This Rabbi should S-T-F-U

‘Islamization of Europe a good thing’

Rabbi Baruch Efrati believes Jews should ‘rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity.’ He praises Islam for promoting modesty, respect for God

bY Kobi Nahshoni, YNET

As concerns grow over the increasing number of Muslims in Europe, it appears not everyone is bothered by the issue, including an Israeli rabbi who even welcomes the phenomenon.

Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.

“With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt,” he explained.

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Rabbi Efrati was asked to discuss the issue by an oriental studies student, who inquired on Judaism’s stand toward the process Europe has been going through in recent years.

Following the election of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman as the mayor of the Bosnian city of Visoko for the first time in continent’s history, the student asked the rabbi on the Kipa website: “How do we fight the Islamization of Europe and return it to the hands of Christians and moderates?”

Efrati wrote in response that the Islamization of Europe was better than a Christian Europe for ethical and theological reasons – as a punishment against Christians for persecuting the Jews and the fact that Christianity, as opposed to Islam, is considered “idolatry” from a halachic point of view.

“Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there,” the rabbi explained as the ethical reason for favoring Muslims, quoting shocking descriptions from the Rishonim literature (written by leading rabbis who lived during the 11th to 15th centuries) about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews.

“We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity…

“A now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.”

‘Islam a relatively honest religion’
The theological reason, according to Rabbi Efrati, is that Christianity – which he sees as idolatry – has a tendency to “destroy normal life and abstain from it on the one hand, while losing modesty on the other hand,” as it “ranges between radical monasticism to radical Western licentiousness.”

Islam, the rabbi added, is “a religion which misjudges its prophets but is relatively honest. It educates a bit more for a stable life of marriage and creation, where there is certain modesty and respect for God.”

Efrati ruled, therefore, that “even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity.”

He added, however, that Jews must pray that the Islamization of most of Europe will not harm the people of Israel.

November 12, 2012 | 88 Comments »

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38 Comments / 88 Comments

  1. @ Honey Bee:
    Honey Bee you are right, he is VERY malaka.
    I am not a practicing dionissis (you mean the origin of my name, the ancient Greek God of wine?)because vegetarians cannot drink, at least not much, alcohol asks for meat.
    I admit i am a killjoy!

  2. @ Mohammed:
    Mohammed Said:

    Then U R christian? Mind your own business, this is a Jewish forum

    How can i be a Christian?!?! I have declared twice in this thread that i am an atheist!!!

    If you are one of the intelligent Muslims, then it is no wonder that Israel has been able to thwart the threat that 1.5 billion of your lot have been posing to the Jews – you get no clue from your interactions with people, do you?!?!

    By the way, you must be the only one in this thread who did not understand that my sentence was ironic – and the irony had you as its intended victim.

    Mohammed Said:

    and I was talking to Yamit82

    Well, i was talking to you.

    Is it verboten by Allah?

  3. @ Mohammed:
    If this is a Jewish forum Mo, then what are you doing here? Regardless of the Prophets and False Prophets that have gone before us there is alot of misinteruptation and mispreresentation….the solution? What would The Creator say? Would The Creator approve of butchering creation….such as ‘so called female circumcism’? Would The Creator approve of a male having sex with a female without her consent? Would The Creator approve of child sex and rape? God is love. This is not love…..

  4. Mohammed Said:

    If you are Christian, then you are even more stupid, because Jesus religion was Jewdaism which you don’t follow,

    subtract the name calling and I would have to admit theat there is some logic to this statement.
    A religion may purport many things but the behavior of its adherents also say much. In the end, it is the behavior of those who call themselves muslims which appears to have brought much revulsion.

  5. To dionissis mitropoulos

    Mohammed is attracted to little girls because of their fully developed (emotionally and intellectually) mindset – sex is not an issue, and if you, Jews, were not such pussycats, you would have realized

    Then U R christian? Mind your own business, this is a Jewish forum, and I was talking to Yamit82,

    If you are Christian, then you are even more stupid, because Jesus religion was Jewdaism which you don’t follow, you are pagan. Period. Trinity Christianity is pagan.

