Trump: ‘If it weren’t for me, Israel would’ve been destroyed by now’

T. Belman.  This morning I read the articles on the new book in HAARETZ, TOI, and YNET and found them all objectionable for one reason or another.

Much more could be said in praise of Trump’s gifts to Israel such as cutting off funds to the PA and UNRWA and moving th US Embassy to Jerusalem. I, too, was rankled by Bibi kissing Biden’s ass.  Bennett did the same.

Journalist Barak Ravid releases excerpts from new book, featuring interviews with Trump. ‘Nobody did more for Bibi,’ former US Pres. Trump said.

Arutz Sheva Staff 

Donald Trump

Israeli journalist Barak Ravid has publicized excerpts from his new book, “Trump’s peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East,” which will be published in Israel on Sunday.<

The book contains two interviews with Former US President Trump, from April and July of this year, which touch on a myriad of issues from during Trump’s presidency.

In one of the interviews, Trump told Ravid, “I told David Friedman (former US ambassador to Israel), ‘Give me a five-minute lecture on the Golan Heights. Why is it important?’ I stopped him after one minute. It’s up high strategically so important, right? I got that for them… it was a big deal. People say that was a $10 billion gift.”

“I did it right before the election, which helped him (former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) a lot… he would have lost the election if it wasn’t for me. So he tied. He went up a lot after I did it. He went up 10 points or 15 points after I did Golan Heights,” Trump said.

Trump added that his wife Melania was the one who saw Netanyahu’s tape and told him about it.

“She said, Wow, look at this,” he remembered. “Nobody did more for Bibi. And I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi. But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape. And it was on tape,” Trump said in the interview in April 2021 in Mar-a-Lago.

Trump claimed that unlike Netanyahu, other leaders like Brazil’s president Bolsonaro and Russian President Putin did not congratulate Biden right away because “they felt the election was rigged.”

“For Bibi Netanyahu, before the ink was even dry, to do a message and not only a message to do a tape to Joe Biden talking about their great, great friendship. They didn’t have a friendship, because if they did, they wouldn’t have done the Iran deal. And guess what now they’re going to do it again. And if they do it again, Israel is in very grave danger,” he said.

“I’ll tell you what – had I not come along I think Israel was going to be destroyed. Okay. You want to know the truth? I think Israel would have been destroyed maybe by now. And the first person that congratulated Joe Biden, because this was an election in dispute, it’s still in dispute. The first person that congratulated was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with…Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake.”

“Early, okay? Let’s use this. He was very early. Like earlier than most. I haven’t spoken to him since. F*** him,” Trump answered.

On July 11th 2021 during a second interview over the phone Trump said about Netanyahu’s fall from power: “Well, I like him but he has been there a long time.”

Then Trump repeated his grievances with Netanyahu: “I can tell you that people were very angry with him when he was the first one to congratulate Biden,” Trump said. “I wasn’t thrilled, to be honest because nobody’s done more for Israel outside of potentially a prime minister or two, than President Donald Trump. And I said, Oh, that’s great loyalty.”

“I was fine with it. You know, it’s up to him…and not only did he call, he put out a terrible video. The video was almost like he’s begging for love. And I said, my, my how things change. So, you know, I was disappointed, that hurt him badly with the people of Israel. As you know, I’m very popular in Israel. I think it hurt him very badly,” he said.

December 10, 2021 | 54 Comments »

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50 Comments / 54 Comments

  1. People can repeat falsehoods, inaccuracies, and ignorant beliefs as many times as they want it simply does not change the truth.

  2. @ PELONI-

    Your post to BEAR expressed what I am laboriously trying to get out, and not succeeding. Every word you have written is what it’s all about , and no doubt is in my mind but that Pence lied, and avoided doing his duty. Several of the Legislatures, had denounced their earlier decisions and sent changed slates to be considered instead. There is a process for this including a debate for each challenge, which was not carried out because Pence refused to consider them.

