There are promises and then there is reality

April 5, 2014 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. the phoenix Said:

    For instance, (and I did not know this, until I read shmuel’s comment) google her and Mossad…

    The Mossad like all western intelligence institutions employ a myriad of job descriptions. Livni is a Lawyer by training and her language skills are bare min..

  2. @ NormanF:

    to revive her fading political career.

    God, I love ip’
    So many things to learn …
    For instance, (and I did not know this, until I read shmuel’s comment) google her and Mossad….
    I believe even THAT door is closed!

  3. I can understand why Tzipi Livni still wants to “talk” to Saeb Erekat. She cannot afford to admit the “peace process” is dead.

    That’s how she got her six Knesset seats. Unfortunately for her, the Palestinian Arabs show no real interest in helping her to revive her fading political career.

    And most Israelis quite frankly don’t care.

  4. “Was I really as stupid as you four years ago?”

    Yes you were.

    And so were most Americans.

    Come here. I’m going to hit you in your other eye. %#^@}*&# !!!