Tierney’s REAL News (3/29/22)

By Peg Tierney

Joseph J. Flynn released a picture of President Trump and General Michael Flynn today. Pretty much confirming they’ve been working together from the start and now they want you to know that.

Meanwhile, after being shunned by the entire world for admitting that the purpose of the war in Ukraine has always been to OVERTHROW Putin and take over Russia – Biden did a press conference for damage control. He read from notes prepared by his staff entitled: “Tough Putin Q$A Talking Points.”

JOKE. This is the leader of the free world who was INSTALLED in the Oval Office by our enemies to destroy us all!

President Trump gave an interview to John Solomon which will air on Bannon’s network RAV tonight at 6pm ET. You can find RAV on the ROKU channel. It’s free. Should be a good one. Apparently President Trump asked Putin to release documents proving Biden’s corruption in Russia & Ukraine. Spicy!

TRUMP: “The wife of the Mayor of Moscow gave Biden $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer.”

I think this is going to get good!

PREVIEW: https://rumble.com/vyvx4o-donald-trump-interview-with-just-the-news..html

Meanwhile – “The Big Guy” – known as Joe Biden – is now proposing to let Ukraine — one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the planet — into the G20 as an “observer nation.”

WTH. A 10% cut to the Biden Crime Family goes a long, long way. Biden is literally sending our tax dollars to foreign governments and our enemies and then they reward him with a 10% cut! How stupid are we? Why do you think Obama chose Biden for his VP? The big con!

TRUMP SPOKESPERSON: “So what should be next for them? They should be resigning. They should be impeached. Look at all the corruption. That’s another reason Joe Biden can’t do anything with Ukraine or Russia because his family has taken money from both of those countries.”

As I’ve reported earlier, it’s been confirmed that Putin’s strategy was NOT to take Kiev or all of Ukraine – but to surround Kiev to cut off the Ukrainian NAZI forces there while Russian forces took out the AZOV NAZI headquarters in Eastern & Southern Ukraine and control the port cities. In other words – the fake news lies to your face every night.

LARRY JOHNSON: “Russia’s encirclement of Kiev over the past three weeks was intended to pin down a significant portion of what remains of Ukraine’s military forces so that Russia could carry out offensive operations in the east and the south. Mission accomplished.

Some of the Russian units that were deployed around Kiev are now moving east towards Kharkiv. Russian forces have destroyed the Ukrainian neo-Nazi entity that controlled Mariupol. Russia now controls Mariupol. Let me put this in simple strategic terms–Russia has eliminated any possibility of Ukraine being able to use the Black Sea for ship-borne imports or exports. Ukraine is now cut off in the south.

Russia’s next focus will be on the Ukrainian forces that still exist in the Donbas and Kharkiv. Eliminating them is the likely next objective.”

MICHAEL TRACEY: “Mariupol mayor says Russian forces have seized the city. Weird because every US and UK “expert” analysis of the war’s progress has claimed Russia is totally blundering and failing, which seems inconsistent with them taking control of a critical port city.”

There is video of Russian troops and DPR forces raising their flags over the Azov NAZI headquarters in Mariupol – while the Russian National Anthem was played simultaneously. So, no, Russia is NOT losing the war in spite of what the fake news says!

The NAZIs running Ukraine for the CIA are quite real. That’s been confirmed by Emerald Robinson, Lara Logan and Gateway Pundit – trusted sources – and many others.

Read more here: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/03/27/msm-cover-up-of-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/

“While the neo-Nazis cannot be used to justify the Russian war on Ukraine, they are a real threat in Ukraine. Their influence and actions in Ukrainian politics, military and social life are not a secret, as they operate openly in Ukraine.”

In fact, Putin told Europe that effective April 1st – Europe must pay Russia for gas in rubles – not dollars or Euros.

RUSSIA: “We will definitely not supply gas for free. We are not engaged in charity.”

What does that mean? Here’s what a good friend of mine thinks:

BTW – term Oligarch is confusing to some people. All it means is a person who is filthy rich and believes his/her money should be used to control We the People. Think Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Xi, Koch, Rothschild, Soros, Fink, Slim and more.