    Listen how stupid you sound. Jesus was born of a child mother, his forefather Yacoob (AS) married a girl younger than Prophet Mohammed’s wife Aysha, the Talmud which Jesus followed permits men to marry a girl from infants age of three and half. This is the religion of Jesus ya pagan.

  6. Mohammed Said:

    We’re never gonna change these laws for you pussycats who rejected Allah laws, for man made laws, leaving women very vulnerable and little more than sex objects.

    This is true.

    And that is the reason why Mohammed has turned to 11-year-olds.

    He does not see them as sex objects – Allah forbid!

    Mohammed is attracted to little girls because of their fully developed (emotionally and intellectually) mindset – sex is not an issue, and if you, Jews, were not such pussycats, you would have realized it.

  7. dionissis mitropoulos Said:

    I see Muslims detonating themselves among children because of the teachings of Allah.

    On second thought, i have been kind of harsh to Muslims, and i need to apologize for my moral indignation concerning their murdering of children, since it is obviously a cultural trait of the Muslim religion.

    After all, as far as kids are concerned, Muslims don’t mind f@cking them, why should they mind killing them?

  8. Hey, Mohamed, can you explain something to an atheist like myself? How can it be the case that the God of the Jews is the same with the God of the Muslims? I see Muslims detonating themselves among children because of the teachings of Allah. I do not see Jews doing that thing, apparently because their God teaches different things. So i conclude that the two Gods, given that they teach different things, must be different Gods.

    Unless of course there is a jihad proviso in the Jewish religion, in which case i am wrong – but i don’t think there is one!

  9. @ Mohammed:
    Mohammed Said:

    I asked you [Yamit] this above, you didn’t answer.

    No, it was you who did not answer.

    You said, i quote, “all your Rabbis believe the same”[emphasis mine]. Yamit challenged you to cite proof, and your response was that Yamit should ask his Rabbi.

    Even if Yamit’s Rabbi agreed with you, this would not be proof that all, or even most, Rabbis do.

    You are not that well versed in the elementary statistical concept of “representative sample”, are you? – then again, you belong to the class of Muslims, who are champions in illiteracy and academic underachievement, so you are excused.

  10. To Yamit82, correction to some words in my last message

    What you said above can be said to Ibrahim (AS). If this your basis for saying Allah is not the God of Israel then by logic you cannot say the God of Ibrahim (AS) is the God of Israel because we can challenge you there, using the same logic, as Prophet Ibrahim (AS)forefather of Ishmael (AS) forefather of Prophet Mohamad (AS) was the father of Monotheism. Ibrahim (AS) too was told not to recognise false gods, and his descendents in Egypt fell into idol worship, most of them. We Muslims can make the same argument using your logic, and say the God of Ibrahim (AS) is not the God of Israel, nor the god of Jews.

    This is a moot point, because it’s not what your Rabbis teach. Are you saying you are right and your Rabbis including Maimoon were all wrong? I am waiting for you to tell me which of your Rabbis teaches or did teach this. To my knowledge there is none, if there is, I want to know. Reply to this, nothing else. Do you understand? I want a reference.

  11. To Yamit82

    !”The G-d of Israel (G-d of the Jews is not the same as Allah or Yushka)”

    Yushka is not Allah, he was a man.

    I asked you this above, you didn’t answer. Are you saying your Rabbis are wrong? Why do they permit Jews to pray in a Mosque but not a Church.

    What you said above can be said to Ibrahim (AS). If this your basis for saying Allah is not the God of Israel then by logic you cannot say the God of Moses is the God of Israel because we can challenge you there, using the same logic, as Prophet Mohamed (AS)son of Ishmael (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS) was the father of Monotheism. This is a moot point, because it’s not what your Rabbis teach. Are you saying you are right and your Rabbis including Maimoon were all wrong? Answer this point you ignorant kufr spewer.

  12. @ Kashrut:

    God/Allah created a natural world where the rule of natural law (laws of nature) prevail. Occasionally a miracle is necessary and then temporarily the veil of nature is drawn aside. God/Allah is behind the scenes always but He wants Mankind to use its intellect, maturity and free choice to behave morally and conduct the world for the benefit of everyone.

