This week is Passover, the season of deliverance, and I’m praying for deliverance from America’s failed Jewish leadership. As Jews confront the most dangerous era since World War II, whom are we stuck with for leaders? A clueless bunch of mini-Pharaohs, strutting around proclaiming their moral superiority, blissfully unaware the Jewish people’s mortal enemies are pulling down their pants and laughing at them.
Cataloguing their collective acts of evasion, cowardice, appeasement, and surrender is not for the faint of heart, but, luckily, I’m fortified by matzo balls and ready to rock. At the Passover Seder, Jews recite Dayenu, a prayer listing the many blessings bestowed by the Almighty, each of which would have sufficed (Dayenu) in its own right. Here, alas, is a woeful Dayenu of the failures of the American Jewish establishment. Can anyone tell me why these preening big shots haven’t been forced to resign in shame? Why, in God’s name, are our purported “leaders” still collecting cushy paychecks when their credibility is bankrupt?
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If they only had allowed a storm of anti-Semitism to rise in the West, andhate crimes against American Jews to skyrocket to unprecedented heights, while they declined to muster even a listless response — Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had stood aside, shrugging, while America’s college campuses became battlegrounds in the war against Israel, where anti-Semitic lies were force-fed to America’s next generation of leaders, and Jewish students wereintimidated and taught self-hatred and alienation from their own identities —Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had refused to educate the Jewish people about the growing threat from radical Islam, and remained silent about the long, tragic history of Jews forced to live as oppressed dhimmis under Muslim rule, as mandated by Koranic law — Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had cowered when American Jewish institutions came under mortal assault, when Muslim fanatics slaughtered helpless women in a Jewish administrative office in Seattle, and travelers at the El Al airport counter in Los Angeles, and tirelessly plotted to firebomb synagogues inChicago, Nashville, and New York — Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had made a false idol out of “interfaith dialogue,” recklessly pursuing Muslim “partners” without bothering to investigate with whom they were “dialoguing,” and giving dangerous anti-Semites the official Jewish seal of approval — Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had declared their mission was to take dwindling Jewish resources and devote them to helping Muslims build mosques in America, for the sake of fighting the mythical sin of “Islamophobia,” all the while ignoring the anti-Semitism destined to spew forth from those mosques —Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had descended into the pit of outright collaboration, privileging the lying narrative of our murderers over the truth, roping impressionable young Jews into meeting with terrorists, rallying for them, and taking uptheir cause — Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had turned their back on the land of Israel and our brethren there, indicting Israel for every perceived imperfection and loaning theirprestige to those who would endanger our homeland — Dayenu — they would have failed.
If they only had desecrated the transcendent majesty of Judaism by turning it into an attack wing of leftist politics, replacing the Jewish mission of covenantal faithfulness to God with partisan faithfulness to a progressiveutopia — Dayenu — they would have failed.
To be a Jew in America in 2011 is to feel the hot breath of history on one’s neck. The day is short, the hour is late, and the Jewish establishment is merrily munching matzo and cashing their paychecks. With no Moses in sight to lead us from our mounting perils, maybe the time has come for each of us who treasures liberty to act as Moses in our own communities. Next year, may we meet in freedom.
Write Stella Paul at
@ yamit82:
Well I have a talet for tlking myself out of trouble,but was returned,in shame, to my gym class and gym suit. My facile tongue has saved me more than once.
Honey Bee Said:
Then what happened?
@ yamit82:
I learned how to snick out of gym so I could go to the library, I wanted to read every book. But got caught!!!!!!!
@ Honey Bee:
I studed ballet for 10 yrs,everything is beautiful at the ballet.
Honey Bee Said:
Did you mean really “gut it out”? Or cut it out?
8@ yamit82:
C’boy did track ,but not in college. His Father was not a well man and his older brothers were much older and married,so he was on call. Spring and Fall were busy seasons.
I was helpless at sports,I hated gym teachers but I learned to gut it out.
@ Honey Bee:
Honey Bee Said:
Football, wrestling and I threw the shot-put in field and track.
@ yamit82:
You said you were a jock, what did you play,C’boy boy played baskeball.He thinks he would have bee a better football played,but football practice came at bad time him.
@ yamit82
Los dos linas, pienso que tu tienes los manos romeros. Any how its a great tune, l love to dance to it. Southern rock,honky tonks, and stages protcted with chicken wire, aahhhhhh haaaaaa
Honey Bee Said:
I like the lines which ones do you think fit me?