    I suppose that he will do a primary run in 2024 and get the RINO votes.

  3. @Edgar thank you for admitting you are ignorant of the process I just re-read it to make sure. Pence followed the constitution pure and simple.

  4. @ BEAR-

    Why would you just take Pence’s word for it. He’s not your brother or close friend. I see you have included a link, not from the constitution, but from a blog. I haven’t read iut yet, but will. Thank you.

    My understanding of all the information available at that particular time, was that THAT was what his duty mandated him to do. I know no more than that.

    I am totally ignorant of the exact process, and not being a American, have never felt any interest in looking into it. I doubt if I’d even know where to find it.

    This point under discussion, is for me, just that a niggly textual point versus actual facts. I like clearly understood English, with use of the correct terms.

    For example: the word “enormity” has ALWAYS been used to express a pejorative meaning. In recent years, it seems to have segued into more often meaning “enormous size”. I never use it to express this, I would use “enormousness”, which, although cumbersome, is in line with my teaching, and the correct term.

    I really always use “massive”….

  5. Pence clearly followed the order of what the constitution prescribed in detail for the President of the Senate (V,P.) is to do after an election. As he said some in the GOP wanted to stray from and believed he other powers. Not so. Here is a link for article that discusses the matter. I suggest also people read the constitution is the subject is easy to read and follow if ones glasses are clear and clean.

  6. @Edgar & Peloni, I guess Pence disagrees with you guys including on the facts. I will take Pence’s word for it myself.

  7. @ BEAR-

    Disallowing or allowing other slates to be considered are in NO way giving the VP the power to chose the President, and Pence, intimating that it was what he was expected to do was a lie. He HAS the authority, and perhaps the duty, to consider and allow or set aside for examination, dubious slates. THIS is what he was expected to do, and even if done, still would not automatically usher Trump into the Presidency.

    It would depend on whether the dubious slates were indeed disallowed or not. And that was an involved process done by others.

    Regardless of what the article says, it’s pure exculpatory double-speak on Pence’s part. My strong opinion.

    As I said, pure sophistry, and politicspeak.

  8. @Bear
    Pence’s statement is a response to both what he claimed he would do and didn’t, send the delegates back to the states, and what he claimed on Jan. 6 was the issue but wasn’t, that he should “unilaterally” name Trump president. This disconnected dichotomous defense would answer two questions and, simultaneously, reveal the dichotomy between the statement he made and the action he took on Jan. 6. If Trump expected Pence to “unilaterally” name him president, Trump wouldn’t have asked Pence to send the delegates back to the states. If Trump asked Pence to send the delegates back to the states, Trump couldn’t be expecting Pence to “unilaterally” name him president. His statements are responsive to two mutually exclusive scenarios, which, all by themselves, portray Pence’s statements as false. Of course, he did refuse to send the delegates back to the states, and he did claim on Jan. 6 that Trump expected him to “unilaterally” name him president. Hence, he had to answer for both what he did and what he said on Jan. 6 but Jan. 6 was a very busy day for Mike “the Manager” Pence. It seems he wanted to better portray Trump as a treasonous villain with his claim that ‘Trump “unilaterally” wanted him to name him president’. It seems that this was more important at the time than actually portraying a consistency between his comments and his actions. This had the untoward effect of requiring these two separate but equally false defenses about what did Mike Pence do on Jan. 6.

    In any event, Pence did tell Trump in front of witnesses that he was going to send the delegates back to the states. If he was not going to do so, he should have made this known rather than stating he would do the exact opposite. This lie was a betrayal, pretty basic, and the reasoning for this lie is not addressed in the self-serving blah-blah-blah you shared. You can’t save Pence from the disconnect between his actions and stated commitments. Also, having deceived the president of his intent, are we to presume that the collective groups coordinating the attack on the Capital Building happened to time their attack precisely with Pence’s statement merely by chance, knowing that Pence’s statement would be the only basis for their False Flag attack? For those who might live in a land where this is even remotely rational or believable, I have some special swamp land to sell them, and it comes complete with its own Pence-swamp pin just to reinforce the unbelievability of the premise.