The CIA-backed WEF New World Order has confiscated half of Russia’s gold and will not allow them to convert what they have into cash – so Putin is telling Europe – either pay us in rubles or no GAS or OIL for you!

Remember that 30% of Europe’s gas comes from Russia – some EU countries are totally dependent on Russia for gas:

In 2017, President Trump warned Germany that if they didn’t diversify their energy sources from Russia – that Russia would blackmail them and control all of Europe. He was right.



The Russian ruble is at its high point against the dollar from the last 30 days, and close to its high point from the last year: substantially recovered, at least for now, from its post-invasion collapse.


Meanwhile, Biden is opening up America’s borders and letting in the world while he pretends to defend Ukraine’s border.

The US will surpass ONE MILLION encounters of illegal aliens attempting to enter America by way of the southern border “in the next couple days” for the first 6 months of the fiscal year 2022, according to US border patrol chief Raul Ortiz. Many of these invaders are criminals and terrorists. Many are good people looking for a better life. They come from 139 countries around the world – including the Middle East, Africa, Russia & China.

What do they want? Your jobs. Your benefits. Your homes. Your food. Your money. To vote in YOUR elections. Can you blame them? NO – but America is a sovereign nation. We have borders for a reason! We can NOT afford to support the world – right now we can barely take care of our own country! Crime, inflation, deficits and supply chain issues are out of control. Our infrastructure is crumbling. All this will do is make it worse and turn America into the 3rd world!

Is this what you hope to leave for your children? This is NOT the way it works! My ancestors came here legally – so should every body else! Do you just leave your doors and windows unlocked and let strangers walk into your home and take whatever they want from your children? NO. Do you just hand out your bank account password & credit cards to strangers on the street and encourage them to withdraw whatever they want? NO.

Why do we allow them to do this to our country! INSANE.

Here’s a good one. Madison Cawthorn, a young man who was elected to Congress in 2020 – and is in a wheelchair due to an accident when he was 18 – told the media that he was surprised to be invited to orgies, put on by both parties in DC, where lots of cocaine is flowing.

CAWTHORN: “The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington, I mean, being kind of a young guy in Washington, average age is probably 60 or 70. I look at a lot of these people, a lot of them that I’ve looked up to through my life ? I’ve always paid attention to politics. Then all of a sudden, you get invited to, ‘Oh, hey, we’re going to have a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come.’ Then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy.”

Apparently the DC leadership isn’t too happy that Cawthorn revealed the fact that DC is like Sodom & Gomorrah. You can’t make this stuff up. Now you know why they want to groom children about sex by age 5! DRAIN THE SWAMP.

Meanwhile, in Washington State – 1st graders are groomed on “gender identity” and “sexual preference” and mast***ation and sodomy. Who thinks this is a good idea?


March 30, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Adam Dalgliesh

    You would believe anything put out by Fascists and BBC.
    But you ignore totally the three videos post Maidan that myself Reader and Sebastien placed on site

    They show ordinary people of Donbass suffering from 2013 at the hands of these Fascists

    What disgusts me so much is that you claim to be Jewish and even pro Jewish but this political line you support goes back to the Holocaust.

    Have you just no honour?

  2. This is from an article in Bellingcat dated May 1, 2022. It validates to some extent the concerns of some of my fellow readwrs about the presence of right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine. It identifies the Azov organization as one such group.The focus, however, is on the Ukrainian extreme right’s connections with similar extreme right and neo-Nazi groups in France.

    The article references violence and hate crimes by the French neo-Nazis within France. However, the only activities by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis that it mentions are hosting an annual music festival for extreme-right heavy metal bands, and participating in kick-boxing meets in Kyiv, both as competitors and fans. It does not mention any hate-crimes or bias incidents involving the Ukrainian far-right Ukrainian groups in recent years. They seem to have become quiescent, except for organizing “cultural” events, in recent years.

    At Ukraine’s Asgardsrei, A French Connection