to achieve it, the character and patriotism to put his nation and the citizens first in his decision making and the will to fight the establishment which is the only way that any of his platforms can be achieved. Your link and post has substantially increased my view that he can do the job. here is why
1- at mar a lago he took on the palm beach establishment and WON
2-at mar a lago he demonstrated his patriotism in the face of the establishment over flying the american flag… he proved that he will fight his wealthy peers for a patriotic principle
3- at mar a lago he proved that in spite of great difficulty, obstruction and opposition of the establishment AND his wealthy peers, with all odds against him, that he could succeed in having his “club” in spite of all the odds against it. Once more proving he can get a difficult job done, perseveres until he wins.
4- at mar a lago he proved that he could take a property which the government had failed at operating, even though they got it for free in a bequeathment, and he turned it around. The government gave the free property back to the Post family because they could not keep up the maintenance costs. He bought it and made a success. thats what I want him to do with the american economy and assets.
It appears that you, similar to the national review and all the other frantic, hysterical establishment figures, are quite quick to drop your so called conservative values of free enterprise and capitalism when it suits you. By the way, what successful ventures did marco, ted, bernie and hillary achieve before they were hired for their positions to serve the american people… I expect NONE! Just another bunch of paid gov employees watching the clock to go home.
What you have succeeded in doing is making me more sure that he is the man for the job….. but like every other successful person he will not be doing the job until he is hired. this is the norm in the business world…. no one expects a highly desirable potential employee for a high position like a CEO to be wasting his time on your work until you hire him. When you employ someone you check their experience, their abilities, their successes, their character, etc.
Donald trump owes the american public absolutely nothing in his past ventures, and if he made choices which endangered his loans and investors because he had notions of hiring american workers the banks and investors would laugh at him. They do not make that a factor of repaying obligations.
For a person touting free enterprise and capitalism you appear not to know much about the duties and obligations of an entrepreneur and businessman or you would not have expected that he would have been practising for the postion of a public servant while he was employed to be a businessman. Apples and oranges… completely irrelevant. Surely you are aware that some ethical duties are proscribed in law for certain public positions, professional licensing, etc. EG a lawyer has a fiduciary duty to the person who employs him but he also has ethical duties to the public in order to maintain his professional license. I dont believe that our capitalistic fee enterprise society requires ethics from businessmen… only the observance of specific law. In fact I doubt that ethics is taught much until college.
I will post more on the dishonesty of the article but I found the article to be a complete load of bullshiiite and very dishonest.
following are links on his mar a lago to read about his patriotic flag suit, his ability to win on the zoning issue, his deal making capacity in the flag conflict and suit with Palm beach show talent… he used the stick of the suit and the carrot of a deal…. and his method won….. they were his wealthy snobby peers who did not want him doing it… but he won both on the flag suit and the zoning. I am impressed, thank you for opening my eyes to one more dimension of his character and ability which I did not know.
Time to deport this guy:
@ Max:
Max Said:
Coprolites ???
@ watsa46:
Better then nothing.
Politics: the art of managing DECEPTIONS.
DT is an hybrid “politician” who shares rt and lt values. With the intense divisiveness created by BHO, he may be the best temporary solution while both Rt & LT try to recover their senses. Politicians being politicians, it is doubtful that they will learn their lessons considering the quality of education in America.
In the mean time se on Utube:
It is about the greatest newspaper in America!
Only if you are psycho, Maxie…because Hitler is dead.
Pot, meet kettle.
@ Ted Belman:
All of max’s posts contain Ad Hominem attacks. let it rip.
Ted Belman Said:
Of course it did.
Only a fool would argue with an enemy propagandist. Anyone can argue white is black or black is white ad infinitum.. it is a waste of time
The argument is not important, the intent is important. When you determine that a person has a hostile destructive intent to your existence, that they do not have the same goals for your survival, the argument is over.
Do you argue with Hitler or do you just tell him to go to Heell and hope he drops dead?
Less than 130 hours from now, the automated vote counting will have covered all that we need to know about the results of Super Tuesday 2016. The time frame doesn’t lend itself to any RNC conspiracies to make Marco Rubio sufficiently presidential or Ted Cruz sufficient truthful and affable to be nominated as tor the role of President of the United States; even in their home states of Florida and Texas. Or, for that matter, to make John Kasich politically strong strong enough to win the primary even in his home state of Ohio.
If any of you wish to mount ad hominem attacks against me, and if Ted Belman permits it, then go ahead and do it. I’m sufficiently thick-skinned to grin and bear it. Especially when I have reason to think my line of argument will prevail no matter what others say. The only laugh I ever want is the last one.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
@ Ted Belman:
Part of the first but I rephrased most of it!
@ honeybee:
Only 1/2 of the cookie!
@ watsa46:
No post of yours was held back.
@ Max:I removed one of your posts because it contained ad hominem attacks.