  9. @Edgar Pence agrees with you that nothing gives the VP the authority to pick the President. His job was to certify the electoral results of the already certified by all the State Legislators. If you read the whole article it will be clear to you I believe.

    He was saying others trying to get him to pick the POTUS via the certification process, including Trump (he was alluding to this in his speech).

  10. @ BEAR-

    Pence’s remarks in the highlighted portion.. after the word ‘ADVERTISMENT”, actually the last 2 paragraphs, are nothing more than PURE sophistry. There is nothing in his position that gives him alone the authority to chose the President, an outrageous barefaced lie.

    He was making up this story to show his “patriotism” and “open, clean” honesty, and strengthen his obvious intention to stand for the presidency in 2024.

  11. @Reader

    Could you give a fairly short answer, please?

    You know I don’t do short answers… 🙂

    why did both the authorities and the media fail to use the great opportunity and investigate both Trump and Giuliani for “riling up the mob and siccing it on the Capitol”?

    They did go after both of them, and everyone’s grandmother.

    The attack on the Capital Building was the entire basis of the second impeachment against Trump, where they claimed he had lured the throngs of supporters to Washington to assault the Capital Building.

    This was also the very basis for which Giuliani’s law licence was revoked.

  12. Pence, in remarks at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Thursday, directly addressed those who continue to blame him for Trump’s defeat to now-President Joe Biden, who won the Electoral College on a 306-232 vote.

    “Now there are those in our party who believe that, in my position as presiding officer over the joint session, that I possessed the authority to reject or return electoral votes certified by the states,” Pence said. “But the Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority before the joint session of Congress.

    “And the truth is,” he continued, “there’s almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone.”

    Pence said he will “always be proud that we did our part, on that tragic day, to reconvene the Congress and fulfill our duty under the Constitution and the laws of the United States.”

    Full article

  13. Mike Pence certified the election as the constitution required. Mike Pence a fiercely loyalty part of the Trump was more loyal to the USA constitution, as he was sworn to do. He didn’t take a loyalty to oath like one would to a dictator.

    Naturally Trump turned on Pence also for what his duty and what he ethics required. Something Trump has never understood.

  14. @peloni

    If the attack on the Capitol was coordinated by Trump’s enemies to coincide with his speech, why did both the authorities and the media fail to use the great opportunity and investigate both Trump and Giuliani for “riling up the mob and siccing it on the Capitol”?

    They seemed to go after everyone and his grandmother except for these two like they had never uttered a word.

    Could you give a fairly short answer, please?

    Thank you.

  15. On that day, with that single act, Mike Pence failed his president, his nation, Western Democracies in general and Israel, specifically. That act made certain that the authority of the US govt would be left unchallenged to fall into the hands of the Radicals who now hold it and are acting as radicals do.

    This is not the limit of a fair analysis of Jan. 6, however, nor of Mike Pence’s villainy towards the many people he failed in his actions, because his failure to act was not the worst part of his calumny of Jan. 6. The ‘assault’ on the capital included coordinated actions by multiple groups to present an image of an assault on the capital that was timed to coincide with the end of Trump’s speech. Trump’s speech began late and ended at 1:12pm, and so the coordinated action against the Capital appeared to be early, but it was not. It was just uninformed of Trump’s delay. The pseudo attack on the capital, at 1:01pm was done with actors pretending to be Trump supporters reacting to the betrayal of Pence which occured at 12:57pm, but how could they know ahead of time that Pence was to betray the President and the American people. Restated, these groups who were collected to attack the capital were arranged days in advance to act as though they were outraged of the US betrayal of the American people, which only makes sense if they knew of Pence’s decision in that same timeline.

