Trump and Zelensky: War Must End

Peloni:  Ever the Russian antagonist, Pompeo published a report suggesting that Trump would continue the sanction war against Putin.  With the appointment of Vance as VP, the Neocons no doubt are hopeful that this will signal a surrender of reasonable policy with regards to Russia.  We will have to see what Trump has to say on the matter.  In any event, neither Pompeo, nor Musk, nor Theil, nor Vance speak for Trump.  Which is why they hate and fear him.

July 27, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Peloni and Ted: Please post my latest post about Ukraine, Russia and the United States in this space rather than confining it to electronic oblivion. I know you don’t agree with me about Ukraine. But I htink that Israpundit readers can learn something from what I have learned from “open sources.”

  2. Pompeo, a former official in the Trump administration, has published an article claiming that a Trump adminiustration would continue and even expand U.S. military aid to Ukraine. It would only change military grants to Ukraine into loans modeled on the u.S. “lend-lease” loans to Britain during World War II. Trump has not confirmed that Pompeo’s lend-lease plan has been approved by him.

    Concerning Russian wars–they defeated Hitler amd Napoleon, but lost to the Afghan terrorists (no foreign power has ever defeated Afghanistan, oexcept maybe Alexander the Great, and even he had trouble in Afghanistan). They also failed to win a decisive victory over Finaland in the “winter war” of 1939. They lost World War I to the Germans. Antd the 1905 war with Japan. There is no guarantee that they will win the war in Ukraine if the U.S. were to give fUkraine a sufficient quantity and quality of weapons to win the war. The U.S. has not done this. Only given them military “scraps” to tie the Russians down for a while. In private, U.S. officials aree alleged to have said “off the record” that they don’t object to Russia winning the war eventually, provided they don’t go on to invade NATO members, and above all that they make certain concessions to U.S. oil companies once peace is restored. U.S. oil companies are worried about Russia flooding the international oil market.