To all the enablers of the Obama plan

[There has been one group of Americans who have been opposed to the Oslo process from Day One – AFSI, Americans For a Safe Israel. Without the benefit of J Street’s Soros money, or Peace Now’s Arab cash, AFSI has managed to stay small and not become a member of the Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Still, inspired by the great Jabotinsky, and not afraid to admit it, AFSI has always been a sui generis that never wavered and punched above their weight – truth being the spinach of the soul. A pamphlet they gave out at an Israel Day parade over twenty years ago exposed this liberal Jew to reality beyond the stagnant New York Times, helping the young man to turn himself around. Among others, Ruth King has been a driving force in AFSI for longer than I can recall. On the occasion of Obama’s “nasty speech” yesterday, Ms. King dashed off a quick post and turned the spotlight on Jews who have made the present ugly state-of-affairs possible. dfriedman]

By Ruth King, AFSI

Hello Krauthammer and Dersh and Bret Stephens and the ADL and all of you fools. Where did you think the two state plan and the removal from Gaza was going?

There have been some terrific responses to the president’s nasty speech, but…oh my !!!!All the high dudgeon from the folks who enabled the current state of events is truly annoying.

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What about the folks here and in Israel who parroted the two state suicide and the surrender of Gaza? Hello Krauthammer and Dersh and Bret Stephens and the ADL and all of you fools. Where did you think the two state plan and the removal from Gaza was going?

Did you ever understand the jihad against Israel? It did not suit you to support Geert Wilders…not to comfy at dinner parties if you act like an Islamophobe is it?

You learned to say Myanmar instead of Burma and Beijing instead of Peking, but you would never utter the words Judea and Samaria.

And all the cya faux supporters of Israel …where were you to denounce the Oslo agreements; to give backbone to Israel’s noble and patriotic settlement movement; to denounce any and all suggestions that Israel’s capital could be divided; to denounce the surrender of Hebron which is the first capital of the Jewish people; to denounce all the clones of the original Rogers plan based on Israel’s surrender of its patrimony and legitimacy including Bush’s appalling “road map”….????

Well you failed. At least Americans For a Safe Israel stood fast and firm.

Ed Note: She should add Koch, Foxman, Jacobs to the list.

May 21, 2011 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. More than the “1967 lines”, the “Palestinian refugees”, and President Obama’s other mischaracterizations, the crux of the matter is to be found in TWO WORDS stated by Mahmoud Abbas in his New York Times op-ed, where he referred to “our homeland.”

    This is what should have been vigorously challenged by Israeli leaders, since the same piece of land cannot be the “homeland” of two different peoples at war with each other.