    How could they predict Pence’s decision which he only released moments before the attack was launched against the Capital. Worse than this, though, Pelosi and McConnell prevented the use of National Guards troops to play any role on the capital while the US Capital Police failed to assemble any meaningful numbers to properly police the swarm of people approaching the capital. Further complicating this situation was the fact that in coordination with the “attack” on the capital, the police who were present were actively prompting members of the public to freely enter the Capital Building. This was all, all of it, coordinated to support Mike Pence’s decision to not send the electors back to the states for validation. Yet, Pence only announced his decision at 12:53pm while Trump was still speaking and four minutes before the “assault” began.

    Mike Pence is a villain. He betrayed the nation to the care of a collection of Gotham caricatures and he did so knowing the harms it would result in to the US, to the world, and to Israel.

  16. @Davidowitz
    I must object to your comments on Trump vs Pence. I fully agree with Edgar’s well stated commentary, but there is more to disprove your beliefs, which obviously you like, but I would love to hear how you support them. I am a very proud former supporter of Mike Pence, I liked him as VP, I was ecstatic when he was chosen as VP, devastated when he left the Congress in ~2012 and really wanted him to join Romney on the ticket instead of the Eddie Munster wannabe. So when I say I am a former supporter, I should note that I am actually a former strong supporter of the man. Still, facts provide the stones that pave our roads and should guide our opinions of leaders. Trump did a great many things for the US, for Israel and for the world in general. I could list the many great things his presidency brought to each of these beneficiaries, but likely we each are aware of them all.

    The role of VP is a thankless job with few responsibilities. Even so, Mike Pence was an active VP, but his actions were conducting the business of the Trump administration, and even in this he ran a foul game. We could discuss his role in firing Mike Pence, or his role in the discussions of the 25th amendment, or other matters. There would be a significant debate and much of it would fall back to what do you believe. To judge Mike Pence, the best support of a character analysis might be best restricted to the facts of one day, rather than to the entire four years he was VP, or the entire length of time he stood as a Congressman. He has, over the years, given a strong voice of support for for democracy, for America and for Israel, but he betrayed them all to an unbalanced likelihood of doom, and he did so on one day, one day when he lied about what he would do, he lied about what he was asked to do and he lied about his motives for doing it.

    Yes, we are talking about January 6. Pence told Trump he planned to send the fraudulent electors back to the states to verify that the electors represented the will of the State Legislatures. His commitment to do so eliminated the need to consider other paths that might be explored to reveal the fraud more directly, paths that might be more successful in exposing the fraud, but might be more objectionable to some. We know this commitment was made to Trump because he made the commitment in front of witnesses besides Trump including John Eastman. He also lied that Trump expected him to

    [claim] unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not

    This was never the intent or interest of Trump to do. If he had a desire to act more boldly, he could have simply acted to inspect the ballots as Flynn had proposed that he do.

  17. Does anybody here even know what is in Trump’s Plan?

    Report: Trump peace plan will divide Jerusalem
    Peace plan will reportedly include establishment of Palestinian state in 90% of Judea and Samaria, with part of eastern J’lem its capital.

    Arutz Sheva Staff
    ?’ ???? ???”? 20:58 16.01.19

    REVEALED: Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ map for a future Palestine, Israel
    West Bank and Gaza would be joined by tunnel, according to ‘conceptual maps’ published in new White House document

    Published date: 28 January 2020 18:28 UTC

    [according to this plan “Jerusalem will remain undivided West of the security line” emphasis mine]


    Your remark shows that you know nothing at all about Trump, and are prejudiced. Perhaps a Democrat. Of course, you are entitled to your opinions, as we all are, and to express them freely, as we all do.
    If you read Trump’s statement about Netanyahu, you’ll see that he is not backing away from supporting Israel one whit. He’s not even backing away from Netanyahu, just expressing his feeling in a way he likely knows is mere pique.

