Tierney’s REAL News (12/15/21)

By Peg Tierney

If you think you are alone in believing the 2020 election was stolen, even CNN polls show you are not. They polled “highly enthusiastic” voters – people who look forward to voting in 2022 and 2024.

47% of ALL enthusiastic voters (including Democrats) said Biden cheated – 86% of Republicans said Biden cheated.

“Highly-informed, keenly-motivated citizens maintain that the November 3rd, 2020 vote was badly marred by irregularities and constitutional violations that anointed Joe Biden as an illegitimate president.”

More data is coming out every day in swing states that will be used to SUE election officials, state by state, for fraud.

President Trump said Mike Pence’s political career is OVER.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I think Mike Pence has been very badly hurt by what took place in respect to January 6. I think he’s been mortally wounded [inside the GOP] frankly, because I see the reaction he’s getting from people.

I was disappointed in one thing, but it was a big thing. Mike should have sent those crooked votes back to the legislatures and you would have had a different result in the election, in my opinion. There are a lot of good [potential VP candidates that I could choose from.] Ron DeSantis would be good.”

RUDY GIULIANI: “I really hesitate to say this. But we’re a fascist country at this point. The Biden administration is using, and has been for some time, fascist tactics.”

ERIC TRUMP: “Help is on the way and I promise we will never ever let you down. My father will never let you down. We will never let you down. Let’s go take this country back. God bless you and God bless these United States of America.”

Dr. Scott Atlas, of Stanford, gave an interview and described what he saw at the White House on Pence’s Covid Task Force. He said Fauci & Birx ignored the science and did what they wanted.

ATLAS: Drs. Fauci and Birx were 40-year bureaucrats and they ran the task force. The American people need to know their level of incompetence, the lack of rigor, the lack of critical thinking.

I was stunned at what I saw. We had bureaucrats in charge of the policy and that policy was restrictions and lockdowns. And it failed. It failed to stop the spread of the infection. It failed to protect the elderly and stop them from dying. And it destroyed millions and millions of families, including the children who were sacrificed, and I’m talking about particularly low-income families.

President Trump said we need to open up and increase the protection of the elderly and the vulnerable. The president understood this. He understood that lock downs didn’t work. He understood that masks didn’t work. He understood that children & the healthy didn’t need to be vaccinated. He understood that therapeutics worked if administered early. The problem was while he was saying that, the task force said something very different. The task force was on its own.

The task force was speaking directly to the states and to the American people, 24/7, really, a totally different message. So they were on their own and they were, they, the task force doctors, Dr. Birx, and to the people, Dr. Fauci were espousing a completely different policy not consistent with what the president wanted, but more importantly, the wrong policy.

Science has been contaminated with politics.

Miles Guo, a Chinese defector aligned with Giuliani & Bannon, has this to say about the real estate collapse in China and its future. I’ve followed him for the past year and he has been right about many things.

Remember there is infighting in the Chinese Communist party and remember that Trump once told Putin he didn’t have to hang with Xi – he could join America & India against the Communists and win economically. He said the same thing to North Korea. Things are NOT always what they seem:

MILES GUO: Xi Jinping originally wanted to take the opportunity of the Winter Olympics during which leaders of various nations will pay him a visit to worship him such that he can become the world leader, and he planned to use the DCEP to take down the SWIFT, the U.S. dollar, and invade Taiwan after the Winter Olympics is over, and later he would carve up the world.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime in the past decade has been ruled by Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan (Xi’s wife’s) family via the so-called National Security Committee which has bypassed the CCP’s Party Standing Committee and the State administration; Xi’s foreign intelligence matters are in the hands of Xi’s sister family. [Xi’s wife is a famous singer in Communist China & even sang to congratulate the CCP troops when they mowed down students at Tiananmen Square.]

There will be more Western countries boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics, with only NBC paying the CCP $2 billion for the broadcast rights. This is an extremely huge humiliation for Xi Jinping.

I believe that both the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates will be committed to taking down the CCP! The Sino-US economy will definitely be decoupled, and the assets of the CCP senior cadres in the West will surely be seized; Communism will be designated as a cult, and the world will undergo a dramatic change; I hope Xi Jinping will be alive so that he can witness all these things happening!

Russia, Wall Street, Hollywood, and the four shameless big families in Hong Kong have contributed to Xi’s arrogance and insanity – daring to release the CCP virus, promoting China’s poisonous COVID vaccines, and making everyone afraid to say “no”.

However, Russia has recently slapped Xi in the face; without Xi’s arrogance and insanity, we wouldn’t be able to take down the CCP. In the past 48 hours, the Russians have explicitly told the CCP that Russia is done with the CCP because it is doomed. Russia also said it wouldn’t take part in the CCP’s attack on Taiwan, while still demanding the CCP to pay for the oil and gas as per the contracts signed with Russia, and Russia is going to ally with India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran.

After the CCP was “dumped” by Russia, it asked the Russians how to restore the relationship; Xi Jinping doesn’t care about human rights. The end of the alliance of the CCP and Russia is absolutely crucial. Xi’s insanity will bring about his own demise – he will surely invade Taiwan, eliminate the Chinese private entrepreneurs, and arrest more CCP members.

Most of the investments in the CCP’s financial sector and real estate are made by foreign financial institutions, and this alone violates the CCP’s so-called policies and regulations regarding the prohibition of foreign investments in certain domains and the foreign currency exchange settlement. The Western funds in China are run by crooks and “lawful thieves” who swindle money, and the consequences of the collapse of these funds will be extremely serious!”

Meanwhile, Russia & India are joining forces in missile defense…

Retailers say crime & looting is out of control. The fake news says it’s not that big of a deal. Meanwhile, ARMED car jackings are up 700% in Minneapolis – primarily at retail parking lots – including those in upscale Edina…and the criminals are on the loose…and the people are furious!

December 16, 2021 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. AS usual, Meg Tierney does not use quotation marks of quote boxes, and does not give documentary sources. This makes it very difficult to determine how accurate her reports are. Many of her factual statements seem likely to be true, but not all.

  2. I would like to have heard MORE about the 14% of “Republican” voters
    who, by implication, did NOT think the election had been fraudulently

    After all, most of the civilised world, which interested itself in the US 2020 election as pretty sure that the election was stolen fraudulently, and they are not even US citizens…..judging by coverage of the US election news from overseas.