    I think it’s you who have submitted a childish pov.

    The G-d of Israel (G-d of the Jews is not the same as Allah or Yushka)

    If our G-d was opposed to war, there would not be war. If peace is so important, ask why Scripture recorded all the wars of righteous judges and kings. And in general, why is there a mitzvah to go to war, i.e., milchemet mitzvah, the compulsory war? The answer is provided by King Solomon in Eccles. 3:1,8,11: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven… a time for war and a time for peace… He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

    Tanchuma, Shoftim 15: “‘When you go forth to battle against your enemies’ (Deut. 20:1)… What is meant by ‘against your enemies‘? G-d said, ‘Confront them as enemies. Just as they show you no mercy, so should you not show them mercy.’”

    (Sifri, Shoftim 192):

    “You are going to war against your enemies and not against your brethren. It is not Judah against Simeon or Simeon against Judah such that if you fall captive they will have mercy on you… It is against your ENEMIES that you are waging war. If you fall into their hands, they will show you no mercy.”

    (Ex. 15:3): “The L-rd is the Master of war, ‘Hashem’ is His name.” Despite His name being “Hashem,” a name indicating mercy, He is still “Master of war.” That same Hashem of mercy is also a Master of war against the wicked.

    Kashrut Said:

    Judaism introduced the world to the concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, single and unique Godly entity the cause and reason for existence. Being the word of God it cannot be superseded. However, Christianity followed by Islam were later revelations for others to grasp this concept of monotheism and its implications. They do not supplant Judaism but offer paths for their respective followers.

    Hebrew Scripture warns us that the nations’ Scriptures, even if otherwise attractive and compelling, are nevertheless False, we are certainly required to treat the deities described in their Scriptures as False, and we are most certainly prohibited from intellectually merging or identifying their deities with the G-d of Israel. “You shall not recognize the gods of others in My Presence.” (Exodus 20:3; and Deuteronomy 5:7).

    TheG-dof Israel enjoined upon the Jewish people one Commandment which, in its simplicity, serves as the foundation stone for all of the others.
    “I am HaShem, your G-d, Who has taken you out of the Land of Egypt, from the House of Slavery” (Exodus 20:2; and Deuteronomy 5:6
    By agreeing that the G-d of Israel, and the Father who sired Yushka, and Allah are one and the same Creator, we Jews transgress this Commandment and thereby cause a great Chillul HaShem (desecration of G-d’s Name).

    (Isaiah 48:22), “The L-rd says to the wicked, ‘There is no peace.’

  13. @ Kashrut:
    Kashrut Said:

    This, so called, discussion between this individual called Mohammed and others is none of the sort since you are talking/shouting ‘at each other’ without discussing the issues being raised by either.

    I protest that i addressed lots of Mohammed’s issues, such as why pedophilia is immoral, why the true cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict is a religious one, and lots of others. I also proved twice to Mohammed that two of his replies were irrelevant to the discussion. I guess it’s Mohammed you should address your remarks to.

    Kashrut Said:

    The arguements put forward here are childish.

    I rarely shout (and i did not even respond in kind to having been called “stupid”) and i NEVER make childish arguments – mistaken maybe, but not childish.

  14. @ Mohammed:
    Mohammed Said:

    All power is in the hands of Allah (SWT) He can give you all the weapons in the world but they have no power if you (from Allah’s will) cannot use them.

    But, surely, the Israelis can use them.

    They choose not to – for the time being.

    So, as i said, feel free to thank them for their choice to let you live – and just hope you won’t push them too far, because then not even Allah will be able to save you.

    Mohammed Said:

    Do you remember in 611 when we conquered half the world?

    No, i don’t remember, i am lousy in history, but i’ll take your word for it.

    Mohammed Said:

    we only had the will and the command from Allah…we had no weapons, no nuclearly, no arms, no nothing,

    Yeah, but neither did the guys you were fighting. The balance of military power was not that one-sided as it is today in your fight with the Jews.

    Mohammed Said:

    All power is in the hands of Allah

    Keep on repeating this to yourself, you seem to like the echo of it – or may be the echo of your own voice.