    Both Trump and his late father Fred Trump have given millions to Israeli Kibbutzim, Moshavim, and other worthy causes. At least one particular Kibbutz Fred Trump funded completely for years, perhaps until he passed away, I’m not sure of this though…

    Trump has been the most benevolent US President to Israel in history, better than all the previous Presidents combined since George Washington.

    I don’t know why I’m telling you this, I’m sure you already know and your dislike is shielding you..

    You may be right about Pence, although I can’t recall anything he has done personally for Israel.

  19. @ TED-

    You really are “a man of your convictions”… I also am.

    I just checked to make sure my recollections were accurate.

    All the reports say that from Nov SEVENTH, the congratulation from all over Europe began “to flow”… including the Boris Johnson, Macron Merkel …et al.

    So why blame Israel’s P.M, Israel,. a country which more by far than any of the others NEEDED to stay on the best of terms with an antagonistic regime.,

    Yes, let us close the discussion.

  20. In my opinion, Pence is more pro-Israel than Trump. Unlike Trump, his support of Israel is sincere, and not dependent on who the P.M. is.

  21. I followed the election results and discussions thereafter very closely. Israelis may have thought it was game over but Bibi should have known better.

    Regardless of what Edgar said, there were a number of ways the election could have been over turned. I even expected it to be. But Pence refused to back Trump on Jan 6 after he had agreed to do so on Jan 4.
    Remember there was an alternate slate of electors ready to vote for Trump.

    Bottom line was that the race was still in play. Trump didn’t concede and vote wouldn’t take place until Jan 6. Enough said. We will agree to disagree.

  22. @ TED-

    Biden had a margin of nearly 70 Electoral College votes. No way that Trump could win, especially when the States’ Legislatures were avoiding taking any realistic action.

    AND.. already in early December, roughly a month before Jan 6th, the Supreme Court refused to hear the Texas suit joined by 20 other states, and supported by Trump, when still the President.

    You don’t seem to feel that these non-actions are important red flags that nothing would be done to change the results…????

    The expose of the Georgia video’d glaring scandal didn’t have any immediate effect, and now 9 months later still nothing really has been done., Court orders are being ignored etc etc…..

    It is YOU who should see the writing on the wall before any of us, with your far greater experience in international politics.

    It was a fait accompli

  23. @Ted, perception is reality. The perception for most people including Israelis was that Biden won the election. So Bibi very correctly congratulated him because it was important to Israel, that he get along with the new incoming administration.

    Really quite simple.

  24. I was surprised because I thought my arguments were too persuasive. Obviously I was wrong to think so. I also think you are wrong to ignore them. The race or winner was not decided until Jan 6. End of story.

  25. @ Ted…TED…!!!

    There’s no reason why you should not stand your ground, it’s your personal decision. But Israel isn’t governed by the US Constitution. No other country, (and none of them tied by the neck to the US as Israel is) waited until after Jan 6th. It was obvious to them that Biden was going to be installed, and once there, would be almost impossible to remove. To wait for over a month to contact him would be worse than suicide , it would be the height of stupidity and irresponsibility.

    We’re talking about the safety of Israel, not Israel and the US Constitution.

    You seem not to accept that we are talking about two different scenarios.

    I’m puzzled as to why you are surprised that I’m “standing my ground”..

  26. I stand my ground. Also, I am surprised that Edgar and Bear are standing theirs.
    The networks don’t decide the elections. Everything was being challenged and Trump had not conceded. The appropriate thing to do, especially as Trump had been so good to Israel, was to wait until the victor had been determined according to the constitution namely Jan 6/21.
    By congratulating Biden while the controversy raged, Bibi was putting his thumb on the scale. He should have remained silent until after Jan 6.

  27. @ BEAR-

    Making your points for you…yes, but better, I don’t think so. You have a very clear political attitude to these matters, I merely use my own brand of logic and common sense..

    I do well understand PELONI’S opinion, and on a personal level I agree with him. But in such a matter as is under discussion,. (actually I believe 2 matters) pragmatism must prevail over emotion.

