A Hamas Mob Roamed an LA Neighborhood Attacking Jews

Peloni: The deployment of these Jew-Hate bully brute squads to the streets of LA is yet a further evidence of the maliciously antisemitic posture accepted by the Democratic Party whose donors were knowingly responsible for financing the campus violence campaign over the past months.  The demonstration of the authoritarian credo “To my friends, everything, and to my enemies, the Law” should be a stark message to every Jew in America.  This is not about politics, it isn’t about Trump, it is about your safety and the survival of your loved ones.  The Jews of America are under threat, and those in the Democratic party which have been viewed to be either allies or benefactors or representatives have demonstrated that they are in fact the enemies of the Jewish people.  The Jews of America, regardless of their political views, must come to terms with this fact, regardless of how difficult it might be, and act upon it.

While it is good to see the Jewish community acting in its own defense on the streets, the American Jews must come to accept that they must do the same on the political field.  Failing to do so will only see such scenes as those below come about much more often with much greater consequences.

With the complicity of local Los Angeles authorities.

Daniel Greenfield | June 24, 2024


Some people are calling this a “pogrom”. It was at best a low-level riot against Jews by Islamic terrorist supporters and Antifa with the complicity of local Los Angeles authorities. I have an article with more to say about it, but the videos speak for themselves.

The target was Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible) but the pro-terror rally spread out to two adjoining synagogues and then the violence spread out past Kosher restaurants, a Jewish school and to nearby residential streets on both sides of Pico Blvd in the Pico Robertson neighborhood where the Hamas rioters freely attacked Jews.

Some Jewish community members stood up to them.

The LAPD was slow to intervene and generally ineffective. The failure to once again confine the hate mob to a protest zone allowed the violence to continue escalating. This was the same thing that had happened at the Museum of Tolerance and in other instances. Despite the killing of Paul Kessler at a protest where the sides were not separated, LA authorities continue allowing Hamas supporters free access to their Jewish targets.

And after 8 months at some point that can’t simply be dismissed as incompetence.













The violence was bad enough that politicians have condemned it (rather than the specific perpetrators) even as the media, including the LA Times, predictably describes “clashes erupting between both sides” condemning the Muslims and Marxists who attacked a synagogue and the Jews who didn’t want their synagogue attacked.



June 25, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Wonder what would have happened if a mosque had been attacked…
    The good thing is that we Jews discovered – like our bretheren in Israel – that we could fight and fight hard, even though outnumbered. I saw several shots where “Mr. Keffiyeh” was hit hard and decided to run away as fast as he could. But the bottom line is that “the authorities” in LA are cowards… for a start.
    Several people I spoke to here in Toronto have told me that the younger members of their respective families had been instructed in Krav Maga… A good start, but it seems that most of them have forgotten what they have learned. The cure for this is to practise frequently with fellow Krav Magaists. Dedicate some time to keeping sharp!
    I have practised Karate for about 40 years, and can guarantee that regular practise is essential in order to be effective… violently effective.