    Just remember that there is a Jew somewhere in Dimona who, at least as far as the Arabs are concerned, holds as much power as Allah does – hell, i shouldn’t be reminding you! You look suspiciously like someone who would opt for suicide by (nuclear) mushroom.

    Mohammed Said:

    You too are stupid.

    At least i am not a pedophile – praise NOT to Allah, now that i’ve seen what sort of nonce he is.

  15. This, so called, discussion between this individual called Mohammed and others is none of the sort since you are talking/shouting ‘at each other’ without discussing the issues being raised by either. Because Mohammed argues from a theological framework whereas others are tied to a western secular approach you are all missing the point.
    God/Allah created a natural world where the rule of natural law (laws of nature) prevail. Occasionally a miracle is necessary and then temporarily the veil of nature is drawn aside. God/Allah is behind the scenes always but He wants Mankind to use its intellect, maturity and free choice to behave morally and conduct the world for the benefit of everyone.

    The arguements put forward here are childish. God does not want war or strife between people. Even though the UN is a ‘den of vipers’ and some of the resolutions are bordering on the side of evil, it is ultimately better than open hostilities between nations, since it demonstrates Man’s potential to sit down together and negotiate peace and concord.

    Judaism introduced the world to the concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, single and unique Godly entity the cause and reason for existence. Being the word of God it cannot be superseded. However, Christianity followed by Islam were later revelations for others to grasp this concept of monotheism and its implications. They do not supplant Judaism but offer paths for their respective followers.

    If people of all faiths would only work on improving themselves by helping others instead of trying to help themselves by ‘improving’ others the world would be a much better place.

  16. Mohammed Said:

    “You are a nasty little man. Sex wth and 11yr old girl is a mental abberation”
    You have the same laws in Jewdaism. Don’t preach your lies and kufr to me. I told you we not gonna be like you, and embrace kufr.
    If you speak to any Muslim girl she will say the same to you. Ask my sisters. They will say the same. I see in this subject thread one woman called ‘Laura’ who is proud that Jews give up the law to be like Christians. This is why you Jews have a bad history. You copy the Christians who give up the law. Allah (SWT) warned you not to in Al Torah.

    Mohammed and your ilk are “weak sisters” who can’t handle a mature women,you have to beat women to feel like a man.

  17. @ Mohammed:

    Mohammed Said:

    Yes, pedofila is legitimate in Islam. What I don’t understand is why you are objecting.

    Mohammed Said:

    In Islam it is permissable for a man to marry a girl of any age, he can have sex with her if she wants to anytime after she starts her menstruation. Usually age 11.

    Well, let me tell you why I object:

    It is because you cannot elicit reasoned consent on such a complex issue from an 11-year-old – or a younger one, i notice that you don’t really mind the age so long as the kid is menstruating.

    But, hey, i guess for you the motto is “the younger the better”: once the kid starts developing teeth, she’s not worth it anymore, is she?

  18. Dionissis

    “They could have nuked you straight to Allah, all of you, had they wanted to.”

    You too are stupid. All power is in the hands of Allah (SWT) He can give you all the weapons in the world but they have no power if you (from Allah’s will) cannot use them.

    Do you remember in 611 when we conquered half the world? We had no weapons, no nuclearly, no arms, no nothing, we only had the will and the command from Allah (SWT).

  19. Mohammed Said:

    In Islam it is permissable for a man to marry a girl of any age, he can have sex with her if she wants to anytime after she starts her menstruation. Usually age 11.

    The Mohammend of innocence

  20. @ dionissis mitropoulos:
    …..also the genital mutilation, their vaginas are sewn shut and cut open by a knife by their husband as you have to ensure she is a virgin….you seriously wouldn’t call that fair treatment to women would you Mo? careful Mo…..Adonai is listening.

  21. @ Mohammed:

    Mohamean said:

    You are such a stupid man… Epic fool…ignorant fool

    Ts ts ts…

    Language Mr Mohamean!

    But we all understand the reason for your intemperance of today.

    May Allah have mercy on the soul of Hamas leader Jabari…

  22. @ Mohammed:
    Mohammed Said:

    This is why you [Jews] are weak, and fear your enemies so much.