    And thank you for your compliment.

  28. @Peloni I have no problem with you not moving on from the fraud in the election. That as Edgar says in an internal US problem. Israel needs to what it perceives best for itself. Getting in the middle of US elections is not one of those things. Bibi, did what he thought was correct and NO ONE in Israel I believe would dispute that from an Israeli perspective. Never mind Trump would have been easily reelected if the Israelis were voting. Percentage wise he was much more popular in Israel than the USA and far less negatives.

  29. @ PELONI-

    I may have failed to say that our personal opinions about the amount of fraud, and whether we ourselves accept or not the results, are not relevant to whether the PM should or should not have acted in Israel’s best interests.

    We are disputing about two different things. 1) Israel’s actions via the P.M. and 2) our own personal desires and attitudes to the hugely fraudulent election results.

  30. @ PELONI-

    I must say that I am surprised at your reasoning although I certainly respect it. . However massive the fraud was, and I agree completely that it was, it is not the place of a US client state to show official emotions over it. It is an INTERNAL US matter. Israel is against committing suicide by backing the man rather than looking out for it’s own interests.

    At that juncture Israel’s interests lay in trying not to antagonise further, an incoming President whom they knew for certainly was already decidedly not their friend. Without instant, or readily available US support, all of Israel’s other “friends”, would follow suit, leaving Israel a sitting duck, reminiscent of 1948,

    Israel has far too many material interests, totally wrapped up in US co-operation and aid, not alone financial but technological and more.

    I think we’re being silly to even contemplate that Israel should have given Biden a delayed reluctant, limp handshake, giving the Obama gangsters ample reasons to turn the screws even tighter.

    The many challenges of fraud, were always an uphill battle to have them heard and acted on. That was OBVIOUS to me from the very beginning, although I hoped for a speedy resolution in Trump’s favour.

    Biden was IN POSSESSION, and Trump was on the outside trying to get a shaky foothold, dependent not on his own efforts, but on openly wobbling fair-weather “friends.’, and suddenly deaf blind and dumb courts. The scandalous refusal of the TEXAS suit backed by …what…`18-20 other states, PLUS the outrageous USSC declaring that the President had no standing etc. showed ME at least , that the “fix” was in. ..

    Results showed that Netanyahu was perfectly right in his actions. How many different ways can I say it.????

    I see (rightly or wrongly) our own open disapproval is just the usual “storm-in-a-teacup” providing us with a good matter to dispute over..

    A vicarious release of our anguish.

  31. @Bear

    They have not moved and will never move in regards to the last election for POTUS.

    From what should any of us be in a hurry to move on from? Hundreds of thousands of votes in multiples states, including Florida, where the vote count was a fraction of this amount and Florida wasn’t even in contest. Govt exists by the consent of the governed, or, failing this, the governed are enslaved to the will of the elites. These are mutually exclusive realities of which only one will be passed to successive generations. We can only fail our children by failing ourselves in pursuing a just remedy for this flagrantly elicit fraud.

    For myself, I will not accept a fraudulent act as legitimate because some presumed authority figure suggests I should not see what I have seen. Facts are not open to opinions, nor partisan values. They just are what they are. With this understanding, half votes and photo-shopped ballots are not partisan, nor are phantom voters or stolen votes. They just are what they are. They are evidence of fraud. We can only protect our future, if we secure our own present from such established frauds being accepted without contest. A republic, if you can keep it, or something else, if you will accept it.

  32. @Edgar

    not to be favoured in any way by the new President (Obama) and the Democratic Party.

    I do not believe this was ever in the cards for Bibi or Israel with this administration. The have an agenda and it will be met regardless of any niceties offered to them.

