Thoughts on Trumps speech at the RNC

July 20, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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  1. Israel, America, and the West should destabilize Iran by supporting all these separatist movements within Iran and speak for them in the U.N.

    And, of course demonstrations, bumper stickers, buttons, actors and models’ endorsements, etc.

    Down with the Iranian occupation.

    Free Assyria, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Azerbaijan, Sistan, Khuzestan, now!

  2. Israel, America, and the West should destabilize Iran by supporting all these separatist movements within Iran and speak for them in the U.N.

    And, of course demonstrations, bumper stickers, buttons, actors and models’ endorsements, etc.

    Down with the Iranian occupation.

    Free Assyria, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Azerbaijan, Sistan, Khuzestan, now!

    Interesting that Iran did this in Iraq at one point for the Iraqi Kurds during the Iran-Iraq war. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes.

    And how about those European countries that recognized the imaginary state of Fakestine. Let’s see, well, you have Basque, Catalonian, Calabrian, and one more, I forget independence movements in Spain. The French have a Basqsue region, too. End the Spanish and French occupation of their respective countries. Free them NOW!

    Out shout them. Shoes on the table. Firsts on the counter.

    Have you no shame!”
    See how they like them apples. 😀

  3. @Adam, Peloni, att: MIchael Michael

    Opinion Editorial
    Iran is Hijacking Assyrian Politics in Iraq
    By Gregory Kruczek
    Posted 2024-04-10 18:24 GMT – Assyrian International News Agency

    “Editor’s note: 99% of Christians in Iraq are Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs).”

    “The Assyrian independence movement is a political movement and ethno-nationalist desire of ethnic Assyrians to live in their indigenous Assyrian homeland in northern Mesopotamia under the self-governance of an Assyrian State.”

    “Assyrian nationalism is a movement of the Assyrian people that advocates for independence or autonomy within the regions they inhabit in northern Iraq, northeastern Syria, northwestern Iran, and southeastern Turkey.

    The Assyrian people claim descent from those who established the Mesopotamian Assyrian civilization and empire which was centered in Ashur, modern day Iraq, which at its height, covered the Levant and Egypt, as well as portions of Anatolia, Arabia and modern-day Iran and Armenia. The empire lasted from perhaps as early as the 25th century BC until its collapse around 7th century BC.[2][3]”

    Zionist Appropriation of Indigeneity: The Case for Assyrian-Palestinian Solidarity


    17 min read
    Nov 26, 2023

    “…As I immersed myself in the Assyrian community I began to notice an unfortunate truth; Assyrians in the diaspora often stand in solidarity with Zionists…”

    “…“Today some 4500 Assyrians live in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, predominantly in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The community mainly has its roots in those who fled the Assyrian Genocide, also known as the Sayfo, in 1915.” She continues, “Dr. Jacob Maoz, an Assyrian Jew and chairman of the Committee for the Resurrection of the Aramaic Language, has stated that one of his main objectives is for there to be an Assyrian embassy in Jerusalem. He has stated that an Assyrian embassy in Jerusalem would ‘embody Israeli society’s declaration of support of the Assyrian nation, its cultural heritage and its national aspirations.’”
    My comment: In the words of President Trump (when speaking to African-Americans in 2020)

    “What have you got to lose?” Israel.

  4. @Adam

    [Is] he part Jewish?

    He was born in Iran where he lived for the first 10yrs of his life before his family fled to the West around 1988 as I recall. His heritage is Assyrian-Armenian, and no, he is not Jewish, which he has reported that he has often been assumed to be due to his name. He is very articulate, outspoken, thoughtful, provocative, and has interesting guests, or at least he used to when I used to occasionally watch his program a few years ago.

  5. Insightful comments by Bet-David, He also seemsto be a somewhat weird guy with a uniquepersonal background. I he part Jewish? I’d be interested if anyone can fill me in about this.