    They could have nuked you straight to Allah, all of you, had they wanted to.

    But they don’t, they try to behave like nice guys.

    So you you could have just said “thanks”, instead of calling them “cowards”.

  23. @ Mohammed:
    Mohammed Said:

    To Yamit82

    “The conflict between the Jews and Arabs is a religious conflict sometimes wrapped in the garb of nationalism and land disputes”

    Desperation much? Your own Israel only lasted 400 years, and you killed each other more than the Muslims Arabs killed you. The two kingdoms of ancient Israel disintegrated because of your fighting and killing each other. You are such a stupid man, who doesn’t even know his own history. You wrapped your own wars in garbs of nationalism and petty disputes. What was that? A religious conflict? or a political conflict? The different warring factions sometimes had differing opinions on Jewdaism, and they had differning religious views, but the conflict was still political. Or are you saying it was religious too?

    Yamit told you that the conflict between Jews and Arabs is a religious one, not pertaining to land disputes.

    And you are replying to him now by referring to intra-Jewish conflicts, claiming that they were political in nature.

    First question: what does your reply have to do with what Yamit was saying? (hint: there is no relation whatsoever, your reply was irrelevant).

    In light of the answer to the first question, who’s really the stupid one? Yamit, or his interlocutor who cannot understand what Yamit was telling him? (hint: you are the aforementioned interlocutor)

  24. @ Mohammed:

    Mohammed Said:

    If you speak to any Muslim girl she will say the same to you. Ask my sisters. They will say the same.

    They are probably too scared of you to say anything that contradicts you.

    It is the hallmark of the savage to feel comfortable when, especially when, people around him are afraid of him.

  25. HoneyBee

    “You are a nasty little man. Sex wth and 11yr old girl is a mental abberation”

    You have the same laws in Jewdaism. Don’t preach your lies and kufr to me. I told you we not gonna be like you, and embrace kufr.

    If you speak to any Muslim girl she will say the same to you. Ask my sisters. They will say the same. I see in this subject thread one woman called ‘Laura’ who is proud that Jews give up the law to be like Christians. This is why you Jews have a bad history. You copy the Christians who give up the law. Allah (SWT) warned you not to in Al Torah.

  26. To Yamit82

    “The conflict between the Jews and Arabs is a religious conflict sometimes wrapped in the garb of nationalism and land disputes”

    Desperation much? Your own Israel only lasted 400 years, and you killed each other more than the Muslims Arabs killed you. The two kingdoms of ancient Israel disintegrated because of your fighting and killing each other. You are such a stupid man, who doesn’t even know his own history. You wrapped your own wars in garbs of nationalism and petty disputes. What was that? A religious conflict? or a political conflict? The different warring factions sometimes had differing opinions on Jewdaism, and they had differning religious views, but the conflict was still political. Or are you saying it was religious too?

    Epic fool

  27. Mohammed Said:

    To Bernard Ross, I did not post this anywhere else. Mohammed is a common name, it wasnt’ me.

    It was not the name. I saw the same wording in a comment in Jpost on the same subject of muslims and Serbs in WWII

  28. Mohammed Said:

    In Islam it is permissable for a man to marry a girl of any age, he can have sex with her if she wants to anytime after she starts her menstruation. Usually age 11.
    We’re never gonna change these laws for you pussycats who rejected Allah (SWT) laws, for man made laws, leaving women very vulnerable and little more than sex objects. We respect women.

    You are a nasty little man. Sex wth and 11yr old girl is a mental abberation

  29. In Islam it is permissable for a man to marry a girl of any age, he can have sex with her if she wants to anytime after she starts her menstruation. Usually age 11.

    We’re never gonna change these laws for you pussycats who rejected Allah (SWT) laws, for man made laws, leaving women very vulnerable and little more than sex objects. We respect women.

  30. To Shyguy,

    Yes, pedofila is legitimate in Islam. What I don’t understand is why you are objecting. We’re not gonna change the law, because you did. You people suffered because you changed the law. You think man made law is better. Allah (SWT) warned you in Torah what would happen if you changed the law, you’d suffer and be punished.