    I did not suggest that Israel had a choice of which party to support as you suggest, that was Bear’s claim about me, and it is quite inaccurate. Israel had no role whatsoever in this process, but acting so quickly on a contest that was to be before the courts would seem imprudent as either side might take the win, especially if there was clear evidence on election night that the election was clearly stolen, as there was. If anyone knows anything about Trump, it is that he values loyalty, and likes revenge, whereas you might criticize this of him, it is who he is, and he does not make any apologies for it. This being noted, however, Bibi should not have acted out of loyalty to support Trump nor out of concern to support the Dems, again, as he had no role here, of which I have stated and of which you and Bear have each noted your support.

    As the world turned and things came to sit where we are today, the Dems came to power, but had Trump succeeded, as well he should have, it would have been a fiery Trump with which Bibi would have had to come to reconcile. For what it’s worth.

  33. @Edgar I concur with all your points 100%!!!!!

    I like most of Trump’s policies. However, whenever he perceives that someone is not viewing Trump’s personal interests above all other things, law, ethics (and no matter what he turns on them) like with Barr, Pence, Bibi, Jeff Sessions and long other list of people.

  34. @ PELONI-

    Heavily dependent client states like Israel don’t have the freedom to choose which party to support in the elections of their principal, indeed only ally. If the PM had waited until the time suggested, the outcome would have been the same, and Israel would have been shown to be only a luke-warm, indeed a reluctant attendee-at-the-party, and therefore, not to be favoured in any way by the new President (Obama) and the Democratic Party.

    Flashing signals of DANGER right ahead. The P.M showed his foresight and political wisdom. I don’t see why brilliantly savvy posters can’t see the obvious in this matter.??

    Trump taking it personally, when it’s purely a political decision, reflects poorly on him.

    AND… Biden is STILL in office. and the USSC is almost a known quantity on this matter. And about another 100 reasons.

  35. So Trump now has turned on Bibi. Good he is not Prime Minister and is unlikely to be Prime Minister again because Trump has a decent chance to become POTUS again in the 2024 election with the assumption he decides to run and stays healthy.

    So will Trump also turn on Israel if he becomes POTUS again if ther is ea different Prime Minister other than Bibi?

  36. Bibi acted in Israel’s interests. He was not taking a side on election result Trump and some of his supporters (I voted for him twice) have not nor will they ever accept. They have not moved and will never move in regards to the last election for POTUS.

  37. @Peloni, I certainly have things I strongly prefer and am also a partisan. I am a pro Israel partisan in this case.

  38. @Bear

    You like to suggest partisanship supports every opinion not your own which I find very ironic. In anycase, it is just good sense to see where the dust falls before acting. Israel had no role in this election and acting too soon is too soon to act, IMHO. Bibi should have waited till at least the Safe Harbor date when the Congress must count the electoral votes from states that chose their electors and resolve any legal disputes.

    How would it be in Israel’s interest having accepted the election results before the contest was settled. He had no knowledge that the the election would be certified. Trump had been anything but equivocal in his statements regarding the fraud present which was obviously going to be challenged.

  39. Bibi was already behind the eight ball with Democrats because they viewed him as having been partisan towards the GOP in the past. They were wrong as he was just looking out for Israeli interests when he was working with the GOP. The Dems were looking at via their intense hate of the GOP.

    Just like Bibi was looking out for Israel’s interests when congratulated Biden. Those intensely partisan and absolute haters of the Dems can not see this objectively now either. So the Dems and the absolute haters of the Dems have something in common they simply can view this matter objectively.

  40. @Ted, I completely concur with Edgar said. Sounds like we need to agree to disagree. Israel is not in the business of picking or deciding US elections. Israel needs to work Democratic and Republican politicians.