“Keep Your Hands To Yourself”
@ yamit82:
Your humble acolayte would have given you a run for your money. I was not [and still] the typical Jewish gurl. You know the the song, momas don’t let your babies grow to be cowboys, that’s me. First lesson I learned in life was I was different,and therefore alone. I thought if I said “Good by Columbus”,I would raise your blood pressure, Mama expected me to marry a doctor or a lawyer,but C’boy was so damn pretty.
Did you look up the song, “Do’t Feed Me No Line” by the Georgia Satellites ? You will like it,fit you.
Honey Bee Said:
Philip Roth knew his subject; the vulgarity of the superficial American Jewish bourgeois moneyed elites.
I knew some but never was one of them, in fact I disdainfully kept my distance. Never even dated a Jewish gurl until after college. I was a jock and as a good one never had problems finding dates.
Jerry G Said:
Apples and oranges. American Jewish leadership have little to no power on or over the American Jewish community. Most have purchased their positions both by large donations to the organizations they now lead and connections to government and other wealthy Jews and Gentiles. It’s mostly about money and and fundraising and insuring the the Jewish organizations and projects get their fair funding from community chests and governments. They are not chosen because of their Jewish observance, Jewish knowledge, Jewish wisdom or almost anything relevant a Jewish leader should exhibit. In fact most are a mirror image of their gentile peers.
Israeli Leaders do have responsibilities. Running a country especially made up of mostly Jews is a daunting task that even the best would have extreme difficulty . Decisions are made daily that amount to life and death for some and they have the weight of the survival of all 7 million of us. They have to maneuver our economy in the right direction procure what we need in military necessities, worry about daily external threats some existential and keep big Brother Sam, off our backs all the while for providing the health and welfare of an aging population some of whom arrived middle aged or older and with no personal assets.
That all of them have made terrible errors of judgement and I am the first to criticize even I realize that few are really capable more than what we have. It’s not so much that our leaders are so bad and most are but our problems and national challenges are so immense. Despite their
incompetence, I marvel at our successes and advancement from strength to strength. That’s the real miracle of Israel.
@ Honey Bee:
@ yamit82:
OOOOpppppppps Good-by Columbus? Another mistake forgive your humble acolate.
@ yamit82:
Farewell Columbus,?
rongrand Said:
You speak of an ideal not the norm.
Jews are called the people of the book, (an Islamic definition of Jews) don’t ask too many Jews what book, they will give you a blank stare or ask which book?
@ Jerry G</
Ask Yamit 82, he has a good grasp of Israeli poletics.
An excellent article describing the failures of American Jewish leadership. But is Israeli leadership any better. I don’t thing so.
@ rongrand:
True that,but it can be difficult to maintain so far from the Jewish community. That why I appreciate the Pundit as a connection to my Jewishness.
@ Honey Bee:
Honey Bee these same characters have caused the creation of Z-Street.
J Street forgot their roots.
Not to recognize Ovomit is not a friend of Israel is not a science.
After drinking the kool-aid the liberals only see the Ovomit he wants them to see and not who he really is [An acorn community organizing pamphlet distributing anti-Semite, pretending to be a Christian for political reasons, an associate of Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, who embraces Islam and orchestrated by George Soros (anti-Semite, the worst kind) & company and the liberal left (who get thrills up their legs) media and incompetent president]
Therefore, don’t believe what he says, watch what he does.
The great pretender.
As I mentioned many times “If you are Jewish, regardless of where you reside, you are connected to Israel by Heritage, Faith & by G-d”
@ rongrand:
Today in our local newspaper a letter was printed from two members of J Street thanking Obama for his visit to Israel. Ugg. Mayor Bloomberg and Rahm Emanuel cause me more grief in my community then any white supremist.
Yes Stella, your on the right track.
“Let there be peace on earth & let it begin with me”
I am sure G-d has called on another Moses but he or she is not listening.
Just maybe if the Israeli leadership will wake up and allow their people to pray at their Temple, Moses will hear G-d.
BTW, while they are at it please remove the rock throwing knuckle heads from the Mount.
Read this and weep (happened in 2011).
But the Holy One, blessed be He, always saves us.
Thank G-d!!
A superb article that is, unfortunately, too true to be funny.
Perhaps it should be part of the Passover Seder this year.