  41. Every nation has congratulated the Radicals on their return to power, but they didn’t all do so within less than a week of the election being stolen. The Safe Harbor date, Dec. 20, had not yet come close to being met and the unfolding reality of the fraud surrounding the election became more obvious, not with every day, but with every hour and an electoral legal challenge was very certain. I was horrified when Bibi acted as if the matter had been solidified and certain in an hour in which it was anything but solidified or certain. What should have occurred had the election been turned back, if the SCOTUS had ruled when it should have, if Pence had seen fit to act according to his office and request the states legislatures confirm their electors, or if the Congress acted to do the same. Indeed, had the State Legislatures taken to their proper role and contested the election, many things would look differently throughout the world. A year later, we have all come to be quite knowledgeable of the level of corruption that has been seen to run throughout all of the US agencies and organizations and which have led to many hard betrayals and very poor decisions. Yet, at the time of Netanyahu’s congratulation, he could have no certainty of how events would unfold. Had the truth of the fraud been considered by the responsible parties, many things would be very different, but Netanyahu would be dealing with the very same, very angered, Trump, only he would be the POTUS.

    A year later, we are all living the unwelcome results of the fact these responsible authorities chose to take a holiday of conscience for one reason or another, but do recall that it was at 12:03 am on Nov. 8, less than 5 days after the polls closed and while the votes were not even completed being manufactured, err, counted when Netanyahu decided to send his tweet of congratulation. I do, of course, agree that Israel has no right or duty or obligation to impart an opinion on the standing of a legal challenge of a fraudulent election in the US, but this was not the issue at hand and this is not what angered Trump. As Trump stated,

    “For Bibi Netanyahu, before the ink was even dry, to do a message…Early, okay? …He was very early. Like earlier than most”

    He was too early.

  42. @ TED-

    I see your point but do not agree. The outcome was an internal US matter and for tiny, dependent Israel to stick it’s nose into it would have been almost like suicide, potentially causing innumerable problems for future relations. Biden, however fraudulent, had been accepted as President and INAUGURATED, was already functioning, the objections and investigations were already in action, and the PM, as a dependent head of state, had NO alternative which would allow him to do otherwise.

    Biden had been a part of the Anti-Semitic Obama govt. Netanyahu could not afford to aggravate THAT cesspool. He was right, and I’m sorry to so strongly disagree with you TED but I do.

    There are so many reasons that are compelling and I barely touch the fringe. Trump’s pique shows petulance, and a bit more that I don’t want to go into , because I support his policies.

  43. @Bear
    I am not persuaded. The battle over the outcome didn’t come to a head until Jan 6/21. The outcome was in dispute and it was wrong for Bibi to ignore that.

  44. #retired 22-

    Better be honest about this. Go and join the Labour Party, or the mixed Arab0israeli lefties. openly, instead of snide remarks about someone whose political career is presently in a difficult position.

    It’s called “kicking a man when he’s down”… You may never have heard of this term-but…unlikely…

  45. I agree with BEAR. Israel , regardless of perceived loyalties to past Presidents etc, must FIRST of ALL, look after iit’s own interests.

    And a timely recognition of the election results of it’s ONLY ally, was neccessary. That it was the first, may have been a miscalculation., but it definitely had to be EARLY. Those countries which waited, are not in Israel’s position vis a vis the US. They are FAR more independent and mor populated than the narrow land sliver of I srael. And ensconsed in history as independent nations for many years, unlike Israel, still forced to try to keep steady on iut’s feet.

    Trump is WRONG,. (anmd his over vehement criticism is perhaps a sign that all is not well with him)…., and he should know this, or at least his advisers should know.

  46. Well there’s the evidence. Trump did things for Israel but it was at the end of the day all about himself
    Not to run down trump but that’s the man and Bare truth

  47. Israeli PMs should get try and get along with the POTUS. Ted you may not accept that Biden is the recognized and functioning POTUS (no matter what your view of election fraud is) but the world does. Bibi did the clearly obvious correct and diplomatic thing when he congratulated the new POTUS. Yes he also like most of us would have preferred Trump over Biden.

    It is not up to Israelis to intervene in internal US politics and elections.

  48. Aside from this,
    BiBi must have been the individual who signed & handed over Israel to Pfizer.
    I may be wrong but he was in charge when Pfizer came to Israel(and still hasn’t left,after how many fatalities?